Fan Fiction ❯ Manarda ❯ Manarda ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The rest of the wedding went as planned, the day turning into our wedding night ever so gently. The moment the sky changed and the cold nipped, they ran inside save Nilrauko and us. He led us deep into the forest until we came across a young beech. High in the branches was a small, silver heaven among the crown of colored leaves. It was walled in from prying eyes with a tiny balcony. I had never seen it before.

He glanced at me and winked. "This place has been here many thousands of years. It is one of the secrets of our forest, saved for princely weddings. And now it is yours for one week. Farewell for a short while, Legolas and Nevlothiel." Nevlothiel kissed his cheek and we climbed swiftly up.

That was 9 months ago.

I am sitting here, in the woods, waiting for the right moment to go back. I understand that she must be in much pain, but in cases the most extreme, let her see Aragorn, not I! Often times at night I come back here to think and write. She usually just sits in her bed and sings to herself.

I wonder what its name can be? I compiled a small list nearly a year ago. It has grown as I have met more people. Not yet have we brought up the topic. I should.

Aragorn has still not returned to Minas Tirith, which means Faramir must be about ready to march over to Mirkwood and slice off his head. He often tells me it is because he thought he would be needed after the wedding. I still do not understand why he needs to be here the entire time. She is coming along very well, everyone tells me, and that nothing can go wrong.

Arwen is very tired of this place. While Aragorn goes off hunting with my brothers and me, she either stays with my sisters or talks to Nevlothiel. According to the news from Ithilien, we are not the only couple expecting a child. Éowyn is nearing 8 months already. When I spoke with the messenger, he seemed down at the mention of children. As in my nature, I asked what had happened.

His response was, "This is their 2nd try. Their last child was still-born."

Nevlothiel did not like that thought at all, nearing her nine-month mark. She is deathly afraid this may happen, for she has always yearned for motherhood and loves all children. Often times, she will walk down the corridor to the throne room, which is lined with statues of my siblings and me when we were of a young age. She usually takes the longest time by the smallest.

Hold on a moment. Morinzilion has just come. I will write more later.


Legolas was sitting, unaware of anything when he came to find him. The prince smiled calmly and rose. "Does my lady call for me?" he asked casually. Morinzilion shook his head.

"More correctly is she screams it."

Legolas looked puzzled for a moment. "Screams?" Suddenly, it was clear to him. The color drained from his face. "But… it is not due for nearly two weeks!"
"It is early."

"What are we waiting for?!" he cried, grabbing Morinzilion's hand and dragging him back towards the palace eagerly. He pounded through the halls until he reached the master bedroom, where his wife lay, surrounded by family and friends. He grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek.

She smiled, the sweat pouring down her brow. "We are having a baby," she said weakly. "It will be the most beautiful of all the children ever."

He beamed. "It will be so brilliantly beautiful that we will have to shield our eyes to hold it all back."

She laughed weakly. Aragorn grabbed his shoulder. "Legolas, step back please. How am I supposed to bring this child into the world if you are flirting with your wife? Just hold her hand." He obeyed and scooted over.

"Are you ready?" Aragorn asked.

"More ready than ever," she replied.

Legolas' eldest sister, Tinuviel, ran out and returned moments later with armfuls of cloth. She knelt down, dipped one into a basin of ice water. She handed it to her brother. "Pat her forehead every so often," she commanded lightly.

Aragorn shouted at the eager relatives to get back. He turned back to her. "I need you to push as hard as you can when I say. All right? Push."

She pushed again and again, growing weaker with every lurch from her tiny body. After about an hour, Legolas heard the sound of a child crying. Nevlothiel lay exhausted, gasping for air. She rolled her head towards Legolas and smiled.

Tinuviel gently washed it before wrapping the babe in blankets and handing it to Legolas. "She is beautiful," she whispered. He held his daughter in the crevice of his arm.

"She is so small. I feel as though she will blow away in the wind."

Aragorn washed his hands and came over to Legolas. He observed the girl and patted his shoulder. "She is one of the loveliest sights in the world. Have you thought of a name?"

Legolas stood and looked at his wife. "Nevlothiel? Would you like to name her?"

Her eyes could barely stay open. "I have chosen one." Just as she could wait for sleep no longer, she breathed the word, "Estel."

Everyone glanced at Aragorn. He shivered slightly and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. "What a beautiful name," he said calmly.

Thranduil shoved his way to his son and took his granddaughter in his arms. "Who ever thought you could accomplish something so great, son?" he said, smiling. He faced the crowd. "I am a grandfather! At last!" he cried joyously. Nevlothiel shook awake.

"Can I see her?" she asked weakly.

The king faced her and nodded. He gently handed her to her mother. Her eyes welled with tears as the baby drifted to sleep. "My little Estel. My hope." She pressed her cheek against its cherub-like face and softly sang.

The night comes slowly, softly

The day goes drifting by

The moon is rising quickly, rushing

The world rests its eye

My child, do not fear

For here you are safe from harm

Tremble not like a leaf in cold

Rest in the mother's arm

Legolas brushed the babe's cheek and continued.

The dawn is slowly coming, waking

The sun is near the sky

The night grows ever warmer, loving

The daylight does not lie

My child, do not fear

Once was lost much before you came

Tremble not like a leaf in cold

Hush now, my tiny dame

Morinzilion came towards them both. He smiled at his sister and his niece. In a quiet voice, he created more.

The day is now drifting, floating

The river starts to rest

The evening star is shining, twinkling

The night now draws abreast

My child, do not fear

You came and all is well

Tremble not like a leaf in the cold

Young beautiful Estel

The old king's eyes crinkled into a smile. He glanced at Nevlangion. "Your children are quite poetic."

"So are yours."

Thranduil looked at Legolas with loving eyes. "Yes… he is…" he said slowly, as though realizing for the first time. Legolas smiled and embraced his Father. He seemed a tad startled at first, but then relaxed. A tear appeared in both eyes.

The throne's heir watching selfishly from the corner of the room. He snorted and turned away from his brother. He loathed the child with such a deep sense. That thing was nothing but evil- the daughter of his perfect brother and his perfect wife. He smirked and moved his hand to his arm, feeling the deep scar.

If he could not cause enough strife one way, he would have to think of another. He walked to the front of the room. Legolas pulled away from his father and backed towards Nevlothiel. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Only to congratulate you two," Manarda smiled. He leaned towards Legolas' ear. "It seems for once laying around has done something," he hissed.

"That was a very uncalled for remark," the victim said blandly. He whispered back harshly, "Just because you never got to does not mean you have the right to blame others."

Manarda glanced at Nevlothiel and felt his heart pound. His mind flashed back to the woods many months before. Her stance, the fire in her eyes. He pushed his brother to one side and gently touched the baby's hair.

"I see beauty is generic in your family."

Nevlothiel glanced at her mother quickly. Vardarûniel nodded softly. She faced the elf again. "Yet it seems to skip a few in yours." Manarda laughed.

"Oh I get it." He stroked Estel's cheek. "Can I?"

Mornizilion interrupted. "I think not."

"Why not? I am the babe's kin as well."

Legolas hesitated for a moment, then pried his child from his bride's arms. Nevlothiel gasped slightly. "Watch her head," he said flatly, giving her to his brother.

Manarda glanced at the little girl, his heart about to burst open with anger. He forced his face to be calm. The child should have been mine, not that little snide bastard's, he thought furiously. Estel yawned, her tiny pink face stretching. He placed her back in her mother's arms, brushing her soft arms slightly. He winced and stepped back.

Arwen came and held Aragorn's hand. "You are very lucky," she muttered. She kissed Legolas' brow. She touched the tiny points on Estel's ears. "A new born is such a joy in these times. She is one of the last to be born in the world."

A loud noise of feet running up the stairs made everyone jump. In burst the prince of Dol Amroth, quickly pursued by Faramir, Éomer, and a very pregnant Éowyn. Imrahil slapped Legolas on the back, laughing. "You sly old bastard!" he giggled, slapping him on the back. Legolas winced slightly and smiled.

"At least I-"

The young prince smacked a hand over his mouth, causing Legolas to cringe once again. Faramir laughed and kissed Nevlothiel on the cheek. "What is her name?" he said, gently touching the baby's cheek.


The four glanced at Aragorn. "Do you mind?" Éowyn asked. He made no answer.

"It is a girl," was all he commented.

Éomer smiled. His sister came and retrieved Estel. "She is so beautiful- a Tinuviel almost," she whispered, rocking the child in her arms. Nevlothiel looked worn. Éowyn gave her back.

Nevlothiel kissed her child. She turned her head to the crowd. "I am most sorry, but I am weary from the labor of becoming a mother and the child was just born. We would both enjoy rest." She laid her head against her pillows and clasped Estel to her breast. The child grunted slightly.

Legolas held the door open while the crowd left. All that remained was Thranduil, Galadriel, Morinzilion, Nilrauko, and himself. Galadriel stepped forth and sat on the end of the bed. She gently combed Nevlothiel's hair with her fingers. "Well do I remember becoming a new mother," she whispered.

Nilrauko sighed, "I am sorry for your loss."

"Soon I shall be joining my child though," she said softly.

As she had done so many times before, the room was filled with uncomfortable silence. Nilrauko and Morinzilion stared at each other. Morinzilion opened his mouth and closed it several times, as though wishing to speak. The baby scrunched its face and gave a few quick grunts. Nevlothiel's eyes began to open.

Legolas kissed her cheek and slipped the child out from under her arms. Estel began to wail, but Galadriel placed a finger to the child's lips and silenced her. "Thank you," he smiled. He touched the child's nose.

"How does it feel?" his father asked.

He glanced quickly at him and down at his daughter. "Like love."

Thranduil beamed. "You were always the one who never explained yourself. Try again."

"How do you explain the unexplainable?" he sighed. He went and kneeled by his wife's side. "The night I met her, I was filled with joy. I could not speak, for my throat was filled with only words to her. The only thing I ever saw beautiful was her face.

"Even now, after a year and a half, I feel no different. She fills my days with breathless emotion and glory. She fills my nights with comfort and pleasure. I cannot see being without her. I never will have to be again," he said, gently placing a kiss on her resting lips. "And now she has given me a gift more precious than any treasure. She gave me her blood and mingled it with mine.

"Her hair… my eyes… her nose… my ears…" he muttered, touching the tiny point on the child's ear. "How am I feeling right now? I feel alive, like there is something meant for me. I have a purpose and a future. It takes no king to see that I love these women, for maybe a peasant can understand."

Morinzilion glanced at the ground. "I feel so… useless."

Galadriel took a finger and lifted Legolas' face to meet her eyes. "She is soon to be troubled. As her father, you must be responsible for her actions. No one will quite understand her pains." She glanced at Thranduil and then back. "She is the heir to Finrod, my brother, and a line of the most powerful kings ever known to us. Much has been placed upon her as the firstborn."

She leaned forward and placed a kiss upon the child's lips. "You are blessed with the beauty of those before you. Small one, the virtues are too great. You are so fortunate- you had the love of all nations before your first cry was heard." She addressed Legolas again. "She will have a tendency to be dishonest. Be a bit wary of what she says to you. But trust her as you can, for she needs friends."

With that, she left them there.


At last, the time has come. I creep down the hall towards the room she has been laid. There she is, alone, sleeping. I urge my way across the room, my feet not wanting to go. But I force them to.

Her bosom rises and falls slowly in breathing, her skin milky in the dim light. I sit on the end of the bed and stare at her. Suddenly she blinks. "Legolas?" she asks groggily.


She sits up, attentive. "Why are you here?" she cries.

"Nevlothiel, Nevlothiel…" I smile. "You are so beautiful when you sleep."

I try to take her hand. She pulls away and rises. "What can you do to me?" she says, backing away quickly. "I am one of your family now. I bore you niece this morning. The child of your brother!"

She hits a wall and I get to my feet. "What difference does a band make?" I sneer, anger surging through my veins.

"I shall scream, you bastard! Leave it to the thief to come when I am most vulnerable."

"That night!" I say, grabbing her wrists and twisting them. She screams in pain and anguish. "On the river!" I grab my sleeve and pull it up, displaying my arm. "You could defend yourself then!"

"No weapons you carry now. My husband, your brother! He lies in the next room with my child. If you do this, you could never forgive yourself!" she wails.

"Has he comes to you, though you scream? Nay!" I slam her against the wall. Her legs crumple and I grab her arms to support her. "Try and play games with me, will you?" I laugh. I kiss her forcefully. She writhes.

I pull away, dropping her to the ground. "That is as far as you got last time. It will be this time too!" she yells. I hear the pounding of feet in the hall suddenly and run for the window. I open them and slip silently onto the balcony, the curtains hiding me from the intruder.

I hear her sobbing loudly and I cover my ears. I hear a familiar voice. "Nevlothiel! What has happened?" Haldir says gently. I move slightly so I can see through the curtains. There are three figures, two male and that of Nevlothiel.

"Manarda," she says, choking on my name. I smile wickedly at her.

The third voice says, "Did he try to- that little-"

"What will foul language do here?" Haldir declares harshly. "Stay with her while I rouse Legolas."

"No," Nevlothiel protests. "No… he cannot be told. He should be joyous… his daughter was born. He cannot deal with his wife's troubles."

"He loves you. He will understand."

"It is my burden to bear. Let me."

"But perhaps he can prevent-"

Nevlothiel shakes her head. "Haldir… I am too frightened to have to explain. Please… perhaps in the morning I can tell. But now? Let him rest."

The unidentified figure kneels by her. "Yes, Haldir. Let them both rest. I will stay and watch with her tonight. You return to Lórien in the morning and you must be calm. Fetch me my sword."

Haldir mutters something and goes out. The man helps her back onto her bed. "You have been quite shaken this day. Rest or you will lose all beauty, morning sun."

"He is waiting."

"Where is he?" the man asks, suddenly forceful. She gasps and takes a deep breath, pointing to the window.

"Damn…" I mutter.

"Show yourself, Manarda."

I step into the light. "Who is there?"

"Come here."

I walk towards him. He moves between Nevlothiel and me. As my eyes adjust, I can tell who he is. "Imrahil?"

The prince bows quickly. "Why, Manarda. Why her? She is taken. Go find someone else who can be legally knocked up."

I cock an eyebrow. "Take a good look at her." He stares at me, unsure. "I will not attack you. I may be unpopular, but I would never attack a turned man."

"What about a woman," he adds blandly.

"She was looking at me the whole time."

He sighs and turns around, looking at her. Nevlothiel is gasping in terror, her eyes switching between the two of us. "What about her?" he asks, knowing.

"She is beautiful, a girl only suitable for the crown."

"She has it."

"He will never get the chance. How can she love Legolas? He is scrawny, he is weak, he is-"

"Weak!" Imrahil laughs. "How mistaken can you be? 41! He killed 41 orcs in one night!"


He nods. "So I hear." He sits next to her on the bed and raises a hand. Like an abandoned kitten, she recoils and covers her head. "Nevlothiel, you know me. You can trust me. Why do you turn?"

"I want only one man to touch me. Ever."

