Fan Fiction ❯ Lothlorien ❯ Lothlorien ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Galadriel finally dismissed them and they left us. Then she turned to the rest of us. We turned and climbed down the ladder to go home for the evening. Just ahead of me, I saw the hobbits talking amongst themselves on their way to their sleeping quarters. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, conversed with the dwarf, Gimli, and Boromir of Gondor. I caught that they were speaking about Gandalf.

I turned from them and headed in the direction of my home. Leaning against a tree, staring at the sky was Legolas Greenleaf, the elf from Mirkwood. The stars cast a sliver glow upon his skin and hair. As I approached, he turned to me. "I have seen you before, haven't I?"

" I am a servant to Galadriel. I would not be surprised if you noticed me."

He sighed and replied, "I'd thought so. Long have I wished to be here. It is exactly like the songs we sing in Mirkwood. But now that I am here, I feel something unusual."

"Do not let your heart be troubled. We shall keep you and your men safe. Foreigners often feel strange in Lorien the first time they visit. The lady clearly likes you all, so there is nothing to fear."

Legolas looked into my eyes and smiled. "I do not doubt you, but I cannot put the feeling aside. I have been through much."

"I wish to hear of your journeys, Legolas Greenleaf. I am Nevlothiel. I have never left Lothlorien and would much like to know about the outside world."

He agreed and came to my home with me. He sat down as I lit the fire. I joined him and for a while we sat in silence. At last, Legolas spoke up.

"I suppose you wish to know precisely what happened to Gandalf…"

I nodded and said "I would, but I am also curious about my people in the north."

"Ah yes… Mirkwood and Rivendell." He closed his eyes, as though he had been away for many years. "In Mirkwood, we are trained to hunt and speak many languages. Once we come of age we rarely ever return. We are always out scouting or on missions, it seems. My father, Lord of Mirkwood, sent me in his place to Rivendell to be at the council. I gladly went, for I knew that I might pass through Lothlorien."

As Legolas continued, I stared intently at him. He was very dedicated to his race and his family's honor. He looked very much like an elf of Lorien- tall, thin, long, blonde hair, high cheekbones. Yet there was something different about him that the male elves of these woods did not have. I could not put my finger on it, but I was certain that I enjoyed his company.

The night wore on as he told me of battles with orcs, the Mine of Moria, the lands of men, and of his hunt for the creature, Gollum. In the early hours of the morning, he finally rose and said to me "Nevlothiel, I have enjoyed your company much, but I fear that we have both grown weary. I wish to see you again, friend."

"And I, Legolas. At high noon tomorrow, meet me at the tree you were at tonight. I thank fate for our meeting."

I rose and led him to the door. We gazed at each other for a moment. Then he lightly kissed me on the cheek and said "Naramié" and departed. I watched him climb down and walk away.

In bed, I lay down, but could find no rest. I could only think of him, leaning against the tree, bathed in silver starlight. I wondered if he was thinking of me. Giving up on rest, I got up and took pulled on a cloak. Walking always helps calm the senses.

The forest was the gray-silver of Lord Celeborn's hair. The grass was cold with dew on my bare feet. I walked to Anduin and sat beside it. Gazing into it, I saw the same golden hair, green eyes, and pale skin that I had seen everyday since I was born. I had not changed, but I felt different. I shrugged it off and dipped my feet into the cleansing waters.

I heard heavy boots approaching in the distance and knew it was no elf. I climbed out of the water and faced the noise. Fear slowly began to consume me. I could not move or breathe. At last, it came close enough that I could see what it was.

An orc scout had entered Lorien, no doubt in search of our travelers. I reached for my dagger, which I carry always in my cloak. It moved closer. I set my hand upon my blade.

It was only about 20 yards away when an arrow flew over my head and upon the orc's forehead. It gave a cry and fell, writhing. Finally it was still. I turned to thank Legolas only to see Haldir.

"Haldir? What are you doing about at this time of night?"

"I saw you leave your house. I knew the orcs were in Lothlorien," he replied rather smugly. He came closer to me and said, "Walk with me." I nodded and let him take my hand.

"Nevlothiel, how long have we known each other? Probably about 2500 years or so… we were quite young. Since then, we have grown up and I have become a hunter and you have become a servant of the Lady's. We have never kept many secrets from each other.

"It is common for elves of our age and status to be… well… married. Even Celeborn and Galadriel were married at our age many thousands of years ago. I have been thinking for a while that I might want to be…"

I cut him off "Haldir, I know what you are going to say. I will consider it. But something has come up," I lied. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thank you, Nevlothiel." With that, he let go of my hand and kissed me on my cheek. He offered to walk me home, but I refused. He bid me goodnight and left. I wiped the kiss away.

