Fan Fiction ❯ Max and Keero ^_^ Holly and Emma ❯ Max and Keero ^_^ Holly and Emma ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


*Max is asleep*

* Keero goes back to driving the ship ^_^ : P *

*still asleep*

*Keero looks at her with concern. He is worried about her and decides that he'll protect her no matter what!*

max is having a nightmare that she is being chased by tanma and stirs a bit*

*Keero looks over towards her, but she seemed ok and so go back to driving the ship*

*max wakes up looking upset but dun say nufin*

Keero looks at her Max? Are you alright?

*she dun say anyfin…yet*

* Keero puts the ship on auto pilot and walks over towards Max * Max? You ok?

Looks at Keero ….yeah…….

Smiles You sure? You look a little… a little upset

No… I'm ok >>LIAR!<<

>> lol << Well if you are sure. If you wanna talk or anything I'm right here ^_^

its ok trying not to cry AGAIN I just had that dream again…

puts arm round max It must be a tortured past to forget, even in sleep. I think I understand. Don't worry they cant… they wont hurt you no more ^_^

…. Oh they will, no doubt they'll try hurt me on Areel… nearly crying

tries to comfort her No they won't. I'll make sure of it, I promise, I'd do anything ANYTHING! TO KEEP YOU SAFE ^_^

pretends to be happy ^_^ thank you Keero

Anytime Max ^_^ looks at the control panel for the ship we should be back on Earth within the hour

Ok ^_^ >>golden spider monkey!<< still upset

goes back to control panel after giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek >>like I big bro does (sometimes) 2 his little sis<<

when Keero had gone she starts crying quietly

Keero hears here and again walks up to her and put his arm round her There there Max, it will be ok. Don't cry, you're safe

max is still crying and hugs Keero

Shhh, go on. Cry, let it all out. *hugs her tighter (not suffercating tight though ^_^ )

stops crying and looks at Keero

Keero looks at Max :P :P :P

>>:P<< puts her face closer to his and kisses him

Keero is at first unable to react, then after a few sec he gently pushes her away What are you doing? That was not a `brother and sister' kiss… Family members don't use tongue!

turns away quickly and says to herself shit!

Keero is confused Max? what… what was that about?

Doesn't say anything but thinks to herself good question Keero, what the fuck was that?

doesn't know what to say, he BLUSHES! Max… I…I don't know what to say

s..sorry Keero, I didn't mean to do that…

Its ok, I mean… You're very emotional at this time and… erm…

Blushers i…

I'm not sure about you but I feel extremely arkward here… How can it be possible? I mean I'm a machine…

Keero, I don't know what that was all about, I don't know why I did that…


stands up and walks away a little

Keero goes back to the control panel and continues flying the ship So erm… we had nice weather on Jeray, I wonder if they've had nice weather on Earth?

Depends what season it is there still blushing its winter so it'll probably be snowing on Io

I've never seen Earth snow before… I better put some warmer clothes on if it is… still blushing

…. Listen, Keero, I really didn't mean to do that, I have no idea what happened…

I…I know…. Look Max, I'm not programmed to deal with these kind of situations I… I don't know what to do or say… really I don't…

Yeah, neither do people… I don't know what to do or say either…

blushes and looks at the control pad Aw, man this sucks! Exactly how cold does it get on Io?

Not THAT cold notices he keeps changing the subject but rather cold sometimes, you'll live

Heh laughs nervously the cold doesn't get along with me ^_^

still blushing u keep changing the subjet…

Well… I'm embarrassed to say the least… at least I think I am. I've never felt this way before

Nervously heh, not the only one…

Heh… Yeh… Erm… Well, what do you feel about me Max?

goes bright red i… I don't really know after that… I …

Well… I love you and I'd do anything for you. I'd even die for you…

I'd I would die for you, but before what just happened I loved you as a friend, but now I don't know… I just don't know…

That's the kind of love I share…at least I think I did for you. But Max… I'm a machine, I'm not captable for real love. What I share for Shusami is a attraction between two machines… Like magnets… blushes even more I… I possibly the smartest android on my planet…. But I don't understand this at all.

If it makes it easier, I felt like I wasn't in control there, but i… well, I was… I hope that dun confuse you more…

Erm… Sure, I know what you mean… kinda I think anyway. Lets just try and forget it yeah? We can put it down to the pressure we've both been receiving.

Heh… ok, but remember what I said tho, kay?

Kay ^_^

>>Oi!<< ….

Erm… I might have a little problem if its snowing. I'm not human so I'm not affect by heat or stuff but …well sliquid kinda freezes when its not in its veins. And over 78% of the slquid in my body burst its `veins' a while back ¬_¬ you see the problem I might encounter?

Bollocks… umm, just keep yourself warm, I'm sure I got a leather jacket somewhere, I always used to wear one but it got on my nerves…

I'll be alright. I got this stuff to inject believe it or not, its in my toolbox, I just thought I would warn you coz I'll have to do it on a reglaur basis, I just didn't want you to think I was a druggie or anything The sliquid is the one causing me this problem but I do need it to stay alive… it freezing wouldn't be very pleasant

See what ya mean Still pretending to be happy

Well we're here now, two more mins and we would have landed. they land here we are

gets out and looks around to see is her friends there and jenny is there running to meet max

Jenny: MAX! where have you been? We have all been so worried about you… pluss I thought you might like to know that Danielle and kara are right behind me ^_^;

Max: ah crap! Kara and Danielle are gunny freak if they see the ship shouts to Keero kara and Danielle are coming!

