Fan Fiction ❯ Love Me Not ❯ Its the law ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Love me Not
By Inuluvsu
His arms rapped around her small form as tears fell freely from her eyes.
�Star,� he kissed into her ear, while his hand wiped the excess tears. He held her tighter now, calming the young girl down. The day light broke in as noise filled the tower but still she gave no reason to cry.
�Robin,� she threw herself into his chest. He just held tighter trying to calm Starfire down, trying to get her to answer.
�What happened?� He asked her again.
�Family,� she cried up at him.
�What with family?� He gave her another question.
�Law,� she cried into his now tear soaked shirt.
�What law?� He was on the verge of yelling.
�Marriage,� tears were now falling faster out of her glowing, green globes.
�Marriage,Ó that was it he yelled.
�I knew you would yell,� she cried as she ran out of his room. He just looked, what did she mean by marriage. She ran into her room falling back on the bed, tears still streaking down her cheeks. She could hear the racket down stairs, Beast Boy offering tofu, Cyborg refusing, and Terra fighting with Raven. Robin wasn�t there he was probably, too, fighting with himself on what to do. The door cracked open, sending a squeak across the near silent room.
�Star,� he said coming in and sitting down next to her. His hand massaged her back, trying to take the tears away. �What do you mean by marriage?�
�The law states that once a girl reaches a certain age she is forced into marriage,� she sobbed into the bed.
�So that means you�ll be married off,� he said.
�No, I have to marry a prince do to my heritage,� she cried harder into the bed.
�You can�t be forced in America,� he said.
�Yes, but they will come,� she cried once more.
�Who?� He asked.
�My parents,� she choked on the words she spoke.
�They can�t take you, I�ll make sure of it,� he said as she lifted herself off the bed.
�But they will only leave me if I�ve found my prince,� she was now holding Robin close.
�Then I�ll pose as your prince,� he said bringing small light to her face.
�Do you love me?� She asked him.
�I love you, Star, more then anything,� he confessed to her.
�I love you too,� she said as there lips met for the first time. His hands fell to her waist and held her form close to his. �Thank you,� she shyly said, a blush risen on her face. His hand traveled her muscular thigh, the golden tinted skin shadowing his hand. His fingers out lined her, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.
�Your lovely,� his face was centimeters away from her.
�We can�t, my parents, they have to approve,� she said as he listened.
�So when do they come?� He smirked as he untangled them.
�In one week,� she said lifting her body off the bed. Suddenly they heard a loud crash and ran down to find Raven wounded on the floor.
�What the fuck happened down here?� Robin yelled at them. Fingers pointed to Terra as she backed away towards Beast Boy.
�She asked for it,� she replied directing her finger at Raven.
�Raven did provoke it telling her that she was good for nothing,� Beast Boy, her lover, stuck up for her.
�Raven did you?� Robin directed his attention on her now.
�Yes, and I have my reasons,� she said as Starfire lifted her up.
�What?� He questioned once more.
�She was just sitting around and asked for people to get her stuff,� she crudely explained.
�Is that true?� Robin asked Terra.
�She�s not feeling her best,� Beastboy tried to avoid his question.
�I didn�t...� Robin was cut off.
�I�m pregnant,� she said as she clung onto Beast Boy, �I was directed, do too my age, if I am to keep it I...I would have to keep limited to no movement. That is to why I was sitting,� she cried out.
�Ok so how did Raven end up on the ground?� Robin posed another question.
�I can answer that one,� Beast Boy said as he helped Terra sit down. �I protected her by pushing her down in my ape form,� B B explained.
�So ok new rule, no one is allowed to harass Terra that means you, Raven. So okay now what?� Robin stated as his stomach began to rumble.
�Real food,� Cyborg yelled.
�Tofu,� Beast Boy yelled holding up chunks of it.
�I�ll take both,� Terra said holding her stomach.