I headed back, trying to think of things I could say to put off Haldir's offer. It was not that Haldir was unkind or unattractive. It was just that I looked at him as a childhood friend and only as a friend. I could not picture him as thinking of me in any other way either.


I prepared for the day and watched the sun rise out my window. At this time, I once again left my house and went to the halls of the Lord and Lady. Today, Galadriel was standing just inside the house, as though waiting for me to arrive. I bowed, but she put a finger under my chin and pulled me back up to full height.

"I know that Legolas was at your house last night. I know that Haldir proposed to you. Come. Walk in the halls with me." She placed her hand upon my shoulder and led me through a door.

"You must say no to Haldir. I can tell that you both do not wish to wed each other. If you say yes , you shall both be sorry. You already know this, do you not?"

I nodded. She continued. "And Legolas. You would not have invited him into your home if you did not wish to know him. To your own surprise, you have found that you think of him at all times." She smiled. "Ah! To be your age again, falling in love the first time.

"This is the reason why I am giving you all the time he has in Lothlorien to be with him. All I ask is that you be happy and…" She handed me fine cloth and needles. "Sew him a cloak. The other servants and myself shall take care of the others." Galadriel kissed my brow. "Naramié and good luck to you."

The other servant girls climbed up the ladder just as I was about to climbed down. They all looked at me curiously as they entered the great hall. When the last one came up, I climbed down and went to the river. Pulling out my material, I began to make the cloak for Legolas.

I have always loved sewing. As a young girl, I would sew myself dolls and dresses to play with. Now, I make clothes for the lady Galadriel. By noon, I was finished with it. It was warm enough to last the harshest winter and light enough for the hottest summers. I gave it to the other servants to bring to the Lord and Lady.

Keeping my promise, I met Legolas at the tree. In the sun, his hair was as golden as the fall leaves, his skin glowed, and his eyes danced like smoke around a fire. "Mae Govannen, Nevlothiel. You look as beautiful as the sunrise." His smile warmed my heart.

We walked along the Anduin, holding hands and talking in soft voices. I told him about Haldir asking me to marry him. Legolas' mouth turned down at the edges. I laughed gently and hugged him. "I am going to say no, I have decided," I said to him. "I do not love him."

"Why were you awake so early in the morning anyway?" He asked. "It is strange that you were awake too… I found no sleep either. I could not help thinking…" He trailed off. We stopped walking for a moment and faced each other. He slowly put his hand against my cheek. It was warm and smooth. I covered it with my own.

Suddenly, Legolas withdrew it and turned away, blushing. We walked on for some time, not talking, simply enjoying each other company. "I was thinking about you too," I said at last. "There is something special about you. Galadriel knows it too. You make me comfortable enough to say anything."

"Then you feel the same way as I do towards you." He turned to me. "Let us sit for a moment and bathe our feet in the river." We stayed like that for a while, the cool water trickling over our feet. His hand was resting on mine.

"I feel a bit confused…" Legolas said softly to no one. "Is it possible to fall in love in less than a day?" I had been wondering the same thing. I stared into his gray eyes and he stared into my green ones.

Slowly, he began to lean forward, opening his mouth slightly. I closed my eyes and let my jaw hang loose. His lips touched mine. I leaned into the kiss and felt his arms hold me closer.

I felt so safe and sure at that moment. I knew that I had to be with him forever. I promised myself that I would follow him to the ends of the universe as long as I could see him again. This was the love of my life.

He gently pulled away and I opened my eyes. He was smiling. "Yes, I'm sure it is possible." Legolas pulled me against him so I could hear his heart beating. He played with my hair. It was the perfect scene- two young elves in each other arms in the golden sunlight.

"Well, I guess I have my answer then," said a familiar voice. I sat up and spun around to see Haldir leaning against the tree behind us. "I am assuming it is what it looks like. I thought you disliked foreigners."

"I am sorry, Haldir."

"At least he is immortal. I hate it when elves make such stupid decisions, like marrying a mortal and then living an eternity alone. Like Arwen Evenstar, Galadriel's granddaughter. She wants to marry Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Not only is he mortal, but also is Isildor's heir. He is probably using her to get the Lady's ring."

An arrow hit the tree trunk only a few millimeters above Haldir's hair. "Do not make me aim any lower next time," warned Legolas, who had now gotten up and was holding his bow, his arrow aim straight for Haldir's forehead. "You should have thought more wisely about your words before you spoke them. Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Gandalf, or any of the hobbits shall not be insulted in my presence!"

Haldir's eyes were filled with hatred and fear of Legolas. "It is a sad day indeed when an elf aims his bow at another. But I shall be more wary." He glanced at me. "Naramié, Nevlothiel. I pray you are both very happy together." With that, he turned and fled.

I stood up and touched Legolas' arm. He put his arrow back in its quiver and set it next to his bow on the ground. "I apologize for being so harsh to Haldir. I knew he would understand after the first arrow." He looked at the sky. " It is already almost dusk. Let us return for supper."