Keero shrinks ship and sticks it in his pocket Okies ^_^ I cant wait to meet them

Danielle and kara come right behind jenny and run over to max

Kara: where u been? We been damn worried bout ya!

stays quiet

Danielle: where have you been anyway max?
max: y?
Danielle: cos I wanna know!
max: well you aint gunna, heh heh!
kara: will u 2 stop it? I wanna ask max sumin!

Erm, I can clear that up. She was with me

Kara: who are you?

I'm Keero.

Kara: uh huh, anyway, max, I'm havin a party tonight, do you and your little boyfriend wanna come?

What?! I'm not her boyfriend!

Max: hey, leave it, she said that about me and trunks and tara josh, she don't even mean it, do ya?

kara: hell no! plus, I know that you and trunks are an item ^_~
max: hey! F off!
Danielle: LEAVE IT!

Heh. looks at Max do you think we have time?

Max: I dunno, we could head off tomorrow, you could stay at mine and jennys if that's ok with her looks at jenny is it ok with you?
jenny: sure o_O

If you say so, a break could do us good. I haven't been to party in years.


Heh, I'm not sure about that.

Max: neither am i… anyway, what you guys been up to while I been gone?
jenny: worryin!
Danielle: tryin to call your mobile phone…
kara: Nufin…
max: you lot scare me… anyway, guys, we had better head off, we had a long journey, I don't know about you Keero but I'm hungry.

well actually I'm not hungry but I enjoy the smell of food anyway You can show me around a bit if ya wanna

Sure ^_^ takes him over to the nearest building well points that's Io collage, and over there pointing somewhere else is Io high school, jenny me aki dan used to go there, but we r too old to go there now takes him somewhere else that's the CC Headquarters, that's where trunks lives, and his mom and grand parents takes them to the private area and this would we where jenny and I live, heh, she acts like shes my mom…

^_^ that's nice of her. Your friends seem real nice, I lot nicer than Trunks ^_^

lol, yeah, he was a prat the other day
jenny: he told me he saw you but he wouldn't tell me what happened… so I'm gunna make YOU tell me!

heh, sound like u in trouble max!

¬_¬ I hate it when you do that jen…
jen: heh, I know! But you love me really!


max: heh, anyway gets out a key and unlocks the door… and walks in well, here we are…

Whoa! Nice place!

Heh, I know, where we get the money form I do not know walks into the kitchen and turns on the HOB heh heh food! Jen u want some?
jen: nah..
max: Keero?

Erm… it's a slight impossibility. But thanks anyway.

^_^ oh yeah
jenny: eh?

I can't eat. There is no need for it therefore I don't bother.

Jenny: can't? I'm a little lost here…

Erm… well I just cant looks at max can I tell her or will she attack me like Trunks did?

Nah, she wont attack you ^_^ 2 reasons, one, she REFUSES TO FIGHT glares at her for a second and two, so is she… well, like I am too ^_^

Heh, cool. Well the reason I cant eat is because I am an android, I don't eat I cant. I don't have a proper digestive system or taste bugs.

^_^ there ya go jen

jen: heh, kool…

max: opens a cupboard heh, tomato soup opens the tin and put is in a pan and COOKS it…

hehe, that smells very nice

max: jenny.. y is kara havin a party do u know?
jen: you know her, she has party just for the sake of it..
max: ha, yeah, I know… hey Keero, wanna sit down or sumin?

smiles where is the toilet? I need to… Well y'know. I told u on the ship.

Yeah, I know, jusat upstairs on the right ^_^

heh, thx. I'mm be right back ^_^ goes to loo, gives himself the injection, winces. Then goes back downstairs, flexing his arm

U kay Keero?

Heh yup. My arm is a little stiff is all

^_^ good good… *heh, soup nearly done *gets a bowl and a spoon out >>SPOON!<<

>> SPOON! << So what kind of party will it be?

Jen: knowing kara it'll be a pool party
max: o_O it's the middle of winter jen

Jen: oh yeah, then it'll be a kinda party where there is music and dancing, no doubt in the game room of hers, her parents are so bloomin rich
max: and we aint? pours the soup into a bown and starts eating she has boos there I will laugh my head off
jen: no you wont
max: your right, I wont

So if will be warm at the party? Anyway it sounds fun

Nah, it should be warm, I mean, all of us in one room, how cold can it get, heh while eating her FOOD!

>>hehe Food<< That's good then I cant dance mind you ^_~

heh, we'll se about that Keero ^_^

what do you mean by that? looks nervous

heh, well I can dance for starters, and according to jen, I ain half bad at teaching ^_~

Who said I was I was a good learner? Dancing is a social activity, Androids from my planet are not meant to be social.

Heh, so? I wernt meant to have emotions Keero, did that stop me? Nooooooo

Good point ^_^ well I'll try but no garentess ^_^

Heh.. max finishes her soup shall I show you where youll be sleeping?

Yeah, I'd be real grateful for that

takes him upstairs and shows him the spare room this is it ^_^, if you need anyfin in the night, just come wake me up, unless I'm takin in my sleep, then wait till a moment I aint talking, or I'll shout when I wake up
jen: she has made a habbit of that…

I've notice the talking in sleep thing. Don't worry though I'm unlikely to bother u during the night.

