Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry about the long delay in posting. Alas, I must flip burgers all day to provide food and transportation for myself. Alas, I must also attend school so as to escape from flipping burgers for the rest of my life.
In case it hasn't already been mentioned, I own nothing related to the Teen Titans. The character Raelin, however, is mine through and through and I will break the legs of the idiot that tries to steal her.
That aside, happy Turkey Day!
It took all of Raven's self-control to keep from jumping when Raelin's eyes suddenly shot open. She felt panic rise through the other woman so Raven tried to comfort her as best she could. "Calm down. You're safe here." A slow, jerky nod of affirmation from the alien. "You were attacked in the city?" she asked slowly. Raelin's eyes were sweeping over the whole room at an alarming rate, as though she were expecting someone to jump out from behind the bookshelves and attack.
The winged woman took a breath before speaking. … And another. "Telepathically, mostly. I couldn't remember the face of the one who fought with me but I got the feeling it was someone I knew." Her voice became hollow after that. "They broke down my defenses, left me vulnerable and then left me for dead. I came around eventually but was so disoriented that I wandered closer to the city. And the closer I got the more jumbled my mind became due to the lack of defenses…" Her smooth voice trailed off as she brought her eyes to meet Raven's, unable to go on.
"But you obviously managed to get away, that's how you ended up here.” The sorceress offered the other woman a rare smile. “You did very well, I'm impressed. I think that's enough for today.”
“All right.” Raelin seemed to be more than willing to set aside her disturbing memories. Her too blue eyes began the familiar bookshelves, taking in every nook and cranny in Raven's room. An uncomfortable silence fell between them until the alien at last spoke the question that was so obviously burning within her. “Those are spell books, right? You know magic then?”
From within the folds of her cloak, Raven nodded. “I've been trained in them ever since I was able to read. This is my personal collection.”
“It's… impressive.” Raven could see that the other woman couldn't tear her eyes from the spell books. There was another question that Raelin wanted to ask burning behind her eyes.
“You can take a closer look at them, if you like.” I love anticipating what people are going to say.
A grateful smile was flashed in her direction, displaying pearly white teeth. “Thank you!” Her hand reached out carefully to the closest one to remove it gingerly from its spot. “It's just that they look so familiar…” The alien's velvety voice became muffled as she lowered her head to read. “Maybe it'll jog my memory.”
“I'd be very interested to know what you remember.” Her curiosity was genuine. It took immense concentration to learn even the most basic spells. As a result, not many learned the more advanced spells.
An absentminded reply sounded from within the depths of the book. “You'll be the first I tell.”
Closing her violet eyes Raven began to meditate on the strange woman sitting before her, reading her spell books. Where would the woman have been exposed to spells? It wasn't as though they were littered all over the world. Ancient old witches would have a collection about the size of hers and Raven was only twenty-two. Fighting for all that was good and right had its benefits; sometimes evildoers had a book or two of spells that were immediately plundered by her. Sometimes, would-be victims would send her gifts (despite her protests); spell books.
And this woman had recognized a good portion of them.
Purple eyes popped open immediately. Too blue eyes looked at her timidly, the book she had been studying so fervently before now returned to its spot on the shelf. “Yes?”
“Would you mind if… If I meditated with you for a little while?” Her eyes studied the floor as if she were embarrassed for asking such a question.
“Uh… Sure.” Embarrassed or not, it still threw the sorceress off a bit. Someone wants to meditate? With me? “Make yourself comfortable.”
That in itself proved to be a feat for the alien. After much shuffling of her wings, grumbling and huffing the woman finally managed to get comfortable. The alien closed her eyes and focused; the other empath could feel calm begin to settle around the winged being like a shroud.
The blue cloaked sorceress wished clam would come to her that easily. The woman's memories, as well as her apparent knowledge of spells, had her burning with questions and thirsty for answers. Answers that not even the alien could answer. Yet. That made it all the more frustrating. She glanced over at Raelin for the hundredth time as though the solutions she sought would magically present themselves.
The clothing she wore was just as mysterious. She was swathed from her shoulders to her ankles in a strange fabric that she wasn't familiar with. Once it might have been a light color but now it there were dark brown spots on it in places, possibly bloodstains. Cyborg can analyze them. It might help them unravel the mystery that was Raelin.
Suddenly Raelin snored. Not loud enough to bring the Tower down around her ears but certainly loud enough to catch the pondering witch's attention. We've been meditating for quite awhile… It's almost morning. It was a miracle that the alien had managed to stay conscious for as long as she had considering her day.
And now that I know what time it is… The sorceress' head and eyes began to droop. Sleep is definitely needed. The Boy Blunder is going to wake us up first thing to do morning routines.
She debated waking Raelin up but decided there was little point in it. Sleep was sleep no matter where it took place and so far, she grudgingly admitted, Raven enjoyed her company.
After wrapping the sleeping form in an extra blanket, after blowing out all the candles in her room but right before sleep took her a strange thought occurred to her. Their new ally? friend? had fallen asleep easily even though in a strange environment, after stressful circumstances. Surely that must mean she felt some sort of comfort, trust, at being here?
The thought brought a rare genuine smile to her lips.