Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ The Hangar ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4: The Hangar

[Rostock, Germany, 1978]

A young blue-eyed, blonde-haired boy lied beneath his bed on the musty, wooden floor of his
bedroom. Tears rolled down his cheek as he listened to the struggle outside his door. His father
and mother fought against intruders just trying to complete their mission. The young boy knew
nothing of what was going on, his father just told him to hide, so he chose favorite hiding spot,
and stayed there for what seemed like an eternity.

A single gunshot roared outside the door, followed by a loud thud. The sound of men talking
caught the boy's attention, and just as he was going to leave the sanctity of the bed, his bedroom
door swung open. A man dressed in a black uniform came into the room, scoured it for a
moment, then made his way over to the bed. The quiet whimpers of the boy caught the man's
attention as he flipped over the bed where the child lay in a feeble position. Without a word the
man lifted up the boy, placed him over his shoulder, and they left the room.

As the officer brought the boy into the kitchen area, the child witnessed his father crying over his
wife's lifeless body. The man in black was joined by two other men as they walked out of the
broken home, carrying the crying boy. The three men made their way to a nearby jeep. The man
holding the child carelessly threw the innocent creature into the back of the jeep, after which he
jumped into the back. The two other men got into the front two seats, one of whom started the

The father, covered in blood, ran out of the house toward the jeep, as it began rolling away. The
officer in the back got off the jeep and confronted the distraught father.

"Victor, my son! Let him go, he didn't do anything!" yelled the concerned parent, trying to get
past the kidnapper. "Take me, instead!"

"Our orders are for the boy," the man in black struck the father across the face sending him to the
asphalt. "This is what happens when you betray Big Boss."

The agent got back on the jeep and signaled to the driver to continue. The boy looked back at his
battered father, as he got farther and farther away. The child reached out his hand toward him,
but to no avail. The emotional and mental trauma of that night would be something the boy
would never recover from.


Charles Gangstein, the name he was forced to adopt, never did and never would forget that
fateful night when his life changed forever. Everything he had was taken away from him in an
instant. All because of Big Boss, and he would get vengeance, whether it be by father or son,
Boss or Snake.

Gangstein stood outside on the roof of the barracks building. He laid both his hands on the
railing, his eyes on the ground ahead of him, waiting for his prey. At the snowy bottom, sentries
made their meaningless patrols, stationed there for a threat like an intruder, but he knew no single
or dozen sentries could stop the legendary soldier. When Snake did show his face, Gangstein
planned to unleash the pain and pure emotion built up over the past thirty-two years.

Gangstein quickly spun hearing a pair of footsteps behind him. He raised his fist, ready to attack,
but withdrew when he realized who it was.

"Whoa, it's just me," said his fellow New Dominus comrade.

"What're you doing here, Helena?" Charles asked.

"Me? What're you doing up here? It's freezing and you're wearing a tank top. You should come

"I'll live, but you're wearing isn't much better."

Helena's leather jacket, commonly used by motorcyclists, barely protected her from the harsh
Russian cold. Her tight, jet-black pants and boots didn't do much either. Her long, flowing dark
hair adding to her over-whelming attractiveness, if Helena wasn't a cold-blooded mercenary, one
might mistake her for a runway model.

"I guess we'll have to keep each other warm," answered Helena as she wrapped her arms around
his muscular physique. They looked deeply into each other eyes as her lips met his. The pain that
haunted Charles for a large part of his life melted away, just for a moment.

The kiss was immediately interrupted when a sentry burst through the roof door, "Commander!"

"What is it!" yelled the commandant, still holding Helena in his arms.

"I'm sorry, but Trammel, he's–he's dead." reported the sentry.

"What?!" shouted Gangstein, backing away from Helena.

Gangstein walked over to the railing, fists clenched.


Gangstein threw his fist through the cement below the railing. A large hole ripped through the
concrete, bringing cracks in the solid foundation.

Anger boiling inside of him Gangstein muttered, "I'm gonna find him and end this." As Charles
began walking toward the door he was stopped by a few words from Helena, "Stop! John's
already looking for him."


Snake pressed the STOP button in the elevator suspending it between two floors. The operative
removed the sneaking suit vest and pulled the wetsuit-like shirt over his head. Snake then
inspected his injured ribs. There was some bleeding and minimal bruising that would only get
worse. He used a roll of bandages, to bind the injured area, the best Snake could do without
adequate medical supplies.

The elevator doors binged open and the first thing to emerge was the barrel of a USP pistol
followed by Solid Snake. To his left, right and front, were long corridors, the left hall was
patrolled by a sentry. As soon as Snake caught sight of the sentry he rolled forward out of the
guard's field of vision, but unfortunately it was an unusually sloppy roll, making enough noise
for the sentry to hear.


"Damn," Snake whispered, thinking over possible scenarios.

Snake rose and became parallel with the wall, while getting as close to the corner as possible
without the sentry seeing. Once the guard reached the corner, Snake jumped out, grabbed the
barrel of sentry's AK-47 and pointed it upwards. The sentry pulled the trigger releasing a stream
of bullets straight into the ceiling.

"Hey!" another sentry yelled from down the corridor. "You, there!"

Snake managed to get behind sentry and struggled over control of the assault rifle. Snake stood
behind the sentry, arm around his neck, other hand on the assault rifle. The other sentry down the
corridor prepped his AK-47, readying it to fire. A stand-off of sorts occurred, the free guard not
wanting to fire because of the good chance of hitting his comrade.