Heh, I think a lot of people notice that, it pisses me off tho… heh, wonder why… well, anyway, I'm going to bed Keero, jen, I'll see ya in the morning ^_^

G'nite Max. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! ^_~

Heh, night Jen ^_^ goes into her room

Keero looks arkwardly at Jenny erm.. Hi!

Jen: heh, hi ^_^ max has a habbit of doing stuff like this, but I dunno…

Doing stuff like what?

Leavin you here ^_^ I mean, she aint a great host ^_^ cant blame her tho…

I never even noticed she wasn't being a good host. Most the time people have extremely low respect of androids normally if I stayed round someone's house I'd sleep wherever they left me like in the kicten or sometimes ieven the garden! ^-^ you're both very friendly and nice people.

Heh, I notice a lot of people say that ^_^ well, I'm going to watch T.V, you wanna watch it with me?

Yeah sure. But I too might turn in for the night soon. I'm pretty tired but I haven't watch Earth television before.

Heh, its funny cos they r all so thick ^_^;

lol, well your earth technogly is very primative compared to Jeray But it looks interesting 2 say the least!

Heh.. goes downstairs, asumin Keero is following and turns the T.V on

Keero follows her and stands while watch her turning on the television You have a very nice house. What's on television Madam Jenny

Heh, u wanna sit down?

thanks takes a seat

max opens the window is difficulty trying not to make a noise, and fails, and starts to climb out

Keero hears the noise, and without saying anything he runs upstairs to find Max not in her room, he looks over towards the window Damnit Max! jumps out of window, doesn't bother climbing out since it wastes time

starts running Keero, it wont be any use tryin to catch me!

shouts I'll have fun trying! runs after her

just runs to try and lose him… she runs into the forest and trys to confuse him

follows her into forest What are you doing Max?? You better not be doing what I think you are trying to do!

pretends she dosnt hear him and keeps running, thinking she lost him she stops and gets out a kinfe

Keero hasn't lost her, though he aims to make her believe so

she puts the knife to her throught for a few seconds but dosnt do anything YET

Keero jumps out Max! NO!

turns around to see him and starts to run again Keero, just leave me be

Hell no!

stops and turns to face him sam told me not to let anything get in my way, and I promised I wouldn't, so I'm not gunna brake that promice Keero, I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of my way glare

Get in your way of what? Killing yourself? That is not a goal you should be shrifing for! You should be working with me to find you a way to be free!

Sorry, Keero, that's what I'm aiming for, and I wont let anything, and I mean that.. ANYTHING get in my way Keero, I will NOT hesitate to kill you gives him the evils

Go ahead! Its better than killing yourself!

Yeah, but after that, I'm right behind you… nothing will get in the way of this, not even jenny's life!

What madness had gripped your mind that you don't care about the life of one of your oldest and dearest friend? Jenny cares for you like a mother and you are willing to put her through the pain of losing a loved one? You couldn't kill me anyway and I wont let you harm yourself!

Whatever Keero! holds the knife to her throught again and starts to push it into her skin

NO! lunges towards her!

jumps out of the way and puses it more into her throught drawing blood

Keero tries to get the knife from her

pushes him away and flys into the air so he cant reach her… meanwhile.. jenny is looking for max and Keero and scence max and goes into the forist calling her name

Keero hears Jenny and calls for her. Guesing she can fly like Max, he calls in hope she can get the knife from Max

Jenny: what the hell, max, what are you doing?
max: whats it look like jenny? presses the knife deeper cutting her wind pipe

Keero screams out to Max No!

tries to talk but fails, instaid she coughs up blood

jen: MAX!

Keero stares on in disbelief and he is speechless

maxbecomes weaker and lowers to the ground still holding the knife to her throat

Keero is ready to catch her Oh dear forces no!

max tries to talk again Keero.. jenny, I'm sorry for this shoves the knife right into her neck and comes out the other side

Starts to cry

lets go of the knife but it is still in her neck, then falls to her knees DEAD! And then blood pours out of her neck…

keero has ahold of her and is `embracing' her tighly why max? We… together we could of worked it out for you!

Jenny: holy shit O_O oh my god, did.. did max just do that?

doesn't answer, he's deep in his own grief

the blood starts to dry up and the cut on her neck fades away

doesn't notice this strange happening as his eyes are too misty with tears

her wrist bands start to glow and shit, the max wakes up, slowly opening her eyes

Keero does notice this Max! You're alive? H…how?!

squints and sits up.. heh heh, she aint breathin yet

lost 4 words

cant breath then coughs up BLOOD!


dosnt say anything but look fucking freaked out

Talk to me! I don't understand!

jenny steps in I can explain that Keero.. when… when max had the spell put on her with sazoriza, they also cast an immortal spell on her… she… she cant die

Does Max know this?!!!!

Jen: no, I'm afraid not…
max: dosnt seem to do anything

This is sick! You never told her? You knew and never told her! And…and Max! She's willing to destroy not only her life and the lives around her! I can't believe you people, what is it with Earthling Androids?!

Jenny: Keero! This happened before, it's a side effect of the spell, I don't know what happened when she was away but I gather it involved sazoriza! And if it did, this is all self explanatory! She cant help it Keero, she had gone INSANE!
max: still does noting

Jen: and I didn't tell her cos I know what her reaction would be!

What would her reaction be? Sucide?! Well that wouldn't work would it! Well you can tell your little sucidal friend that it was delightful seeing her trying to kill herself, must do it again sometime! Storms off

Jenny: Keero! There is no need to get angry!
max snaps out of it
max: shit!