Tossing his weapon back over his shoulder, we started walking back in the direction of Celeborn's house. Just as we were about to climb the ladder to enter the Great Hall, Legolas was attacked by 4 hobbits. They knocked him to the ground, all of them laughing. Boromir pulled Merry and Pippin off of him.

The other two clambered off of him. "Where have you been all day?" asked Aragorn, coming up from behind me. He glanced over me and said "Ahhh, we have a little lady elf friend?" I laughed. Legolas got up and dusted himself off.

"If you can mock Legolas about having a lady elf friend, then how come we can't mock you?" Frodo joked. Aragorn grabbed at him. Sam jumped on the ranger's back.

The rest of us watched them wrestling for a moment, laughing at the halfings' attempts to knock the tall man down. They stopped within a minute and we climbed up to the Hall. I left them and sat with the other servants. I picked the end of the servant's table so I could sit as close as possible to Legolas. After the meal, I invited the Fellowship over to my residence. They all gladly accepted.

I passed out a round of ale to all but Legolas. The hobbits, on their 5th or 6th pint of the evening, down theirs in under a minute and danced around the room singing Hey diddle diddle. Boromir, understanding that they were too drunk to be anywhere but in bed, apologized and brought them back to their temporary home. Aragorn shook his head at the scene. "They are hardly ever like this…" he sighed.

Legolas replied, "This is the first time they have really been courageous enough to get drunk since Rivendell. What do you expect?"

"If the others have left, then I suppose I must be going as well. Thank you for your hospitality, elf maiden." Gimli got up and shook my hand. "I wish you a goodnight, Legolas."

"Naramié, Gimli."

Aragorn got out his pipe. "I do not understand why everyone is leaving? It's not late out yet." He drew on the pipe. "So, Nevlothiel, what brings you to be so friendly with Legolas?"

"Well that was quite rude, Aragorn. And what if I was to ask of Arwen why she loves an old ranger like yourself?" Legolas said, leaning against the wall. Strider opened his mouth as if to say something mean and witty, but closed it. After a moment, he leaned against his chair and took out his pipe.

"I'm not that old. And you're older than I am, Legolas."

"Well, I can live forever."

"I'm taller than you."

"Is that my fault? I am a better fighter."

"You're older, you're more experienced."

"In many ways."

"Now that's just sick. You don't say those kinds of things in front of you're little girlfriend."

"You pervert! I did not mean that way!"

"I bet you did."

"At least I make sure no one is watching before I do that kind of thing. Frodo and Elrond saw Arwen and you practically…"

"Oh just shut up!"

"Her father, Aragorn! In front of her father!" He tossed back his head and laughed. He turned to me. "I always win. I have had 2,890 years more than him to play this game."

Aragorn got up. "I think I'll leave you two alone. Don't bother to come back tonight, Legolas…"

"You sick man."

With a laugh, he climbed down the ladder and went away. "Sorry about him," Legolas sighed. He pulled a chair next to mine and sat down in it. "Let us walk." I nodded and got up.

"Do not forget your arrows incase we find an orc."

He kissed me and said, "I will always protect you." We walked along the Anduin like we had earlier. Legolas was bathed once again in the starlight, but this time, he seemed different. He seemed more at peace and content.

After walking for about an hour, Legolas suddenly veered off into the woods. He came to a tree and with urgency in his voice commanded me to climb. When we reached the top of the tree, he pulled me into his arms and told me to be quiet. Below, I saw an army of orcs marching next to the Anduin.

"They came through 2 days ago as well," he whispered. The odor of the creatures reached my nose. They smelled of mud, blood, and sweat. It made me nauseous. I closed my eyes.

"They have passed," Legolas said at last. We climbed down from the tree. "Are you alright?" he asked. "You looked a bit pale."

"No, no. I feel fine, but a little spooked. Hold me and I shall be better."

We sat down and he pulled me to him. I closed my eyes as he rocked me in his arms. The sound of the water trickling against the stones soothed me. I feel into a deep sleep.


I awoke in my bed the next morning. Legolas was staring out the window, watching the sunrise. I shifted around and sat up. "Have you been here all night?" I asked him.

He turned to me and smiled. "You are finally up. I thought I would take on Aragorn's proposal and not leave. I could not sleep again last night anyway." He came and sat on the end of my bed. He held my hand and said, "You resemble an angel when you sleep."

I blushed and asked what time it was. "Time to get changed and comb our hair, I would say," he said, leaping up and walking to my closet. He tossed me a robe and left the room. I watched him run back to his room through the window.

I met him in the hall. Legolas was wearing a gray silk tunic and the color brought out his eyes. He smiled at me and I sat next to him. When we had eaten our fill, we left and walked down the ladder.

