Fan Fiction ❯ Maryoku Densetsu ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Maryoku Densestu
Magical Legend
by Seishinsei
1. Prolouge
A/N : Hiya my first story that I've put up here ! At first I did have problems with tons of mistakes so I deleted that ol' thing *sighs* . Oh , this story was acually for english class but instead I dicieded that I'd put it up on . Okay well r&r ( aka read and reveiw ) !
Disclaimer : Hey I dont even have to write one ! I OWN this story ! Mwa ha ha ha ! The stories , charaters ,and incidents in this publition are entirly fictional ! You gotta ask me before using my charaters !
One day Densetsu, was walking along the mall with his best friend Daisuke window shopping, they mostly were there just to eat and look and just maybe, just maybe buy something. Unfortunately though Densetsu had gotten into big trouble last week and he was not going to get any allowance for a whole month. And Daisuke had just bought a truckload full of candies, so both of them had only a pennies worth of money. Aside from that ,they tried making the best out of the day and just peered into the shops. " Hey, ya know. I'm getting kind of tired of this, because were not really doing anything." Densetsu complained. Daisuke's mind was actually somewhere else; he was looking at the mall directory. Just then he blurted out: " Come on we're going to C35, downstairs on the lower level ". He took Densetsu's hand and pulled him along behind him.
As they got downstairs Densetsu asked: " Come on! You big meanie ! Don't pull me along! `' He tried to get out of Daisuke's vice grip, though he couldn't. " Come on, at least you can tell where we're going ! " he whined. " Okay, on one condition, " Daisuke said with an evil grin, " You have to give me all your chocolates from Halloween! " " No way! Besides, I feel like being dragged because my feet hurt and I'm tried. " Densetsu said in retort .
Just then Daisuke stopped in front a shop, it was an old shabby looking place with one window. In the window sat a little old man with glasses. The shop was extremely trashy compared to a trash dump! Books were piled on top of each other, old garments scattered all over the place and a cash register sitting on top of an ancient table, that looked like it had been made in the 50's.
But somehow the place had a quiet gentle air, you know what I mean? Densetsu and Daisuke walked carefully inside. " Hello! " said the old man in a happy voice behind a pile of books. " I'm sorry about this terrible mess, but it just so happened that last night someone broke into this little place. For what reason I don't know. " Tried putting some books up on a top shelf but he just couldn't do it . So Densetsu politely went over there and helped him out. Afterwards Densetsu asked: Why did we go here?" " Well it's a cheep old place and there's allot a cool junk here, ya know? And guess what? CHEAP!!!"
The old man who's name was Agister said: "If you two fine young men would help me clean up the place I would kindly pay 10 bucks. " Daisuke and Densetsu smiled starry eyed at eachother, maybe this wasn't such a bad trip to the mall after all.
After a while of cleaning and doing hard work Densetsu and Daisuke decided to take a break and go on looking in a few shops, but had to be back in thirty minutes. So Densetsu set his watch to 4:30 and it would beep when it was 5:00. At first they went to an ice cream shop and stared at the people eating ice cream, their mouths started to water.
"Yum. ", Daisuke licked his lips. " I'm so hungry … " He soon began to dream of being in a huge bowl of Sunday and having it all to himself .
Densetsu ended up with dragging Daisuke away from the shop around a quarter till five .
While both of them were putting jackets and robes away ,when Densetsu found something deep inside the closet. It was a little box with strange foreign writing on it. I was embroidered with red threads and was a beautiful golden color. On top of it was a picture of a man shooting an arrow. It looked like it was an ancient hieroglyphics. Yet he was shooting at something, but that he couldn't make out, it was too old. Unfortunately the box was locked. " Hey, Daisuke come over here!" Daisuke fought his way between garments and jewelry. " What? You sound like you were dying or something! " Daisuke rushed to him " What is it? " He looked down at the box. " Sweet. We could make bundles out of this! " " Hey, hey, hey don't touch it! " Densetsu yelled and swiped the box out of Daisuke's reach, " I found it! " Densetsu said . " Okay, okay. But just once please? " Daisuke begged . " Okay. But be careful, " Densetsu said in a hushed voice. " We don't want the storeowner to know. " " Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just had it over. " Daisuke forced him to give it to him. He held it in his hand so carefully that it looked like he was handling an old fragile woman.
He held it in hands for at least ten minutes just gazing into the hypnotizing picture.