Screw you! walks off into the forest

max gets up and goes after Keero Keero!

Ignores Max and carry on walking/running (real fast)

runs after him Keero puts her hand on his sholder listen to me

Why? You didn't listen to me… you didn't listen to me when I begged you! I'm an android in the service of Jeray, a warrior machine designed for the military and government use! I can suffer the pain of a million knives, and billion of injustices and insults I receive. But I do feel! And if you had any of what pain I felt back there throws hands into the air Arg! Why do I even bother?

lets go of his sholder and backs away a bit Keero.. i…

Just leave me alone! I've been ordered to follow and protect you from the highest authority so I will. But if you don tmind I'd rather not talk to YOU or your little friend runs off

drops to her knees Keero?

goes away from Max's sight and then slumps by a tree and put his head in his hands

jenny: max? walks up to max

max: what.. what was that about crys

Keero thinks about what just happened. He is unsure what to do. He looks at the time and realise that he should take his injection now which he left at the house. Unwilling to o back he takes his chances and tried to warm himself by rubbing his one arm around his body

max gets up and goes to try and find Keero

jenny: max, wait up!
max: jenny, if Keero don't take his injection he'll freeze still crying even if he is pisses off with me and I'm upset with him, I aint letting him get hurt!

teeth are chatting, he feels a tear freeze on his face heh, it cold Lays down on the ground

shouts Keero? Where are you? looks for him as it starts to snow please, answer me!
jen: max! wait for me!
max: jenny, we don't have much time!

Keero feels the snow flakes begin to fall on his head and tried to brush them away but fails Th…e damn sliquid… its already starting to …freeze! G..great…this is how.. I go… Chattering teeth, he watches as the snowflakes slowly cover his cold COLD body

Max: KEERO! WHERE ARE YOU? sees him under a tree and runs over to him Keero?!

Slowly his gaze falls upon her and he quickly (well quick 4 him) turns his head away l..leave… me… be!

Max: Keero, you'll kill yourself if you do this, you know that as well as I do, and I don't care how much you dislike me right now, I aint letting you hurt yourself like I did, it aint too nice ya know! tries to get him up

Glares at her then closes his eyes Whatever your wish Madam

Snaps Keero! Stop it! I want to help you…

Do what you wish Madam Maxine, I'm but a servent. I can't exactly move anyway…

Keero, I'm sorry for not listening to you but I really haven't been myself today! But what I said on the air ship WAS I! Goes over and helps him stand up

Mumbles under his breath For the sake of my family at home… then looks at Max whatever you wish Master…

Grumbles I'm not going to bother! Gets him standing up and takes him back to the house

Keero allows this

Jenny: will he be ok?
max: I dunno do I?

Keero is still freezing cold, he consider about telling Max that he needs the anti-freeze injection but as well as finding it hard to speak he's still pissy with Max

they get back to the house and max goes to find the anti freeze jenny, get a blanket for him!

Just closes his eyes Heh, the cold is making me tired thinks to himself.

Finds the antifreeze and comes back down with it, and jenny comes with a blanket and makes him sit down

Keero, here injects him with the stuff

W…why bother?

¬_¬ I dererved that…


jenny: puts the blanket around him

max: …

10 mins later, the anitfreeze starts to set in, that frozen tear on his face melts and runs down down his face

max doesn't do anyting and jenny goes upstairs for some unknown reason

Keero pulls off blanket and stands up, he is unsure what to do or say and so does nothing

Are… you feeling ok now Keero? hoping he isn't in a bad mood with her any more

My systems seem to be fuctioning properally. I am sure I'll be able to fulfil any mission set before me master. bows slightly

Keero, will you stop that, I can understand your in a bad mood with me and I'll deal with that, but please, don't talk like that…

Talk like what? It is standard grammer when a service android talks to his superior. As for me being in a `bad mood' as you put it, I am but a android doesn't have the required feeling to be in a bad mood.

Keero, that's a load of crap o_O… but please, don't be upset with me still crying btw

… My report I must fill in at the end of this mission rquires me to receive a statement from you for what happened ealier. As a client of Jeray you are meant to keep me informed so that I can report it to the head council of Jeray… he speaks formal, but his voice is almost desparate

U mean y did I kill myself?

That is the only event worth mentioning madam.

¬_¬ I'd gone mad Keero, didn't jenny tell you that? It happened before, I mewan, last time sazoriza did this, it's a side effect, insanity, and for all I know, it might not have gone away…

I shall file this report once I am able to contact Lord Rancho. BRAINFREEZE!!!- Grabs head in a sudeen spurt of pain

Keero?! What is it? rushes over to him to see what happened

Pushes her aside I can handle it.

Keero! Stop being like me! Your in pain!

glares at her I mean it, I can handle it damnit!

gets angry and goes over to him Keero! I know this is what I do, but if you stop this and let me help, I'll be less stubborn!

Leave it! Its nothing, just…just a headache.

Fine… you did say to listen to you, so I will now goes upstairs

once she is out of sight, she slumps on the chair, holds his head a few minutes THEN clips his face off Irritating pain grumbles and tries to fix the problem

max puts her P.Js on and gets into bed why does he have to be like this?