We went back to my house, holding hands. Storm clouds were beginning to form overhead. Within a few minutes, the first few raindrops fell to earth. Elves were running this way and that, trying to get inside. We looked at each other and smiled. A little rain did not matter.

It grew steadily, until it was a great down pour. I was soaked through completely. I pulled my hood over my face. I glanced at Legolas. He threw back his cloak and laughed at the rain.

He let go of me and ran in great circles, like a child discovering a large puddle. His hair clung to his face and back, but he did not care in the least. Grabbing my waist, he swung me around and around, until we were both so dizzy from spinning and laughing, we collapsed into the mud.

We were both filthy. I helped him up and we ran back to my house. I lit a fire to warm up in front of. He motioned for me to join him on the floor. I snuggled against him and he placed his arm around me. "I love you," I breathed. I sat up and received a long kiss.

"I love you too," Legolas whispered. "When I leave this place, you must promise to wait for me. If you do not, I shall die of heartbreak. You are my soul, Nevlothiel." He pulled me closer to him.

"I will wait for you until the end of time," I told him. "But do not speak of leaving now. The time shall come, but let me enjoy you now." I ran my hand across the back of his wet tunic.

"Getting a little close, are we?" a voice said from behind us. Legolas grabbed an arrow that was lying on the floor and fitted it into his bow. He jumped up and spun around. Aragorn was sitting in a chair, smoking a pipe with his hood drawn over his face.

"How long have you been sitting there?" Legolas demanded.

"Since the rain started. Nevlothiel's house is closer than our barracks. I thought I would stay dry and surprise you two."

Legolas glanced at me. "How come it is always when we want to be alone someone decides to intrude on us?" I shook my head, trying to figure out the same thing. He turned back to Aragorn. "What are you smoking in that pipe anyway?"

"Erm…. Uhh…" Aragorn stammered.

"I thought so," smiled Legolas.

"Elves are so frustrating."

"Well, do not try and marry one of us then."

"You leave Arwen out of this!"

"Do you feel peculiar kissing someone 3,000 years older than you?"

"I said leave Arwen alone!"

"Then do not start mocking my race," Legolas spat. Aragorn muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" Legolas put a hand behind his ear and leaned towards him. "There are exceptions? Well, I suppose there are now. But there are not in your race. Humans are all the same."

"We are not!"

"Loud, obnoxious…"

"Excuse me!"

"Pigheaded, power hungry…"

"Stop that right now!"

"Born leaders, self confident…."


"Forgive me, Aragorn. I got carried away." He bowed low and set down his bow at Aragorn's feet. Aragorn glared at him for a moment, then with a swish of his cape, left the room.

Legolas sighed and returned to my side. "I should really show more respect for him. He has a lot on his mind." I tossed my arms around his neck and pulled him in to a kiss. When it was through, he stared into my eyes.

"How did I ever live without you?" he asked.

The rain fell for the entire day. We did little but hold each other by the fire. When dusk came, Legolas stood up and said, "After we dine, I shall return to my friends. I have not had more than a few moments with them. I also lack sleep. But I plan to see you bright and early tomorrow. May the sun shine upon you once more." With that, he was gone.

I sat for a moment, staring out the door after him, and then got up. I felt cold, like waking up under a warm blanket and tossing it off to find there is no fire and the wind has chilled your house. The feeling went away after a moment. I pulled on my warmest cloak and ran for the dining hall.

Surrounded by dozens of dripping wet elves, I searched for his face. I sat down and ate in silence. Across the room, Haldir sat. He never moved his eyes from my face.

When we were dismissed, I was one of the last people to get out. I felt sluggish and tired. I climbed up the ladder and right into bed. If any rangers or elves were sitting by my fireplace, I did not care.

I fell asleep listening to the rain. But around midnight, I awoke. The rain had lightened and I was able to hear the soft pad of elvish feet approaching. I knew who it was. I smiled to myself.

"I cannot sleep there. Aragorn is still angry." I felt Legolas' weight on the end of the bed. "I had to see if you were alright."

"Yes, love. I am fine."

He was lying down now. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, his arm pressed against mine. I faced him and met his gaze. His eyes twinkled. "Please stay the night, Legolas."


I woke before Legolas. The rain from yesterday had stopped. A mist covered the river Anduin. The trees were slowly regaining their gold color as the sun rose. I turned back towards the bed.

His hair was spread around his head like a halo. The look on his face was the calmest I had ever seen. It made me smile to see him so at peace. I bent down and kissed his cheek.

He stirred. His eyes fluttered and he yawned. "Mae Govannen, Legolas," I said, sitting next to him. He faced me at the mention of his name and pulled the covers over his shoulders.

"Mae Govannen," he replied. Legolas pulled into a sitting position. He tossed his arms around me and pecked my forehead. "I have not slept so peacefully since I was a babe. Has the sun risen?"