�We should celebrate,� Beast Boy cheered into the air, �I�m gonna be a father!�
�Yeah all you can eat, breakfast explosion,� Cyborg yelled. Soon the two teens were in the kitchen, fighting over tofu and real food. The party ended a day later, everyone drunk from sugar, except Terra and Raven off course. Sleep consumed the 6 Titans as the waited out for what may come tomorrow.
_____________________________MeanWhile__________________________________ ____
�It is time we go to earth, for the betrothal of are daughter,� a strange woman called to her husband.
�Right you are,� he replied as they boarded an air craft of a huge size. They left tamaran as Robin of earth discussed his plan to the group.
________________________________Meanwhile_______________________________ __
�Mother, Father,� Starfire called out as they landed the ship.
�Daughter of mine, have you pick whom you wish to marry?� Her father asked.
�Yes, his name is Robin,� she said as he walked up to her parents.
�A pleasure to meet you,� he said as he knelt down on one knee.
�Nice to meet you too,� the two parents replied in unison.
�Well he seems nice enough; now let�s see how cunning and strong he is,�
her father said. Robin was presented with an obstacle course, showing a wide variety of animals of which he didn�t know, and mazes of which seemed to have no end. He entered at the beginning, a tedious maze, most turns ending in a dead end and no way to cheat. He turned again finding a path way but only leading to a fork in the road. Right or left, he had to pick which one, or doom would sure be his fate. He picked right, hoping it would lead in the correct direction, and lucky of him he was wrong. A minute or so later he encountered an animal great in size, its fangs the size of his torso, for god sakes it could eat him whole. The animal�s mouth opened giving Robin a brilliant idea, throw a bomb in it. As the bomb ate threw the odd creature he ran down the path as an open piece of land grasped his view. He made his way there, finding he was in the middle of the course. He picked the next maze, of which was right in front of him. Turn after turn, dead end, after dead end, it felt like forever until an over sized worm flew out from the ground. It lunged at him lodging itÕs fangs in his hands, sending gallons of venom inside of him. Robin resisted and threw a smoke bomb giving him enough time to escape and lucky for him he was done. He exited the maze of death with only minor injuries.
�Robin you survived,� she ran to him rapping her arms around him in a big, loved filled hug.
�Ok, ok,� her father said as Starfire released him.
�Sorry,� she blushed as she spoke.
�Next you must prove your love my how cunning and smart you are in a game of risk,� he said as he placed a large playing board on the table.
�Oh how fun,� he sarcastically said as he picked up an army of black.
�Ok begin,� hours past as the game played with Star�s patience, each seconds closer till someone loses.
�You�re good,� her father commented breaking the distance silence. It went on war after war, piece after piece, and yell after yell.
Ten *Lol* days later
�I won, yeah!� Robin yelled as he stood up.
�You must pass the test of strength,� he said, �lift this kitten.�
�Ok,� he marched over to the kitten picking it up with one hand.
�Great you pass lalala,� the father said, but that wasn�t the end the cat began to twitch and soon it grew heavy and Robin had to use two hands.
�What the fuck?� he said as his arms began to tremble. His arms fell down as the cat gained its full weight.
�You pass you stayed through out the gain, and that�s hard. You welcome to date and then marry my daughter,� he said as Starfire ran over to her love, arms wide open. Robin was engulfed in her hug, her lips capturing his in a passion filled kiss. Her lips left his as she ran to her father to thank him for allowing their relationship.
�Ok we must be off,� he said as the two parents got on the space craft. The two lovers watched as they left the atmosphere, creating a white light of fire surrounding the area.
�Star I need medical atenttion,� he said grabbing his hand.
�Oh Robin your injured what happend?� She asked as he fell onto her arms.
�I want to say I was bit by that kitten but I can�t,� he said his voice barely hearable, �a worm like object bit me on the hand. Star,� he gaped out as he fell unconscious in her arms. Starfire flew into the tower which was now full of activity such as eating.
�My fellow friends Robin is in need of some medical attention,� she said as Cyborg ran to grab his body.
