Fan Fiction ❯ Magic And The Hippogriff ❯ Why You Should NEVER Wake Up A Neko Before Sunrise ( Chapter 5 )

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Uma: Well, did you like the partial cliffy that I left? I know that people hate cliffys, so I will try to post this before midnight, that's when I posted the last chapter.
Amu: that's cause you started working on it at like 1pm then took a major break and didn't get back on the computer till 10 pm
Uma: Now why did you have to tell them that!?!?
Amu: I am your EVIL twin
Uma: Oh yeah, well I do not own anything that you may recognize in this chapter.
“speaking `thinking' `mind link' change of scene
Chapter 5
Why You Should NEVER
Wake Up A Neko
Before Sunrise
“Gigi” I whispered, then poked her shoulder, “We need to meet the boys now, come on” I poked he again, and again, then five more time till she responded
“Llllllllaaaaaacccccccccyyyyyy, ssstttoopp ppoookkkiinnngg mmmee,” she mumbled, “it's not nice.”
“Good, your awake.” I said, “Get dressed, we need to meet the boys by the hall in an hour”
“AN HOUR!!! YOU WOKE ME UP AN HOUR BEFORE SUNRISE!!!! BAKA BAKA BAKA UMA!!” Gigi screamed, while punching my face
“Why are you guys yelling,” said Hermione, who is now fully thanks to Gigi screaming.
“Go back to sleep `Mione, Gigi here was just having a nightmare.” I replied, trying to cover up my face, in case there were bruises, but I highly doubt that there are.
“Well, thanks to your screaming, none us can.” Said a girl, whose name I think is Lavender.
“What time is it?” asked Parvati
“An hour before sunrise” answered Gigi and I.
“Bloody-” started Lavender
“Why don't you cuss?” asked Parvati, who apparently heard my `DONKEYED' last night
“I find it disrespectful.” I replied
“Of course you do, what happen to the girl that I met that said a cuss word every other word?” asked Gigi sarcastically
“She left the building.” I replied.
“Okkayy, well I am going to try to fall sleep an wake up again at a more descent time.” Said Parvati
“Me too.” Agreed Lavender.
“Well, see ya guys later,” I started.
“We're going to roam the hallways and learn the campus.” Finished Gigi.
“Have fun with that.” Replied Hermione.
“Oh, we will.” Whispered Gigi and I.
Great Hall Door
Gigi and I walked down to the Great Hall door after we were sure that all the other girls were asleep. We say two figures pacing back and forth, but when we got closer, we noticed that it just was our brothers.
“We are so glad,” started Josh
“That you guys are okay” finished Ronny
“We heard screaming,”
“From the girls dormitories.”
“We tried to get up there,”
“But the stairs won't let us through,”
“We tried to open a mind link,”
“But the mental blocks Gigi put up were too strong,”
“But that's good,”
“Cause it means that no one can get in our minds,”
“So now what should we do?” asked Josh and Ronny.
“Gigi, you a baka.” I said after Josh and Ronny's little talk thing.
“You woke me up an hour before sunrise.”
“You were the one that yelled.” I retorted
“Yeah, well you're still a ba-” Gigi stop suddenly, and pointed behind us, “ Two people, strong mental blocks, probably teachers, hide now.”
We immediately separated to hide, but kept a mental link open so we were still somewhat connected. Ronny used his wings to fly up to the rafters, Gigi took Josh with her and phased into the shadows, and I, I melted like a popsicle, but made sure to do it by a wall, so it won't be suspicious. When the people walked by, we noticed that it was just Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore.
“Albus, do you think that it's still safe?' asked Minerva
“Of course it's safe, just because we have them here, doesn't mean that they'll turn on us and destroy the school.” replied Albus chuckling.
“Well that makes me feel a whole lot better, but I do worry about the students, I mean, they are known for their ruthlessness.” worried Minerva.
“I highly doubt that they will attack the students.” replied Albus.
“Well, I just hope that-” Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore, were now out of earshot, as they turned the corner and started down the next hallway. Ronny came down from the rafters, Gigi and Josh came out of the shadows, and I reformed.