I leaned over so he could see out the window. "I see. I brought extra clothes this time," he said, holding up a bundle. He untied it and turned so his back faced me. I watched him pull on a green silk tunic and a pair of tights. Grabbing my comb from the dresser, he turned to me and said, "I hope you do not mind." He commenced in brushing his long hair and quickly pulling it into his everyday hairstyle.

"I am used to changing in front of others," he said quickly. "But I understand that the other sex prefers privacy. I shall wait outside the door." Legolas stepped out and shut the door quietly behind him.

Smiling to myself, I prepared for the day and entered the living room. He was reclining on the couch, fiddling with one of his arrows. I walked across to him and picked up his bow. "This is old," I said, testing the string and glancing at the woodwork.

"It has served me in many a battle."

"Yes, but would you not like a new one?"

"I would enjoy a new one, for it would probably be more efficient. But for the meantime, I am content with my bow."

I handed it back to him. Legolas stretched and stood up. "Come. We have been invited to dine with my friends." I looked at him questioningly for a moment. He smiled bashfully and said, "Aragorn has forgiven me… I am sorry I lied to you. But I could not resist."

"I thought something was fishy," I replied, returning his smile. "But you are forgiven." He grabbed my hand and spun into his arm. He kissed me, holding nothing back.

We made our way to their guesthouse. Pippin greeted us at the door. "I apologize for the other night. I have not had ale in so long and I could not resist gettin' piss drunk. Sam, Frodo and Merry all agree."

"Think nothing of it, kind Hobbit," I said, bending over to his height. "That little song number made my evening." Legolas let out a strong burst of laughter. Pippin smiled at me.

"You are as beautiful as a cool wind in the summer and a personality to reflect it. Please, please come in!" The little man waved us in excitedly. Inside was a cozy, little room filled with luggage and dirty clothing. Pippin closed the door and stuck his hands in his pocket, rocking on the balls of his feet. "So, it's not the cleanest place in the world, that's for sure," he stammered.

Boromir was sitting on the end of a couch with a sleeping Frodo on it. He nodded and smiled. "Legolas was talking non-stop about you last night. Aragorn finally dared him to spend another night in your house…" I noticed Legolas was motioning for him to stop.

Merry walked in from another room, carrying a tray. "Top of the morning, fair lady! I hope you're hungry. We're having tomatoes, sausages, and nice crispy bacon!" Pippin made gagging noises as Merry turned the corner.

"Did you sleep well last night?" said Aragorn, stepping out of the shadows. He smirked and added, "Why am I asking? I know the answer." Legolas flashed him a `You-Are-So-Dead' look. Aragorn shot a `Bring-It-On-Pansy-Boy' right back.

"Alright then… We shall play it your way. I never get dirty."

"I look sexy when I sweat."

Legolas raised his eyebrow. "Ladies prefer a nice, clean cut, shaven man."

"And how would you know all this?"

"Ask Nevlothiel."

"Arwen prefers the manly, rugged look."

"That is simply disgusting."

"Heh heh."

Legolas thought for a moment. His face suddenly brightened. "I do not scare people by popping out of dark places at inconvenient times."

Aragorn's mouth dropped open. "I…erm…um…heh…well…" I saw beads of sweat form on his forehead. Legolas' smile stretched a mile wide. "Damn you," was all Aragorn muttered. The entire room burst out in laughter. Frodo stirred on the couch.

Merry reentered with Sam and they went about setting the table. Boromir roused Frodo. We sat about and I somehow managed to swallow down the tasteless meats. The men picked jokes about Legolas throughout the meal. Each time he would challenge them or simply ignore them.

Trying to start conversation, I turned to Sam, who was sitting quietly. "If you could have three wishes, what would they be?" I asked him casually. He suddenly flushed pink. After a moment, he made eye contact again.

"Well, I guess my first wish would be to have everyone survive this mission. My second is that I could see your Lady again. And the third is…" he blushed very deeply. "The third is…" he giggled. "The third is to settle down and marry…" The hobbits stared very intently at him. "Rosie," he said at last.

Frodo clapped his hands and cried, "Rose Cotton! I knew it! You've been eyeing her since you were a tween!" Merry slapped him on the back. Pippin giggled like a child.

Sam punched Pippin's arm. "I suppose you wishes are better, Pip."

"Why, as a matter O' fact, they are," he replied, still laughing.

"An' they are?" Merry asked.

"One, we get there. Two, we get back. Three, I have a lifetime supply of these elf-brews and sausage!"

Merry cheered. "Mine are we stay awhile longer, Gandalf comes back, and I become fatter than Sam from this great food!"

Sam blushed. "I ain't so pudgy."

"Aye, y'are," Pippin laughed.

Frodo went next. "I hope we all live, we return safely, and the Shire and all the ladies are just fine." Pippin put his head down a bit.