After he had fixed it the best he can, he drops the screwdriver from his hand (which was in his boot) and falls asleep. His face is still clipped off

max dosnt go to sleep but just sits up in bed for a few minutes, after about 10 mins her head starts to hurt so she goes downstairs for a glass of water, she walks right past Keero not relizing he is there and goes into the kitchen for some water

Keero is aroused by this noise, feeling ashamed that he fell asleep, he quickly sits up and clips his face back on. He Stands up but does not move

max gets a glass out of the cuboard and put some cold water, as she is walking out she dropped the glass cos of her head and it smashed on the floor, and she grabs her head

Keero slowly walks into the kitchen

she falls on her knees still holding her head in pain and screems

Keero rushes over to her and kneels beside her Max? Are you alright?

letting go of her head she tries to get up… but fails

Keero grabs her and helps her into the living room where she can sit down Max? R u alright?

y..yeah, I'll be fine Keero, thanks >>LIAR!<<

Can I get you anything?

No, its squints in pain its ok Keero looks at him and tries to smile

You sure?

screams and tries to talk get.. get jenny!

*Gets Jenny*

jenny: what, what is it?
max: j..jenny, get screams in pain get the madication! Now!

Jenny: gets it



jenny gives it to max and max takes it

Keero gets a feeling of de-ja-vu! What's wrong?

Jenny: its another side effect other than insanity, only this is worse panics and there is no guarantee that this one will go away
max: takes it and tries to igroor the pain… not very well

Is there anything I can do?

Jenny: probably not Keero, we just gotta wait and see if it works, all anyone can do is comfort her…

max tries to get up

Pushes her back gently Don't strain yourself, just sit back and rest

looks at Keero I'm fine!

Yup, sure you are. You were also fine when you stuck that knife through your thoat!

tries to go upstairs cos she is in a bad mood… and pain

Keero grabs her andd pushes her back on the chair I could be real gentle and sympathic but I'm not gonna. You sit there, and rest, don't strain yourself looks at Jenny Will you be alright looking after her for a bit?

Jenny: yeah, sure…
max: just let me go upstairs Keero so I can rest in my room! getting angry

No, you are going to stay down here. Last time you were left in yer room you jumped out the damn window. I need to do something, I'll be back in a bit, Jeny will look after you.

Keero, its not like I'd be ABLE to do anything to my self, just let me go to my room so I can sleep in my bed!!

Jenny can decide what is best, I'm unfamiliar with what is happening to you so its best if I leave youin Jenny care smiles at her I'll see you in a short while ok? collects his toolbox and walks out the house

Jenny: max, I think its best if you stay down here
max: no! just let me go and sleep! Please!
jenny: I'm not risking you doin sumin like THAT again! I don't want you to get hurt.
max: jenny, I just want to go to sleep oO

Sets up his space ship outside, and climbs inside. He begins to work on his `project' hopeing it will be easier to make than before. For some reason he believes he really need BOTH his arms from now on.

max goes upstairs even tho jenny dosnt want her to and she goes to bed

cutting away his skin around his stump he painfully tears out the wires and then neatly cut them away. Inserting extreme volatage into his body (using the battery in his ship) he is able to connect the wires to more wires. He kept his old arm in his toolbox and so he begins the PAINFUL process of soldering back together and programming the wires in his head as well as his arms.

max goes to sleep and jenny sits in her room with her…wonder why ¬_¬ and max has a nightmare

Keero is still fixing his arm, thick sliquid ozzing out, he gets it EVERYWHERE!

time passes and jenny falls asleep on a chair next to max's bed

Time passes, and it is midday of the next day, Keero is almost done. >> Inset EXTREME PAIN 4 him here ^_^ <<

max wakes up and sees jenny asleep on the chair and dosnt want to wake her, she goes downstairs 4 that glass of water she never had

Keero is finish, but is a little wozzy from the pain, he needs to test out his arm though so he ignores the pain and climbs out the ship. He begins attack a small clusters of trees, testing his reflexes and to see how quickly his arm transforms. He is testing out BOTH his arms, in case th other good arm was affect during his little procedure

max hears the noise and goes to the front door and opens it… and sees Keero outside

Keero does not notice as he is hard concentrating on working his arm, sliquid stains the snow

max goes back inside and gets dressed in DIFFERENT clothes, then goes and wakes jenny up

Keero carrys on

max goes back outside to Keero, hoping he isn't pissed off anymore Keero, I see you got your arm back…

Carrys on punching and slicing No shit Sherlock!

¬_¬ ok, your still mad at me I gather turns around to go inside are you going to come to kara's party tonight?

I might, it depends if I can sort out these bugs stops Hey Max… You feeling any better??

Not really, but thank you for asking walks back to the house

A tree falls down heh, looks my speed is normalish… Now I gotta get these reflexs sorted Sits down in the snow and clips off face and starts playing with wires

Keero, you should come inside, its cold out…

I really need to get this fixed…

Ok, but if it gets too cold I'd come inside, kay ^_^

Mumbles kay…

goes inside

after a while, Keero goes inside

sitting on the sofa hi Keero

^_^ Hi… listen Max, I'm sory I got angry… but you any idea what youput me through when u went sucidal?

…yeah, I'm… gets up and looks at him with an upset face I'm sorry Keero

I know, it wasn't you. It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't of got so angry

No, you had a good reason to be angry… I don't know why I tried to kill myself anymore… sits down again

Well… I'm afraid for you Max… I wanna protect u but I cant protect you from yourself

… that's what I'm afraid of walks over Keero I think maybe that's what started all this… hugs him

winces Not so tight please

lets go of him I'm sorry Keero, I must be so annoing walks over to the kitchen and sits on a chair in there

Naw, not realy. smiles and touches cheek We'll sort this, I promise you Grabs his arms sharply and smiles through the pain coursing through his veins H..heh. Are we still going to that party?

looks at him and tears run down her face … it really depends how the rest of the day goes… wipes the tear away

yeah ^_^ How are you feeling now anyway?

