Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Secret Identity ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13: Secret Identity

Snake climbed the steps to the first landing in the dimly lit staircase. He passed the first door and
began to escalate the second pair of stairs when he heard two voices at the top of the steps.
Through the space between the stairs, Snake could see two men at the top floor, which he
recognized to be Gangstein and Peacemaker.

The cowboy spoke in a low voice as if he knew someone was listening, "What the fuck is this?
Colonel Dzhugashvili is running, so what're we gonna do?"

Gangstein didn't respond.

"We have to get the hell outta here," Peacemaker pleaded. "Gangstein! Forget about Snake, we
have to leave."

The German replied in a cold, monotone response, "I don't care what you do. I'm not leaving
without Snake's blood on my hands."

"He's not worth it."

Gangstein thought for a moment and murmured something to himself. He had the look of a
madman coming up with another crazy idea.

"What is it?" John questioned.

"I know how to get Snake."

Before John could ask what the plan was, Gangstein walked off out of Snake's view and through
a door. The cowboy scoffed to himself, always skeptical of his commander's tendencies.

Snake's mind wandered to another problem. He wouldn't dare face the mercenary unless it
completely necessary, so he decided to take Otacon's advice and he entered the door to the his
right, and into warhead facility.

The operative passed through the doorway and entered the large warehouse-like hold. Snake
stood on a raised staircase, in front of him were the steps to the ground floor. Stacks of crates
were scattered throughout the room. What caught Snake's eye was the row of four ICBMs on the
left side of the room.

Snake walked down the steps to the warehouse floor. The operative glared down the missiles as
he passed each one. In awe of the weapons and potential destruction in front of him. Taking his
eyes off of the projectiles, the commando scoured the room for any exits.

Strange, Snake thought, as they weren't any sentries in the hold.

There were only two other ways out of the area, a large retractable metal door, obviously locked,
used for transporting the missiles and other cargo out of the missile hold and right beside the
retractable barrier was a smaller door, on it was a clearly visible "5". Another impassable barrier.
Snake's only option was to retrace his steps and take the bridge.

"Well, well, well," a voice behind Snake muttered. "So it was you."

The operative immediately spun and withdrew his Browning and raised it at the ever-
approaching terrorist.

Peacemaker's familiar smirk grew wider as he approached the soldier. The mercenary was
shirtless, his chest heavily bandaged. A ponytail stuck out under his old western hat, and dual
revolvers sat in holsters at his side.

"Ah, ah, ah," Peacemaker warned, "If you shoot, then we all go ‘boom'."

Unfortunately, the cowboy was right. The warheads in the facility must have been there for years,
and that meant leaked plutonium.

"You know," Peacemaker sauntered closer to the operative, "I really thought you were dead. I
never woulda thought the great Solid Snake would fall for an old trick like that."

Snake's only reply was his finger hugging the trigger of the Russian pistol. An empty threat.

The cowboy continued, "Man Snake, you do not look good. Age has not done you any favors.
You look older than the last time I saw you, drowning in a pool of your own blood."

Not letting the cowboy's words get to him, Snake quickly changed the subject, "Where's Metal

"Metal Gear? And all this time I thought you were here for me."

"Answer the damn question," Snake demanded.

"Put away the gun, I know you're not gonna use it. If you really want to know where the machine
is, then all you have do is beat it out of me."

Snake holstered the Browning. "I wouldn't have a problem with that."

"And this time. ." Peacemaker undid his belt holster, and carefully placed his hat on the ground,
"no tricks."

John lunged at Snake, leading with a right hook. The legend was unable to evade the attack, and
received a hard knock to his jaw sending him stumbling backward. Snake massaged his chin, but
didn't have much time to recover with John always on the attack..

Peacemaker launched two quick jabs, first with the left then the right, aimed at Snake's face.
Snake eluded the first strike by knocking it way with his left hand, but the second connected with
the commando's right cheekbone, sending the agent back another few steps.

"C'mon Snake! Is that all you've got?" Peacemaker mocked.

Snake then went on the offensive. He cocked a fist and sent a well-aimed punch toward
Peacemaker. But the cowboy won this battle. He caught Snake's right arm in mid-flight, leaving
the operative open for attack. John formed a fist with his free hand and slammed into Snake's
injured ribs. Snake's immediately fell to his knees, and blood draped his bottom lip.

Peacemaker chuckled, reveling in Snake's misery, "Snake, you disappoint me. You didn't think I
was all revolvers, did you?"

Snake was breathing heavily, immersed in pain. Snake's threshold for pain was more than the
average person, but even Solid Snake couldn't handle all he'd been through the past several
hours. He came to the realization he didn't have a chance to beat a much younger and more fit
Peacemaker. Now the only question was: how long would he last?

"Get to your feet, Snake!"

John moved his leg back and kicked it into Snake's already damaged ribs. The force of the attack
sent Snake on his back, holding his abdomen. His sneaking suit cushioned the blow, but did little
help with the pain.

Peacemaker looked at Snake manically, "This'll be the second time I've sent you to hell, and this
time you won't come back."

John walked back to his holster lying on the floor and retrieved one of his revolvers. The terrorist
spun the SAA's chamber as he made his back to the ailing Snake.

"Snake," Peacemaker began, "how does it feel to know you're only minutes away."

"You can't pull that trigger. You said it yourself, we'd all die." Snake croaked, in enormous pain.

"Can't or won't? I've never been afraid to die. Why should this be any different?"

Peacemaker trained the revolver on Snake's head, and slowly pulled back the hammer. The two
never broke eye contact, as if daring the other to make a move. The terrorist hugged the trigger,
mere centimeters from pulling the trigger and blowing the facility to hell.

Peacemaker's expression turned from stern to comedic. He attempted to hold it back, but he
couldn't, he erupted with chuckles.

Snake was perplexed to say the least. The hell? Had the plutonium gotten to him? the operative

Taking advantage of the situation, Snake managed the strength to sweep the feet of the terrorist,
sending him on a collision course with the metal floor. Snake got to his knees, and crawled over
to the cowboy. Before Peacemaker could counter, Snake pressed his forearm against the
terrorist's larynx. John never put up a fight.

Snake was filled with emotion, anger was the most evident, "Where's Metal Gear?!"

"Snake," Peacemaker spoke in a completely different tone then his cowboy accent, "I'm on your


"I'm not Peacemaker. I'm John Carlson, FBI."