Fan Fiction ❯ Lord of the Rings: Stargaze ❯ One Ring to Bring Them All ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

One Ring to Bring Them All

"O Dragonstar, where have you gone?

O Dragonstar, autumn comes on.

Your people are faithful

And look to the nighttime

But the night rises over the mountains alone."

Arora stood alone on one of the many roofed balconies of Elrond's home. She curled her hand around one thin pillar, resting the side of her head against the smooth marble. She gazed out at the stars, unblinking, drawing strength from the protection of their Elven children. Their ethereal beauty glowed in the atmosphere of Rivendell. What a wonderful place this was.

So intent was she on her dreaming that she did not hear the featherfall footsteps behind her. Their owner stopped in the shadows of the columns, watching the female Elf intently.

"Arorilaia Dragonstar, where is your necklace?"

Arora turned swiftly at the sound of the voice, but the speaker was hidden even from her night vision.

The invisible speaker continued, "You cannot have lost it. Not after all the trouble I took."

Arora recognized the voice. Her eyes softened, and a light smile graced her delicate Elven features.

"I was just a youth and my fingertips were pricked and sore…"

"Because you promised me a necklace of roses without thorns," Arora laughed happily. "Legolas, my dear friend!"

Legolas emerged from the shadows, smiling brightly. Arora ran into his embrace and they laughed together.

"So the youngest princess of the Night Elves is not so cold as she seems," Legolas said as she stepped back again. "When I did not receive your attention at Lord Elrond's Council, I feared our friendship had passed with the time."

"A respectable Night Elf could never publicly acknowledge the likes of the Wood Elves," Arora told him teasingly. "It would not be proper."

"So you risk your high standing for me now," Legolas replied just as mischievously. "I suppose that will have to do for a mere Wood Elf like myself."

Arora laughed and hugged him again. "It has been too long!"

"Yes it has," Legolas smiled lightly. "Who else would I share my stories with?"

"Battle imaginary foes with?" Arora added.

"Ride imaginary dragons with?"

"Save an imaginary world with?"

"Chase horses?"

"Catch fireflies?"

"Watch the sun set?"

"Watch the stars rise?"

The two friends started to laugh all over again, remembering their favorite pastimes through their long friendship.

"I could not have been happier to see you," Legolas told the female Night Elf. "Sixty years seems like nothing to my people, but without my dearest friend the days have gone by much too slowly."

Arora's smile faded. She looked at the ground. "We have been preoccupied these past years. Relations with the Trinity Alliance have been far from our minds."

The Mirkwood prince grew serious at the expression on Arora's face. "Have you been progressing on your search?"

Arora was quiet for a minute. Then she made a frustrated sound. "Mother waited for a good while, to see if Father would return…but she must have grown weary of passing the time, for she left only a few years ago to find him!" She sighed heavily, and Legolas could see that she was hurt by the loss of both of her parents so soon after each other.

"What of your siblings? How have they reacted?"

Arora looked away. "Jewel has undying faith in our father and our mother, and especially in their power together. She knows they would not have abandoned us completely. But my brother…"

She stopped for a minute as if something had cut her off. Legolas placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. Arora sighed.

"Arian is furious that Father disappeared again without giving him some sort of warning…he feels that as heir to the role of chieftain, Father would trust him with any secret. Arian feels that he has been betrayed, but nothing will stop him on his search. Jewel and I fear for his safety among the awakened evil in Middle-earth."

Legolas gave her a sigh and a smile. "From what I know, your brother is well suited to Chieftain. He will be all right, I am sure."

Arora smiled absently.

Legolas continued, "My father was somewhat…unnerved after Kayin's disappearance as well. Although, I am inclined to think that he is simply worried that we will not have such a powerful ally if things turn to war."

Arora was quiet for a minute. She was reluctant to think about war. She changed the subject. "How is your family? It has been long since I've seen them."

Legolas gave a light laugh and hopped up to sit balanced on the balcony railing facing Arora. "There is nothing to tell. My father grumbles about his duties and continues to worship his treasure like his life. My mother does what she can to turn his attention to more important things. My wonderful sisters love and play with equal happiness."

Arora smiled again, a genuine one. She remembered Legolas's five pretty little sisters. "And what of Khisanth?"

"There is nothing to say about my brother."

Although Legolas's serene expression did not change, Arora noticed the angry spark that lit up his sky blue eyes. She tilted her head. "It is too bad that you do not get along with your brother. An elder sibling is a wonderful thing to have."

"If Khisanth was anything like Arian or Jewel, then perhaps our relationship would be better," Legolas replied coolly. "However, he is not. And our mutual feeling is the only thing that we willingly share."

Arora rolled her eyes lightly at him, then leaned on the balcony and stared out at the stars again.

Legolas watched her profile intently. He noticed how her eyes became distant as she gazed at the night sky, almost as if her spirit was out there with the celestial deities.

She was very pretty. Her hair was waist length, jet-black and silky shining. Some of the black locks were pulled up into a crest behind her head, from which three or four thin braids dangled. It was the symbol for the children of the Night Elf Chieftain. Her eyes were violet-blue, so dark as to sometimes look black…but in the starlight they would always glow. Her body was delicate, lean and shapely, as all Elves were blessed. She wore dark boots and leggings, and a deep blue tunic underneath a violet poncho.

Although none of these qualities particularly set her apart from the rest of the Night Elves, Arora seemed to Legolas like the most beautiful one of them all. Merely a child at their first meeting, he had never noticed before how wonderful she looked in the starlight…

Arora sensed her lifelong friend's gaze on her, and her pale cheeks blushed ever so slightly. When had Legolas become so handsome? A warrior too…he willingly offered his loyalty to the Fellowship. How would it feel to have his arms holding her tightly, his fair face buried in her dark mane…

Stop it! she told herself. The very idea is embarrassing. He is your closest friend! Would you risk the beautiful relationship you share now?

"Have you been to see Arwen yet, Arora?"

Legolas's words stirred her out of her thoughts. "Hmm? Oh, no. I am sure she is busy with Aragorn, and I would not want to disturb her."

Legolas caught the cynical undertone in her voice. "They are lucky to have each other. I am certain that she remains our good friend despite the lack of example."

"Mmm." Arora found herself paying more attention to the sound of his voice than the stars. She straightened up sharply and turned to go.


Arora stopped and turned her head to see Legolas, who had hopped down from his perch on the railing. He gazed at her unblinkingly.

"I am curious…where is your rose necklace?"

Arora stared back at him, genuinely surprised. Her eyes seemed to soft just the slightest bit…but it must have been just an illusion, for in the next second her face became a mask, hard and cold and emotionless.

"It would be foolish of me to become sentimental over nothing more than a meaningless childhood infatuation."

The Mirkwood prince gave a small start as if her words had stung. The Lemahna-hai princess held her cool stare for a moment more. Then she turned quickly and left with an imperious toss of her hair, her dark form melting into the deep shadows and the gloom.

(A/N): Hmmm. It appears that Arora has become something of a spoiled youngest princess in the long years that she has not seen Legolas. This could make for an…interesting addition to the Fellowship.