A little dizzy and stuff… but this happened before so I'll cope…

Well if you ever need me, I'll always be there for you >>no w ay he can promise this!<< wince and now I got both arms to help out ^_^

Heh ^_^ thanks Keero…

No problem ^_^


Max? Are you ok???


You sure? You don't look so good

tries to stand up again I'm fine, really

Maybe you should try and rest a bit more? Do you need some more of that medication?

No, I've had enough rest, but it hink I should take some more of that blasted medicene looks for it

Keero helps her find it

finds it and takes some

laughs Its funny if you think about it ^_^

what is?

We're so much a like, but at the same time we are different. I mean we both got tortured pasts, both are no strangers to pain. But at the same time we're different spieces, we got different personalities and well… I kinda disagree with the way you handle things sometimes. But we found each other. There and blillions planets with forces know how many creatures on there but we found each other.

Yeah, your right… our pasts are alike in all, but yeah, at the same time we are the same and utterly different… I think you are probably the only person who understands me fully, and who I understand fully…

Heh, if you understand me you are the first. My creator never had a chance to, and Fern doesn't understand everything either. I'm glad to have a friend like you and I cant bear the thought of losing you.

Losing loved ones is one of the hardest thing to deal with, espetially when it gets rubbed in your face…

I sure now that feeling, but I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to kill those people ^_^

Heh… I only have one goal in life anymore… that's ending the Tanma war…

And you were willing to allow that war to carry on when you had that knife to your throat. My last goal is to protect and help you, then after that I can die happy ^_^

I'm afraid that was an effect of tanma's spell… but I still don't get why I lived…

They want you, maybe even need you. They want you to live, and that's probally why they put that spell on you.

…. What spell?

Jenny told me they put a spell on you to keep you alive.


Hey, don't get angry with me, I thought you already knew

Knew? That's just fucked up! How come jenny didn't tell me? Arg your saying that I CANT die?

How the hell should I know? The way I see it you can die once the spell is lifted from you.

No Keero, this explains EVERYTHING! Why I didn't die after dr. geero, why I didn't die cos of aki, why I didn't die last night….

Hey, I'm not complaining ^_^ I want you alive Max, I want to die knowing I wont meet you in the afterlife until you're an old lady ^_^

Arg, jenny is in so much trouble!

keeps quiet

runs upstairs to jenny jenny! Have you been keeping this a secret the WHOLE time or sumin?
jenny: what, what are you on about?
max: the other spell, that's what!

He stays downstairs as girls fighting can and often do get VERY ugly

Jenny: freaks oh…that
max: yes that!
jenny: listen I can explain!
max: this aught to be good!

stays quiet

Jenny: I didn't tell you cos I knew how you would react, like this!
max: yeah, but it could have been over so much quicker if I knew from the start!
jenny: and how would I tell you? `max, your immortal' ?
max: would have done well enough…
jenny: max, its not my fault!
max: calms down a bit … sorry, your right.. I shouldn't be yellin at you walks outt of jennys room and goes back down stairs very quiet

Are you ok Max?

dosnt say anything to him but leans on the wall

Max? walks up to her and put his hand on her shoulder Are you alright??

…yeah I'll live

obviously ^_^ looks at her and smiles then suddenly he blacks out and his vision is filled with fire, and a voice… his voice… What the fuck?! He grabs his head and screams in painfulness and stuff W…w..what is this? I…I don't understand He sees a vision of himself, fire endgulfing his body. He sees Max, she is upset, histical

looks at Keero what? Whats wrong? Whats going on?

the image blurs from his sight and he is able to see clearly again. The pain is gone but he is very VERY upset W…What was that? starts to shake almost like fear what does that mean? That fire… the pain!

What Keero, what happened? jenny comes downstairs freaked out

I… I don't know! closes his eyes tightly It was…terrifying!

What… did you see something?
jenny: max… I wouldn't be surprised if he just say the same thing I saw…
max: what? You had another vision?

Jenny: I really hope not

W..what? You saw it too! Did you see what I saw? What did you see?!

Jenny: freaked out fire, death… and… crys

What does it mean! Tell me if youknow what that… that thing was!

Jenny: i.. I have had visions before, and… and they usually come true crying
max: what? What happened? I'm confused
jenny: looks at her and then looks at Keero

shakes even morefrom fear You mean, it will come true? That will happen… happen to me?

Jenny: m….most likely
max: tell me what happened!

tries to put on a brave face It was n…nothing for you to worry over

Max: oh yeah right! Tell me what you two saw
jenny: max, I wont tell you what happened, but I am NOT letting either of you two go back to areel!

laughs weakly And how would you stop us? Anyway nothing will happen to Max, I wont let it and that's all that matters!!

Max: EXACTLY! Now tell me what the fuck is going on…
jenny: I… don't think that I'm the right one to tell you this time max looks at Keero it dosnt involve me, it involves Keero…

Keero shrugs seriously Max, its nothing to concern yourself over… I mean….if what we saw was true… I doesn't matter. I ddon't want to worry you.