With a sigh, he turns back to me. "See? She loves Legolas. There is no other explanation for her behavior. The choice was among the seraphs, not among them. You cannot just try to win her now. They are bound by holy matrimony."

"Do you take me as a fool? I was there," I reply coldly.

He laughs gently. Haldir peeks through the door. "Imrahil. Your-" Imrahil grabs it from him and places it to his throat.


Nevlothiel almost rises. "Sire!"

I step towards her. Imrahil scurries between us. "Get away from her, you cur!"

Haldir backs out quickly, slamming the door. "Imrahil, you are a very reasonable man. What do you wish?" I ask.

"Peace!" he cries, his eyes pleading. "At all times, save this last year, my life was HELL! Dol Amroth was always at war, protecting your lands. And I was able to be safe for one sweet year. Is that too much to ask, for my whole life to be like this? It all started with men like you!"

I pace the floor. "What! Did the orcs come and rape your women? How many, I ask you, how many of my people were disgraced by them! Captured by Saruman meters away from where we stand now. I want peace too. But evil still exists. Imrahil, Imrahil… please. I will give you peace."

Nevlothiel rises and slaps me. I feel the sting across my face and I grab her wrists, seething with a hidden anger. "Bitch!" I hiss. She screams and Imrahil tackles me to the ground.

"I SAID TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!" he cries. I knock the sword from his hand. He punches my jaw, cracking it. Searing pain rushes over my head. I suddenly feel something blunt hit the back of my skull. I go numb, feeling nothing. I collapse completely and let the darkness consume me.


Nevlothiel dropped the sword and stepped back. "My god, my god…" she kept uttering. Imrahil touched Manarda's face and rolled off of him. He gasped, sweating from the struggle. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around the blade.

He placed the polished end under Manarda's nose. "There is steam, I see." Nevlothiel let out a sigh of relief. She knelt next to him and embraced him. But his eyes were fixed on Manarda. "What will Thranduil do?" he asked her shakily.

She stared at him in horror. "His son tried to rape me!"

"And in return, we try to murder him! If someone burst in now, how would this look? You are holding me, I am standing over an unconscious prince, and there is a sword at hand!" He shook her off of him. He rubbed his brow gently. "Fetch me Legolas."

"I cannot bear to see him at this mo-"


She rose and went out in alarm. In the next room, the prince could hear the sound of mumbling and a large "What!" Legolas burst into the chamber and fell to his knees at his brother's side. "Manarda! How- What?"

Nevlothiel entered, cradling Estel. "We cannot stay here," she said gently, but with a firmness beyond normality. "I cannot trust being in the same place as him. Estel cannot-"

"I know, love. It is for all of us."

She stared at him sadly. "We must go soon."

"We must go tonight. Father will not understand," he said, touching his brother's cheek gently. "He never does. This is for our daughter." He rose, taking the child from his wife. He kissed her.

"Wait till the morning. We can go with my people." She placed a hand on his cheek. "I have been through much today. We are all so tired."

Imrahil rose. "I shall watch your family till the dawn."

"So be it," Legolas sighed. "Stay in this room and tie him up."

Estel scrunched her face and began to cry. "Not now!" Nevlothiel pleaded, taking back her child. She sat on the bed. "Please turn around a moment, Imrahil." He busied himself in binding Manarda, which he enjoyed to his surprise. He propped the elf's body up in a chair and took a seat as well, facing the door.

When Estel had finished eating and drifted back sleep, Legolas came over to him. "Thank you, Imrahil. You have always been there. I have missed you, friend."

"Where were you?" he asked viciously.

He took a step backward in shock. "I was asleep in the next room."

"You woke up quickly!"

"I always do. I am a light sleeper."

Imrahil laughed. "She was screaming, Legolas!"

"Even if I was awake, I did not want to risk leaving a newborn ruler behind, defenseless."

"She could have been killed! Would you rather have Nevlothiel or your daughter?"

"You know I cannot-"

Imrahil screamed in reply, "ANSWER ME!"

Legolas shook his head. "Difficult, very difficult. It depends on what the situation was." He glanced at his feet. "No, no… I would choose Nevlothiel. We could always have others and the risk is more upon her. We now know about Manarda's little… God…"

He put his head down into his hands and continued. "Women! They always seem to die! All the female elves I have ever known end up dead or leave."

"They all have to leave."

"I know," he sighed. "I must as well."

Imrahil shrugged. "Arwen doesn't. Think Legolas! You are only referring to a few."

"Arwen is a special case. She is bound by her own will to our dear Aragorn."

"I am young, but not stupid."

Legolas looked at him, noticing for the first time how close he was to childhood. His youthful cheeks were still visible beneath his strong cheekbones. His eyes were playful, but had seen much battle. "How old are you?"

"20 summers."

Legolas gave a small gasp. "20!"

"I lost my youth on the battlefield."

"Still, you are amazingly young."

He shook his head. "These eyes have seen more bloodshed than you ever have. Helm's Deep was a terrible battle, I hear. But imagine tens upon hundreds of Helm's Deeps. A man cannot be youthful after so many hardships."

Legolas sighed. "I doubt you not."

Imrahil waved a hand casually towards Nevlothiel and her daughter. "Go to them. You need rest if you are to flee."

"Damn it…" he said angrily. But he bid the prince a goodnight and crawled into bed with his family.

"Legolas, I am sorry…" Nevlothiel said sleepily.

He kissed her gently. "It is not your fault. Do not trouble yourself."

"I know it is not. Is there no chance of staying?"

"We have overstayed our welcome as it is. I just pray Father does not hunt us down and lock us up."

Nevlothiel smiled. "We just gave him his first grandchild. Even he is not so blind as to steal her from us."

"Yet." He pulled her against him and sighed. "I will return shortly. I left Estel's cradle in the other room."

Imrahil got up and went out before he could move. He returned a moment later and set it next to them. Nevlothiel placed her daughter into it softly and tucked the silk sheet around her tiny body. "Amin mela lle. Dina. Quel kaima. Vanimle sila tiri."

Legolas pulled her back to him and kissed her. "We must rest as well, A'maelamin. You are shaking." He stroked her golden hair until he felt her breathing grow warmer and deeper in sleep. "Why?" he whispered to the air. He felt himself slip into a trance.

Manarda stirred and opened his eyes. He felt the chains binding him and glanced over at Imrahil. His mouth was gagged. Imrahil smiled at him, pulled out his sword, and brought the handle hard upon Manarda's skull. There was a sickening crack.

Manarda grunted and passed out, falling onto his face with the impact. Imrahil laughed and resheathed his blade. "Good night, sleeping beauty," he whispered. He rubbed his tired eyes, but forced himself to stay awake. He rose and went over to the baby.

Estel seemed microscopic next to him, but he did not care. He gently picked her up, staring at the sleeping parents. He carried her across the room to his chair and sat. Kissing the baby, he rocked it in his arms and began to sing to her a song he heard long ago.

Gee, but it's hard

When one lowers one's guard to

The vultures…

Now me, I regard it

A torturous hardship

As spoken

Like a peppermint eaten away

Will I fight? Will I swagger or sway?

Teehee, Milady

She cries like a baby

Scold us

See her tumbling down

See her tumbling down

Heil to the monkey

We're having a funky reunion

Wasted and sunk, he can only have

Sunday communion

He's got nicotine stains in his eyes

He's got nothing to protect but his pride

All smothered and kissed

To be drowned in blissful confusion

See her tumbling down

See her tumbling down

Estel yawned and rolled against him. He glanced down at her in love. "Some day, I will to marry," he told her. "And my daughters shall look like you- beautiful." He touched the child's cheek. "Never, never die. We all love you too much." He placed Estel back in her crib.


Estel peered into the crib. "Father? What is that thing?"

"It is your brother," Legolas smiled.

"I did not want a brother!"

"When you have your own, you can decide."

"What is his name?"

Nevlothiel touched her daughter's shoulder. "It is Orophin."

"Like Uncle Haldir's brother?"




"Because why?"

Legolas laughed. "Because we like that name."

Nevlothiel nodded. "He helped us live here. He found us our home."


Legolas took Nevlothiel's hand, but Estel was too busy talking to notice. The noise of someone coming up the rope ladder was heard and she spun around. "Uncle Aragorn! Uncle Imrahil!" she screamed, running over and tossing her tiny arms around Imrahil's neck.

"Estel!" Aragorn laughed, kissing her cheek. "I brought you a present."

"GOODY!" she cried and grabbed the box from his arms.

"Eager little thing…"

She ripped everything apart. "There is nothing in here…" she said curiously.

"Look outside."

She stared out. "HE BOUGHT ME A PONY!"

Legolas stared evilly at Aragorn. "You bought her a horse?"

"She is royalty after all." He went over to the crib. "How cute… a little boy."

"A PONY A PONY A PONY!" the little girl screamed.

Imrahil covered his ears. "Please, Estel, not so loudly."

She ran down the ladder and jumped on the pony's back. "I want to name it-"

"Bill is a fine name for a horse."

Legolas ran to the doorway. "What are you doing here!" he laughed. He climbed down and embraced the three hobbits. "Sam! Pippin! Merry! It is so nice to see you again!"

"This one of yours?" Sam said, pointing to Estel, who was whacking the pony's rear, trying to make it stop grazing.

"Unfortunately," he smiled. "Like this," he said encouragingly to his daughter. He set her on it. "Tap the side of his neck and carefully kick his side with your foot." She did so and took off on the pony, laughing.

"Faster, Bill, faster!"

"So how are things at home?" Legolas said, returning to his quests.

Rosie Cotton came along, herding about a dozen children.

"Someone has been busy…" Pippin smirked.

Sam blushed.

Legolas brought them up the ladder to the talan. Imrahil agreed to watch Estel and Bill while everyone became reacquainted. Nevlothiel was thrilled to see them. Pippin was the first to notice the crib.

"You have two?"

"He was born no more than three days ago," she smiled.

"He is named Orophin," Legolas said.

Pippin nodded. "I see… by the way, I got married."

"What?" Nevlothiel gasped.

"Di! Come here!"

A short, jolly looking she-hobbit came up the ladder. "Oh dear, I dislike heights…" she muttered.

Legolas shook her hand. "Greetings. I am Legolas of Mirkwood. I traveled with Pippin on the-"

Di tossed her arms around him. "So you are Legolas! You saved us all, you did!"

He gasped for air. "Thank (gasp) you!"

Pippin pried her off. "This is my wife, Diamond of Long Cleeve. We married four months ago."

Merry looked around. "Lovely place you have here. O' course, everything in Lórien is beautiful."

Suddenly the sound of children laughing filled their ears. Imrahil's voice kept screaming, "Estel!" Aragorn and Legolas immediately flew down the ladder. Rosie was shushing her children.

Somehow, Estel had not stopped the pony before it fell in the river. Estel was soaking wet, but all right. Imrahil was waist-deep in it, wading out to get her. Aragorn was laughing hysterically. "At last! He gets wet below the waist!"

Legolas playfully slapped him. "Be polite! He is too young for that humor!"

"You aren't."

Imrahil pointed at the children on the banks. "They are!"

Aragorn paused. "You understood that?"

"I'm not that immature."

The king glanced over at Rosie, who was attempting to cover the older children's ears. "Um… sorry?"

"Sorry indeed," she sniffed.

Legolas placed a caring hand on the hobbit's shoulder. "Rose, why not take your children and Estel over to Haldir's. He can take them on a nature hike or something."

She nodded. "Anything to stay from the adult language." She gathered them up as Imrahil dried Estel off. Aragorn fished Billy the Pony II out of the river. Diamond and Rose went off.

The men watched them go and followed Legolas up the ladder. "So how many do you plan on having?" Pippin asked Nevlothiel.

She leaned against Legolas. "To be honest, we have not made any plans."

"Just keepin' busy with these two? Enjoy," Sam grunted.

"I would like more," she smiled.

"O' course, Miss Nevlothiel, but try not to forget any."

Aragorn laughed. "They are good parents. I just like to spoil Estel."

"He bought her a pony!" Legolas cried. "We can never look like good parents to her now!"

Pippin smiled. "I thought you liked ponies."

Merry interrupted with, "How old is Estel?"

"Going on about six summers," Legolas grinned.

"Six? She looks like three!"

"We age slower. It comes with the immortality."

There was a slight silence. Nevlothiel sighed and leaned against her husband. "Getting a little close?" Aragorn sneered. Legolas laughed and chucked a pillow from the nearest chair at him. It hit him square on the nose.

"Where is Arwen?" Nevlothiel asked after the commotion calmed.

"Visiting Elladan and Elrohir, of course."

"Of course…" she sighed. "I have not seen her since Estel was born."

He looked tired suddenly. "Since her family left her and her brothers, she has been down."

She nodded. "We all have. The Lady Galadriel is gone from us. The woods are missing their secure charm."

Legolas sighed. "So many have left us. You no longer see elves everywhere. The city is dying."

"My parents went," Nevlothiel whispered.

Pippin gasped. "We never knew!"

"Morinzilion is still around, naturally. Annúnostion went too. Ever since… He wanted to leave Middle-Earth so badly."

Aragorn leaned in closer. "Ever since what?"

Legolas raised an eyebrow. "You never knew?"


Nevlothiel sighed. "Many years ago, before any of you had ever visited these woods, Annúnostion was in love deeply. Her name was Luinros. She served the Lady with me and was fair in face and spirit. She was loved by all but loved only my brother.

"They married and immediately had twins named Pheradar and Andkris. He was always merry and bright around them. Every night, he would sing to them songs of old. He was the model father and the model husband. I had never seen him so pleased and it made us all thrilled to see them. I loved my niece and nephew.

"But all well ends in pain. He returned from hunting one night only to find them gone. He called together a great search, which lasted nearly a year. We covered all ground from the Shire to Minas Tirith. But we found nothing. He gave up all hope. He became cold. The only thing that kept him going was to sing. Late into the night, I would hear him singing to his window.

"I was fetching water one day when I saw a body floating face down in the water. I flipped it to face me and dragged it to land. It was none other than Andkris. I tried to revive him, but it was too late. He was dead long before I got to him. Annúnostion saw his dead son and immediately turned away. He went to his room and sang louder and more furiously than ever before.

"He suddenly burst out of his room, stern-faced. `If he came here, the others are along the Andúin.' He grabbed a boat and disappeared into the wild alone. We gave him up for dead, but he returned a month later. No matter how much we pleaded, he never spoke of what he found.

"He never sang again."

Everyone was quiet as she finished her story. Legolas kissed her lips, which trembled slightly in the memory. "Will you be all right, Nevlothiel?" he asked calmly. She nodded.

Even Aragorn did not speak as they stared into each other's eyes, gray and green. He pulled her close to him and she began to silently cry. Pippin shuffled his feet nervously. "I hate to do this, but the silence is killin' me." Legolas glared at him. He recoiled.

"Do you know what it is like?" she whispered. "How can you imagine pulling your son's child from the river, knowing he…"

"Shh shh…" Legolas said, rocking her in his arms.

She pulled away and went to the crib. She pulled Orophin to her. "Oh, my son, my son." Pippin and Merry glanced at each other. Legolas smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Our son."

She smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Our son."

"Are we having confessional?" Aragorn asked, putting his feet up on a table. "Because I have a good one." Legolas glanced at him and nodded. "I think Arwen is pregnant."

"Oh really!" Nevlothiel exclaimed, suddenly attentive.

"But she hasn't told me yet. Do you think there's a reason?"

Pippin shrugged. "She just isn't that kind of girl."

"I know. But just trying to reassure myself."

"Maybe she is not sure she is pregnant," Nevlothiel suggested. "It is not too easy to tell right away."

He rubbed the stubble on his chin. "I'm done. Someone else go."

No one else did. Orophin began to whine, so Nevlothiel went into the next room to nurse him. Legolas took a seat next to Aragorn. "How's married life?" Merry asked.

"Spectacular, of course."

Aragorn raised an eyebrow. "Why did you say it like that?"

"Say it like what?"

"You aren't being honest."

Legolas shook his head. "Oh yes I am! I am as in love with her as the day we were engaged. I love being a father."

"There's something else."

Everyone leaned in closer. He shifted. "I only wish we had not left Mirkwood in such haste. I looked forward to teaching them how to swim as I did. I wished to teach them to hunt on the wooded cliffs. I wanted to teach them how to track. Lóthlorien is beautiful, but meant only to be beautiful. Mirkwood was plain, but teeming with life. This ghost town is no place to raise children any longer.

"She would understand if I told her this, but we cannot go back. Manarda hates too much. My father-" He stopped and looked down. "My father does not care. I hear that he has married off several of my sisters and two of my brothers since I left. He does not care that I gave him his first grandchildren. He does not like either of us- why should he?"

"Don't beat yourself up…" Pippin said gently.

"Why should he?" Legolas put his head in his hands and massaged his brow. "I am used to rejection from him. I only wish I could have said good-bye. But there was too much risk." He rose and moved to the window.

"Do you miss your siblings?"

He nodded slightly. "Nilrauko stood up for me in the darkest hours. Tinuviel helped me get my daughter. Enedquelle led Nevlothiel to me when I thought I had no chance. Luinadarien… she taught me to love."

He smiled and closed his eyes. "I miss them all. But there is always a problem. If I had known about what Manarda would try to do twice, I would have never let the wedding take place in Mirkwood. I-"

"What is it?"

Everyone turned and saw Nevlothiel. She set Orophin back in the crib and went over to her husband. He held her close and pressed his face into her hair, whispering into her ears. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Please don't conceive a third child in front of us," Aragorn sneered. Legolas gave him a Not-Now-You-Old-Gray-King look. Aragorn shot him a Bring-It-On-Mister-I-Am-Prince-Of-Mirkwood-In-Exile-who-Is-Busy-Making-Out- With-My-Wife. Nevlothiel made a Screw-You-All-And-I-Like-Making-Out-with-My-Husband-In-Public.

"All right," Legolas said, stepping back from her.

She sighed and turned to the hobbits. "Sorry. I almost forgot we had company."

"It's always nice to see there's still a few sparks between you," Pippin smiled.

She ruffled his hair. "How about you and Diamond?"

"Oh! Um… we are working on getting a child."

Merry punched his arm. "You never told me! Tell me if you need any help!"

Pippin tackled him to the ground. Legolas tried to step between him. They grabbed his ankles and flipped him. Aragorn winced. "I can relate…"

Legolas grabbed his tailbone. "Dear god…"

Nevlothiel attempted to stop laughing and pulled her husband up. "Are you all right, dear?"

"In pain. Nothing new."

"He is married after all," Aragorn sneered. They all laughed. Suddenly, a strange grunting noise was heard on the bottom of the ladder. Legolas ran over to it. He gave a cry of joy.

"Friend Gimli! I have not seen you in long years!"


"Please, please! Nevlothiel, fill the flasks!"


She returned, her arms filled. The dwarf took it greedily. The hobbits were about to pour it down their throats. Aragorn did a dance. But Legolas silenced them. "To a long life! For our children and theirs! For our forever friendship!"

"Here! Here!" the hobbits cried.


"Bottom's up!" Strider wailed, pouring the cold liquid down his throat.

"Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain!" Pippin called.

Merry answered. "And the stream that leaps from hill to plain!"

"But better than rain and rippling brook!" Sam cried.

"Is the pint O' beer that can save this Took!"


Nevlothiel laughed gently. "I remember that song! There was another you sang for me the same night I heard that one." The hobbits seemed to grow solemn. The room filled with an uncomfortable silence.

"I miss Frodo too," Legolas sighed.

Aragorn smiled. "That song got him into a bit of trouble."

Pippin continued. "We were at the Prancing Pony in Bree. He was singin' and tripped. Strider came along."

"And within a few months, you met me," she said quietly. Legolas kissed her gently.

"You were worth the trip."

The noise of children filled their ears. "Short hike," Sam huffed. Estel's feet were heard on the ladder. She shrieked and ran over to her mother. She held up a rose under Nevlothiel's nose.

"Look, mother!"

Nevlothiel took the rose and closed her eyes, smiling. "Thank you."

"Uncle Haldir told me to give this to you."

Legolas laughed gently and took his daughter onto his lap. "How was your hike?"

"It was fun! One of the hobbits fell into the mud, and one of them fell in the river, and one of them fell out of a tree!"

Sam gulped.

"And Diamond is real nice! She said Mother was pretty. And she said that if she was an elf, Mother might have some competition for you."

Pippin blushed with a combination of embarrassment and jealousy. Legolas kissed Estel's brow and placed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Time for someone's nap."


"I'll do it," Aragorn said, stretching as he rose.

Imrahil rose as well. "Trust you with a bedtime story? I think not."

Sam hurried down the ladder. Legolas stared out after him, smiling as he and Rosie busied themselves in scrubbing faces and such. They laid blankets on the ground, the children crawling onto them and drifting into sleep. Rosie and Diamond went up the ladder and sat down in chairs.

"Children! What a handful!" Rosie exclaimed wearily. Sam kissed her forehead and knelt next to her on the ground.

"How many do you have?' Legolas enquired.


Nevlothiel let out a small gasp. "Thirteen?"

"'Fraid so."

Imrahil came out of a room down the hall, closing the door silently. "Legolas! Go look!" He did so and creaked open the door. He smiled and signaled the others. Aragorn was telling Estel a story, acting it out as he went along.

"And so I suddenly felt something dig it's teeth into my hand!" he exclaimed, grabbing his hand dramatically.

"What was it!" she shrieked.


She gasped. "No!"

"Try something a little more appropriate for sleep, Aragorn," Imrahil called through the door.

"All right, all right…" he sighed. He took a seat on a stool. "Beren and Tinuviel."

"I have heard this one."

"The story of the creation of the people of Middle-Earth."

"Heard it."

He paused. "How your father met your mother."

"Too many times."

"From my perspective."

"That too."


"Father invented it."

He tapped his foot. "Arwen and Estel."

"That too."

"Why your father and mother fled Mirkwood."

Estel sat up. "Mirkwood?"


"What is Mirkwood?"

He stared strangely at her. "What's Mirkwood?"


"Hold on," he said angrily. He flung open the door. The company ran back and sat back down before he noticed. "Legolas!" he screamed. "What's Mirkwood? What's Mirkwood!"

"It is a place. Just a place."

"She doesn't know anything, does she?"

He shook his head. "Why burden her?"

"She's old enough to know! How can you do this?"

Nevlothiel slapped him. Hard. "She is our child! We can decide her fate!"

"Then you shouldn't have had her. But you did. It is her fate to be what she its! She was born to you!"

Legolas rose in anger. "Who are you to tell us!"

"My mother never kept the truth from me. She didn't like the truth, but told me. It was my own choice to hide from it."

The parents fell silent. It was Pippin who spoke. "I side with Aragorn. She shouldn't have to wonder what Mirkwood is." Merry punched his arm.

"She's their kid."


Nevlothiel replied harshly, "We protect her and tell what we must."

Imrahil shook his head again and again. "I saved you. I saved you for what? It was all in vain. I could have let him take you easily. But I did it for Estel."

"Imrahil. If she knows of Mirkwood, then Manarda will exist for her. Do you want him to exist?"


Gimli grunted. "Legolas, even I am surprised. In Helm's Deep, you were so excited for me to meet your father, yet you refuse to let her know of any relation."

"I barely know you, but she has a right to," Diamond frowned.

"We are all against your decision. Go and tell her who you are, Legolas. Go, or you are a useless prince."

Legolas rose, but was pulled back down by his bride. "I beg of you! If you love me, you will not do this."

"This is my family, whether good or no. I cannot hide from my past any longer."

She got to her knees. "Legolas!"

"Either come with me and help explain. Help explain the ring. Help explain our story." He looked away. "Or we might as well never have another."

She stared at him in horror and frustration, but rose. She looked down sadly. "I obey." He clutched her hand and they walked to their daughter's room.


"So… Father's brother tried to hurt you, Mother?"

"He tried to touch me in wrong places. You should never let someone you do not feel comfortable with doing that."

"And you went away?"

Legolas nodded. "We thought it would be best. For all of us."

She nodded, wise beyond her young face. "I understand."

He ruffled her hair and smiled. "I knew you would, lovely."

"I want to meet Grandfather."

He nearly fell of the bed in surprise. "You want to meet my father? King Thranduil?"

"Yes. Please."

Nevlothiel shook her head. "We are not wanted there. Remember? That is where the bad people are."

"I do not care. I want to see Father's family. I want to meet that nice brother he has."


"Whatever. Take me there. Before we have to go away to that place."

Legolas embraced his daughter. "Estel, you know we cannot. Manarda is a bad, bad man. What if he tried to hurt you?"

She considered this. "What if he came here and hurt me?"

"He does not know we are here, though."

"Unless he is stupid, he does."

Legolas smiled. "That is my daughter."

"But can I meet Grandfather?" she pleaded.

Nevlothiel stared at her sadly. "No. We cannot go there. We are not welcome."

"But I am his grandchild! He will love me like my other grandmother and grandfather do."

"Do not hope too much."

"Father? Are you really a prince?"

He sighed and nodded.

"So Mother is a queen? And I am a princess?"

"Yes, yes."

"Then we should go there."

"We cannot!" he cried, frustrated.

"Yes you can, Legolas," Aragorn said, coming into the room. "Thranduil never banned you. You are welcome, just afraid."

He nodded. "I know, Aragorn."

Aragorn leaned over and looked the elf straight in the eye. "I agree, Estel. You should see your family. And Legolas, you know she has the right. And if you and Nevlothiel don't move your sorry asses to Mirkwood soon, I will come and take her away."

"You cannot do that!" Nevlothiel cried.

"I'm the king. I can do what I want. You know I can. Don't tempt me."

She closed her mouth angrily and took Legolas hand. Her husband kissed her hand and stared darkly at Aragorn. "The great kings did not spill their blood to be disgraced by their kin," he spat. Picking up Estel, he went into the common room, Nevlothiel dragging at his ankles.

"Imrahil, guard my house. Make yourself comfortable till we get back," Legolas called, setting his daughter down and going to pack.

"Where are you going?" the prince cried in unison with his wife.

"Nevlothiel, just act as your are now when we get there. He should stay far enough away."

She gasped at his rudeness and put Estel in her cloak. Pressing the little boots on the protesting child, she gave Aragorn a side-glance. "Good thing you bought her a pony today, eh?" He nodded. She rose and put on her own cloak. "Well, if I get raped or killed while I am there, I am sure Legolas will kill you," she said casually.

She picked Orophin up and wrapped a corner of her cloak around his tiny body. "Are you ready for your first journey? I guess it is your time. Estel went on one when she was your age." Legolas came out. She stepped back to look at him, slightly in shock. "I recognize that outfit."

"I am hoping anyone against us will too." He went to the front closet and grabbed his bow and quiver. He turned back to his guests. "Sorry we have to leave so quickly, but we just discovered a conspiracy. Ask Aragorn."

Pippin and Merry, though confused, came and embraced their hosts. Nevlothiel kissed Imrahil. "I never thanked you enough for the last incident in Mirkwood."

He reached behind his cloak and presented a knife. "I know you carry your own, but take mine. Carry this one not in your cloak, but in your dress. The chances are better."

She nodded and kissed him again. Legolas took her hand and thanking Imrahil one last time, dragged his family out of the talan. He went and got horses from the stables by the old palace of the lord and lady. Setting Estel on Bill the Pony II, he jumped up lightly onto Arod, his wife resting casually on her horse, Tinechor.

Backing the horse up, he glanced up at his home. "Do you think we will ever see it again?" Nevlothiel asked softly. He shook his head. She blew a kiss at the house and at her parent's. In the distance, she saw a figure running toward them. "Legolas?"

"I see it too," he said, jumping off and walking towards it.

Haldir stopped in front of him. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Mirkwood, Haldir! We are going to visit my grandfather!" Little Estel smiled.

He gaped at them. "You are taking your daughter to visit those animals?"

"They are my family," Legolas said sternly.

"Let me go with you."

"No. This is something we must do."

He sighed and went over to Nevlothiel. Taking her hand and kissing it, he bid her farewell. He turned to Legolas, asking one more time. Again, the answer was no. He whispered something to Estel and left them.


The breezy caught his hair as he beheld the pinnacle of the tower over his trees. He smiled, though his heart was troubled deeply. As though seeing the woods for the first time, he drunk its beauty in like one deprived of water for many days. His daughter trotted up beside him, the young pony gasping after the long ride.

Whispers of the wind blew around them, warning. Only Nevlothiel took heed of their words. He urged Arod to move forward and down the hill, followed by Bill II and Tinechor. They were no more than a league from the castle when Legolas stopped suddenly.

"Get down!" he hissed. "Hide quickly."

He yanked Estel off the pony and hid in a clump of bushes nearby. Covering Orophin more with her cloak, Nevlothiel hid up in a tree only a matter of feet from the bushes. Legolas made sure he could not see his wife and son and whispered gently to the horses to go.

"But Bill-"

He touched his child's lips. "Bill will be all right."

An arrow suddenly flew, hitting the trunk of the tree Nevlothiel was in. Two figures stepped out of the brush. "Damn! I could have sworn I saw something moving," one said. His companion jerked the arrow out and tossed it back.

"You might want to keep that, Vinyaanto. With your hunting skills, you need every arrow you can find."

"Oh very funny," Vinyaanto sneered. Suddenly, Orophin let out a wail. Bending his bow and fitting an arrow quicker than a human eye, he pointed at the noise. "Who is there?" he called. "Go look," he said, turning to his fellow.

"Why me?"

"You are younger."

Legolas frowned and watched him climb. He pulled back a branch and let out a cry.

"Vinyaanto! Vinyaanto! It is a girl!"

"What?" he cried. "Bring her down!"

Nevlothiel leapt lightly down, followed by the hunter. "I know who you are," she said casually. "But who I am, I cannot tell you, lest you hide your arrows."

The younger elf looked at her closely as Vinyaanto circled. "There is no need," he said. "I know you. You married our brother, his name not be spoken. Where is he?"

