Fan Fiction ❯ Masters of the Blade ❯ Chapter 01 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Masters of the Blade
Emerald Princess of Vernea
Chapter 01: Beginnings
SongFic Chapter: Blades of Dark and Light
[Destiny Island]
As the night sky covered the Destiny Islands, Kairi was walking slowly across the dark beaches. When all the others had packed up their things and went back home across the thin patch of cold water to where their mothers and fathers would be waiting for them, Kairi had stayed behind to walk the sands alone. It was not for the first time either, for there had been many nights where Kairi had been spotted walking across the beaches by herself.
The moon slid slowly across the night sky, passing the many points of light that Kairi had once believed were just stars. Now she knew that they were not just stars. They were whole worlds, and the light she saw came from the heart of those worlds. And… on one of those worlds… there was Sora.
Stopping for a moment, Kairi lifted her head and looked up at the many thousands of stars dotting across the night sky. It was a cool, clear night and they were all visible, she could see them for miles around. Even ahead in the horizon, towards the end of their world.
Two years ago that same night sky had been blank, and Kairi had stood on those very sands and watched as the stars returned to the sky in their dozens from the End of the World, flying up in a stunning star shower. The stars had flown up from nowhere and returned all the worlds to their rightful places, as Destiny Island was also restored around her.
Looking up, many other memories began to return to Kairi. Memories she could never forget, and memories she could not afford to forget. Many years ago she herself had arrived on Destiny Island in a beautiful star shower, but she could not remember how she had arrived there. Her memories of her previous life on Hollow Bastion were faded, but she knew that her home was one of the stars up there. Now, everything seemed to be just a faint memory…
When the moonlight shines in the night sky
Cutting through the pain and hurt that fills your heart
It wasn't long before Kairi discovered that she had once again returned to the caves hidden deep within the heart of the Destiny Islands. Shielded by the overhanging leaves of the trees that kept it hidden from view, no one else apart from Kairi, Sora and Riku had known about the caves. Since Destiny Island had been restored, Kairi had not told anyone about the caves, visiting them in secret on nights such as this one. It was her place now, filled with memories, and she wanted to keep them safely locked away…
Her footsteps barely echoed as she walked across the silent floors of the caves. Her pink and white trainers pressed delicately against the sullen, grey rock as she took step after careful step, not wanting to disturb the quietness of the caves.
She followed the rounded tunnel round and round, her eyes only just able to see the white patterns drawn sketchily on the rough walls through the shadows. She had walked this path so many times before she knew exactly where she was going so she didn't need the sunlight, although she often missed its warmth. Not even the moon's light could reach these tunnels, but the faint light of possible moonlight ahead of her assured her that she was going in the right direction.
Finally reaching the end of the tunnel, Kairi pulled back the final curtain that covered and protected the last part of the caves. The curtain, made of a dark grey cloth and soft to the touch, had mysteriously appeared when Destiny Island had been reborn. To anyone else the shaded patterns on its surface made it look like a wall of rock, but Kairi knew what lay beyond it.
She walked into the cave and saw the door staring back at her. Still shut, the door was made of firm, solid oak and held up by golden hinges that looked worn over the years, but still strong. There was no keyhole or door handle to open the door with. She had discovered it years ago, with Sora and Riku, but the door had always remained locked. That was until two years ago when the Heartless came.
Kairi often came to see this door, although she never knew why. Ever since then, the door had remained locked and silent, no matter how hard she listened. She would just go and sit on the rock next to the door, looking at the drawings scribbled on the walls, holding onto the vain hope that maybe, just maybe…
Let the light in; let it surround you
I'll be there, waiting there for you
Sitting down on the rock, Kairi slid off her shoes and let her feet touch the sandy floor of the cave. The sand was surprisingly warm despite the lack of sunshine, and it was a nice feeling. Kairi watched her feet move about in the sand for a minute, before she looked up at the rest of the cave.
