Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Gear Solid: Sovereignty ❯ Departure ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 17: Departure

Metal Gear SAM returned to it's normal position, after the shriek it just emitted.

"Snake!" Gangstein yelled through the Metal Gear's loudspeaker, "You have nowhere to run!"

John looked back at Snake, "We gotta get outta here!"

"But," Snake turned around to find Liquid, but he was no longer there. "He's gone."

Peacemaker turned around to find Liquid was gone. "Forget about him, the sooner we get out of
here, the better."

Snake looked at John and evaluated the situation. Liquid was probably long gone by now and, in
his state, Snake didn't have a chance to catch him. With Metal Gear breathing down his neck, he
had to get to safety, if that was possible.

"Lead the way," Snake instructed.

"Come on," John said as he ran in the opposite direction of Metal Gear.

Snake did his best, but could barely keep up with all his injuries.

"SNAKE!" Gangstein's voice boomed in the facility.

Suddenly a hail of 7.62mm slugs erupted from the GE M134 miniguns located on each side of
SAM's head. The bullets hit the floor and wall around the two escapees.

"Come on!" John yelled as he neared the wall and cargo elevator he ran toward.

Snake's vision was blurry, his body ached, blood was still flowing out of open wounds, but he
found it in himself to continue. Peacemaker reached the elevator and pressed one of the buttons
on the panel next to the doors. He was forced to wait for it to come back down to his level, while
Gangstein continued firing from his miniguns.

John turned to see Snake struggling to make it to him. The cowboy went over to and helped the
legend to the elevator, while there was a brief pause from the firing of the miniguns.


Metal Gear SAM stopped moving and raised it's left forearm. A small opening formed in the arm
and three Javelin anti-armor missiles rocketed toward Snake and John. The elevator doors
opened and the two rushed inside as the three missiles crashed into the wall above them, which
shook the entire hold. The missiles created a huge hole in the wall and sent debris crashing down
to the floor, just seconds after Snake and John entered the elevator.

Snake leaned against the wall of the cargo elevator, trying to catch his breath. John pushed one of
the buttons on the lift's panel.

John turned back to the ailing Snake, "Do you have a way outta here?"

"Yeah." Snake replied as he activated his Codec. "Otacon, get here, now."

"What's going on?" Emmerich asked, bringing the Kasatka to life.

"Liquid's behind everything, he's responsible for the attack."

"But how?"

"There's no time to explain now. Metal Gear SAM is active, and I have no way to fight it. Just
get here as soon as possible."

"Hold on, Snake." Otacon answered with words that comforted the suffering Snake.

The elevator doors opened and the two men ran out of the elevator and stopped there, thinking
they were safe from SAM.

"I have a friend who's gonna pick me up," Snake explained, "what about you?"

"Don't worry about me," John answered.

"You're planning on taking on that thing. You can't fight it alone!"

Peacemaker didn't reply.

Suddenly, a roaring jet engine passed over their heads. The SU-27 fighter jet, carrying Colonel
Dzhugashvili, flew past them and out to the sea to the north.

"Shit!" Snake exclaimed, now knowing Lieutenant Miller failed.

The jet rocketed over the blue sea. The Colonel was making his escape.

"What is that? In the water, " John exclaimed, pointing out far off into the distance.

About a football field away, the surface of the water was bubbling. There was something in the
water. Suddenly the sea's surface was broken by a large metallic object, rocketing upwards into
the air. The object was followed by a body then legs. It was Metal Gear RAY.

The SU-27 jet was on a crash course with the aquatic Metal Gear. Inside the plane, Colonel
Dzhugashvili's eyes grew in horror. The beady eyes of RAY stared back at him through the jet's
clear cockpit. "STOP!" the colonel shouted, but it was too late. The jet flew into the head of
RAY and was followed by a massive explosion. Orange and red flames erupted from the
explosion, followed by burning debris. RAY's smoldering remains fell backward into the water,
sending shockwaves through the sea.

John and Snake looked on in awe at the scene. Debris still fell from the sky, and there were
lingering flames.

"Liquid..." Snake thought about it first. "Liquid must have been in RAY."

"So, he's dead?" John questioned.

"I wouldn't put past him to survive something like that."

"But an explosion fo that magnitude? Who could survive that?"

"You'd be surprised." Snake answered. He knew all too well the knack for Liquid to return from
the dead.

"We–"John began, but was cut off when the ground beneath them began to rumble violently.

"The hell?" Snake proclaimed.

"Look!" Peacemaker shouted.

Both turned around to see the head of Metal Gear SAM rising from the facility. The rumbling
stopped and SAM was completely above ground.

"Will he ever give up?" Snake said, annoyed.

"Where's your friend?"

"On the way." Snake wished Otacon would hurry. They had no way to combat a Metal Gear.