"Legolas?" she asked sadly.

They winced at his name. "The law allows it not to be spoken. Where is he, nonetheless," Vinyaanto stated.

"He is dead."

"Enedquelle? You are better the talker. Get the story out of her, for I do not believe this wench."

"Dead?" he asked, rather quietly. "How so, lady? Was it not the cry of a babe we heard just a few moments ago?"

She revealed the infant to them. "Orophin, son of he not to be named. Your nephew. Your niece lies dead with her father."

"What happened to them?" he questioned again.

She sighed as though in great pain. "They drowned. Estel was upon her pony, he was teaching her to ride. The pony could not stop itself and fell into the shallow of the river. The current pulled her under and she drifted away, hitting her head on a rock. Your brother tried to swim out to her, but even the strongest of elves cannot always conquer the Andúin."

Vinyaanto grabbed her chin and stared into her eyes. After a moment, he let out a cry. "She speaks true!" he wailed. Enedquelle bit his lower lip. His brother stared mournfully at Nevlothiel. "We are sorry for your loss."

A tear fell upon her cheek. "I came only to tell you."

Enedquelle embraced her. "Come, let us return so you may tell the tale to the king."

"Damn…" Legolas muttered under his breath as they went off into the woods. Estel squirmed.

"Where is Mother going?" she whispered.

"Come! We have to go get her."

"Why did she say we were dead?"

"I told you, Estel, we are not supposed to be here. I am banished." He stopped as the realization hit him full force. "I am banished…"

"Who were those people?"

"My brothers…"

"Can we go now?" the girl pleaded. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her, who began protesting, after his wife.

He saw the palace and picked his daughter up, running towards it. He came to the back gate and pounded on it. "Who be you?" a voice demanded.

"I am a traveler. Let me through."

"No one enters these walls, unless they be royal or guests of one."

Legolas sighed wearily. "Does it help that I know the password?"


He called in his tongue, "Porridge."

A crack was made in the door. "This is an old password."

"What are you talking about? It has been this way for the last several thousand years!"

"With the change of kings, the password does too."

He made no movement. "What?" he said dully.

"Old King Thranduil has gone to the Grey Havens. He has taken a number of princes and princesses with him as well."

Legolas gave a shuddering sigh. Estel looked at him, concerned. "Father? Why can we not see Grandfather?"

"Silence, Estel."

"Where did they take Mother?" she cried.

The guard looked sadly at the child from inside the door. "You did not mention you had a daughter with you."

"What does it matter? All is lost," he replied blandly.

Estel kissed her Father's tears as they fell. "Do not cry, Father!" she moaned. "We can wait till Mother comes out!"

"Who is your mother, dear one?" the guard asked.

Legolas silenced her before she could tell.

"Let her speak. I can help," he said gently.

Estel glanced at her father's face, which was blank, save the tears. "Nevlothiel."

The doors opened to their surprise. The guard knelt and took the child's hand. "Nevlothiel is the password!" he beamed. "Come! I will lead you to her." He stopped and turned to them again. He squinted eyes at Legolas' face. "Your majesty?" he asked.

The latter looked away. The guard embraced him with much force. "Your bride rests within," he smiled, dragging him towards the building.

"I no longer desire to go in," Legolas answered in a monotone voice. The guard stared at him for a moment, then took Estel's hand. "Where are you taking her?" he cried, snapping out of his state.

"To her mother."

He followed them inside.


I stared not at Thranduil, but my enemy. He smirked down at me, proud of his crown. "What has happened here?" I cried. He clapped three times and everyone except us left. He circled me like a hawk, then pulled me against him suddenly. I screamed shrilly in surprise.

"If you stab me now, how long do you think the prison term is?" he sneered. I did not answer. He thrust his lips to mine, yet I could do nothing. Helpless and scared, I stood there. He pulled away and wiped his mouth. "Third time really is the charm."

"Your brother is dead."

He laughed. "Finally! Some one answered my prayers!"

I gaped at him. "Manarda!"

"I never understood," he smiled, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "Why a girl so beautiful ever married him. I have known him since birth. He was always so gullible." He laughed again. "I once convinced him to swim in the most powerful rapids on the river."

"That is sick. He is dead and you laugh," I replied coldly.

"Humor me. How so, milady?"

"He drowned. So did my daughter."

"Your daughter too? Oh, how sad," he sneered. "The little wenches deserved it."

"You wonder why I am so disgusted by you!" I screamed. I slapped him, making his nose bleed. He grabbed his nose in pain and gave a cry.

"How unbelievably immature of one such as you!" he mocked once it was under control.

"Oh dear. I must be sinking to your level now."

"You struck a king. If I tell, you will be brought trial. You will lose."

I feel a tear slide down my cheek in fury. "I see no king here. I see a prince pretending to be one."

"I am greater than my father ever was. My people are far more pleased with me than-"

"What king does not allow his brother's name to be spoken, yet uses his wife's as a password?"

"A strong one."

"He is dead, Manarda. What have you to fear of him? All his life, you mocked him. Because he was stronger than you. And we all knew it."

He stomped to his throne and sat down in it. "My throne. My walls. My people." He pointed to me. "Mine."

I turned and ran to the closed doors, found they were locked, and started pounding on them. "Nilrauko! Haldir! Imrahil! Aragorn!" I cried. "Help me!"

"Nilrauko is prison. Haldir is in Lórien. Imrahil is in Dol Amroth. Aragorn is in his own country," Manarda said dully. "And Legolas, you tell me is dead. Who is here to listen to your screams?"

I continued to pound until I could no longer. I sank to my knees in tears. He wrapped his arms around me and sat. "Hush now. I will take care of you," he whispered in my ear.

"No! No!" I wailed. He covered my mouth.

"I said be quiet."

I pulled away furiously. "Unlock the doors! I have delivered my news and wish to return to the remainder of my family."

"Orophin and Morinzilion. Certainly a lot to go back to. Do I not count?" he asked, rising.

"Rapists do not count as kin."

He made like he was to slap me and then pulled back. He turned away. "I am leaving soon. We all are."

I stared at him. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"When I am gone, who will watch? Who will watch over these lands?"

"No one," I said sadly. "The men will invade it and use it to farm and build upon."

"It does not have to be that way. You and your son could stay. He could rule when he grows old enough."

"How selfish! We would be the only ones left."

"Arwen. You and Arwen would be together forever. When Aragorn dies, she will have a friend. Who do you have in Valinor?"

"My friends, my family, my-"

"Legolas would have wanted to rule so badly. You can have the kingdom he loved so much and would have reigned over. Your son could fulfill his legacy."

"Tempting. But it is my son. I will leave him in my keeping. I make his decisions." I point at the doors. "Let me leave, Manarda."

He clicked his tongue at me. "In just a moment." And he grabbed my waist.


Legolas slipped into the nursery and saw his son lying in a bed next to another, fast asleep. The babe's hand held the others. Tinuviel gasped when he entered. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, half shocked, half pleased.

"I did not know I was not welcomed at my house. By my own sister." Tinuviel smiled and embraced him. "Is this one yours?" he asked gently. She nodded. "What is her name?"

"Celebrodiel. And your son is named?"

"Orophin," he beamed, picking up the child. It grunted and protested. Tinuviel watched him as he rocked and sang to his boy.

"You should not be here. Nevlothiel told us you were dead." Legolas glanced at her and saw her eyes were red from tears.

"You wept? For me?" he whispered. He smiled. "I knew my family was not all stone inside."

"She was very convincing." She looked away. "She is with Manarda now, who probably laughs."

"You let her be alone with him?" Legolas cried with sudden alarm, waking up the children.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why is Manarda not supposed to be alone with her?"

"Take Orophin," he begged. "I will return in a moment."

"Legolas! You are not supposed to be alive! Even if you were not taken for dead, you are banished. He would have you arrested. He is a cruel, cruel king. He has locked up Nilrauko for the offense of him standing against the banishment. The jails are always stocked full and prisoners are executed very often."

He remembered Nevlothiel's knife and let out a wail. "Nevlothiel! She was armed!" he moaned, tears running freely down his strong cheeks. Tinuviel looked down. "Where am I to go? What am I to do?" he sighed.

"Stay with me until all is figured out," she offered kindly, taking Orophin. The door opened and Legolas dove under the bed. He listened to the talking and made himself comfortable. He saw tiny feet move to the side of the bed and saw wide eyes staring under it.

"You look funny," his daughter giggled.

Estel closed the door as Legolas got out and brushed himself off. Tinuviel smiled and embraced her niece. "I am your aunt, Tinuviel," she said.

"You are pretty," the girl smiled.

"How was your little walk with the guard?" her father asked.

"He was really nice. He bought me some candy!" she beamed, taking several small round things out of her pockets. Orophin grunted and she jumped, scattering them all over. She bent to pick them up, but out of her pockets rolled even more sweets. She frowned guiltily at Legolas.

He knelt and collected a few. "Ah yes…" he smiled. He popped one into his mouth and chewed. "I always enjoyed the orange kind." Estel waited for her precious candy.

"Dusty. You might have to throw them out, Estel," he said with a smile. "We are going to stay with Tinuviel for a little while." She sighed and held out her hands to throw the candy away. He knelt and kissed her. "Such a beautiful little girl."

"Where is Mother?" she asked as her father dumped the colorful drops into her hands. She carried them over to the small wastebasket by Tinuviel's foot and rolled them in one by one.

"She is with the bad brother."

"Legolas!' his sister exclaimed.

"It is true!" he snapped. "Do not try and lie to her. She knows the story." He leaned his back against the wall, crossing his legs. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the cold stone. "I hope she is all right."

"She might know the story, but I do not."

Estel came over and kissed her sleeping brother, who still lay in his aunt's lap. She looked up at her with her giant blue eyes and smiled. "Mother and Father were kissing and the Bad Boy shot Father. Then Father left her alone. And Bad Brother tried to touch Mother in bad places. So Mother used a knife and stabbed him.

"Then Mother and Father got married and had me. And the day I was born, the Bad Brother tried to hurt Mother again. But my Uncle Haldir and my Uncle Imrahil came and saved her. Father and Mother decided to leave because they did not want anymore Bad Boy. And they told me and I wanted to see everybody. But now everyone is just all sad and I lost my candy."

"Very thorough, Estel," Legolas sighed, still in the same pose.

Tinuviel sat with her hand over her mouth. "My god… He… My…"

"What time is it? Mother and Father always put me to bed at seven-thirty," the girl chirped, unaware of the troubles.

"It should be about that," he muttered. "No bath tonight." He opened his eyes and opened a small bundle of her clothing. He dressed her for sleep.

"I am hungry."

"I thought that candy would have spoiled your appetite by now," he smiled. "Of course, it probably has no affect on you. You are too sweet already!" He tickled her sides, both of them laughing. Once she settled down, he kissed her. "One song."

"Please! Two!"

"No. One," he replied sternly.

She rolled her eyes and sighed deeply.

"The day is now drifting, floating

The river starts to rest

The evening star is shining, twinkling

The night now draws abreast

My child, do not fear

You came and all is well

Tremble not like a leaf in the cold

Young beautiful Estel."

She shifted and rested her head on the pillow. "You always sing that one."

"It is my favorite verse." He kissed her brow. "Rest now, child."

"I want Mother to kiss me tonight."

Tinuviel watched as her brother responded calmly, "Mother is busy right now. But it the morning, she will be there with the sun." The girl smiled and began her rest. Legolas laid Orophin and Celebrodiel next to her.

"Watch them. I must tend to something," he said, walking straight to the door. He quickly kissed his sister's cheek and opened it. "Wish me luck."

"All in the world. Whatever the task may be."


She stood upon the balcony, staring into the forest. She saw a lean shadow move across the lawn. It paused under the windowsill, and then began to climb the trellis. His golden hair shone silver as he approached. He grew abreast to her and stared into her green eyes, smiling. He grabbed the balcony and swung onto it.

She fell into his arms and began to weep strongly. He stroked her hair, his own tears falling upon the blond waves. They both understood what had occurred in the room behind them, but neither cared at the moment. She raised her head from his shoulder.

"Legolas, he-"

"I know, I know," he whispered. He kissed her quivering lips. "You look so beautiful."

She looked at the moon, her eyes red. "We met in the moonlight. You left me in the moonlight. We were reunited in moonlight. And now, once again, the moon has shone upon you. You have made all right in my world."

"Did you ever doubt we were meant for each other?"

"Where is Estel? And Orophin?" she asked.

"Asleep. Tinuviel has offered us care until we figure this all out. I can trust her. She has kept secrets as long as I have existed."

Manarda shifted somewhere inside. Nevlothiel looked shamefully at the ground. "He is waking up." She turned around and glanced through the glass pane. "Yes. You have to leave now."

He kissed her once more, hurriedly, running his fingers through her locks. He pulled away and began to climb back down the trellis. "Wait!" his bride cried.

"What now?" he said, his eyes darting behind her.

"What should I do?"

He thought quickly and painfully replied, "Do whatever he says."


"I will see you tomorrow at midnight." He continued down and leapt to the ground at about 6 ft up. He blew her a kiss and ran. She felt fingers upon her neck.

"What are you doing, Nevlothiel?" Manarda asked.

"Trying to relax." She turned and faced him. "I am a widow. Yet… I do not feel like one." Her eyes darted after her lover.

"There are reasons for that, my lady," he smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her. He paused and pulled back. "Your lips are quite warm…"

"I was breathing on my hands. It was a bit nippy out," she said, faking a shiver.

"Then come back to bed, sweet."

She followed him hesitantly inside. She grabbed her cloak. "I think I shall go for a walk, Manarda."

He gave her an odd look. "You were just saying it was cold out."

"I was not moving. I need to do some thinking."

He nodded. "Take your time. But you must come back." On a more solemn note, he added, "Or I will make you."

"Do not worry," she ensured, opening the door. She closed it quickly behind her and walked to Tinuviel's room. She knocked on the door and waited. After a moment, she found herself inside, staring at her daughter and son. She came and sat on the bed, touching Estel's hair, a tear held back.

The girl blinked, and then looked up at her. "Mother!" she cried, tossing her arms around Nevlothiel's neck.

"Dina," she responded. "Your brother is resting."

Estel nodded and pointed to Tinuviel. "She is a nice lady. I thought Father did not like his siblings."

"Just a few. He loves his sisters much more than his brothers."

The door opened and Legolas slipped inside. His eyes were red as he hung up his cloak behind the door. "Tinuviel, I fear-"

"You fear what, Legolas?" his wife asked.

He seemed startled, as though just noticing her. "Nevlothiel!" he smiled. He embraced her. "Amin mela lle," he whispered into her ear. He turned back to his sister.

"What do you fear?" she asked.

"I have seen Nilrauko. I journeyed to the jails."

"You are supposed to be dead! What say the guard?"

"The guard was asleep. Such ignorance should be met with a beating, but this is not my say. Nonetheless, I saw him."

Her face grew dark. "How is he? I have not seen him in nearing a year."

"He looks horrible. He is filthy, ragged, and cold. He told me he has not eaten in near a week." Legolas glanced at Nevlothiel. "King's orders."