"Griffin, shoot!" the captured sentry shouted.

"I can't!"

Before the other guard made up his mind, Snake took hold of the AK-47, took aim, and fired at
Griffin. The sentry's lifeless body fell to the floor, blood flowing from his bullet wounds. Snake
just as quickly snapped the neck of the remaining guard, and let him fall with a thud to the

A few minutes later, Snake had stored both bodies in a nearby janitor closet, but not before eating
a portion of his rations, the previous battle with Trammel had taken more out of him than at first
glance. There obviously had been no other sentries in area or they would have come running, and
that gave Snake a minimal feeling of comfort. He was still Solid Snake and he was still in the
middle of the greatest terror threat in the history of history.

The agent left the closet, turned to his left while making his way to the far side door at the end of
the corridor. When Snake reached this door he realized that it was electronically locked, much
unlike to backdoor of the building. The agent was forced to backtrack and search both sentries
for a card key. He found a blood-stained card in Griffin's back pocket.

Snake slid the card through the door's slot, and it slid open leaving an open passageway for him
to slink through.

The former FOXHOUND soldier walked onto a metal walkway attached to the wall that
encircled an immense hangar. In the center of the large hanger was a stationed Russian Air Force
Sukhoi SU-27 fighter jet, around it fuel tanks, and a few military vehicles, not to mention
patrolling sentries. To Snake's right were the large hangar doors, to his left were the steps leading
down to the ground floor.

There were no other people on the walkway, giving the operative the chance to descend the metal
steps, but halfway down a nearby sentry almost spotted the agent, forcing Snake to leap over the
railing. His landing was routine completed with a roll behind a fuel tank, but was quite painful
giving the protagonist's injured ribs. Snake struggled to breathe, but quickly regained his
composure, it was then he called Otacon via Codec.

"Snake, have you made it inside, yet?" Otacon asked.

"Yeah, I'm inside an airplane hangar, but from where I am there aren't any visible ways out of
here, except for the jumbo doors."

After a few seconds of computer searching Otacon answered, "Unfortunately, you're gonna have
to find a path to those doors, because right next to them there should be a entryway for
individuals to pass through. It's the only other way outta there."

"Al–alright," replied the legend.

"Snake, is there something wrong? You're breathing it sounds. . . labored."

"I ran into one of the New Dominus guys, Trammel. He clipped my ribs, but I'll be fine."

"Of course, never gonna admit when you're in pain, huh?"

"Just doing my job," Snake stated. "One more thing, how exactly am I going to get into the
underground facility housing Metal Gear."

"I was afraid you'd ask that," Otacon jokingly admitted, "there's a small problem."

"How small?"

"Well, the plans I have for the base are from the 1950s when the facility was built, I'm afraid the
underground portion was added on at a later date. Ergo, I have no idea how get underground."

"You always were helpful, Otacon," Snake replied, not amused by the particular irony of the

Before Otacon could reply, Snake ended the Codec transmission.

Snake rose as high as he could while still being hid by the fuel tank. The agent listened intently
for footsteps of patrolling sentries, the patter soon alerted his senses. A sentry walked past the
tank to Snake's left, a few seconds afterward the sentry fell into the operative's arms after
receiving a fatal head wound from a suppressed USP pistol. Snake pulled the body behind the
tank, betting that no one would search there, at least for a few hours, and continued the operation.

The soldier peered round the corner and took in the room from his vantage point. Seventy yards
across the hangar, Snake could make out the pathway Otacon informed him of, unfortunately it
was located atop a small flight of stairs, making it all the more difficult for the philanthropist.
Along the way to the steps, were a series of boxes and fuel tanks, each large enough for a full-
grown male to hide behind.

The protagonist reached the first cargo box and moved to the second with no problems, but the
third was a challenge. There was a sentry stationed between his location and the nearest tank, the
only good thing was that he faced away from Snake. The sentry stood, motionless. Snake
concluded that the only way to get by was to terminate the Russian.

The protagonist crept up behind the guard, and placed the barrel of the Universal Self-Loading
Pistol against the back of the balaclava-covered skull of the sentry.

"Freeze," Snake uttered.

The sentry replied, "Filthy dog! Capitalist pig. . . coming in here, thinking you can get away with
anything you want. Well, not anymore."

The sentry spun around, holding the butte of the Kalashnikov up aligned with Snake's jaw. The
operative instinctively ducked. Snake grabbed the barrel of the AK as the sentry pulled the
trigger, releasing 7.62mm slugs into the nearby floor and wall. Enough noise to eventually attract
some company. The two struggled over control of the assault rifle. With the sentry's finger still
on the trigger, the AK-47 kept firing until the clip was empty.

Before Snake could get the rifle away from the sentry, a single gunshot rang through the hangar.
Not knowing who shoot it, or where it came from, Snake let go of the AK and ducked behind a
nearby cargo box. Then the operative realized where the bullet had gone. The sentry he was
fighting with lie on the floor, his forehead split open by a single bullet. Blood seeped out of the
bullet wound, and onto the linoleum floor.

"The fuck . . . ?"

Holding up his USP, Snake left the cover of the box, eyes peeled for the shooter. The agent
turned his head at the sound of a familiar voice.


Snake spun and pointed his pistol in the direction of the voice. He scoured the walkway above
him for the speaker, and when his pupils focused on the figure, he could barely believe his eyes.