�Let�s get him in the emergency room,� Cyborg said as the rest of them went to set up. Soon Robin was in a laid bed a heart monitor was on him and IV�s down his wrists.
�Poison,� Raven said as she exited Robin�s mind.
�Will he...die,� Star gulped as she held on to Terra.
�I don�t know,� Cyborg said as he added more fluids to Robin�s blood.
�I think I can help it,� Raven said as her hand glowed a light blue over his body.
�Raven you sure,� Star said her grasp even tighter then before.
�Star your hurting me,� Terra said as Star released her.
�Sorry,� she said as she waited for Raven.
�Done he�ll be fine most likely,� Raven said, �Star why don�t you take a rest.� Starfire nodded and made her way the room to which she planned to sleep in but it wasn�t her room, it was his. Now that the confirmation or what ever you want to call it was done she was forced, well not to her, to sleep with the prince, which meant in his bed. Sleep consumed her living being as she snuggled down in the scent of the one she loved.
Author�s note: BLAH! I don�t know the reason I�m writing this I guess I�m just bored *yawns* and tired but then doesn�t stop me from writing, badly I must add.
Disclaimer: You know it and so do I
The sun entered the room filling a light to no comparison, as her eye flashed open to the new day. She began to move but found two arms rapped tightly around her waist. She turned herself around to find the body to be Raven�s.
�What are you doing in the same bed as me?� The tamarainian questioned.
�Star,� she mumbled as she woke from her sleep. The young hanyou�s eyes became wide as she quickly retracted her arms. �Oh what am I doing in your bed?� You know perfectly why you�re here; you love her, her self conscious yelled at her.
�First of all this isn�t my bed it�s Robin�s and second I would like to know that myself,� she said to the girl. Tell her, now is you chance Raven�s self conscious suggested.
�Star I have something to tell you, I love you,� she got it out almost instantly.
�But Raven, Terra said it was wrong for a girl to like another girl,� Starfire said.
�It seems bad to some people, but it�s not,� the empath explained to the alien.
�Raven, I can not love you for I am in love with Robin,� she said as she got out of bed. The conversation ended as they went back to Starfire�s injured lover.
�Starfire may I talk to you?� Cyborg asked as she nodded. They walked over to a private room so no others could hear.
�Starfire, Robin, he�s dead,� he said as tears filled Star�s eyes as she ran out of the room and into Robin�s. Tears fell off her cheeks and on to the now soaked through pillow, her breaths uneven and heavy.
�Starfire I�m so sorry,� Raven said as she sat next to the crying Starfire. Star�s eyes stared at her, as Raven�s head seemed to lower to hers, until there lips were only centimeters away, then they touched sending shock coursing throughout the young tamarainian. Raven loved it for this second as she did the one thing she knew should be done. Robin�s limp form was engulfed in a blue-black aura around him which soon entered his body asking his heart to start pumping blood throughout his body. Starfire found the courage to push her off, turning her eyes bright green in anger.
�Raven, I understand that you love me, but I do not,� she said as Raven�s body hit the floor.
�I�m sorry I couldn�t control myself,� that second the door creaked open revealing a familiar, masked face (yeah that�s right he�s alive I say alive) which held a smirk of disbelief.
�Robin, your alive,� she squeal as she hugged him like there�s no tomorrow (aren�t all her hugs like that?).
�Good to see you too, Star,� he said as he tried to breathe, �Star, can�t breathe.�
�Sorry,� she said letting go of his now crumpled body.
�No prob,� he said as he motioned for Raven to leave. Starfire�s eyes filled with water as she clung onto him like he was her only life source. He smiled, taking the tamarainian into his grasp as his lips captured her lush, dark pink lips, holding her tighter. His body pushed her to the bed, his body burning with love, passion, but most of all arousal.
Raven was on the edge the one she loved taken by another, how she could let this happen, she let her self fall in love.
Author�s note: Ah I�m tired and I�m going to camp in 3 days so this won�t be updated until august and even then I might get bored with it. So yeah Read and review.