"This does not surprise me. It just pains me," Tinuviel frowned.

Estel stared, confused, at all of them. "Why is that elf in jail?"

"What were the offenses?" he asked.

"There were none true, but he was falsely accused of treason. In less words, he supported your father and did not wish him to be banished."

"How long have I been banished? News from Mirkwood is rare in Lórien."

She looked at her feet. "Three years."

"Is that as long as his rule?"

"Yes. Once Father was sure you were not going to return, he left." She moved her gaze to his eyes. "He sent a great search party out. He did not understand your flight. Imrahil explained the whole situation again and again to him. You were greatly mistaken to believe he would not understand."

Nevlothiel took Legolas' hand. He covered his eyes with his free one. "What a trap we have caught ourselves in. Six years… six long years," she sighed. He rose, pulling away from her. He looked out the window.

"It is coming."

"What?" she asked.

"How I feared it… for long years. Before I knew you, I felt it. On the wind, in the trees."

"What is it?"

"It is different for everyone. It makes someone great or it can break you down. I have seen both. It came to my father when my mother passed on. It came… when you came to Mirkwood for some…"

The girls glanced at each other. Tinuviel said, "I still do not understand…"

He sighed, as though very tired. "You will when it comes." He looked back at his wife. "Nevlothiel? Why are you here?"

"I am supposed to be on a walk."

"Then we have a while…" he turned to his sister. "Are there any open rooms?"

She gasped at his boldness. "Well… um… there are a few on the lower levels…" she blushed.

"No, no… I merely wish to talk to her alone…" he smiled.

"Right…" Nevlothiel muttered. She coughed.

"Be quiet," he commanded quietly.

"Try the third door on the right. Seventh floor," Tinuviel stammered. "Perostion's old room."

"Thank you, sister. I cannot find a way to repay you for your kindness today." He kissed her cheek and left the room, followed by Nevlothiel. They scurried down four flights of long stairs to the seventh floor. He counted, tapping on each door. On the third, he turned the knob and pushed open the door.

"It is a little dusty," he said, waving his hand at the fully gray room. "But it has a fireplace." He took her wrist and dragged her inside. She silently pushed closed the door first. He let go of her and leapt onto the bed, spewing great dust bunnies sky-high.

She took a towel and wiped down the fireplace, revealing black marble. Taking a log and blowing on it to clean it slightly, Legolas placed it inside and lit it with a tinderbox. The room immediately seemed to brighten as they quickly dusted the room. At last, Nevlothiel and Legolas flopped onto the bed. He placed his hand behind her head and gently rolled her neck to face him.

"It is amazing what one can accomplish without children hanging on your knee."

She laughed heartily and scooted closer to him. "I missed you. Your brother has no talent where it matters."

"I could have told you that. He never had any talent in anything."

"Except a stalker."

He pulled her against him and buried his nose into her hair. "You always know just what to say… that is one reason I married you."

She lifted her chin and pressed her lips to his. He closed his eyes and savored the soft skin against his. She withdrew the kiss and began running her hand through his hair. He began to speak, but she stopped the words with her index finger. "The curves of your lips rewrite history." She pulled the finger back.

"Nimrodel and Amroth," he smiled.

"Beren and Tinuviel."

"Galadriel and Celeborn."

"Aragorn and Arwen."

"Legolas and his Nevlothiel. We shall defeat all in our paths. Songs will be written. Lands will be named after us," he said, closing his eyes in a vision. She laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. She placed a hand on his chest.

"Legolas and Nevlothiel… it has a nice ring to it."

"Much better than Manarda and Nevlothiel."

She made a disgusted face. "Who was the loon who named him Manarda?"

"My grandfather. Great man, bloody horrible at naming. Thranduil. It sounds like the love child of a dwarf."

She laughed and kissed him again. He opened his eyes. "You certainly feel like kissing me tonight."

"I am trying to get back into the normal cycle." She sighed deeply. "I have to go back soon."

He held her closer. "Just do not leave me yet."

"Do you remember when we first met?"

"How could I ever forget?" He smiled. "It seems like so long ago. It was only seven years."

"We were so in love then…"

"We are not now?" he asked.

"Are we?"

"Let me show you that I love you just the same as that night in Lóthlorien…"


"Where were you? Such a time was not merely walking. I did not see you!" I demanded.

"I was out walking, I swear! I went into the woods… onto the cliff you shot him on." She looked away. "Please, Manarda. I cannot lie to you anymore. He was my one and only."

My heart filled with something deeper than I had ever felt. Cold wrath flowed through my veins. "No." I grabbed her wrist and twisted it. "You will do as I say! I am the king. Your husband is dead. It is legal."

She cried out with terror and pain and tried to jerk her wrist away. I held fast, and then let go. The tension snapped and she collapsed onto the floor. I walked towards her, and she crawled backward until she hit the wall. "Please…" she begged.

"Do you love your child?" I asked icily.

She stared at me, disbelieving. "You would not…"

"Yes. I would. A snap of my fingers, a word, and he is dead."

Her breath became short, tiny hiccups as she thought of it. "No…" she choked. "Please, Manarda, even you are civil enough… What has he done to you, besides be born?"

"I will have my way."

"Why does it have to be this way?" she asked.

"I will make you an offer."

She looked at me peculiarly.

"Marry me. I will protect you and Orophin forever. Or," I said, reaching into my belt, pulling out a tiny hunting knife. I made a slitting movement an inch from my neck. Her eyes widened.

I resheathed the blade and knelt onto one knee. I placed a hand on her cheek. "I love you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." She took her hand and pulled mine away.

"If you love me, why do want me to despair?"

"I do not. I just need to show you the path." I rose and went to the table. A large set of keys was upon it. I tossed her them. "These are the keys to every room in the house. Pick one. Get away from me."

She stared at me, still full of clear terror. After a moment, she rose and ran out. I closed the door behind her, but not before I saw her go to Tinuviel's room. I made a mental note and moved to the balcony.

"Legolas, if you can hear me, I would like to say that your wife is a very talented actress. But she needs to disguise her feelings a little more. I know the truth. I have thought long and hard. If you come to me now, I promise no death to anyone. In a few, days, I shall not be so kind."

I sat in a chair, by the door. Three knocks were heard and I let the guard in. He tossed a figure to the floor. "Right out from under my nose, sire. I took this one out for a walk today, just to be neighborly."

"Thank you, Aromir. You can remove her bindings."

He crouched down and untied ropes from the shape's hands and legs. "She was hard to capture. Shall I remove the gag?"

"If I am to talk to her."

He did so. The room filled with a loud wail. Aromir tried to cover it with his hand, but it was a useless cause. I stopped my ears then knelt by her.

"Child, child, be quiet. Dina."

She whimpered, so I touched her cheek gently. She pulled away from me. "Child, I do not wish to harm you. I only wish to know your name and why you are here." She crossed her arms and stared at me, fat tears tumbling from her eyes.

"Are you going to cooperate?"

"No," she pouted.

"Please?" I asked. I rose and pulled out a jar from my desk. I reached in and pulled out a brightly papered candy. Her eyes widened. "Would you like some candy?"

"Mother and Father said it would spoil my appetite. I already had some too." She stopped and looked at it longingly. "What flavor is it?"

I turned it around in my fingers. "I think it is orange."

"I do not like orange that much. But I will take it and give it to Father. He loves orange."

I could not move with disbelief. A memory rushed into my head of long ago by a riverbank. We were having a picnic on a spring day. Mother had just given us treats and, as usual, Legolas chose orange. We went off, enjoying our presents, when I noticed Mother and Father had fallen asleep. I looked at my brother, gnawing on his candy stick, and realized what a perfect opportunity it was.

Vinyaanto came up to me. "Should someone be watching him?"

"I am." I walked towards him. "Hey, Legolas!" He turned and smiled at me, his teeth and tongue orange from the candy. "Do you want to go swimming?"

He pointed to Mother. "But she is asleep."

"I am going to take you. I am old enough to watch you now. Besides, I have a game I want to teach you."

I felt a sharp kick in the stomach that brought me out of my train of thought. I clutched it and managed to grab the squealing child before she ran out with the other hand. She tripped and hit her nose. I dragged her to me and placed her in my lap. "Calm down, child, please! I know who you are."

"I know who you are too! You are the bad brother!"

"The bad brother? You are mistaken. I am nice." I smiled at her reassuringly. "Tell me your name and I shall tell you mine."

She struggled away from me. "Estel," she said darkly. "And Father says you are bad, so I believe him."

"My name is Manarda. And your father only thinks I am bad."

"You tried to hurt Mother!"

"Your mother hurt me!"

"You hurt her first."

"This is true. But I am different now. Young Estel… so much hatred. Give me a chance, child."

She looked at me like a trapped animal, cornered by a hunter. I knelt in front of her and touched her cheek. She scooted back a little more and hit the wall. "Please?" I asked again, softly.

"Do I have to?"

"Not if you do not want to. But I ask you with my heart."

She looked down. "All right."

"Just to show you my sincerity, take my hand. I have something to show you." She hesitantly let me lead her from the room. I took her to a large door. "Open it. Go inside."

She did so and as I watched her face light up, I could not help but smile.


"What did I tell you? Follow what he says! Do not argue! What did you just do?"

"I did not mean to!"

"You left him. Do you know how-" He punched the wall with his fist. "Damn it! Nevlothiel, you might as well have announced to the world I am here!"

"I cannot do this! I cannot live a lie!"

"It is for a few days!"

"A few days with Manarda are like a lifetime."

"I did it! I have had to put up with him for much longer than you have. I have much more hate than you ever can imagine!"


"Do you want me to go to jail with Nilrauko? If he was sent to jail just for standing up for me, who knows what could happen to me? EXECUTION? Do you want to raise our children alone? To live with the guilt you killed me?"

The tears poured down her cheeks freely. "Legolas… I am so-" Legolas raised his hand as though to strike her. She screamed and covered her face.

"I cannot believe you!"


He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hands from her face. "You stupid girl! Do you know what you have done? Do you?"

"Yes! Yes! Please! Stop it!"

He let go of her and kicked over a footstool. "Damn Mirkwood! Damn Manarda! Damn YOU!"

"Legolas…" she sobbed. She fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands. "Try to understand…" she begged. She lifted her eyes to see what he was doing and found he was gone. She gave a cry and ran out of the room.


"Why did I do that?" Legolas uttered.

"Animal instinct."

"God… how can she ever forgive me?"

Nilrauko gave a shuddering sigh. "This is not the only time you have lashed out on her. She forgave you then."

"Actually… no… no… We have never gotten into physical violence…"

"In six years? You two are freaks of nature…"

He laughed gently. "I know…"

"Brother, she loves you…"

"I know…"

"And love can prevail anything."

A large smile spread across Legolas' tear-stained face. "So I have learned."

"You are related to Manarda."

"I… know," he sighed painfully.

"So the evil behavior is simply genetic."

"So it appears," Nevlothiel said. Legolas turned and saw her standing in the hall, a small smiled on her face. Her eyes were red and she was shaking. "Nilrauko was always so easy to talk to…"

"How long have you been standing there?" the convict asked.

"Just now." Her eyes never left Legolas'.

"I… can you ever forgive me?" he whispered after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"You scared me, that is all. But I am the one who needs to beg forgiveness." Her lip trembled as she walked toward him. He tossed his arms around her as she collapsed against him, beside herself. Nilrauko watched silently, a calm smile on his face.

"I love you…" she whispered. "How was I supposed to let him control me?"

"I was wrong… I should have never made you do that."

"Am I the only one who is about to hurl?" Nilrauko teased. "Seriously… nothing can break you two! It is like a fairy tale!"

Nevlothiel choked on a laugh. "God, it must seem like it."

"It seems like one," Legolas breathed, the corners of his lips curling up.


"They are all yours."

"Mine?" she squealed and ran into the room. She picked up one of the dolls. "But these are expensive kind… How did you-"

"I am a king. I get them as gifts for my children… and I do not have any of my own."

"They are so beautiful…" she said, fluffing one of the doll's robes.

"Do you have a favorite?" I asked.

"This one." She grabbed one on her right. It had golden hair and a forest green gown. "It looks like Mother."

I nodded. "I always admired that one."

"And this one looks like Father… and this one looks like you!" she giggled, picking out two male dolls. "Do you want to play?"

"Of course!"

"I want to play house. You be the one that looks like you. And I want to be Mother. And Father can play the baby."

"That sounds… perfect."

"Would you like some more tea, darling?" she muttered, imitating Nevlothiel's voice.

"I would love some."

"Oh dear, I think the baby just broke something. Bad Baby!"

I picked up the Legolas doll. "Bad, bad Baby!"

"Here you go, honey. You have to go to work soon." Estel moved the doll's hand as though holding a teacup.

"Yes… sitting on the throne does make me thirsty."

"No, no. Pretend this is back at my house. Pretend you are not a king."

"All right. What should my job be then?"

"Um… What does my father do?"

"I do not know."

"I think he is a soldier…"

"A soldier?" I asked.

"Yeah… he walks around with a bow and wears funny clothes."

"That sounds like a soldier… Should my doll be a soldier?"


"All right."

She took the Nevlothiel and my doll and made them kiss. "Bye bye, lovely!"

"Have a nice day."

The Legolas doll came running at them full speed screaming. I let out a laugh as the two toys went flying across the room from the force. "Bad Baby!" Estel giggled. "You always mess things up."


"Thank god that is over with!" Legolas laughed as he knocked on the door. Tinuviel opened it. Her face was completely white and her expression was blank.

"Get in here. I have something to tell you."

"What is it? Nevlothiel asked as soon as the door was closed behind her.

"Estel is gone."


"Aromir, her friend from earlier, came by. He wanted to see her for a moment. I think they know."

Legolas sat down on the edge of the bed. "Dear god…" His wife came to his side and took his hand. "Can this day get any worse?" He looked away. "Banishment with penalty of death or jail?"

A silence filled the room. "So I thought…" he sighed. "We should never have come here."

Nevlothiel nodded. "But we did."

"How long do you think we have until they come for me?"

"Manarda works in mysterious ways," Tinuviel frowned. "Anywhere from… a few minutes to a month."

"Damn it!" He ran a hand through his long hair and glanced at his wife. "We need to get Estel back. We need to go home." She placed a hand on his shoulder. He took it and kissed it.

"Legolas, go without us. You are the only one banished. You are the only one who will be punished. I can take care of-"

"I cannot trust you."

Tinuviel and Nevlothiel both looked at him, slightly shocked. "You… do not trust me? After all we have been through together?"

"No. I do not. I am sorry." He looked away, ashamed. "Manarda has already defiled you. I cannot leave you to let him hurt you more. I cannot run forever."

"What are you talking about?" Tinuviel demanded.

"If he wants me, he can come and get me. I will be waiting for him." His hand moved to the hilt of the sword at his side. His sister stepped back, her mouth open in realization. "This has been put off far too long," he said, shaking with rage.

Nevlothiel slapped him. Hard.

He clutched his cheek. "What-"

"I will not have my husband sink to the level of a rapist. He may be cruel, but he is your brother."