Everything was silent in the cave, just as it always was. The moonlight shone down through the hole in the top of the cave, opening up to the rest of the island through a hidden area they had never been able to find. The way the light shone into the cave was almost magical. The dark shadows, pushed back by a gentle white-blue light, danced around the cave.
“What am I doing here?” Kairi said suddenly. Her voice echoed around the cave strangely, and the dancing shadows seemed to stop in fear of the sudden breaking of the silence.
Flicking back her ever-lengthening brown hair, Kairi stood up with such force that all sounds of her movements were echoed and amplified. She slipped on her trainers, ignoring one of the laces that were becoming loose, and walked briskly towards the cave entrance. She just had to accept that despite Sora's promise, he might not be coming back to Destiny Island.
Kairi stopped, almost tripping over her lace. She turned back to the cave, but there was no one there. For a moment she thought she had just imagined the voice calling out to her, until she saw the light of the moon shining down into the cave suddenly intensify.
The light brightened into a fierce white light that filled the cave, with the brightest parts of the light gathering in the centre beneath the hole - a pillar of white light. Kairi shielded her eyes with her hands as the warm light touched her skin, until she dared to lower her hands and look into the pillar.
An object was floating down the centre of the pillar, floating slowly through the light into the cave. Kairi gasped as she saw it, recognising it instantly. The long metal chain of closely knitted chains ending with a circular hook that held the slightly rounded five-pointed star that was the paopu fruit, along with a small grey-blue feather. Kairi had no choice but to recognise it, for it was the key chain she had given to Sora.
You can feel it burning within your soul
The light of the Keyblade filling your heart
Slowly she walked forward, something inside her urging to go to the floating key chain. As she neared the key chain it floated down some more, until Kairi held out her nervous hands and let it land in her hands. She felt a peculiar shiver run through her entire body as she felt the chain's familiar touch in her palms, and she quickly closed her hand around it, holding it close to her heart.
Again Kairi turned around sharply, this time looking to the back of the cave. Her grip on the key chain intensified as the saw the image floating behind her in the doorway of the cave.
There, standing just a few feet away from her was Sora. Looking exactly the same as he did when she last saw him, when the light of the End of the World swallowed him up and took him away from her before releasing the reborn hearts of the worlds. She felt her heart skip a few beats as her gaze fell on Sora. She didn't even notice that his image was faded and shrouded with faint traces of light and sparkle.
“Sora…” she said, her voice barely cutting through the light. “Is it really you?”
Kairi… said Sora, although this time its voice was that of a woman's, and not Sora's voice at all. Still, Kairi did not notice.
The faint image that either was or wasn't Sora suddenly began to float back away from Kairi, floating away through the tunnels that led back out to the beaches of Destiny Island. Clutching onto her key chain and filled with a sudden desperation, Kairi ran forward into the tunnel after him. Her feet pounded loudly into the darkness of the tunnel, which seemed to become lighter with each step she took.
She followed him all the way out onto the beach, where he continued to float out towards the ocean. Kairi followed, jumping down from the path until her feet hit the sand, now feeling harsh and constricting beneath her feet. That did not stop her, however, and she continued to run.
She was soon forced to stop as she reached the shore of the ocean, when the cold nightly waters gushed around her ankles and soaked her legs. She could feel it like a barrier, pushing her back away from Sora as he continued to float away from her; across the ocean that they had once believed led them to other worlds.
“Sora!” Kairi called.
Blades of Light always shining in your eyes
Showing you the truth of just what lies ahead
The image did not hear her. Kairi was forced to watch as the light-created image fled across the ocean, its blue eyes looking at her, until he finally disappeared from her sight once again. Kairi pulled the key chain close to her chest again, tears welling up in her eyes as she saw Sora disappear for the second time. If it was Sora, that is.
She was broken from her despair as she felt sudden warmth in her hands, and she looked down at the key chain. The key chain was glowing brightly in her hands, its light shining around Kairi's hand and slowly spreading across her body like a warm wave of water. Kairi's blue eyes widened as she saw the chain become entirely enveloped in light.