Pouts your saying that DOES make me worry

Looks at jenny I…someone could survive all that fire right?? nervously

Max: I think I'm catching on now, so just bloomin tell me will ya!

looks at Jenny, waiting for her reply

jenny: Keero, do you mind me telling her?

Answer me first

jenny: i.. don't know Keero, I don't know what caused that fire.. so I don't know…
max: right, I got it, Keero gets in a fire!

The fire was… a little more threatening… I mean I could run through fire if need be… heat… smoke wont harm me… but THAT I'm not sure!

Max: ha! I am right! … wait, no I don't wanna be right…

looks extremely worried I…Jenny I don't want to go… that way… not again.

Jenny: that's why I am NOT letting either of you two go!

No! Max needs to go there! I need to help her break away from that spell. If that happens to me, so be it. It's a risk I'm willing to take…I… I going to die anyway… And in what we saw Max wasn't harmed… and that is ALL that's matterz!

Max: freaked out what? U man to tell me that your going to die??? NO! I wont let you die!

You know I'm going to die soon… a few months! That what Fern said, if what we saw happens, its only doing the eneible

max goes upstairs freaked out and upset >>dun worry, she wont do anything thick… heh, not yet<<

Looks at Jenny I suddenly feel quite ill… I think I'm going to have a little lay down

jenny: ok… maybe we should try and forget this, cos things like this don't ALWAYS happen, 9 in 10 of them happen… so try and forget about this, don't want to be unhappy for the party… can you tell max it start at 7

9 out of 10? Well they're good odds. Yeah…maybe it best if we do forget it. Sure I'll tell her.goes upstairs and knocks on Max's bedroom door Max? can I come in?

max dosnt say anything

kocks again Max? can I come in?

quietly sure she is leaning at the window looking out

Walks in Are you ok?

…. dosnt answer

Look… it doesn't mean nothing… Jenny said it wasn't for certain, I mean by the sound of it they have been wrong before? ^_^

Only one time…

What time was that?

A light bulb blew up…

See… that didn't happen. Maybe this is wrong too

light bulb blows up

Oh shit…

Well, it can still be wrong… Max?

... I hate to say it, but the chances are thin… sighs

Look at me smiles I want you to promise me something…

looks at him

If anything does happen to me on that planet I want you to leave without me… Get away from there, and don't look back

i… don't know if I could do that…

Why not? I mean it wont be like you're abandoring me or anything, you got a life here on Earth. I don't want you to risk it

I cant risk my life remember? I think you should stay here… let me go alone…

Hell NO! You might not be able to die but there are worst fates than death y'know

… didn't think you would say yes to that…

Anyway I've been orderd, I can not break those orders

Why are you being like this? I've been on more danergous missions, I'm a warrior, its my job to take these risks, I don't care about those risks and neither should you

I'm being like this because I know that letting you come with me has been a mistake… the same mistake as I always made before… I let my mum and dad go out of the collany and they got killed, I let futagoza go and fight without me, he got killed, I let sasha come with me to fight, then I let sam fight to.. and now I'm letting you come with me… and we know whats going to happen to you…

I'm sorry but there is no way you could stop me, letting me or not. Those other people did those things, not coz you let them but because they wanted to. And what you said about knowing what was going to happen to me… I might survive it, I mean anything is possible.

… sazoriza WAS right, emotions get in the way of things like this, if people care about me, they will protect me, and people that try and protect me get killed…

Emotions don't get in the way, you need them to survive. Without emotions… you'd be a monster!

What happened in this `vision' Keero? I want to know looking out the window still

I…I saw fire at first, I heard a voice, my voice… I was screaming. Then I saw me, I was in the flames, I couldn't escape from them. They covered my entire body, it was painful I'd admit…. Max? Promise… If that does happen I want you to run, and leave me. Even if you can hear me, there would no way to gt me out without harming yourself. I don't want you to get hut, its my fate not yours. Promise you'll leave, go Home

she dosnt say anything for a while but Keero looks at him what if I am meant to save you? What if I CAN save you… I mean, I cant die, so I may aswell try! >>HOLLY IS HYPER!!<<

But the chances are that may happen AFTER we had those spells taken off you, in that case you can die. I didn't wanna die in fire, I hate the stuff… too many memories in that department. But if I die, I die so be it. Even if you think you can save me, I don't want you to. Promise me! sounds upset I'm begging you please! Promise me!

just looks out the window saying nothing

Damnit Max! Promise me! Or I wont LET YOU go! I'll go and bring that freak to you!!

Keero, I find it hard to promise things like that… looks out the window almost longingly

I know, but you gotta promise me. I'm old, I've lived my life I don't want to be the reason why you died young

leans on the windowsill and sighs…again

Please Max promise me kneels beside her I'm not long for this world anyway. My life was destined to be cut short the moment Furjet ordered my abduction

I may have been able to promise you I'd go if it were yesterday morning… but as I said, I don't know my feelings for you anymore… I mean, I care about you… but …

Max… please don't make things more complicated than they already are. You need to promise me this though, I want to know you're safe, I don't know what exactly I feel for you but I know I'd rather burn in a thousand deaths then to see you get hurt.

looks at Keero …I don't think I can promise you that I'll leave you, I wouldn't be able to let myself… not after what has happened in the past…

Please Max, I'll do my best not to let this thing happen, I mean I'm not gonna stand in the next fire I see. Promise!