"Do brothers enslave their kin? Do they banish them for their own joy? He is no brother to me. He never was. He is my enemy."

"You are bound by the blood of your mother and father. For their sake, Legolas, do not do this!" She knelt, her eyes pleading. "This is what he wants. He wants you to hate him. Do not give in. Do not or… I am leaving."

His eyes grew wide with fear. "You would not. You need me."

"Do want to bet on that?" she spat, rising and moving to the door. "Will you lose your family? Or will you keep us and accept their differences?" She placed a hand on the handle and looked at the floor. "You told me once that you loved me. If you do, you will not kill him."

"Nevlothiel…" he whispered, getting to his feet and moving to her. "I-"

She opened the door and slammed it behind her. He glanced at his sister. She was breathing heavily. He raised a hand towards her, but she glided over to the bed and scooped up Celebrodiel. "Tinuviel… please… Not you too…" In response, she picked up Orophin in her other arm.

"Good night." She went out after Nevlothiel. Legolas stood, alone, in the giant bedroom. He gave a deep sigh and took a seat, placing his head in his hands. The door creaked open.

"I knew you would be back, Nevlothiel," he muttered, not bothering to look.

"Really?" a deep voice mocked. A sharp point tickled Legolas' throat.

"You surprised me, Manarda."

"Will you come quietly or should I kill you here? Either way, it is the same result."

"Where is my daughter?"

"Oh trust me. You will see your family before you die if you come now."

"If you touch them…" Legolas rose and untied his scabbard. He held it out to his brother, who took it greedily. "I swear I shall drag you to hell with me. Read me my rights."

"What rights?" I snapped and two of his guards came in, grabbing and twisting the victim's wrists.


"Mother! Look at all the pretty dolls!"

"Estel! Oh, thank god you are all right!" Nevlothiel ran and scooped her daughter into her arms. "I was so worried! Did he hurt you?"



"Ohhhh… He is nice. He gave me all the dolls. Look! I got some candy for Father."

"Estel, do not listen to him. He is a bad, bad man!"

"He likes you a lot, Mother."

"I know he does. Estel, Estel, come on. We are leaving."

"We are? I do not want to! I am having fun!" She grabbed an armful of dolls and hugged them. Nevlothiel grabbed the girl's wrist and started to drag her towards the door. It opened before she got there, revealing me. Estel jerked away and ran over to him.

"Hello, beautiful," I smiled, my eyes darting to Nevlothiel.

"Mother wants me to leave!"

"She does now? Well, we just cannot have that…" I stepped towards her and placed a hand on her cheek. "Can we?"

"What have you been up to?" she asked, drawing back.

"You are going to be here for a while. So get comfortable, lovely."

Tinuviel came up behind me, standing about 5 inches shorter than me. She brushed past me and handed Orophin to his mother. "Quel marth," she whispered, turning to leave. She scurried out, giving her brother a dark look.

"Ah yes… the baby…" I reached out and touched the child's fine hair. "He looks like your husband. Let us hope he does not act like him too."

"Or like any of his siblings." Estel tapped my arm. I looked down. She waved a doll at me. I smiled and took it.

"Will your mother play house with us?"

"Mother, do you want to play house?"

"I… have to nurse Orophin." She kissed Estel and walked out.


"So they caught you. Do you have a trial?"

"Of course not." He sighed deeply, running his fingers through his blonde hair. "I was banished and broke the law by returning. I am as guilty as sin. Manarda is not nearly fair enough."

"How long do you have?"

"Tomorrow at sundown."

"And how?"

"I…" He looked away. "Who knows? What sick tortures did Manarda invent when he sat upon the throne."

"Dunking, burning, hanging, and firing squad."

"Those seem too quick."

Nilrauko frowned. "Beheading, stretching, and combat."

"There we go. Which is the favorite?"

"Combat. The champion is one of our best warriors."

"What weapon?"

"There are three, if you can survive them all. It starts on axes, moves onto swords, then archery."

"Perfect." He slammed his fist roughly onto the cot. He kicked the bars and buried his head in his hands.

"Are you crying?"

"Yes, yes! Leave me alone! Leave me to die!" Legolas gave a shudder and flopped lengthwise onto the cot, facing the wall. The sound of running reached his ears and he raised his head just enough to look. Nevlothiel skidded to a stop in front of him.

"Oh, Legolas! Forgive me! You should have killed the bastard!" she sobbed. Legolas rose and reached a hand out, brushing her cheek. She kissed it humbly. He moved it down and touched Orophin's tiny hand.

"I was afraid I would never see you again…"

"Legolas…" He wiped away her tear. "How long to you have?"

"Sundown tomorrow."


"Nevlothiel… If my life is going to end, I wanted to tell you… You have made me the happiest man alive."

"You cannot leave me. You are a father. Who will care for Estel and Orophin? Who will care for me?"

"Perhaps Nilrauko will."

"I do not want Nilrauko. I want you. I need you. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I do not want to live without you."

"I wish I had never laid eyes on your pretty face… We would never have fallen in love and none of this would ever have happened."

"Do not say that," she whispered.

"You are right… I do not regret a moment." He tapped his son's nose. "He looks like me… I hope he does not suffer as I will."

"I will make sure he does not…" Her lips trembled so much she could barely talk. "He will never know you…"

"Then he will feel no pain tomorrow as he watches me die. As for Estel… She must not come. It will be too traumatizing." He stepped back and admired his wife and child. "If only I could hold you one more time…"

She reached into her cloak and pulled out something. She held out her clasped hand toward him. He opened his palm. A stone fell into it. He flipped it over and saw tiny gems inside. "What is this?" he asked.

"When I was a child, I found it. Morinzilion gave it back to me as sort of a cheap wedding present. I want you to have it… I have nothing else to give except my love."

"Then I shall cherish it." He kissed her through the bars.


The dawn came, red as blood. Nevlothiel stirred at the sound of bars being hit. She blinked twice and looked around. She was still in the jail. Her husband was watching her, his face pale and sad. Orophin lay curled up against her breast.

"You look exhausted…" she commented to Legolas.

"I was up all night."

"You need to rest. Have your honor and wits. You will need it all. I did not fall in love with a coward."

He frowned. "Then you must be cheating on me. Look at me, Nevlothiel. I am a coward. I always have been. I let my own brother cage me and steal away all I love."

"I caused it, Legolas. Do not hate on your last day. You do not have much time left," she sighed. "What am I to do?"

"I want you to marry Imrahil."


"I thought about it long… He is a good man and he loves the children. He can protect you as well or more than I ever could. If I am to die, it would be a comfort to know someone is watching out for my possessions."

There was a moment of silence, both of them thinking. At last, Nevlothiel looked down at her son and closed her eyes. "Imrahil is indeed a brave soul. But he is mortal."

"By the time he is dead, you shall be long gone to Valinor. No one can harm you there." He paused for a moment. "There is always Haldir."

"No. I made that decision long ago."

"What about his brothers?"

"They left already, remember?"

"Then Imrahil. Or one of my brothers?"

"No. I have had enough of Mirkwood to last a lifetime. There is only one man in your family I will ever love."

"I am not asking you to fall in love with anyone, Nevlothiel. I just want the children to know a father. I know what an impact they make on one's life."

"My Legolas…" she whispered. He got off the cot and kneeled at the bars. He held his hand out and touched her cheek. "I need you now more than ever."

"Hush now, my love. Let me look into your eyes." He placed a finger under her chin and made their eyes meet. She felt a shiver rush down her spine as she looked into those eyes, so big, so blue. They began to water. A single tear flowed down his cheek.

"Nevlothiel, you must not cry. I do not want my memories of you to be like this. Let me see your face the way it usually is and not this way. We cannot let it end this way!" He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. "When I am gone, remember me."

"How could I forget you?"

"Remember Lóthlorien. I will always be there, under that tree, bathed by the stars. Like when we first met. When I first heard you speak. I will always be there, by the riverside, resting my feet. Where we first kissed.

"I now know Mirkwood is just a place. A place I was born. A place I was married. A place… to die. I was meant to be in Lóthlorien with you. With my family. I was content there."

"Legolas… I feel so lost. So alone."

"Done nursing Orophin yet?" Manarda asked.

"YOU!" she cried, leaping to her feet.

"I have not been down here in quite some time…" He looked around and whistled a jolly tune.

"Manarda, please! I beg of you! I will do anything to set him free!"

"Oh, shut up and be glad you are not in there too. You lied, told everyone your husband and daughter were dead. Nothing you can do or say can change this. At sundown, he will be murdered in the arena." He turned away from her and began to walk.

"Manarda!" she wailed. "Please, please talk to me!" He did not acknowledge her. She fell to her knees. Orophin began to wail loudly. The king stopped and covered his ears.

"Shut that thing up!" he bellowed. "Before I make it!"

"Come back here and face me!" Nevlothiel demanded.

He spun around and marched back. "The babe is going to wake up the kingdom. You had better quiet it now."

"Do not yell. It is upsetting him." He slowed down in front of them. She rocked the child and whispered in his ear. It listened, tiny tears resting in the corner of his bright, blue eyes. Manarda watched in awe. After a moment, Orophin yawned and curled back up against her left breast.

"You have a way with children," Manarda said gently. The tenderness in his voice surprised her. He held out his large hand and touched the child's cheek. "Legolas… his resemblance is near identical to when you were a child. How our mother cherished you… She never let you out of her sight."

"I remember one time she did," he responded blandly. "And you tried to drown me."

"So you remember that?"


"You were always one to carry a grudge."

Legolas grunted and flopped onto his cot, turning his back to them.

Manarda smiled down at the babe. "Could I hold him?"

"No," she said lightly.


"Well, let us think about it… You attempted to rape me twice, banished my husband, finally did rape me, and are going to kill your brother at sundown. I think that about covers it."

He sighed. Nevlothiel wrapped her cloak tight around the infant's body. Orophin smiled in his sleep. She rocked him slowly, humming a sad tune. No noise was heard besides it. At last, Manarda knelt next to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"What was that for?" she asked roughly.

"I love you."

"That is too bad. I am spoken for."

Legolas rolled back towards them. "Manarda? Have you ever considered GETTING OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S PERSONAL BUSINESS?"

"No, of course not." They locked eyes for a moment, swelling with pride and hatred for the other.

"Manarda, I have a question," Nevlothiel cried. He broke the contact and looked back at her. "If Legolas is to die, will you make his last day one to remember?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Please… let him come with me. Let me be with him one last time."

"And you can make a run for Lórien."

She glanced down at Orophin, then handed him to Manarda. "I would not leave my children. I live only for them now." Much to his surprise, she thrust her lips onto his. His eyes opened wide, but closed in respect. He pressed back. Legolas turned away. She broke away. "How long have you wanted that?"

The king breathed deeply, then called for the prison guard.


"Thank you," Legolas sighed. He kissed her brow. She smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

"We have been given one day. One beautiful day." She rested her head on his shoulder as they walked. "What do you want to do?"

"Everything," he grinned.

She laughed. "Well, then we will do as much as possible. Let us start small. The stables are near."

Legolas readied Arod, watching his bride out of the corner of his eye. She was still so young, so beautiful. She always managed to take his breath away. She flashed him a smile when she noticed him staring. He shook off his mood and hopped onto the horse.

One of Manarda's head guards called three men to him. They mounted the swiftest steeds and followed them, giving the couple plenty of room to spare.

"That horse is old. Have you considered getting a new one?"

"There will be no need," Legolas responded gravely. "Besides, we are friends. I have known him since the first time I went to Rohan." He reached out and took her hand. They were silent for a moment, enjoying the other person's presence.

"Do you ever miss Boromir?" Nevlothiel asked.

He thought for a moment. "I mourn the loss of a good man. He was brave and strong."

"You did not answer the question…"

"Yes. I miss him. But I will see him before nightfall. And when Aragorn joins us, we will be part-way to the fellowship once again," he said roughly.

"There is no need to be testy-"

"I am not being testy!" he said testily.

She burst out laughing.

"What?" he cried. But soon enough, he joined in too, without understanding why. The guards looked between each other with curiosity.

"What was that about?" one of them called.

"I… do not know…" he managed to say.

They traveled on until they reached a large glade, encircled by twisting beeches. The guards covered all the exit while Legolas helped Nevlothiel off of Tinechor. They sat down and stared silently into each other's eyes, holding hands. If my life ended right now, staring into these emeralds, I would be happy. I do not blame you, brother, for loving her, he thought.

I hope I made you happy, my husband. I live only on hope now. You must live, for without you, I shall be an empty shell. I was made to love you, to be loved by you. And without that power, I am dead. Nevlothiel wept inside, but tried to stay strong.


"Yes?" he whispered.

"I love you."

He smiled and placed a hand behind her head. He pulled her forward and kissed her. Her eyes began to tear up, but she tried to stop. Moisture fell onto her cheeks. After a moment, she realized they were not hers.

He gently pulled away. "I love you too."

She wiped a tear from his cheek. "What does it feel like?"


"To… know…you…"

"To know my doom is hours away? I do not have a doom. I have lived a life well." She moved into his lap and he held her tightly. "There is nothing to fear," he whispered.

"You have nothing to fear."

Suddenly, one of the guards fell face first into a clump of brush. There was an arrow in his back. Instantly, a rain of arrows came falling down on them. Nevlothiel screamed. Legolas threw her to the ground and shielded her with his body. The horses whinnied and ran off into the woods.

As quickly as they had started, the ambush stopped. The guards lay dead around them. Legolas lifted his head and looked about. Men had circled the glade. Their strung bows were pointed directly for them. He raised his hand in surrender.

"What do we have here?" a familiar voice asked.

"ARAGORN!" he screamed, looking about for his friend.

He stepped forward, a sly look on his face. "I came as soon as I heard."


"Do not think I am so behind. I have court magicians, seers- not to mention spies in every land."

"You truly are a stalker," Legolas smiled.

The king patted his back. "Well… What are you waiting for? Ride away! Kiss your pretty wife and go to safety. I will make sure she joins you soon enough."

Nevlothiel smiled and embraced her husband. "Go swiftly. Do not have a second thought for me." She kissed him roughly and backed away. Legolas called Arod to him.

The horse did not come.

He waited a moment, and then called again.

"Just take one of-"

"I will not ride any other horse if I can, Aragorn." He gave a final call, then started off into the woods.

"Legolas, this is a tad extreme. It is just a horse," Nevlothiel exclaimed.

"He is my friend," he called, walking deeper into the brush. "Arod! Arod!"

"At least take a horse to move quicker," Aragorn suggested. "Look! I have Hasufel! They are old friends. He can help you call Arod too."

A moment later, Legolas found himself calling out for his horse on the back of another. Nevlothiel rode behind him. After a few minutes of heavy cantering, she demanded that he should stop.

"What now?"

"We are getting too close to the palace."

"What if he went back to the stables?"

"Get off. I will go and look." He dismounted and she went off.

The woods opened up, revealing the tall spires of the main watchtower. She slowed down and stared at it. It never ceased to amaze her. She became aware that she was out in the open underneath the watchful eye of the tower guard. She left the horse and ran into the shadows. The stables were about seven hundred yards to her left. In between her and the stables was open land.

