Fan Fiction ❯ Link the boy without a fairy, meets Dog demon Inuyasha! ❯ lets eat it! ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Q_cumber "I thought you said 'I wish for a cute talking puppy who seems lost" siad the chese ball. "Well! wish him back to where every he came from, and get me out of this forest!!!" "sorry, but i cant do that! Its agianst curdeled milk pride," siad the chese ball. "Hows that!" screamed Inuyasha. "You see, the four father chese balls before my expire date, made these magical rules, that if we are to give a good soul more than one wish in 24 hours, we not only lose chese pride, but also out position." 'Position? what positon?" asked Inuyasha getting rather annoyed. "Of the flavorita! every chese ball has a flavor! Like I! Im cheddar!" "I vote we eat him." "Wait! why dosent Inuyasha make the wish?" interupted Link.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 07.24.2005 | Updated On: 07.24.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 13 | Visits: 199 | Status: Work In Progress