By Inuluvsu
His arms rapped around her small form as tears fell freely from her eyes.
�Star,� he kissed into her ear, while his hand wiped the excess tears. He held her tighter now, calming the young girl down. The day light broke in as noise filled the tower but still she gave no reason to cry.
�Robin,� she threw herself into his chest. He just held tighter trying to calm Starfire down, trying to get her to answer.
�What happened?� He asked her again.
�Family,� she cried up at him.
�What with family?� He gave her another question.
�Law,� she cried into his now tear soaked shirt.
�What law?� He was on the verge of yelling.
�Marriage,� tears were now falling faster out of her glowing, green globes.
�Marriage,Ó that was it he yelled.
�I knew you would yell,� she cried as she ran out of his room. He just looked, what did she mean by marriage. She ran into her room falling back on the bed, tears still streaking down her cheeks. She could hear the racket down stairs, Beast Boy offering tofu, Cyborg refusing, and Terra fighting with Raven. Robin wasn�t there he was probably, too, fighting with himself on what to do. The door cracked open, sending a squeak across the near silent room.
�Star,� he said coming in and sitting down next to her. His hand massaged her back, trying to take the tears away. �What do you mean by marriage?�
�The law states that once a girl reaches a certain age she is forced into marriage,� she sobbed into the bed.
�So that means you�ll be married off,� he said.
�No, I have to marry a prince do to my heritage,� she cried harder into the bed.
�You can�t be forced in America,� he said.
�Yes, but they will come,� she cried once more.
�Who?� He asked.
�My parents,� she choked on the words she spoke.
�They can�t take you, I�ll make sure of it,� he said as she lifted herself off the bed.
�But they will only leave me if I�ve found my prince,� she was now holding Robin close.
�Then I�ll pose as your prince,� he said bringing small light to her face.
�Do you love me?� She asked him.
�I love you, Star, more then anything,� he confessed to her.
�I love you too,� she said as there lips met for the first time. His hands fell to her waist and held her form close to his. �Thank you,� she shyly said, a blush risen on her face. His hand traveled her muscular thigh, the golden tinted skin shadowing his hand. His fingers out lined her, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.
�Your lovely,� his face was centimeters away from her.
�We can�t, my parents, they have to approve,� she said as he listened.
�So when do they come?� He smirked as he untangled them.
�In one week,� she said lifting her body off the bed. Suddenly they heard a loud crash and ran down to find Raven wounded on the floor.
�What the fuck happened down here?� Robin yelled at them. Fingers pointed to Terra as she backed away towards Beast Boy.
�She asked for it,� she replied directing her finger at Raven.
�Raven did provoke it telling her that she was good for nothing,� Beast Boy, her lover, stuck up for her.
�Raven did you?� Robin directed his attention on her now.
�Yes, and I have my reasons,� she said as Starfire lifted her up.
�What?� He questioned once more.
�She was just sitting around and asked for people to get her stuff,� she crudely explained.
�Is that true?� Robin asked Terra.
�She�s not feeling her best,� Beastboy tried to avoid his question.
�I didn�t...� Robin was cut off.
�I�m pregnant,� she said as she clung onto Beast Boy, �I was directed, do too my age, if I am to keep it I...I would have to keep limited to no movement. That is to why I was sitting,� she cried out.
�Ok so how did Raven end up on the ground?� Robin posed another question.
�I can answer that one,� Beast Boy said as he helped Terra sit down. �I protected her by pushing her down in my ape form,� B B explained.
�So ok new rule, no one is allowed to harass Terra that means you, Raven. So okay now what?� Robin stated as his stomach began to rumble.
�Real food,� Cyborg yelled.
�Tofu,� Beast Boy yelled holding up chunks of it.
�I�ll take both,� Terra said holding her stomach.
