Fan Fiction ❯ Maria! ❯ No more reason to hate! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: The characters arenºt mine because if you hadnºt noticed then I am actually «notº the wonderful JK, although you may treat me as if I were if you want, lol

The idea is inspired by a story I read a long time ago, I canºt remember who wrote it but I am currently going on a wild goose chase to try and find the author so bare with me.

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Harry stared down at the moving photo on the front of the Daily Prophet. It was of a small school, or at least what used to be a small school. Evidently it wasnºt anymore.

The roof had fallen in and the whole left side of the building had collapsed. The air around the place was filled with dirt and grime, the wizards digging out survivors from under the rubble, were surrounded with a luminous pink bubble that allowed them to breathe, a bit like the muggle equivalent of a gas mask.

He sighed and put it down on the table. It was a disturbing concept to know that Voldemort and his deatheaters were now attacking schools; at least he could be grateful that it wasnºt Hogwarts.

He picked up the newspaper again and flicked through to page five where the story was continued.

The words 'Students to be attending Hogwarts' jumped out of the page at him. It was a shock but nothing that he hadnºt already heard before hand.

He wondered vaguely who would be joining his year. Apparently the school was small so there shouldnºt be too many new students in any one year but still It would be nice if none of them were Slytherins.

He didnºt need a reason to hate even more people than he already did.

He yawned and stood up, looking around the room at Grimuald place. It was time to get his stuff ready for Hogwarts he would be leaving in an hour.

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A/N: Just a short beginning it should be getting a lot better so bare with me, Iºll get the next chapter up soon.