“What do you think they meant when they said,” started Ronny
“They are known for their ruthlessness.” finished Josh.
“They probably meant the Dementors.” Said Gigi
“Well, until we can mind scan them they could have meant us.” I replied
“We should be very careful around them, and if you get a detention from them, then make sure that you do it together.” Gigi told the boys, who were probably going to get a detention quicker than you can say `students out of bed'.
“Students, students out of bed.” Cried a voice from behind us. Great, just great, we got caught, “Now what are four students doing out of bed after hours.”
We turned around and saw that the voice belonged to Filch, the caretaker, and one of the top-five-people-not-to-piss-off-at-Hogwarts list that Harry and Hermione gave to us at the Leaky Cauldron.
“Actually sir, we are out before hours, so we did nothing wrong.” Gigi said smartly
“Well what we you students doing out before hours, planning to pull a prank, plotting, you no good students.” He sneered
“No, we were ummm… discussing errr, what were we discussing again?” replied Josh.
“Cats,” Gigi said quickly.
“We were discussing what cat we think is the cutest in the school, so far Ronny, Josh, and Gigi say that Mrs. Norris is the cutest, but I think it's a tie between Hermione's new cat and Mrs. Norris” I explained.
When Mrs. Norris heard this, she jumped up on Gigi's shoulder, then climbed onto her head purring. I petted her a couple time, and Josh and Ronny tried to jumped up so they can pet her also. Filched looked slightly happy at this.
“Well, you are correct, you can't get in trouble, but next time stay in your common room to discuss this, or wait till breakfast.”
“Yes Sir” we replied. Mrs. Norris jumped off of Gigi's head, then went back to Filch's side to continue patrolling. After a few minutes Gigi turned to me with fire in her eyes.
“Now, before we were interrupted, I think that we were having a discussion about you waking me up an hour before sunrise,” Gigi's voice was laced with fury, “ what do you think you should do now?”
“I think that I need to find you an alarm clock and a new anger management therapist.” I retorted.
“Gigi, remember the letter that you wrote us last year.” Ronny said, trying to calm Gigi down. “About the training time stuff.”
“Yeah, I remember that letter.” replied Josh
“Gigi, you can take out all your anger during a training time.” I said, becoming very afraid now. The last time I got Gigi mad, I was out of classes for three days.
“One problem, they don't have a training time.” Gigi replied.
“We can request a training time.” Answered Josh.
“Yeah, I guess so.” the fire in Gigi's eyes went down, now they were their normal black.
“Now what should we do.” Asked Josh and Ronny.
“Sleep.” Answered Gigi.
“I agreed.” I said.
With that being said, we all made our way back to the common room, but rested on the chairs.
One And A Half Hours Later
(A/N: Sunrise is at 6 `o clock, so right now it would be like 7:45, and also, like the book, classes are starting at 9)
Other Gryffindors started to come into the common room, barely any of them looked fully awake, all except Hermione. She was reading away, I guess she really like to read.
“Hey, look, the schedules are posted on the bulletin board.” Said Harry.
Gigi got up to check out our classes.
“We have divination at nine `o clock, then Care Of Magical Creatures, then not sure.” Said Gigi.
“I'll check out what we have later later.” I replied
“Lacy, Gigi, come on. If we don't get down to the Great Hall soon, we'll be VERY late to class.” shouted Ronny and Josh from across the room.
Gigi and I hurried up to our dorms and grabbed our school bags full of schoolbooks and random items, like this glow stick I found a couple months ago. After we grabbed our stuff, we jogged over to were Ronny and Josh were waiting, and then proceeded to run to the Great Hall. I mean, we didn't want to be late on our first day, now did we.
“Oh my gawd, it must be later than we thought!” I cried.
Gigi and I ran to the table and started dishing up food onto our plates. Ronny and Josh were still walking to the table, grinning slightly.
“Okay, what is it.” Gigi asked when she noticed the boys walking slowly and grinning.
“Well… I hate to tell you this,” started Ronny
“But it's very important. Even though,” Josh said
“You might try to kill us for this, buuuutttt” Ronny said, stretching the last word.