"I wish I had four. Then I could wish…"

Merry patted his back. "We know."

"How about you, Master Gimli?" Legolas smiled, clearly enjoying this game.

He grunted. "Safety, strength, and to lay eyes upon her that is fairest- the Lady of the Galadhrim."

Boromir nodded. "My people's safety, the fall of the dark tower, and that Nevlothiel fills my mug again." I smiled and took it into the kitchen, the amber colored liquid flowing gently in. I brought it back as Aragorn went.

"Mine are obvious enough- Life, Arwen, and death to the Dark Lords." He punched Legolas' arm. "Your up, pansy boy."

Placing an arm around me, he smiled. "A safe journey to us all."

"And?" Pippin asked.

"The other two already came true," he said, kissing my cheek. I smile.

"Flatter will get you no where," I joke. "But it sure helps."

He laughed. "Your turn."

"If you insist. Happiness and long life to all at this table, the destruction of the ring, and many children."

"Granted," Legolas whispered in my ear.

Once the uproar had stopped, Aragorn stood up. "I have an announcement to make." Everyone turned toward him. "I have made a decision. Tomorrow, just after dawn, we must leave Lothlorien." Every elf, hobbit, and dwarf cried out in protest. Aragorn sat down and let our cries hit him.

"Aragorn! We cannot leave!"

"I shall never go!"

"We are safe here! Why can we not stay until we must flee?"

"Aragorn, I beg of you! Do not leave!"

"Let us elect a new leader… One that will not go!"

As though we all realized there was no way around it, we all stopped at the same time. Legolas pulled me into an embrace and I started to cry on his shoulder. "You barely just arrived!" I cried between sobs.

"I know." I looked at his face. He was weeping too. His lip began to tremble, but he wiped away his tears and tried to choke it down.

"Our brave elves are crying. Is there not a way?" asked Gimli. Aragorn shook his head sadly. "But just look at them! We cannot have them die of heartbreak! Perhaps she could come with us?"

"Gimli, you know that she cannot. Nevlothiel has never left Lothlorien. A traveler is not the life for her. And if she was captured by orcs?"

"She would might never been seen again. She could be tortured," Legolas said, trying his best to sound controlled. "It is best she stays in Lothlorien. She cannot be killed and I will always know where to find her."

"If anything happens to any of you, I shall always grieve," I said. "I cannot remain here… Thank you for your hospitality." I left.

I ran back to my house. I wondered why the sun was shining so brightly. It should be dark and stormy out, I remember thinking. I fell onto a couch and wept.

Legolas knelt next to me and rubbed my back softly. "We knew this day would come," he whispered. "It is just that it came so soon." His hand was shaking slightly.

"Legolas, you shall return to me. You must return!" I demanded. "And if you die in battle, I wish to know. I shall not wait in wonder for eternity. I would rather be dead.

"Do not try and be a martyr. If death is upon you, do what you can and then flee. You are brave, my love. But do not be stupid."

"I will not die," he said in a firm voice. "I will not allow myself to be slain while love awaits me." His words strengthened me. I sat up and looked at his face. He wore the face of a warrior, ready for battle.

I stared into his gray eyes and breathed, "I believe you." The rims of his eyes grew wet. I crawled into his arms and held him.

"Let us make a song. When our hearts yearn for the other, we can sing it and be at ease," Legolas whispered. "It will help the separation." I agreed to this idea. In a soft, gentle voice he began,

North wind blow me news of her

Who I love and always may

My heart tires on this treacherous road

Bring news of her today

The days have passed since I have seen her face

Bright as the morning sun

I swear to all to return to her

When the deeds are done

She walks alone, her lover gone

Away from Lothlorien

Nevlothiel, my bashful dame

I shall see you once again

Please wait for me, my bright morning sun

I long to fell your embrace

Your lover shall return some day

And gaze again at your face

The seasons may change, again and again

The years shall pass and come

My arms shall long for you more and more

My bright morning sun

I had stopped crying. I kissed him passionately. "It is all true, I pray," I replied. "But now I must make a song for me to sing." I began to sing

South wind have you brought me news

Of my friends who bear the ring

I pray someday they shall return

When they do, then we shall sing

`There and back again we come

To see what has come of our flight

The elves dance around again

In the land of the Lady of the Light'

I wait and stare upon the road

Waiting for love to return to me

Bring him back safely to us

For his quest is as treacherous as the sea

Let me see his face again

Let me touch his golden hair

I want to gaze in to his silver eyes

And feel the love we share

I was feeling much better now. But I began to realize that already several hours had been spent crying. I needed to enjoy these last few hours. Sadness would have to wait.

"Let us once again walk the Anduin," I said. "It is a beautiful day out. It is where we first kissed and I long to return to the spot again." Legolas nodded.

