Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[Author's Note]

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual person, groups, organizations, or national
bodies is purely coincidental.

Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty


Skyscrapers lined the deep blue, night sky. A murky moon shined an orange glow on the city
below. A few clouds filled the scene above. Only a few stars were visible, partly the fault of the
ever-growing pollution problem.

Down in the city below, hundreds, if not thousands, walked the many paved streets, and drove
around in their expensive sports cars. People of all different races, nationalities, and
backgrounds, rich and poor, littered the streets, along with the actual garbage and litter that were
found on the city grounds. No one group of people were targeted.

They all would suffer.

A group of persons called the streets their home, the homeless. Cast out by society, thought of as
lesser beings, ignored by the rich, white-collar masses.

One of these persons stood on a crate on one of the many street corners, holding up a large white
sign reading, "THE END IS NEAR," in black writing, likely from a marker.

He was dressed in ragged clothes, and smelled of urine. The people who passed by the man
denounced him as crazy and mentally disturbed, and he might be, but the words the sign read
were partially correct.

The homeless man's eyes grew wide in horror as an aerial device caught his eye.

A large, fast-moving projectile illuminated the dark sky making its way to the unsuspecting city.
The homeless person dropped the sign, raised his right arm, and pointed his index finger at the
oncoming missile.

The man began to utter gibberish unable to express his feeling -- never having completed the
fourth grade. He caught the attention of a passerby who wore an expensive business suit. The
businessman turned his head to where the homeless man was pointing, and realized what was

The missile traveled downwards toward the massive city, launched from a location thousands of
miles away. A trail of flames and smoke was left behind the projectile, the missile itself about the
size of an average adult.

As the rocket neared the city, more and more people became aware of the danger. Some raised
their faces to the fast-moving missile, others ran in fear and confusion, trying to escape an
inevitable end. The warhead neared it's target, unable to be stopped, it would bring pain,
destruction, and chaos to an already troubled world.

The rocket-propelled weapon passed by the highest buildings, and was only a few hundred feet to
ground level. The homeless man still stood on the crate as the people around him ran like
frightened mice. They worried about their children, their family and friends, most of all their won
lives. Would they survive?

The homeless man never moved a muscle. He just stood there staring at the speeding device that
would ultimately bring his demise. It was almost a feeling of relief for the man, his life had been
in shambles ever since his younger years. He was just a wanderer, barely surviving in the harsh
world. The man almost welcomed the missile, finally an end to his nightmare.

The projectile fell completely downward heading straight for the center of the street crowded
with clamoring people, and crashed cars. The homeless man never removed his eyes from the
weapon. The last thing he saw was the white, blue, and red of the Russian flag painted on the
side. . . .


The warhead made contact with the concrete floor causing an ear-splitting explosion heard for

The area where the missile had landed was now replaced with a ball of flames, smoke, and
twisted metal. The blast erupted upwards and in every direction. A wall of heat and sheer force
crushing and consuming everything in its destructive path. The blast quickly consumed him, he
dematerialized in less than a second, sending him into the great beyond.

The wall of flames continued for hundreds of miles. The sheer force of the blast ripped through
tons of steel and the millions of people that called that city their home. An aerial view would
show an immense ball of fire and smoke covering the entire city that lied in ruins inside it's large

When the massive explosion finally subsided, what was left was nothing more than burnt rubble.
Debris, ruins, and carnage was all that was seen for miles and miles. Smoke and a few flames
still remained at the explosion site. What also remained were large amounts of radiation and
other dangerous chemicals making that area inhabitable for years.

Just what the terrorists had wanted to accomplish. The city of Los Angeles was no more.

Hope you enjoyed the prologue. Any comments, convictions, or criticisms? Please review and
share your opinions.