"Come on, I know how we can stall time." John stated as he began running toward the facility.

Snake had no idea what he was talking about, but since it was the only way to go, he followed the

They reached a large building, in front of which was a line of Russian army jeeps and trucks.
John searched the first jeep, the second and finally the third had a pair of keys in the ignition. It
was only then the ailing Snake reached the building. SAM could still be heard rumbling in the
distance, trampling over anything in it's way.

Peacemaker started the engine and Snake got in the back. John put the vehicle in reverse, and
drove back toward the elevator, trying to get as far as possible away from Gangstein and SAM.
Snake gripped the side of the jeep when something on the floor caught his attention. A FIM-92E
Stinger missile launcher. Beside the Stinger were three missiles.

Snake loaded a missile into the barrel and lifted the Stinger onto his shoulder, something he's
done too many times to count.

"What is that?" John asked, seeing the Stinger out the corner of his eye.

"Just drive." Snake demanded.

Fortunately most of Snake's bleeding had stopped, but his right side screamed out in pain when
the missile launcher was plunked down on his shoulder. Doing his best to ignore the pain, Snake
stuck his eye behind the scope and focused on the head of Metal Gear SAM, which was chasing
the two men.

John drove the jeep through the snow field as Metal Gear SAM got closer and closer to the two.
SAM trampled over and obliterated any and all buildings in it's way. Crashing into the buildings
seemed to have no effect on Metal Gear, attribute that to the durability and strength of SAM's
armor, and Snake knew it.

Once SAM was clear of the main facility he had more room to run and it did. Metal Gear let out
another ear-piercing scream as it raced after the jeep.

"SNAKE!! YOU CAN'T RUN NOW!" the unrelenting Gangstein shouted through the

Snake trained the Stinger's scope on the head of SAM, which wasn't easy in the back of a
speeding jeep. Within seconds an idea formed in the legend's head, with the only three missiles
he would have to be economical.

The dual M134 miniguns focused on the jeep, and 7.62mm slugs rained down on Snake and
Peacemaker. Thanks to John's crafty driving skills, most of them missed, but a few hit various
areas of the jeep, none destructive.

SAM's mouth opened once again and Snake took his chance. He pulled the trigger and the
missile rocketed toward Metal Gear's open mouth. Unfortunately, Gangstein closed SAM's
mouth before the missile arrived, and it crashed into the armor. The only damage was a small

"Damn," Snake grumbled, removing the Stinger from his shoulder. The pain from the recoil of
the Stinger was too much. Once most of the pain subsided, Snake placed another missile into the
barrel and placed it back onto his shoulder.

Peacemaker continued driving through the snow field, but off in the distance he could see the
water nearing, and... John pressed on the brakes and quickly spun the jeep around. Snake was
nearly sent flying off the jeep. Once he regained his composure he saw the reason why John did
what he did. Just a few feet from them was the edge of a cliff.

"Where the hell is your friend?" John yelled.

"He'll be here."

Metal Gear SAM let out another shriek, running toward it's prey.

"Come on!" Snake shouted, wanting John to put pedal to the metal.

Peacemaker did so, and Snake put his eye back behind the scope. Only two left, Snake thought to
himself. He formulated a plan in his head to take down the machine, and he would have to
execute it flawlessly.

"Hey," John broke Snake's train of thought, "is that your friend over there."

Snake took his eyes away from the scope and looked where Peacemaker was motioning to. Off in
the distance Snake could the indistinguishable amethyst color of 1st Lieutenant Miller, standing
near the facility.

"No, but he's one of yours, Army."


Snake stuck his eye back behind the scope and focused on SAM, who was gaining ground on the
speeding jeep. Metal Gear continued firing from it's miniguns, and John barely dodged two
Javelin anti-armor missiles that shook the ground and sent snow and dirt into the air. Snake
lowered the Stinger's scope to Metal Gear's knee and waited for the targeting system to lock-on.
As soon as the reticle turned green, he pulled the trigger and the projectile rocketed toward SAM.
The missile erupted against SAM's vulnerable right knee injuring the mechanical beast. Metal
Gear fell to one knee and it's mouth opened, and let out a scream like it was in pain. Just what
Snake wanted.

He had to work fast, and that's exactly what he did. In a matter of seconds, Snake had another the
final missile loaded into the Stinger and his finger on the trigger. Aiming the cross-hair directly
in the center of SAM's mouth, Snake fired his last hope.

The Stinger's missile streaked through the brisk, Russian air and connected in the direct center of
the beast's mouth. A massive explosion erupted from SAM's head, followed by a crackling roar
from Metal Gear. Snake lowered the Stinger trying to get a better look at the damage. Smoke
came up from the demolished head, which was no more than charred, twisted metal. The body of
Metal Gear fell backward into the snow with no signs of life.