She jumped as she felt a hot burning sensation suddenly spread across her hand, forcing her to close her fist tightly. Instead of feeling the rough edges of the key chain she found her hand close along a long metal pole, and it was then that she realised that the key chain was no longer a key chain.
She was now holding onto a Keyblade. Two long angelic white poles made up the most of the blade, with its tip twisting into the shape of a heart lines with colours of yellow and black. The second pole made the key shape; a star of sharp points also tipped with yellow and white, its centre a beautiful sky blue. The handle was the most beautiful part of the blade, made up of two wings. The key chain was attached to the end.
“The Oathkeeper…” Kairi whispered, looking down at the blade.
She had no time to ponder on its existence, for at that moment the Keyblade began to glow brightly again. The light spread around Kairi and across the waters where she was standing, until she was shrouded in its light. The light grew brighter and Kairi shut her eyes tightly, calling out as the light enveloped her.
Settled hearts lead the way towards the journey's end
Not afraid to let the light in; pushing away the darkness
There was nothing but a cold and lonely darkness surrounding Riku as he floated down through the seemingly endless pool of blackness. There was nothing around him - no buildings, no platforms, no other people - he was entirely alone as far as he knew. There was no sound either, just a deadly, lonely silence.
Riku had had his eyes kept closed most of the time. There was nothing for him to see anyway, so he had closed is eyes and hoped to sleep the time away. He had no idea how long he had been floating in the endless black abyss. Beyond the door time had no meaning, so he could have been lying there for years without him ever knowing or realising it. Not that that mattered to Riku right then. All he wanted to do was lie there and forget. Forget about Sora and Kairi. About everything…
Riku did not know what had caused him to wake at that moment. All he knew that was one moment he had closed his eyes and let an inevitable sleep take its hold on him. Lying back on an invisible platform, he did not know exactly which way he was floating, for there was no air or breeze to tell him so. He had known nothing until he just suddenly became aware of his long silver hair brushing lightly across his pale cheek - pale because of the lack of light - tickling him.
The light tickling of hair across his cheek made Riku shiver, and that was when he really became aware. Starting from his head down the cold shiver rushed through him like a surge of adrenalin, causing his tired muscles to convulse as the wave spread down to his feet and back up again, shooting straight up his spine to his head again.
There's a darkness hiding inside you
Looking for you, to catch your heart and claim your soul
The cold shiver felt so strange to him, as though he had not moved at all for days or even months on end. It was no surprise, for the darkness had the ability to swallow those who gave in to it. He had tried to fight it before he gave in to sleep, all his light worn out from fighting. Riku could still feel the after effects of the shiver, his muscles flexing and aching. And, in the back of his head, he could feel and hear the gentle rhythm of his pulse, as well as the different tune of his heartbeat inside him. He was still alive, even after all this time. Yet, as strange as the movement felt to him, nothing felt stranger as when he slowly opened his mouth and took his first conscious breath.
He could feel the cold air filling his mouth and spread down his throat, and he was so still he could feel it fill his lungs - cold but stale. It was not harsh, but his breath still sounded like a quiet, gasping breath. After a few more quiet breaths Riku could feel himself waking up more, which was when he became more aware of where he was and what he was doing.
How long have I been lying here, was Riku's first thought. He slowly stretched his arms, feeling the muscles move, before he relaxed and tried to open his eyes.
He felt his eyelids slowly open as he commanded them to, his very bright, light blue eyes looking straight ahead as the lids slowly opened. His pupils covered up the most part of his eyes, trying to peer through the darkness, although there was nothing for him to see. Everything around him was still dark and silent.