"It seems strange that 3 days ago, I knew not who you were. It seems so long ago," he told me as we held hands and walked. "You are my life."

"And you are mine."

"I love you and always shall."

"And I do as well."

"And you both are very sappy," said Haldir.

We turned. Haldir was just behind us. "Well Mae Govannen lovebirds," he smiled. "I apologize for being so irrational and a bad sport the other day. I realized that it was for the better that you said no, Nevlothiel.

"I have decided that I just wanted to marry and not care who. And Legolas?" he said, turning to him. "Take care of this woman. She is a princess." Legolas smiled and promised to. "You may now commence in your frolicking." Haldir walked into the deeper woods and was gone.

"He will always be a mystery to me," I said.

"But he is right. You are a princess." He suddenly grabbed me and picked me up into his arms. "And all princesses deserve royal treatment." Legolas swung me onto his back and ran about.

Laughing, we went faster and faster until he tripped on a rock and fell. I landed in the river. Legolas apologized and helped me out. The back of my dress was soaked through, but I did not care. "That was amusing," he teased.

"You little freak!" I laughed.

"You cannot catch me!" he cried and leapt onto a low tree branch. I climbed after him. With much speed, he leapt up ahead of me. I leapt up on the same branch.

Jumping branch to branch, I chased him to the top of the tall tree. When I got there, Legolas was staring out at Lothlorien. I stood next to him and looked out at the golden trees of the woods, the silver river, and the slightly pink sun, which gave everything a warm glow. It was beautiful.

"I am going to miss this place very much," he said quietly. "My heart and mind are forever with you, Lothlorien." We sat down and he placed an arm about me. I kissed him and turned to watch the sunset.

Legolas got up. "The winter's chill shall bite at us if we do not go now," he announced. We climbed down and made our way to the halls of Celeborn. We ate slowly, savoring each moment, each bite together. The hall was more silent than usual.

When we returned to my house, I relit the fire. Legolas went into the food storage and came out with two tall glasses of wine. I took one and he knelt beside me and set his on the floor. He pulled me into his arms and rested his chin against the top of my head, staring into the blaze. I leaned against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body and the fire.

The wood slowly began to smolder and Legolas let go of me. He sipped his drink thoughtfully. Then he turned to me. "I should sleep. I have a big day tomorrow."

"We both do," I corrected.

"Then let us add wood to the fire and go off," he replied. As he got the logs, I finished my drink and carried the dirty dishes to the sink. He was waiting in the bedroom for me. "I love you," he said and pulled me to him.


I woke an hour before dawn. Legolas' side was cold. I leapt up and stared out the window. I could see his figure weaving around the trees slowly. His song reached my ears. The tune was unfamiliar.

Close your eyes, and sense what you can't see

Close your eyes, for it's so clear

Here's a mirror, behind there is a screen

All with ways you can't get in

Don't think twice before you listen to your heart

Follow the trails to a new start

In the eyes of storming seas, you're not alone

The experience takes you farther

That's the key

To the Gravity of Love!

Look around and feel it

Can you hear the voice?

Find the one to guide you

To limits of your choice

In the eyes of storms

Just think of the one you love

The experience takes you farther

It's the key

To the Gravity of love!

The haunting melody made me want him more. I collapsed to my knees and begged that he would not leave. Who ever heard did not respond. Legolas glanced at my window and left to pack his bags.

I dressed and ran to the house of Galadriel. I opened the door. She and her servants came forth. "We hoped you would be on time," she said in a soft voice. "We are off to bid them farewell." I joined the others and we left.

Swan boats awaited us. We boarded and floated down the river. It was very calm, I remember. I felt an impending sense of sadness and doom.

I saw 8 figures moving swiftly through the woods next to the Anduin. 2 were tall and broad, 1 was little more than a man's waist, 4 were just above my own waistline, and 1 was tall and lean. They came to a clearing along the river and stared out at us. Galadriel sang to them in her low, clear voice.

"Come! We shall have one last feast together!" she cried to them. The boats were pulled ashore and we filed off. A banquet was set for us. Many delicacies were brought before the company.

Legolas and the others sat. I joined them and talked merrily, nearly forgetting that it was our last moments together. There was much laughter among us. As we grew fuller and fuller, I realized that the banquet was ending and that after Galadriel handed out gifts and said farewell to each of them, my lover would go.

He must have seen my face, for Legolas placed his hand over mine. Celeborn rose and told them of the ways to Mordor and warned them of Fangorn. He was finished too soon. Galadriel stood and took a cup from one of the servants. "Now it is time to drink the cup of Farewell," she said.

She filled the glass with white mead and handed it to her husband. "Drink, Lord of the Galadhrim! And do not let your heart be sad, though night follows noon and it is already evening draws near." He drank and she passed around the Fellowship and bade them all farewell.

