Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts ❯ Destiny Island ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary:Sora is on a island with his friends.Can he defeat the so called
Chapter One:Destiny Island

Sora choosed the path of the warrior.Gave up the power of the Mistic.Now
Sora incounters these black little dudes.He has to fight them for some odd
reason.When he defeats them all this little black dude makes a puddle of
darkness.Sora drownds in it and wakes up where a door is.He cant open it.He
went to smash a box and a barral.Then the door lights up.This bright light

Sora sees into it and finds a island.Then he wakes up and finds his self
neer light.There is a voice and it says "The closer you come to the light,the
darker your shadow becomes,keep your light burning strong".This big gigantic
monster (what we will call shadow) comes up.Sora's sword comes into his hand.

He slashes and bashes and beats up the monser.Then the shadow punched the
hole in the ground.It makes a puddle of darkness and swallows him.He cant
breath or move or do anything.Will sora live?How will he excape?What are
those little black dudes?

Sora wakes up on the island.Kairi scares him by saying "Sora you lazy bum,
wake up". Sora says "I had this dream, I couldnt breathe I couldnt see I
couldnd b-oww"."Yea shore," Kairi replies. Sora says,"So where did you grow
up Kairi?".Kairi tells him "I told you befor i dont remember".Sora"nothing?"

"Riku says,"So, im the only one working on the raft?"Kairi
replies,"I know we can work on it together.I'll race you!" "What are you
kidding.",Riku said.Kairi fastly says,"GO!!!".Sora and Riku race off to the
logs.Neck to neck with Kairi behind them they soar like a bullet.So fast that
their friends titas circles around and around.Then Riku throws Sora a poupu

Riku says that if you share one with some one,your destinys come
intertwined.They will stay togeter for ever and ever.Will Sora finish the
raft? Kairi told Sora to get mushrooms,logs,cloth,clear water not from the ocean,
pelecans egg,rope,and fish.Sora had a troble finding the mushrooms.He looked
under every rock,every shady spot.Then Riku challenged Sora to a race.Sora
said if he wins he will get to name the boat.Riku said the winner gets to share
the poupu fruit with Kairi.

Sora shouts,"What???!!!".Riku replies,"The winner
gets to share the poupu fruit with Kairi."Kairi runs and says the normal lap
around the island."GO!!!!!",Kairi shouts.Sora races off and falls down from the
loose board.Riku looks back and laughs.Sora growls and gets up and runs like
crazy.He catches up and circles back and wins.Riku says,"So,its just a name".
Sora looks angrily back at him.

Sora talks to him and riku says,"You should of seen the look on your face when i said the winner gets to share a poupu
with Kairi".They put together the raft and they got exsoused.Sora went home
and fell asleep fast for a nap.When he woke up there were a unexpecting
storm arrived.Sora shouted,"Oh no the raft". Sora runs out side."Riku's boat,and Kairi's!".The heartless apper out of now-
where and attack Sora.

He trys to kill them but he does no damage.He looks
at the Secret Spot.A door???How did this get here?Now to find Riku.Sora
runs across a bridge.Riku says,"The door has opened,The door has opened

Now we can travel to the outside worlds.We cant let fear stop us."Sora
pleaded,"What about Kairi?"Riku shouts,"shes coming too." "R-Riku,". Dark-
ness sorounds Riku. Sora reaches for his hand but he gets shrouded by Dark-
ness too.Sora reaches and reaches but Riku Dissapers into the darkness.So
did Sora.He saw the light.Sora came back and the Keyblade was in his hands.

Sora ends up holding on and all thats left is a chunk of the island.The Shadow
comes back and Sora fights it.Shadow summons a ball that he castes into the
air and little dark balls come down.

Sora gets striken by them.He strikes and
strikes,using all of his streagth.The powerful Shadow is unstoped.He continue-
s to rake havic on destroying the last bits of the island.

The last of the rest he battles it out head to head with Shadow.Neck to neck with about dieing
the shadow faints and Sora defeats it.OH NO!!!The Shadow got pulled inside
the ball of darkness and sucked in everything in its path.

Sora was holding on
with all his might and the board hes holding on to BREAKS!!!Sora got rushed
into the Ball of Darkness.Where will Sora go?Will he get out?Did he die?