Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ In the name of all that is good and sugary... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
We never really appreciate our memories until we lose them.

Or never had them in the first place.




I frowned. What was that sound?



Soft, and almost like a purring cat --- only less…choppy,
I decided.



It wasn’t me, right? I held my breath.



Well, how odd. I opened one eye.

And then shut it again quickly.

Maybe I was still dreaming.

I opened both eyes this time.


Why the heck--

---was there a guy---

---in my bed---

(which wasn’t really my bed, I noticed vaguely)


---no wait---

I pulled the covers back just a bit.

Eeep!! He’s naked!!!!


I blinked several times more.

I was still clothed…right?

I wiggled a bit, just to see.

Oh man.

Insert mental freaking out.

First things first. Quit staring at gorgeous guy in close proximity.

Then get out of here. Without being seen, heard, or felt.

I swung the covers off of me. The nameless dude stirred; I panicked and scampered into the adjoining bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind me.

And promptly screamed.

The floor-length mirror hanging on the reverse side of the door revealed a 25-year old, matured woman of long blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, with a small birthmark near her collarbone shaped vaguely like a star ---


I gasped and heard a groan from the other room. Well. Whoever it was in there showed such concern over my welfare. What if I was being murdered? Shouldn’t they be concerned?!?!

Hmm…should I be concerned?

No, no, what with the mystery man, with someone I didn’t know and apparently slept with---it all shriveled in comparison to the fact I had gained TEN YEARS in about --- I counted mentally --- eight hours!

Not to mention gained an honest-to-god sex life. Or so it seemed. I mean, did people usually wake up in their beds with men they didn’t know and with them both being naked, assume nothing happened?

Surely not. Right?


With that squared away, I turned my attention back to the mirror.

Good Lord, I thought, appreciatively glancing down at my shapely legs, Shapely legs?! Where --- o-err, WHEN in the world had I gotten good-looking legs?!

I quickly formed a mental tally.

I had gained a sex life, ten mysterious years of life, and lost about ten pounds along the way.

What in the name of all that was good and sugary had happ---


The door shook.


Oh for the love of---

“MOOOOOOTHER!!!!” A very high pitched voice came from the other side of the bathroom door I was now clinging to. I gasped again.

CHILDREN?!?! My God, I had had CHILDREN?!

I was going to faint.