"Now that we have drunk the cup of parting, the shadows fall between us. Before you leave, I have you brought gifts of the Lord and Lady Galadhrim to remind you of Lothlorien." She ordered Aragorn to step forth. A sheath for his sword was given to him. Elaborate was its design. It was wrought with leaves of silver and gold and the sword's name, Andứril, and lineage were written on the sheath in many tiny gems.

"The blade drawn from this sheath shall not break under any circumstances. But," she said. "I feel you want more from me on our parting. There is a darkness between us and I doubt we shall ever meet again." She seemed to stare through him. He stood tall and glared right back.

He replied, "Lady, you know of my desire, and long held in keeping the treasure I seek. Yet it is not yours to give me, even if you would; and only through darkness shall I come to it." She smiled at him and lightened her gaze.

"This may lighten your heart, kind ranger," she said to him. "This was left in my hands to be given to you, should you pass through this land." She lifted from her lap a great stone of clear green, set in a silver brooch that was wrought in the shape of a flying eagle. The gem shined like the sun on a clear spring morn.

"I gave this to Celebrian, my daughter, who gave it to hers; and now it comes to you as a token of hope. In this hour, take the name that was foretold to you, Elessar, the Elfstone of the house of Elendil!" Aragorn bowed deeply and took it from her. The instant it touched his breast, years of labor and journey left him. The line of kings in his blood flowed through his veins strong at that moment. He was no longer the mysterious man who joked with Legolas, but a ruler of the race of men.

He thanked her with much vigor. She bowed her head and turned to the others. Boromir was next to step forward. "To you, Boromir, son of Denethor, the tower guard, I give a belt of gold. May Lothlorien be forever at peace with Gondor." He bowed to her and placed it on his hips. A dying gleam of sunlight hit it and it glowed softly.

"May the two young hobbits step forth," she cried. Merry and Pippin ran up. She handed them both small silver belts. Each had a clasp shaped like a golden flower. They glanced at each other, like it was nothing they had ever seen. At the same time they jumped and squealed like children. We all laughed at their happiness.

Sam received a box of soil and seeds from the beautiful garden of Galadriel, for the hobbit loved the earth. Gimli, the dwarf, simply asked for three of the Lady's hairs. All were shocked at this proposal, for no one but the Lord and Lady had ever touched it. Still, she gave him his request. Frodo was given nothing but a necklace that contained the light of Eärendil, which is a favorite star of the elves. It glowed gently in the darkening forest.

"And of course, there is you, Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood, one of our northern kinship. We are honored that you have come to stay with us." She reached for a bow. "This is a bow of Galadhrim. It is stronger and both taller and broader than your own. I thought you might like a new one." Remembering my words only yesterday morning, I smiled to myself. A quiver of arrows was given to him as well. He thanked her and bowed.

Galadriel glanced at me and mouthed the word "Go." Legolas saw it too, for he turned and walked off towards the deeper wood. The first stars began to appear in the night sky. I wound around the trees, trying to catch up with him. I saw him up ahead.

He was leaning against the trunk of a tree, bathed in moonlight, a silver glow cast upon him. It had not been long since I had seen him like this, meeting him for the first time. But now, he was different. I looked at his face and saw a single tear run from his eye. He did not bother to wipe it away.

"The time has come," he said in a wavering voice. I felt my own throat begin to close and my eyes grew wet. I ran into his arms and we clutched each other. The tears ran freely onto my face. I shook my head again and again.

"No, no, no! This has to be a dream!" I cried. "You cannot leave me! You must not!" Legolas placed a finger under my chin and stared into my eyes.

"Nevlothiel, you must not cry. I do not want my memories of you to be like this. Let me see your face the way it usually is and not this way. We cannot let it end this way!"

I realized that this was true and I swallowed down my pain and grief. A few sobs escaped my throat and I was quiet. He held me until my face was no longer red and tear-streaked. I gazed back into his smoky eyes, which stared back, full of love for me. He smiled.

"That is better." I opened my mouth to speak, but instead he kissed me. My eyes shut and I put all of my passion, all of my pain, and all of my love into that kiss. I know not how long it lasted, but it was fully dark by the time it ended. Soft footsteps approached from the river.

"I fear that I must separate you two," Aragorn said slowly. "But we must leave soon, Legolas." He came towards us and held out his hand to me. I took it and he kissed it. "Nevlothiel, it was my pleasure to meet you. Forgive my rudeness." He was gone.

Legolas pulled me to him again for a last embrace. "When I return, we shall be married on the spot," he promised. He kissed my brow and added, "Naramié, my bright morning sun." With that, the elf that I love ran off towards the river, leaving me for much time.

I walked to the river and saw his companions rowing off down the river. I felt the Lady's hand touch my arm. "Trust me." I faced her. "Legolas Greenleaf shall return to you," she smiled. I turned from her and walked back to Lothlorien.