She ran for it. She half expected to be pierced with arrows, but reached the stables whole. She jerked open the door and looked around. Arod whinnied happily, stamping his feet around the wooden stall. "You stupid horse," she grumbled, grabbing some rope and jumping onto his back. Immediately, something cold and sharp was placed against her back.

"Where is Legolas?"

"With the guards."

"The guards are slain."

She looked at him oddly. "How did you-"

"Information travels quickly, my love. The watch tower was quick to inform me of your return." Manarda smiled slyly. "Aragorn has come to your little rescue, I see. What a nice friend."

"At least I have friends."

"At least I have an army. Ride back. Tell Aragorn to release Legolas or all the wrath of Mirkwood shall be placed upon him."

"And you wonder why I can never love you?" she said angrily. "Always barking orders, demanding attention. It is exhausting! Grow up, Manarda. You are no longer playing chess: This is life." She kicked the horse lightly and sped off.

Manarda stood there, speechless, his mouth slightly open. After a moment, he kicked on of the wooden beams and pounded off. Into the palace he tramped, up the winding stairs. He tossed back the doors to the throne room and tramped up to his seat. The guards looked at one another as though to say "Has our king lost it?" He called them out and sat alone in the dark.

He breathed deeply, placing his head in his hands. The crown seemed to press down, drilling into his weak skull. He took it off and tossed it to the ground. He ran a hand through his chestnut hair with a sigh. It was hardly noon and he was exhausted. His tired eyes blurred and he fell fast into a dream.


"He looks just like you."

"The fourteenth one. It takes fourteen children before they begin to resemble me."

Eveloyviel laugh and took her husband's hand.

"What shall be his name?"

She glanced out the window at the falling snow. "Something warm… a memory of the green leaves to keep me from freezing in the winters."

He kissed her cheek and took her in his arms. "Keep it simple. There are already far too many names to remember."

"Legolas. Is that simple enough? It makes us both happy. A green leaf born in the darkest hour of winter."

"If it makes you glad, then I approve."

She picked up her child. "Greetings, little Legolas Greenleaf. Welcome to life."

The door opened behind them and the tiny pad feet came toward them. "Another?" a voice said dully.

"Manarda, this is your new baby brother, Legolas," Thranduil grinned.

"Oh? Last year, it was a girl and her name was Hallasoron."


"This is almost embarrassing! How many other families have fourteen children? Why are we so different? A crown does not symbolize that you can to multiply like rabbits!"

The king raised the back of his hand as though to strike him, but Eveloyviel stepped between them. "Please! You are both acting so childish! Thranduil, you know better." She turned and glared at her son. "You. I will not have my son be so quick to speak. You will hold your tongue if you know what is best."


"Not. A. Word."

Legolas began to squirm. His mother sighed and placed him in his rocker. She sat and pushed it with the tip of her toe. Manarda looked at them both, disgusted, then stomped out, slamming the door. The baby let out a loud wail and began to cry.

"Thranduil… Go talk to him…"

He looked at her wearily. "That ungrateful little bastard."


"He is! He does not get it from me!"

She smiled. He sighed and went after his heir. Legolas promptly shoved his fist in his mouth and began to drool onto his tiny white robe. His bright blue eyes shone brightly. "Such a good baby!" she laughed. She began to sing.

In the beginning, there was the cold and the night

Prophets and angels gave us the fire and the light

Man was triumphant

Armed with a faith and a will

Even the darkest ages could not kill

Too many kingdoms

Too many flags on the field

So many battles

So many wounds to be healed

Time is relentless

Only true love perseveres

It has been a long time and now I am with you

After Two

Thousand years

Legolas smiled. She covered her mouth. "So young! You are so smart, my little boy! You had a few weeks before that was due!" She leaned over and picked him up. Her heart pounded and her eyes watered. "You are different from your siblings… You are a little show-off."

She kissed his brow. Manarda watched, rage surging through his veins. They would find him any second, pull him from the shadows and punish him. They always did.

He waited and watched as his mother cooed over his brother. No one came. Perhaps he had fooled them. He was, now, smarter and older than last year. He had five hundred years put into mastering the art of hide-and-seek.

His mother began to sing again.

I woke up and saw the sun

For the first time this morning

I opened my eyes and saw the light

I had a hand to hold and reason

To live

And it was all because of you

I woke up and saw the leaves

For the first time this morning

They were green in the dead of winter

I was cold outside but warm within

My soul

And it was all because of you

My miracle worker

My magician

My prince

What wonders shall be seen

In your future, I cannot yet tell

But bright it may seem

For I have seen the sun

"How sappy…" Manarda whispered to himself. He took a step to the left and got a clearer view of them. Legolas was sleeping. His mother was beaming. He suddenly realized he had rarely seen her so… joyful. What did this infant have that he did not? The question beat in his head.

He suddenly felt an arm jerk him back. "Manarda, what have I told you about spying?" Thranduil demanded. His son looked at his feet. The king squeezed his shoulder roughly and dragged him out.


"Arod!" Legolas smiled, patting his horse.

"He knows."

"Who? What?"

"Manarda. They must have seen Aragorn and his men in the woods." Strider, who had joined them, gulped. "He demands you surrender Legolas… or he will take him by force."

"He should know better. My armies defeated the black lands."

"You do not have all of your armies," Nevlothiel said grimly. "You have one hundred men at most."

Legolas nodded sadly. "One hundred men against twelve thousand elven archers. I doubt the outcome will be a bright one."

Aragorn gave a shuddering sigh. "Ride, Legolas. Ride now. My men and I shall flee these woods before his armies are upon us."

"But my-"

"Your family, yes…" Nevlothiel hopped lightly off of the horse. "Tell me, my lady, what will you do?"

"To Manarda, I am a prize, a trophy. I cannot and will not leave my children" Her face and voice were stern. "You must let me stay. Use me as a distraction, a decoy, as you flee."

"No!" her husband demanded.

"I am sorry. There is no other way. Take Arod. Go." She turned from him. He grabbed her arm and spun her around, his eyes full of tears.

"Nevlothiel…" he whispered. "I do not wish to go, but if I must, I shall." He kissed her deeply, then climbed upon Arod. "Farewell, my love. Your coward shall go." And he went.

She fell to her knees and watched him leave, a pain in her heart. Aragorn knelt at her side and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. She jerked away and shivered. A horn called in the distance.

"I must go," he whispered. His men's horses reared as the noise sounded again. "Ride for Lórien!" he called to them. He swung upon Hasufel and kicked him. Gracefully, the horses filed out of the glen.

Nevlothiel was alone.

She lifted her head and pulled herself to her feet. Hoof prints were still clear upon the ground. Her dress was covered in mud, her hair was out of place, and her eyes were red from crying. She pulled out her knife and held it away from her. She attempted to fix herself as the soft pad of feet drew near.

"What is this? A blade?" Manarda said dully.

"He is gone. They have all gone." She spun around and looked into his eyes. "I am abandoned."

He looked around. "So it appears." Several elves appeared behind him, their arrows glinting in the sunlight. He raised his hand and they halted. "Bring me a horse," he commanded. One was brought to him. He pulled himself up and extended his hand to her.

"Nevlothiel?" he smiled. She handed her knife to one of the soldiers and took his hand. She sat in front of him. He wrapped an arm around her chest and pulled her against him, guiding the beast with his other hand. "We have lost scent of our quarry," he announced to the army. "But, perhaps, the forest guard can catch it again."

Nevlothiel's eyes grew wide with fear and realization.

"How stupid did you take me for?" the king asked.

"Aragorn… Legolas…" she whispered hoarsely.

"My deepest sympathies."

The horse galloped off.


Legolas stood, back bloody, face dark brown and cracked from sand and mud. His chest moved up and down, shuddering with pain. His head began to spin. The crowd… so many faces… The colors swirled faster running together into…

Green and gold.


He fell to his knees and the sword dropped from his hand.


Behind him, his opponent smirked and raised his blade. The audience called for blood. Legolas' neck cracked as his head jolted forward from the fatal blow. Women screamed. Men cheered.


He felt no pain. His eyes scanned the arena. They locked. Manarda sat high above them all in his private balcony. At his side, a woman. Legolas smiled.


She rose and held her hand toward him. Her face held a small grin of trembling lips. A tear fell down her cheek. Warmth spread over Legolas. He placed a finger on his lips and blew her a kiss. She grew blurry.


He drew a breath and closed his eyes. He saw his bride clearly again. She took him in her arms, her white robes covered in deep, royal blood. His blood.


He felt and saw no more.


"NO!" she screamed, jolting awake. Tears poured down her face. "No…"

Manarda blinked and wearily rose. "What?"


"Do not say that name."

"I dreamt he was… I have foreseen what may happen."

He sighed and took her hand. "Nevlothiel… what are you talking about?"

"The arena…"

"Tell me the story."


"And they lived happily ever after," Estel chirped.

Tinuviel smiled weakly. "What a lovely story. You can tell me another in the morning."

"What is wrong, aunt?"

She glanced out the window again. "Bad dream."

The girl bobbed over to the bed and crawled under the sheets. Tinuviel kissed her brow and turned off the lights. "Can you sing me a song?" Estel asked. "Father always sings me a song. Or Mother."

"I… I am not nearly as good at singing as my brother was."

"Is. You said was."

"As my brother is," she sighed.

"That is all right. I am not picky. They just help me sleep."

Tinuviel came and sat on the end of the bed. "All right then…"

"Is she causing you any trouble?" Nevlothiel asked, popping her head into the door.

"Mother!" She threw herself to the ground and leapt into her mother's arms.

"Estel…" she smiled, holding her tightly.

"Where is Father?"

"Father is going to visit Uncle Aragorn." Nevlothiel lifted her daughter onto the bed again. "You need rest."

"Can you sing me a song?"

Tinuviel looked at her and saw how exhausted she was. But nonetheless, she smiled and began to sing.

Long ago I was standing tall

Beside a lady fair

A servant, quiet and content

With working in her lair

A voice came to me from far away

From beside a stream

We turned and wondered if

We had stumbled into dream

But no! A traveling band appeared

And entered the golden wood

On a quest to separate

The evil from the good

A pair of eyes held me there

My breath grew short and thin

Where did my childhood end?

Where did love begin?

I knew his name and told him mine

Invited him to talk a while

And found myself night and day

Longing for his smile

He returned to me and took my hand

Promised me all my dreams

Our love could not be broken

Though brimming at the seams

Yet now he has gone

Like wind in the trees

Now he has gone

Away with the breeze

Estel turned fitfully in sleep. Nevlothiel swept her hair back behind her ear and rose. A tear glittered on her cheek. She forced a smile. "My Legolas. He is…"

"He is gone."

She shook her head. "He is lost."


Click. Click.Click.


Click. Click. Click.

"Your highness?"

Click. Click. Click.

"The prince…"

Click click.


"He is still alive. They were not sure what to do with him."

"Nor am I."

"What should I say?"

"Bring him to me."


Click. Click. Click.

"My king-"

Click. Click. Click.

"What about his family?"

Click click.

"What about them?"

"Where are they to stay?"

"They have lodgings."

"And what shall I tell them?"

"Tell them… Bring me Nevlothiel."

"Where is she, sire?"

"With her children. In the hut by the woods. I have the house heavily guarded."

"Thank you."

"Get out."

"As you wish…"

Click. Click. Click.


Click. Click. Click.

"You called for me?"

Click click.

"That was fast."

"I was on my way back."

"What a good girl."

"What do you want?"

"Your husband. They caught him. A nice sprinkle of rain on your parade, I should say."

"Is he… alive?"

"He is on his way back."

"Oh thank you, majesty!"

"To be executed."

"You would not dare…"

Click. Click. Click.

"Look at me, Manarda…"

Click. Click. Click.

"Stop pacing."

Click. Click. Click.

"I am leaving."

Click click.


"You heard me. All that remains here is rape and death. I refuse to stay one more night."

"Where are you going?"

"What does it matter?"

"I forbid you to leave."

"I am a free spirit, Manarda. You cannot hold me back. I am not your trophy. Farewell."


"I am not changing my mind."

Click. Click. Click.


Click click click click.



"Estel… Estel… Wake up sleepy."

The girl stirred.

"We are leaving. Come on."

Her eyes fluttered open. "I do not want to leave."

"Too bad."

"But my dollies!"

Nevlothiel pulled her child from her bed and dressed her in the dark. "We have to move quickly. You want to go home, right? To see Haldir and Imrahil… all of your friends?"

"Mother…" she whined irritably.

She grabbed all of Estel's clothes and shoved them into the handbag. Tinuviel kissed both of their cheeks and wished them luck. She followed them to the stables and held Orophin as Nevlothiel rapidly readied Tinechor.

"I want to ride Bill the Pony II."

"His legs are not strong enough. You will ride with me." She took her infant and wrapped him in her cloaks. "Farewell, Tinuviel. Say the same to your brothers… and tell Legolas I am sorry that I failed him." She kicked the horse.


The fist collided with his jaw. His teeth made a sickening noise as they grinded against each other. "Where is she, Legolas?"

"I do not know!"

"What are the possibilities?"

"Lóthlorien or Valinor."

A blow to the stomach.

"There is something you are hiding from us. TELL!"

Legolas attempted to wipe the blood from his face. "If I did know, why would I tell you?"

Three raps came on the door. Manarda entered and looked at his brother's swollen face. He stared, expressionless, until a smile fell onto his lips. "Wonderful job, lads. Let me talk to him."

"I do not know where my family is," Legolas pleaded. "How can I think while I am being tossed around by your minions?"

He took a seat and stared sternly at him. "She escaped our borders."


"I do not know." A guard brought him a towel and warm water. Manarda dipped the towel in and raised it to the cut above Legolas' eye. His touch was gentle as he washed it.

"Why are you doing this?"

"A common courtesy." He laughed slightly. "Brotherly love." The cloth moved to his lip.

"If I am going to die, what does it matter? I will go down without much struggle."

He did not respond.



"If I am to die, do not leave me in the dark. Why do you hate me?"

The rag dangled in his hand as the king closed his eyes. "You are a threat."

"You have seven brothers. How are the other six not threats?"

He shook his head. "They are. But not to your extent. You were always the favorite. The youngest… loved by all… But you only had to please those watching. You are an actor, Legolas. I was the crown prince. I had to live up to my reputation. And in my study, reading about the kings of old and others cultures, looking out the window at your laughing face was like a slap.

"And I lived in my jealousy, letting it consume me… Until…" He looked down. "When you returned and announced your marriage just over six years ago, I was upset. The youngest should not marry before the oldest. No one should marry before the oldest. Jealousy and rage do not mix, Legolas. But it was not until I saw your bride that jealousy came to its peak."

He sighed deeply and cleaned Legolas' lip. "But what is done is done."

"I am to die for jealousy?"

"You are not to die, my brother." He smiled at his face. "I thought about it most of the night."

"What a sick prank-"

"There is no prank, Legolas. I owe you a favor." His voice and eyes were stern.

"You are not lying…"

"Happy birthday."

