Fan Fiction ❯ Korean Eyes ❯ Rebirth ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

NOTES: sorry if the spacing is a bit weird, I am just getting around to editing it and changing the format, my computer is stupid so bare with me.

The screams and cries from children and their parents could be heard for miles around as everyone was screaming everywhere. It was once quiet and peaceful in the small market place where they bought their food to sustain there own life. It was now that they wanted to take them from their homeland, now the threat dropped on Korea so suddenly had taken place.

An unknown force with a lot of power slept silently until now. Showering shells and bullets over the people and there land he ran like he had never run before, he was so close! Only a few more feet yet he kept yelling. "Taihyun!" he threw open the door to his home which he new so well, "Chaihyunie!"

Silent cries from underneath the table, two twin boys curled up together shielding themselves from a fate that was not there's. He grabbed them forcefully by there arms and picked them both up to run a few feet into an empty sitting room with 3 couches facing each other and random odd-looking chairs.

He opened a door that was disguised as the hard wood floor, the twins ran down into the basement and Hye followed shutting and locking the door they could still hear the screaming, something hit with a loud bang the boys screamed and covered there ears,

Hye gathered them in there arms shielding them from the falling dust.

They stayed there until he was positive there was silence and normal movement of those who survived the attack. One, who slept for such a long time, always awoke with anger.

2 days they stayed down their eating chips and things of the sort that they could find.

It was a good thing that their father had insisted on putting in a basement there mother said they wouldn't use.

Hearing some voices, "Hello!" {In Korea} hearing the voice Hye jumped to his feet and up the petite steps he went. Hye banged on the door as hard as he could. "We're in here!" {In Korean} the now heavy door was opened, slowly the debris was pulled away and the three were released from there darkness.

And sunlightSpread into the room and soaked up the darkness like aWashcloth taking in water

Scattered around in formation, men disguised as military peoples waited for the 3 to come out, and they did. The boys clung to Hye, as there very life depended on it.

What they didn't know is. That it did.

Others were gathered around as well, not just military peoples of high class, But neighbors and friends, they were also accompanied by the dead who were being haled away by paramedics, a sigh of sadness came from Hye. A military officer came up to him. {In Korean}'Are you all alright?' Hye answered the man firmly not letting go of his brothers, {In Korean} ' Yes, we got in before the wave' he nodded and then moved onto Others who needed medical care,

One went along counting casualties of the bomb. Mother's crying over their deceased offspring, siblings crying over there lost parents, but they were not crying. And they seemed to be the only ones. A Japanese man came up to Hye as he was kneeling down to his brothers comforting them with a hug and he stood to face him, he spoke now in Japanese. 'Can I helpYou?' refusing to let go of his brothers the man looked at them with a harsh look and back to Hye, 'I'm offering you a position in the Military'

They stood there and faced there new enemy, he pulled his brother closer still and they took a hand and put the child's grip on him. {In Korean} "Brother?" Chaihyunie beckoned for him in some sort of way, that made Hye stop glaring at the commander,

And pay attention to his brother. "You're not going to leave us? Are you?" his eyes we're full of tears, staring up at his brother whom he wished to be like someday.

Hye knelt down getting the pressure off of his hands he put them both on Chaihyunie's small delicate shoulders. "No Chaihyunie, I'd never leave you against my will." He whipped the tears away from Chaihyunies face, thanks to the attack, the weather took a turn for the worst, and it was getting unbearably hot.

You could see the heat waves if you focused your eyes on the air. The commander whipped his forehead with a cloth and shoved it back into his pocket. "Ok, look."

"You can either join us, or we can make your life hell by forcing you."

This was something, Hye hated, the only people who were aloud to boss him around were his parents, and this guy definitely wasn't one of them, he stood up and tossed a nasty glare to the "commander" "And what are my brother's supposed to do?" he shouted and gained attention from the people mourning the dead and other officers and low classmen.

The commander smiled, "We already have a place for them, in Japan." Hye instantly snapped as soon as Japan was mentioned, "They don't speak Japanese." He paused for a moment, thinking about what he was going to say. " You're a mad man if you think Im going to join ~your~ military." The comment only gained Hye whispers and strange looks from the people around them.

"Take them." The commander and Hye were in a stare down until two soldiers came and grabbed his brothers Hye turned around and was restrained by a taller man with a black braid. {In Korean} "Brother! Don't let them take us!" the boys reached for Hye, only to be inches away and carted off crying and screaming, a crystallized tear fell from Hye's


He too, finally gave into the strength of the army as soon as he new his brother's voices were quiet. Hye only glared and began to curse under his breath. "Hey kid, I gave you a choice, not like I like to go around tearing apart families." Hye couldn't believe he just said that, the braided boy held his hands behind his back with a grip impossible to get out of. "Bullshit." Hye snapped.

"Move out." Instantly, the troops jumped into truck as Hye was thrown into one and the boy with the braid smiled and ran off to another, Hye glared at anyone who looked in his general direction, "It's a shame." Some poked and prodded at him telling him how he was in big trouble once they got to Japan, there wasn't just Japanese sitting in this dirty truck.

But Chinese also one who decided to pay no attention to the new comer, but rather stare out at the destroyed scenery they were already 2 hrs into their flight to Japan, they sat facing 2 chairs where two men sat comfortably

"Don't worry," One said to him in Korean, he wasn't wearing a military out fit like the rest. "You wont be harmed." He wore black slacks and a black long sleeved shirt,

Along with glasses, that he continually adjusted.

Cerulean blue eyes greeted the twins warmly, "I'll be your teacher." He said with a smile plastered on his face, Taihyun was getting sick of it; he gave him a half lidded glare.

"Once we arrive at the faction." He moved a piece of black hair from his tan skin, he wasn't so tan that you knew he was Japanese, but tan enough that he had a complexion.

His black hair tapered to the bottom of his ears, tinted with the blue of his eyes, so that it seemed as if it had a starry night shine. He wore dress like boots to accent his height, along with a white trench coat. Several hours later they arrived in Japan.