You cant cheat on fate…

grabs her shoulderss and shakes her slightly PROMISE ME DAMNIT!

pulls away from him then you have to promise me something if I promise you…

What's the promise then?

You have to promise that you'll do as I ask when we get to Areel…

Within reason, ok.

looks at him then I promise, but only because its what YOU want…

Thanks, you're right. It is what I want. BTW Jenny told me to tell you that the party is at 7:00

Thanks 4 and a half hours later

I haven't been to a party is ages! The last one I think was Miraya's birthday party last year. Its slightly different though ^_^ walking with Max to Kara's house

Heh, how old was she? knocks on kara's door where she can hear music coming from inside

She was six last year ^_^ she'll be seven in November

^_^ sweet kara opens the door

kara: ah, max and Keero? Right?

Yup ^_^ eveing Madam Kara ^_^

Kara: uh, yeah, whatever, anyway, guys, come on in she goes in with Keero and there are lots people there talking!

Max: kara? How many people did you invite?
kara: 48
max o_O ok….
jenny who is already there runs over to max
jenny: giggles josh fell in the punch bowl!
max: jenny, you've been drinking, haven't you?!
jenny: duh!
dan come up behind jen and makes her jump, then they start chacing each other

Max: looks at the time its 10 past 7 and people r already drunk, its pathetic -_-;

josh, whom is wet with punch, goes up to max, says `ha!' and walks off >>RANDOM!<<

max: very pathetic…

shrugs If they enjoy it ^_^ Fortunally I cant get drunk

they do seem to eh' max sees trunks standing in the corner and waves to him

trunks: walks over to max hi max, I see ure little friend aint dead…

max: trunks, don't be a jurk now! We are here to have fun, plus, I could put you in a bad mood if I told you what I did last night!

Its nice to see you too Trunks.

Trunks: glares I wish I could say the same. I was pretty sure you'd be dead by now

Keero: I was pretty sure you would still be a jerk. Anyway listen to max and shutup, we're here to have fun not to argue. Because my little human friend, I could kick your ass any day.

Max: ha, male conflict!

Keero: lol

Trunks: Hmpth

Keero: come on Max, lets dance

Max: heh, ok, one second, I just wanna get a drink goes gets some white lightening heh… yum holding a glass of it

Now I don't like the smell of that

Trunks: Wimp

Keero: Aren't you gone yet?

Trunks: No, I want to talk to Max

walks up to trunks then talk! Heh

Trunks: I wanted to ask you if you'd like to com eround my house tomorrow for dinner. My mum was asking for you

Sorry, cant, gotta go somewhere, its damn important I do in all

Keero: yup. We're leaving first thing tomorrow so I'm afraid Max wont be able to join you.

Trunks: Shut it android

Keero: Shut it Human!

Max: I don't know why you two bother -_-, heh, anyway, either of you wanna dance? >>she forgot that Keero asked her to dance<<

I'd be honered.

Heh, kool grabs keeros wrist and takes him to where everyone else is dancing… and starts dancing

Keero dances, 3 hours later slow song comes on Hehe, thi was the first Earthling song I heard when I came here smiles

Heh, kool! still utterly pissed wanna dance to this one then?

Sure once they dance a little Keero to the `heart will go on' Closes his eyes and kisses her on the lips gently then pulls them away…. If I die tomorrow, remember this wont you Max?

looks at him you wont die, I wont let you die Keero hugs him while they dance


closes her eyes I'm tired…

Yeah, I think we should go home. Helps Max leave the house

dosnt say anything

they go home to sleep. Keero wakes up before Max and so prepares for the journey. Once the hsip is ready he wakes Max

wakes up morning, how d'ya sleep?

I slept fine, you?

Like a rock ^_^ pretending to be happy I should tell jenny we are going to leave goes into jenny's room jenny, you awake?
jenny: I am now HANGOVER!!!
max: soz to wake you but I thought you would like to know that Keero and I are setting off ^_^
jenny: whatever goes back to sleep

max goes back to Keero

Lets go then together they jump into ship and go to the planet after a few hours We're here lands

Ok, one sec get something out of her back before she gets out of the ship is the somewhere in the ship where I can change?

Yeah just in the back over there. What do you want to change for?

Inot my soldier uniform, I am more likely to get attacked by tanma, but that better than your own team ^_^ goes and puts her uniform on >>shall I draw it quickly for you?<<

>>yeah sure if you want ^_^ << Heh, okies Max

comes back out all done ^_^ quick houney, don't ya think?

Smiles it looks nice on you ^_^

Heh, thanks jumps out of the ship

Do you know where we have to go?

looks around a bit yeah, to the headquaters, but we HAVE to be quiet on the way, and I should warn you that we will get attacked at least once, hopefully not my any of Areel's soldiers still looking around and seems real disappointed this place used to be like harmony…

The war cant last forever ^_^ come on Max, lead the way my captain ^_~

Heh, ok, this way, but I might suggest shrinking your ship first kneels down on the floor and picks up a piece of slate and throws it at one of the run down buildings and it collapses worse than I thought it would be…

does the thing with his ship Try not to think of what it is now, thik of what this place will be once the war is not there no more ^_^

heh, it wont change, not enough people left on the planet… I just hope there are some survivers… espetially the tanma captain!

Heh, yeah ^_^ is he the guy we're looking for?

Hell yeah! He is in for a beating, well, after he takes this damn spell off me ^_^; we should go look now, this way walks to a small little abandoned house and goes inside

Follows >> hehe