He took a deep breath. "Thank you."

"Two thousand nine hundred thirty-eight years. Congratulations."

"June thirteenth… I am surprised you remembered."

"Only one of the fourteen siblings I ever could," he grinned. Legolas rubbed his nose, checking for breakage. Manarda rose and turned to leave. "Oh. There is a part two to your gift."


"You are free from all crimes within these woods. But under one condition…" He smiled. "You have three hours to get out of Mirkwood. Fully out. And never return."

"And Nilrauko?"

"Nilrauko shall be freed as well. He must go with you." He opened the door. "What freaks I have in my family…"


Estel had long dozed off, her tranced body held on the horse by her mother's arm. Orophin started whining and had not stopped for nearly an hour. Tinechor rode on as the sun spread its fingers across the sky. They were on a dirt path, traveled by many.

A quaint town sleepily opened its eyes and saw Nevlothiel.

She knocked on one of the doors. Inside the house there was a slight muffle of noise, then the footsteps of an elderly chap. The door creaked open a tad and a long, twisted nose and a pair of beady eyes stared out. "Yes? Whaddaya want?"

"I am a traveler from-"

"An elf?" he cried, noticing her ears.

"Yes. I am an elf… I was wondering if there is an inn in your village. My children and I are very tired-"

"Prancing Pony Inn, three blocks, center of town, you can't miss it." He slammed the door shut in her face. She leapt back, shocked slightly by the man's rudeness.

"Don't mind old Bill," a kind voice said. She turned and saw a lady on the next porch. "He doesn't like nobody, especially strangers." She stepped off and extended a hand to her. "I'm Nan Loel. Pleasure to meet you."

"Nevlothiel. These are my children, Estel and Orophin."

"Where is their-" She stopped herself. "I'll show you the inn, now. You look awful tired."

"We have been riding two nights with no rest." Nevlothiel touched the horse's neck and led her forward.

"So why did you come to Bree? We have never had elven-folk such as yourselves."

She sighed. "We are exiles."


"I have friends in the Shire."


"Three hobbit families. They knew my husband."

A plain wooden building stood before them. Nevlothiel immediately liked it. A jolly tune floated from the windows, making her want to tap her feet. She thanked Nan and rapped on the door. It opened.

"An elf?" a hobbit declared. "Butterbur! An elf!"

"Ai, Nob, quit gawking!" A red-face man came up behind Nob. He smiled and wiped his hand on his apron, stretched over his large belly. "Barliman Butterbur at yer service. What can I get you, m'lady?"

"I need a stable for my horse and a room, sir."

He looked at Estel, who was wearily clinging to her mother's dress. "Right away. Come on in. Nob, you buffoon, take the horse and her bags."

Everything seemed to stop as she entered the room.

Whispers darted about. Butterbur stared darkly around. "I'm sorry, ma'am. They shouldn't stare, but most of `em haven't ever seen an elf before." He blushed a little. "Neither `ave I."

"My room?"

"Ah yes, ma'am. Name?"

"Nevlothiel. Nevlothiel Greenleaf of Lórien."

"And the children?"

"Estel and Orophin."

He nodded again and again as he wrote it down in his book. At last, he looked up and smiled. "Right this way."

He led them down a long hallway to the second to last room on the right. He took out a ring of keys and struggled with them, searching for the right one. He shoved it into the handle and twisted the brass knob. A shabby, warm room lay before them. "I'm sorry. I know it's not the best accommodations-"

"It will do fine. Thank you, Master Butterbur."

"Anything ya need, jus' call for Nob or me. We'll be right there."

"I will, sir."

He bowed quickly and bustled off down the hall. Estel yawned and crawled over to the over-stuffed mattress. "Mother… why are we here?"

"You will see."


"Hush now. You need to rest." She pulled the sheets and tucked them around her daughter. She set Orophin next to her. He was already fast asleep. Within a few minutes, the light sound of Estel's gentle breath signaled her trance. Nevlothiel looked down at them and smiled. She rose and went out into the hallway.

The music drew her to the main entrance. Once again, the room fell silent as she drew near. She grinned and leaned against a support beam. "What?" she asked. They stared. "I am not so different from you."

They continued to stare.

She went over to the bar. "Give me… whatever the rest are having."

The bartender nodded nervously, his hand shaking as he drew the draught. He extended it to her, as though frightened. She laughed and leaned over the bar to grab it. She raised the glass to the room, and then pressed it to her lips.

This is disgusting! She thought as the amber liquid poured down her throat. People began to whisper around her. Finally, one man cried, "Chug it!" She nearly choked trying to hold back her mirth. Other people joined in.

She swallowed and held up the empty mug. Everyone cheered and the music started again. Her head spun from the speed of consumption. What would the people at home think now? Her arm was grabbed as some drunk pulled her into a seat.

He was cloaked and he stared at her as though he could see into her soul. "Are you a ranger?" she asked a little loudly. He nodded. "Do you have a name?"

"I shall explain all later."

She nodded. "Do you know-"


"How much later?"

"Soon enough, Lady Greenleaf. Within the hour, go back to your room."

Someone called for a song. A tipsy woman grabbed Nevlothiel and swung her up. "Have the elf sing!"
"No, no. I do not know many drinking songs…"

"Then sing the ones ya know!"

Everyone cheered again. The ranger laughed and cleared his mug off the table as she stepped onto it.

"This song was taught to me by a mister Peregrin Took." She cleared her throat.


"Take one last look."

"I will miss it dreadfully."

"As I will."

"Come on. We must reach the edge of the wood within the hour!"
"Farewell, everything."

"Yes, farewell."

Legolas tapped Arod with his foot.


She opened the door and looked around. Her children still lay curled up in the bed. In a chair by the fire, she saw the cloaked head of her guest. She took a seat next to him.



He looked at her. "My name is Estragon." He nodded toward the bed. "Cute kids."

"Thank you."

He took out a pipe. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

"I'm one of Strider's men. He was a close friend of mine before he became king. I know your husband. I went on a journey with him once."

"You knew him," she said solemnly. "He is dead."

He stopped. "Is he?"


"I'm sorry for your loss. Legolas was a great man."

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

"Lord Imrahil wanted to find you, so Strider sent me."

She sighed, inhaling the pipe tobacco. She coughed roughly.

"He says he merely wishes to know you are all right."

"Am I all right? Physically so, indeed. Mentally and emotionally- I think not." On the table there was a small bottle of port wine. She grabbed it and weakly poured a glass, then set the bottle promptly onto the table again. "I am a widow. I am used to being surrounded by love, having arms to run into. I am a dependant creature.

"I need an independent man to keep me going. Legolas could. Legolas is gone. Who do I have? No one. I live for my children." Estragon lifted his head and glanced at them. "They look like their father, do they not?"

"They do."

She tipped the burgundy liquid down her throat.

"Nevlothiel, drinking can't make him come back."

A tear dipped down from her eye. "I know. Nothing can."

The ranger reached and pried the glass from her hand. Placing it on the table, he looked at her inquiringly. "Where are you going?"

"The Shire."

"And why would an elf be going to the Shire?"

Nevlothiel almost smiled. "I thought a stalker such as yourself might know. Do a little research on your quarry before you go for it."

"Well, I will keep that in mind."

She rose, her head almost reaching the ceiling. "Why do elves travel?"

"For further knowledge… to escape… family matters… You tell me. I am a human."

"You just said why I am going to the Shire." She looked out the window.

"I don't understand."

"I need to gather further knowledge, I need to escape from Mirkwood, and I have family."


She stared plainly at him. "Exile, master Estragon. There are elves in exile. Their leader, Gildor, is of my house. And, yes, there are my hobbits."

He nodded. "Yes… why did I forget?" He rose and moved to the door. "I shall leave you to rest now. I have gathered my information. Rest well, Nevlothiel."

"Goodnight," she replied dully.

He left.


"My god…"

Legolas smiled at his brother's face.

"Lórien… it is more beautiful than I ever imagined… No wonder the women here are so beautiful. It is impossible for anything ugly to leave-"

"Do not forget that orcs once walked in here."

"Except orcs. Yes… anything except orcs."

They rode silently. At last, they reached their talan. Legolas went up the ropes. Imrahil was sitting in a chair, talking to Haldir. They looked up in surprise.

"Legolas! You have returned!"

"I am sorry. We were delayed." Nilrauko came up behind him.

"Where is Nevlothiel?" Haldir said darkly.

Neither answered.

Her friend rose furiously. "Where is she?"

"Down, my good elf," Imrahil said, grabbing his sleeve and jerking him down.

"She is gone," Nilrauko replied at last.

"What do you mean `gone'?"

"We do not know," her husband whispered. "She was just… She escaped with the children. I prayed she returned to Lórien… alas…"

They watched him, trying to see what was going through his head. His face looked gaunt and he turned away. He walked down the hallway and into his bedroom. "Legolas?" Imrahil asked.

"Let him be," Nilrauko sighed.


Arwen sat on her husband's throne. His advisor stood quietly at her side. "When will he return?" she thought out-loud.

"I don't know, majesty."



She drummed her fingers on the gold. An uncomfortable silence yet again filled the room. Someone coughed. Footsteps rang in the hallway. She leaned forward eagerly.

The doors flung open. "DAMN IT ALL!" Aragorn screamed.

She leaned back and sigh. "What is it?"

"I declare war against him! I demand that elf off the throne!" he spat. "Off of my seat, woman."

Arwen frowned and moved to her place next to him. He sat down and called the advisor over.


"Manarda. Send twenty more spies into Mirkwood. I want an assassination."

"An… assassination?"

"Aragorn…" his wife said in a warning tone.

"If he can kill whomever he wishes, then I can too." He shouted, sending everyone except the two out. "He did it."

"Who did what?"

"Manarda. Killed. Legolas. We saved him and he demanded us to release him or we would die."

"And you released Legolas!?" she cried.

"He fled and was recaptured on the borders."

"How do you know?"

"There were over fifty elven archers within one kilometer of the forest where we rode. I have lost nearly all of my men trying to get past their arrows. One elf could not do that alone." He sighed heavily and took several breaths.

"And if he surrendered?" his advisor asked.

"Then he would be sent back to the palace… and he would be executed."

Arwen looked down and pressed a hand to her lips. Aragorn wrapped his arm around her.

"Are you all right?" he whispered.

"No." Her voice cracked on the one word.

He pulled his queen against his shoulder. "We will not let Legolas die in vain." His strong chin began to tremble and he began to cry like a child.


"I never meant for it to be like this."

"I know you did not."

"Nevlothiel… Where did we go wrong?"

"We never went wrong, my love. We always were fine. It was Manarda."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"Where are you going? Why did you leave me?"

"I did not leave you. You… Legolas, I was afraid! I was so afraid! I know someone who can help me. Someone who can protect me. Is this not what you want?"

"No. I am alive."


Her eyes cleared. Estel was standing over her. "What?"

"Orophin is crying. I think he wet the bed."

She sighed deeply. Her head pounded. She pressed the back of her hand to her skull as she rose.

"Mother, can I have a glass of water?"
"Just a moment."

She changed Orophin and picked him up. "I am thirsty!" her daughter whined.

"Stay there!" She leaned out the doorway. "Mister Butterbur! Butterbur! Nob!"

"The bed is still wet!" Estel whined, crawling back onto the sheets.

"Hold your brother." She ripped the sheets off the bed and tossed them onto the floor.

"How do I hold him?"

"Mister Butterbur! Nob! Someone!" Orophin screamed louder.

"Is his face supposed to be red?"

"You are tipping him over too far! Estel! Set him in a chair or something."

A large thump was heard.


"I cannot seem to get him to stay up."

Nevlothiel scooped the child off of the floor and set him on the couch.

"When do I get my water?"

"Someone! Please help!"

Nob came running down the hallway. "Yes, ma'am?"

She collapsed to the floor, pleading. "Nob… please, please… Get clean sheets and a glass of water."

"Right away." He scurried off. He returned a moment later and fixed the bed. Estel drank her water. "M'lady?"

She looked at him, her green eyes red with tears. "I am tired."

He picked Orophin up and moved him to the bed. "Are you sure you can handle the children tonight?"


"She can take my room. I'll watch them." Estragon grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up. "She has been through a trauma."

Nob looked at him, unsure. "M'lady?"

"Yes, Estragon, I accept. I thank you."

"Who are these people?" Estel asked.


"Do not leave us…" she whined, looking at Estragon.

"Estragon knows Uncle Aragorn and Father."

Estel looked over him, confused. Nevlothiel exchanged keys and kissed her daughter's forehead. "When will you be back?" she asked, never looking away from him.

"Tomorrow morning."

The ranger stooped down and whispered something to Estel. She grinned. Nevlothiel smiled and went out, walking a little bit crooked. Nob came out behind her, shutting the door.

"Do you know him?"

"I do."

"And you are letting him watch your children?" the hobbit inquired.

"I am. He knew my husband."

"What happened to your husband?"
She turned and looked at him angrily. "My husband was executed by his own brother. The reasons are our own. I trust his friends with my life. Besides… what is my trouble to a hobbit?"

Nob swallowed guiltily.

She brushed past him and went into Estragon's suite, closing the door behind her.

It was littered with clothes and weapons. She sighed and began to clean it all up. When it satisfied her, she flopped onto the bed and fell immediately into a trance.

She woke up and sprang to her feet. Her head spun but she ignored it. Something was wrong. She sensed it in her heart. Her room was just ahead.

The door was open.

And no one was inside.


"What is it? You need to calm down."

"The children! The children are gone!"


"Estragon, a ranger. He stayed with them last night while I slept… He has taken them…"

"Estragon! You know Estragon?"

"He approached me and told me he had known you. What was I to do?"

"Nevlothiel, you cannot trust everyone. Estragon did know me. He went on one journey with Aragorn and me… He nearly killed us in our sleep. If I had not woken up at the last second, we would both be dead."

"What am I to do!"

"You have to find them. They are in grave danger."

"I cannot do this alone… I am dead without you."

"Then come back to life for your children."

Estragon… The name sent a small shiver up his spine. The memory of the madness in his eyes, the glint of the steel blade about to strike, was still so vivid in his mind. He had to help his children… But where was Nevlothiel? Where was she going?

Yet… these were only dreams. He was only dreaming about Estragon…. Only dreaming about Nevlothiel's tears… His children were safe with her…

He hoped.

He rolled out of the bed and opened his bedroom door. His friends turned their attention on him. He walked down the hall and took a seat. With a deep breath, he began.

"I think my children have been kidnapped."


"Here they are, your majesty."


Estel clutched Orophin, tears of confusion and frustration running down her cheeks. Manarda smiled and held out his hands to them. She stepped back. "I want Mother, not you."

He frowned. "We will get your mother soon."

"I hate you. You are a bad, bad man and I understand why Mother and Father did not want to come back."

Estragon grabbed her shoulder and flung her over to her uncle.

"That is enough, Estragon. Let them be," he said in a soft, warning tone.

"That brat should learn to hold her tongue."

"Quiet." He whispered to his guard, who ran off. "Your aunt Tinuviel is going to watch you again."