Riku… Riku…
We must fight it; fight right to the end
Fighting for the right to live
Riku blinked, his sight still blurred to the darkness around him, and his mind confused. It was still trying to wake up and comprehend where he was, but it was working slower than the rest of him, he had been asleep for so long. He was barely even aware of the womanly voice slowly calling out to him through the darkness. He didn't recognise the voice, so he closed his eyes and tried to force himself back into an oblivious sleep.
While Riku's eyes were closed, he didn't notice the small object that was floating down to him through the blackness. Emitting small blue bubbles of air as it slid silently through the darkness, the object gently floated down and landed perfectly in the centre of Riku's palm.
Feeling his fingers close around the object, Riku slowly opened his eyes again. He winced as he felt his fingers touch a number of sharp points, and slowly lifted his arm up to see what he was holding. As he did most of the object fell from his hands and hung loosely in front of him, swaying ever so slowly back and forth in the non-existent breeze.
It was a key chain. Riku stared at it blankly until he slowly recognised its shape, from a battle he had fought so long ago. A battle against Sora, he slowly remembered. A black key chain in the shape of a crown, attached to eight large hooks waiting to be attached to something else.
“A… key… chain…” Riku breathed.
This time Riku did notice the voice, and he quickly looked up directly above him, now fully awake.
Searching for what you cannot find
A light to hold on to, to save your soul
Up in the distance ahead of him there was a small speck of light shining amongst the darkness, gradually growing larger as it headed towards him. Riku slowly let his hand holding the key chain fall onto his chest as he watched the light approach him, growing large and slowly forming into a visible shape. A human shape, Riku slowly realised. As the figure neared the light became brighter, and Riku winced at it.
The figure hovered about three metres in front of him, and Riku stared at her, for it was definitely a girl. She looked younger than him, but not that much younger, perhaps a couple of years younger. Because she was surrounded in so much light it was hard for Riku to see most of her features, other than pale white skin and a head of long blonde hair, as well as gentle green eyes.
Riku, said the girl, her lips barely moving as she spoke. Riku, it's time to wake up now. You're needed.
Riku stared up at her, confused. He could not hear her voice in the normal sense, but rather he could hear her voice in his head. Her eyes seemed to speak more than the words she was saying. Those clear green eyes filled with pale sparkles that looked so sad, filled with a despair that could almost have matched Riku's own inner despair. A despair that made him want to forget.
“I'm… needed?” he asked, puzzled. “But… I'm…”
The girl in front of him smiled softly. She floated down closer to him, until she was within arm's reach of him. She reached out with one pale hand with her long, thin white fingers, and gently touched Riku's lips. She was cold, Riku noticed. Yet, at her touch he suddenly gasped and opened his eyes wide, feeling a sudden pang within his heart.
Blades of Dark always searching for the true light
Consuming the hearts of all who oppose them
There is still light within you, the girl said. A light that cannot be extinguished because of who you are. You have the chance to redeem that light, if you'll take it.
A sudden flush of heat spread across Riku's hand, and as he looked down he saw the key chain glowing and beginning to change shape in his hand. Within seconds he saw that it had transformed completely, and it was then that he remembered fully everything that had happened.
The Keyblade that he now held in his hand… A dark blade lined with silver and an interlocked chain rising all the way up the side. The key part of the blade shaped, like the key chain, a dark crown of intricate patterns. Its handle like strong bat wings enclosed around the handle, with the key chain finally attached to the end and resting on Riku's chest.
“I… don't understand,” said Riku, holding the blade he knew was the Oblivion.
The girl didn't answer, and as Riku looked up he saw that she was gone. All that remained of her was the white light that was slowly floating down towards him. As the light touched him Riku flinched and gasped at its warmth spreading all over him and swallowing him. The next thing he knew, he was filled with a great sensation of falling. Falling from a very great height.
Conflicting emotions slowly tear you apart
There's no way to break free now; let me release you
Sora suddenly came to a stop in the middle of the path, letting Donald and Goofy walk on ahead of him, oblivious. Sora tried to walk forward when it happened again - a second loud bang inside his heart, seeming as though a door had been opened and then harshly slammed shut. He put his hand over his heart, feeling it pound heavily inside him. He wasn't afraid, and there was no adrenalin running through him, but his heart was pounding madly.