“YOU”VE BEEN PRANKED!!” they yelled in our faces. Which earned glares and stared from all the other people in the hall, who apparently didn't enjoy Ronny and Josh's yelling.
“What do you mean, we've been pranked?” asked Gigi coldly.
“Well, do you guys know what time it is?” asked Josh.
“Yeah…nooo” I answered.
“Well, it is now 7:55.” Responded Ronny.
“Do you know what time class starts?” asked Josh
“…yes…maybe…no” replied Gigi
“Class starts at 9 `o clock.” Answered Ronny and Josh
“Soooooo” I said, not understanding their prank at all.
Gigi got what the prank was, or she got something stuck in her eye, `cause it was twitching. Then she took a deep breath, now the boys are in trouble.
“YOU BAKAS KNOW THAT LACY AND I DON'T NORMALLY EAT BREAKFAST!!!! CLASS STARTS IN AN HOUR, YET YOU BRING US DOWN HERE, WHEN WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LEAVE THE COMMON ROOM `TILL WHAT, ABOUT TEN MINUTES `TILL CLASS STARTS!!! YOU BAKAS!!!” Gigi earned us more glares, but she didn't care, she was fuming that the boys tricked us into coming down here early. During Gigi's little `rant', the boys' faces went from grinning evilly to ultimately scared.
“We should run now, shouldn't we.” Josh said timidly.
“No” Gigi grinned evilly, again, “We'll get you back later, right Lacy?”
“Oh… yyyeeeeeaaaahhh rrriiiggghhttt Gigi.” I replied, finally getting what the prank was.
Josh and Ronny now looked petrified of what Gigi and I will do to get them back, probably a few balloons full of bleach and pink dye. They started backing away from us, then turned on their heal a ran right up to the end of the Gryffindor table, which is the closest spot to the teachers.
They are such cowardly bakas, don't you agree Gigi? I thought to Gigi, since I didn't feel like talking out loud.
They are just joking around, they know that we won't hurt them that much, besides, they know that we aren't as good at pranks as them. Responded Gigi.
They are listening into our mind link again, aren't they. I said. Whenever Gigi and I get pissed at them, we usually talk in mind link for a while, and the boys are always so curious to what we are thinking, invade our mind link. After a while it gets annoying, so then we start to talk about girly or smart stuff, then they just leave on their own.
Time for debate 358! Said Gigi
I feel more of convo 853. I replied jokingly.
We don't have a convo 853. Gigi grumpily said.
All right debate 358 then, that's the one Barbies vs. make-up, right? I asked
Yes, I'll do Barbies, you do make-up, since you actually wear it. Gigi answered.
I knew I forgot something, I'll be right back, or do you want to come with me? I said hurriedly
Yea, sure, I have nothing better to do. Gigi answered.
Maybe with the extra time, we can find the right color eye shadow for you. I said hopefully. For the past three years, I have been trying to find the right eye shadow for Gigi, so far, I have failed.
Ummmm… no. I'll just keep you company. Replied Gigi
Okkkaaaayyy, but the first weekend we have, I am going to try the darker purples and reds on you, since the light pinks, yellows, and blues don't work. I said, Gigi tensed up, not looking forward to the weekend torture.
Well come on I said grabbing her hand and half pulling half dragging her toward the door.
“Let go Lacy.” Gigi pulled her hand away and started walking, but had `The Look' on her face.
`The Look' is the look that Gigi gives me telling me to shut up or something/one is going to get hurt. We silently walked up to the Gryffindor common room, passing almost all the other Gryffindor student on our way up. When we got to our dorms, Gigi sat down on her bed and pulled out one of her many mangas and started reading, while I put on some light tanish color eye shadow, and a little bit of clear lip gloss. Which took about 7 minutes. Now there are only 30 more minutes to kill.
I am very sorry for the lateness of this chapter, I've been busy babysitting my younger bro, aka Josh, and been having some writer's block. The next chapter will be about Divination, and maybe Care Of Magical Creatures, but that will probably be a separate chapter.
~Uma =^-^=