�We should celebrate,� Beast Boy cheered into the air, �I�m gonna be a father!�
�Yeah all you can eat, breakfast explosion,� Cyborg yelled. Soon the two teens were in the kitchen, fighting over tofu and real food. The party ended a day later, everyone drunk from sugar, except Terra and Raven off course. Sleep consumed the 6 Titans as the waited out for what may come tomorrow.
_____________________________MeanWhile__________________________________ ____
�It is time we go to earth, for the betrothal of are daughter,� a strange woman called to her husband.
�Right you are,� he replied as they boarded an air craft of a huge size. They left tamaran as Robin of earth discussed his plan to the group.
________________________________Meanwhile_______________________________ __
�Mother, Father,� Starfire called out as they landed the ship.
�Daughter of mine, have you pick whom you wish to marry?� Her father asked.
�Yes, his name is Robin,� she said as he walked up to her parents.
�A pleasure to meet you,� he said as he knelt down on one knee.
�Nice to meet you too,� the two parents replied in unison.
�Well he seems nice enough; now let�s see how cunning and strong he is,�
her father said. Robin was presented with an obstacle course, showing a wide variety of animals of which he didn�t know, and mazes of which seemed to have no end. He entered at the beginning, a tedious maze, most turns ending in a dead end and no way to cheat. He turned again finding a path way but only leading to a fork in the road. Right or left, he had to pick which one, or doom would sure be his fate. He picked right, hoping it would lead in the correct direction, and lucky of him he was wrong. A minute or so later he encountered an animal great in size, its fangs the size of his torso, for god sakes it could eat him whole. The animal�s mouth opened giving Robin a brilliant idea, throw a bomb in it. As the bomb ate threw the odd creature he ran down the path as an open piece of land grasped his view. He made his way there, finding he was in the middle of the course. He picked the next maze, of which was right in front of him. Turn after turn, dead end, after dead end, it felt like forever until an over sized worm flew out from the ground. It lunged at him lodging itÕs fangs in his hands, sending gallons of venom inside of him. Robin resisted and threw a smoke bomb giving him enough time to escape and lucky for him he was done. He exited the maze of death with only minor injuries.
�Robin you survived,� she ran to him rapping her arms around him in a big, loved filled hug.
�Ok, ok,� her father said as Starfire released him.
�Sorry,� she blushed as she spoke.
�Next you must prove your love my how cunning and smart you are in a game of risk,� he said as he placed a large playing board on the table.
�Oh how fun,� he sarcastically said as he picked up an army of black.
�Ok begin,� hours past as the game played with Star�s patience, each seconds closer till someone loses.
�You�re good,� her father commented breaking the distance silence. It went on war after war, piece after piece, and yell after yell.
Ten *Lol* days later
�I won, yeah!� Robin yelled as he stood up.
�You must pass the test of strength,� he said, �lift this kitten.�
�Ok,� he marched over to the kitten picking it up with one hand.
�Great you pass lalala,� the father said, but that wasn�t the end the cat began to twitch and soon it grew heavy and Robin had to use two hands.
�What the fuck?� he said as his arms began to tremble. His arms fell down as the cat gained its full weight.
�You pass you stayed through out the gain, and that�s hard. You welcome to date and then marry my daughter,� he said as Starfire ran over to her love, arms wide open. Robin was engulfed in her hug, her lips capturing his in a passion filled kiss. Her lips left his as she ran to her father to thank him for allowing their relationship.
�Ok we must be off,� he said as the two parents got on the space craft. The two lovers watched as they left the atmosphere, creating a white light of fire surrounding the area.
�Star I need medical atenttion,� he said grabbing his hand.
�Oh Robin your injured what happend?� She asked as he fell onto her arms.
�I want to say I was bit by that kitten but I can�t,� he said his voice barely hearable, �a worm like object bit me on the hand. Star,� he gaped out as he fell unconscious in her arms. Starfire flew into the tower which was now full of activity such as eating.
�My fellow friends Robin is in need of some medical attention,� she said as Cyborg ran to grab his body.