At the same time as the two loud bangs inside him sounded, he could have sworn he had heard a voice. Riku's, or maybe even Kairi's, or possibly even both of them. It was as though the two of them had both called out to him at the same time, although he knew that was crazy. Kairi was still on Destiny Island, and Riku was still beyond the door of the Kingdom Hearts. As far as he knew, anyway.
“Sora? Are you okay?”
Sora looked up at Donald and Goofy, who had finally noticed him stopping and had turned back to look at him. Donald looked at him with his usual expression of impatience and annoyance, his arms folded and his staff perched under his arm. Goofy looked as gormless as ever, but even he looked concerned as to why Sora had stopped. Clearly he had seen Sora shudder, and it was him who had called out to him.
“I'm fine,” replied Sora, although he was rubbing his chest to soothe the beating. “I just thought I heard something, that's all.”
“Like what?” Goofy asked.
Sora shrugged. “I don't know. I just thought I heard Riku and Kairi calling out to me,” he said. His heartbeat was quietening now, and the echo of the loud bangs had faded from his mind.
Donald made a loud raspberry noise and shook his head. “Aww, phooey,” he replied dismissively. “You were just probably hearing things again.” He turned away and carried on walking down the path, leaving Sora and Goofy behind.
“What's that supposed to mean, Donald!?” Sora demanded angrily, but Donald had already gone ahead and was not listening to him. Goofy quickly followed him, leaving Sora to kick the dirt angrily. “I'm not hearing things,” he said fiercely to himself. “I DID hear them.”
Blades of Light always shining in your eyes
Showing you the truth of just what lies ahead
He soon began to follow them again, sticking his hands in his pockets as he walked sullenly after them. Even though he said he had heard them, he couldn't really be sure whether he had or not. He had been thinking about Riku and Kairi a lot during the last two years, trying to find a way back to them. He had promised Kairi he would go back to her on Destiny Island, but he had to find Riku and bring him back first. But Riku had lost his body to the darkness, so he didn't know how he was going to bring Riku back. He was determined not to leave him behind. Still, the voices he had heard so faintly in his heart sounded so much like Kairi and Riku, as well as…
He stopped again as he felt a tugging in his hand. He pulled out his hand and let the Keyblade appear in his hands. The trusty Keyblade with its thick blade and key-like tip, it had helped him a lot. Even though Riku was the true Keyblade Master, the Keyblade had chosen him when Riku went to darkness. It was a constant reminder that he had to find Riku.
As he looked at the blade he was suddenly shocked when the Keyblade tugged again, this time tugging away from him again. Sora grabbed onto the blade as it tugged more fiercely, trying to make him lose his grip on it. Donald and Goofy stopped and turned around as they heard Sora call out to them, and gasped as they saw the struggle. Sora was barely able to stay upright, holding onto both ends of the blade with all his strength as it tugged and shuddered to break from his grip. With a sudden lurch the Keyblade wrenched free and flew from Sora's hands, dashing past a surprised Donald and Goofy and down the path away from them.
“Wait!” Sora called, regaining his balance.
He pushed past Donald and Goofy and chased the blade down the path, kicking up dirt in his wake. He wondered what had happened to make the Keyblade leave his hands. The last time it did that was when Riku called it to him, so maybe…
His hopes were dashed as the Keyblade made a sharp turn off the path, making Sora follow it. Sora did not stop and pushed himself harder, his crown necklace whipping behind him and hitting his back with every step, the thick chain choking him as he ran. He jumped over a fallen tree and continued to chase it, each step making him surer that the Keyblade was leading him to something rather than trying to get away from him.