Densetsu soon tried to get him out of his so-called " hypnotic spell ". Agister began to walk over to them and asked: " Hey, what are you guys doing, two young boys like you shouldn't be slaking off. When I was your age it was typical to clean up, " He sighed. " But nowadays theres nothing but trouble going on here. And nobody helps anybody. "
After their 'little' discussion Densetsu secretly stuffed the miniature box into his coat pocket, since he had tons of stones and rock for who knows what reason , and it looked just like and fit in perfectly. Later that day Daisuke joined Densetsu and did their homework for school together.
The next day was like usual, both of them went to school, but Daisuke was in the next class over because last year their classes had been mixed to gather and separated. In history class Densetsu thought to himself: " I wonder what that box is .Its really freaky, I mean, why would some old man keep a little thing way back in the coat closet hidden, it doesn't make any sense. Unless - " He though was interrupted by: " Densetsu name all the seven continents in order, starting from the south. " Mr. Silet his teacher said with an evil grin on his face, he new Densetsu odds of making the answer right was one in a billion . " Umm, 66?" Densetsu guessed. " Wrong, Now, Kashin can you tell me. " A girl with long brown hair tied up in pig tails and with emerald green eyes said them all, correct. Densetsu felt something funny about her, to put it out; he had a crush on her since first grade. Though he never really got to know the girl except for the one time both of them did a project, but it turned out to be a disaster. But somehow Kashin was sort of, weird. Not in a bad sense, but she was weird about stuff she liked. For example while other girls loved to go shopping, she hated it and therefore loved to play with toys instead of painting her nails. Yet again Densest thought were interrupted :It seems like mister-daydreamer has once again won the prize of stupidity." Densestu quickly woke up from his wonder world and into reality: " Huh? "
" If you were really paying attention mister Koyoutan , you would've know what we were doing !" Densetsu sunk lower and lower into his chair. He was so embarrassed he just wanted to crawl into a miserable hole and die. Though soon the bell rang afterwards as he scurried out of the class room ,he sighed : " Saved by the bell.."
" Maybe that box is some antique and we could go to the antiques road show and find out how much its is and the sell it! Think of the cash ... " Daisuke thought eagerly daydreaming in social studies. Daisuke often paid attention in classes though sometimes he would sneak up to the computers and then print out numerous stories from the net and read them in class. But today he was caught so he didn't get any. He was board out of his mind, literally, the teacher kept repeating herself. " This I think would make anyone annoyed with her. " Daisuke breathed. " This is just too boring, I wish something would happen! " He yelled into the class. The class looked at the teacher then at him. His teacher soon began to say: " I will see you after class young man! " After that they all went back to the boring same hour.
After the longest ever lecture about yelling and dissing the teachers Daisuke ran off to his next class .On his way though something caught his eye. It was a little boy that had blue hair and had a thick tan. This kid looked like he was from Hawaii or something . But that wasn't the matter; the matter was that he was holding something, something that looked awfully familiar.
" He ran up to the boy and tried to greet him friendly: " Hi yah, I'm Daisuke! I just uh-um around yeah that's right, and I - umm well, I just wanted to know if you were okay?"
" I-I'm just fine ", the child answered in a low voice. " I'm right now just waiting for the teacher! ". " Daisuke trying to get to the subject he asked: " What is that there you've got in you hands? ". " Oh this, its just something that my grandmother gave me before she past away ", the kid began to cry " I missed her -," he began to sniffle, to streams of tears were rolling down his cheek, soon dropping on the floor. " Want to see her again, but first I must find this one human to! " Daisuke was in shook this little dude was weird.
A dark shadow walked down a hall. No light could be seen through the windows. Everything was shaded. The cold froze. And the moon just showed a glimmer. " Has he gone yet?" it asked in a slimy voice. " Yes master, sir. " and old persons voice said. " Good, now the games begin " The shadow soon began to sit down on a throw. Now you could just make out its ears , which were elf ears and its light bulb size earrings and it deep blue robes and its tiny squinting eyes. He was about the height of a full-grown man. " mhm , " Just I've expected things to run . , " He began to snicker . " From here on , this is going to be fun , my little pawns ." The shadowy figuar on the throne hissed and chuckeld .
A/N : How did ya like it , was it boring , no da ? It's just the prologue though . I hate to cut it off right here though , I like cliffhanger endings ! But I guess you guys don't ! *sighs* .. o well Ill be up with the first chappie by tomorrow . Oh yeah , read 'n' review ^_~ .