�Let�s get him in the emergency room,� Cyborg said as the rest of them went to set up. Soon Robin was in a laid bed a heart monitor was on him and IV�s down his wrists.
�Poison,� Raven said as she exited Robin�s mind.
�Will he...die,� Star gulped as she held on to Terra.
�I don�t know,� Cyborg said as he added more fluids to Robin�s blood.
�I think I can help it,� Raven said as her hand glowed a light blue over his body.
�Raven you sure,� Star said her grasp even tighter then before.
�Star your hurting me,� Terra said as Star released her.
�Sorry,� she said as she waited for Raven.
�Done he�ll be fine most likely,� Raven said, �Star why don�t you take a rest.� Starfire nodded and made her way the room to which she planned to sleep in but it wasn�t her room, it was his. Now that the confirmation or what ever you want to call it was done she was forced, well not to her, to sleep with the prince, which meant in his bed. Sleep consumed her living being as she snuggled down in the scent of the one she loved.
Author�s note: BLAH! I don�t know the reason I�m writing this I guess I�m just bored *yawns* and tired but then doesn�t stop me from writing, badly I must add.
Disclaimer: You know it and so do I
The sun entered the room filling a light to no comparison, as her eye flashed open to the new day. She began to move but found two arms rapped tightly around her waist. She turned herself around to find the body to be Raven�s.
�What are you doing in the same bed as me?� The tamarainian questioned.
�Star,� she mumbled as she woke from her sleep. The young hanyou�s eyes became wide as she quickly retracted her arms. �Oh what am I doing in your bed?� You know perfectly why you�re here; you love her, her self conscious yelled at her.
�First of all this isn�t my bed it�s Robin�s and second I would like to know that myself,� she said to the girl. Tell her, now is you chance Raven�s self conscious suggested.
�Star I have something to tell you, I love you,� she got it out almost instantly.
�But Raven, Terra said it was wrong for a girl to like another girl,� Starfire said.
�It seems bad to some people, but it�s not,� the empath explained to the alien.
�Raven, I can not love you for I am in love with Robin,� she said as she got out of bed. The conversation ended as they went back to Starfire�s injured lover.
�Starfire may I talk to you?� Cyborg asked as she nodded. They walked over to a private room so no others could hear.
�Starfire, Robin, he�s dead,� he said as tears filled Star�s eyes as she ran out of the room and into Robin�s. Tears fell off her cheeks and on to the now soaked through pillow, her breaths uneven and heavy.
�Starfire I�m so sorry,� Raven said as she sat next to the crying Starfire. Star�s eyes stared at her, as Raven�s head seemed to lower to hers, until there lips were only centimeters away, then they touched sending shock coursing throughout the young tamarainian. Raven loved it for this second as she did the one thing she knew should be done. Robin�s limp form was engulfed in a blue-black aura around him which soon entered his body asking his heart to start pumping blood throughout his body. Starfire found the courage to push her off, turning her eyes bright green in anger.
�Raven, I understand that you love me, but I do not,� she said as Raven�s body hit the floor.
�I�m sorry I couldn�t control myself,� that second the door creaked open revealing a familiar, masked face (yeah that�s right he�s alive I say alive) which held a smirk of disbelief.
�Robin, your alive,� she squeal as she hugged him like there�s no tomorrow (aren�t all her hugs like that?).
�Good to see you too, Star,� he said as he tried to breathe, �Star, can�t breathe.�
�Sorry,� she said letting go of his now crumpled body.
�No prob,� he said as he motioned for Raven to leave. Starfire�s eyes filled with water as she clung onto him like he was her only life source. He smiled, taking the tamarainian into his grasp as his lips captured her lush, dark pink lips, holding her tighter. His body pushed her to the bed, his body burning with love, passion, but most of all arousal.
Raven was on the edge the one she loved taken by another, how she could let this happen, she let her self fall in love.
Author�s note: Ah I�m tired and I�m going to camp in 3 days so this won�t be updated until august and even then I might get bored with it. So yeah Read and review.