Conflicting emotions slowly tear your apart
There's no way to break free; let me free you
Pretty soon the Keyblade began to slow down, and Sora saw where it was heading. Not too far ahead of him was a tall cliff where the landscape came to a stop above a huge gorge leading down to a fast-flowing river - a deadly drop to anyone who fell down it.
Sora skidded to a stop as he reached the edge of the gorge, almost falling over towards the chasm. Looking down he could see how far it went and how far he would fall if he slipped and fell. It was a very long way down.
Looking up again, Sora could see the Keyblade had stopped as well, about a metre away from the edge, hovering. Sora reached out and stretched his arm as far as he could, but the blade was just out of his reach. He dared not reach any further in fear of falling over the edge, so he stepped back and watched, wondering what the Keyblade would do.
As he watched, he saw the Keyblade suddenly begin to glow, and in a sudden shower of sparkles it shrunk down to its key chain form. Sora stared as the light continued to flow around it, and exclaimed loudly as he saw a faint hand emerge from the light and enclose itself around the Keyblade.
“HEY!” Sora called angrily. “Give me back my Keyblade!”
Your Keyblade? What gives you the right to lay claim to this blade?
Sora jumped and looked around him, trying to find the source of the voice. He looked ahead to where the hand was closed around the key chain, and stepped back as he saw the female figure emerge from the light. Her body faded as though she was just a memory, Sora couldn't help but feel some familiarity from her. Even though he had never seen the girl, with her long blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin, another part of him almost felt relieved to see her.
“Who are you?” Sora asked. Even as she spoke, Sora felt as though he already knew the answer.
I am Leilani. You are the Keyblade Master known as `Sora', correct?
Sora blinked in surprise. “That's right,” he replied. “How do you know my name?”
I have been looking for you, Sora. The dark blade has been freed. It is time for the seven Keyblade Masters to unite again and seal it again.
“Whoa, wait a minute,” Sora interrupted the girl. “What are you talking about? Seven Keyblade Masters? I thought there was only one Keyblade. And why are you looking for me?”
Blades of Dark, Blades of Light are joined as one
Connected through the flow of our hearts
The strange girl known as Leilani stared down at him. Sora could feel her piercing green eyes peering into him, feeling the gaze cut into him towards his very heart and mind. It was as though she was examining him. For a moment he thought he saw a glimmer of a frown on her face, until it was replaced by a soft smile.
It is all right, she said. Everything shall be revealed to you in time. Sora… If you truly are the master of this blade, then trust your heart and take it.
“Take it?” Sora asked in disbelief, his eyes falling on the cliff and the long drop to the river. “How can I? You're over a cliff!”
If one does not have the courage to face certain death, how can you ever become a true Keyblade Master?
Her words cut through Sora like an arrow piercing his heart. He instantly knew what she meant, although he didn't know why. It felt as though some part of him understood what she was saying, another voice that connected to her. He found himself taking a step back away from the cliff, preparing himself.
“Sora - wait!”
Sora ignored Donald and Goofy's words as they ran up behind him. He ran forward and jumped off the edge of the cliff, to where Leilani was holding out her hand and the key chain. Sora reached out his hand, ready to take the key chain back from her.
He felt his hands pass right through Leilani's, as though she was not even there. He felt the cold metal of the key chain and quickly clasped his hands around it, feeling the welcoming return of it to his hands like a friend giving a welcome hug to someone they haven't seen for a long time. He didn't even notice that he was falling now off the edge of the cliff, his head pointing down towards the river.
The wind gushed past Sora at tremendous speed, but Sora couldn't feel it. Through blurry, teary eyes he slowly opened his palm and looked at the key chain he was holding, and saw that he was holding a different key chain instead. A key chain made of thin interlocking rings attached to the traditional heart symbol that he had seen on every Heartless, and surrounded by a sparkling white light that quickly spread across him. And as he looked at it, falling ever closer to the rushing river, only one name sprung to mind.
Keyblade Masters unite as one to seal a love
That exists through the ages, until the end of time
Eternal Heart.