"Is he dead?" John asked, cutting the engine on the jeep, and craning his neck to get a better look.

Snake didn't answer. He wouldn't be surprised if Gangstein, somehow, got up from the
wreckage, it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened.

The two men waited. Waited for any signs that SAM was still operable and if Gangstein was still

The crunching of snow grew louder and louder, the helmet-less Miller was jogging up to the jeep.

"Pliskin!" Scott shouted.

"Pliskin?" John remarked to Snake.

Miller heard the remark and thought the worst, "Your name's not Pliskin?"

"No," Snake answered, "It's Snake."

The 1st lieutenant couldn't believe it. "Snake? Solid Snake? But... you're dead."

Snake cracked a smile. "Not anymore."

It all made sense now. Only Solid Snake could have done the things he's done. Killed the
sentries, the terrorists, and now Metal Gear. Only Snake... he thought to himself. "But–" Miller
began, but was cut off when an enormously loud thunderclap took all three men by surprise. They
all looked up at the grey sky as it began to rain.

"Look!" John yelled, pointing out to SAM.

Metal Gear began stirring back to life. It's extremities quivered and the torso followed suit.
Another bolt of thunder boomed as SAM'S remaining eye flashed it's blood red color.

"SNAKE!" Gangstein yelled through speaker, in obvious pain. "It's not over yet..." Gangstein's
voice sounded like a man on the brink of death.

With no more Stinger missiles, Snake didn't have a chance.

Metal Gear got up on it's one good leg and started toward the three.

"Why won't he die?" An annoyed Peacemaker said.

Suddenly the whirring of helicopter blades filled Snake's eardrums. He turned toward the noise
to see the Kasatka flying toward them.

"Finally." Snake said jubilantly.

"What about him?" Miller spoke up.

Snake turned back to Metal Gear, walking on one leg in another direction. If Gangstein was still
alive, he was obviously incapacitated, not coherent enough to be any real trouble.

"Unless you wanna take him on alone, I'd suggest we get outta here. There's no reason to stay."
Snake explained as he hopped off the jeep and limped over to the Kasatka, followed by Miller
and Peacemaker.

Otacon set down the helicopter near the edge of the snowy cliff, wary of any nearby lightning.

Before entering the helicopter Snake turned back and faced John and Miller, "So what, do you
need a lift?"

"No, I've already called my superiors at the FBI. They should be here any minute." John

"FBI?" Miller cocked an eyebrow.

"What about you?" Snake asked staring down the 1st Lieutenant.

Miller didn't know the answer to that question. He'd just been lied to by his own government,
and put on a suicide mission. His entire trust in his country was broken. He didn't know what to
believe. He didn't even know if he would survive today. He couldn't go back to the Army, not
after this, but where would he?

"Snake, we gotta leave before this storm gets any worse!" Otacon shouted from the cockpit of the

"Make up you mind, kid." Snake instructed.

Miller thought about it first, "I can't go back..."

"Why?" Snake quickly retorted.

"Just get me back to America, then I'll be out of your hair."


John stuck his hand to the legend, "It's been an honor to work with Solid Snake."

"Same," Snake replied shaking Peacemaker's hand.

"Come on." Snake, getting into the Kasatka, motioned to Miller. The lieutenant nodded to John
before he followed Snake into the helicopter, whose blades began whirring.

Snake got into the passenger seat of the Kasatka across from Otacon. Emmerich's jaw dropped
when he saw the damage done to Snake. Multiple open wounds, his shoulder and forehead
bandaged and the immense pain on his face, which Snake finally let out.

"Snake..." Otacon started, not sure what to say to his ailing comrade. On every mission he puts
his life on the line for Philanthropy's cause. Snake's determination and character were
unmatched. There weren't words to express how Otacon felt.

But Snake knew. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Snake's answer, one Otacon had heard
many times before.

"I can see you took care of Metal Gear SAM." Otacon stated as the Kasatka rose into the air.

"Yeah. Metal Gear's destroyed, so there's no more threat, and the colonel is dead. I'd call that
mission complete."

"Colonel Dzhugashvili?"

Snake pointed out to the sea, and Otacon saw the wreckage of Metal Gear RAY. "Oh." Otacon
then caught sight of Miller, looking out the side of the Kasatka, obviously deep in thought.
"Who's this guy?"

"Army Rangers. He must be having trouble with his superiors, but he won't tell me what. He just
needs a lift."

1st Lieutenant Miller leaned against the side of the open Kasatka door, looking out into the arctic
sea. The rain had stopped His entire belief of being a soldier was shattered. But what now? He
was inside a helicopter with a man claiming to be Solid Snake. It was his lifelong dream of
serving his country, and the people he's respected for so long, they all betrayed him. His life was
in shambles, if he even had one to live.

"Hey, Snake," Otacon began, but when he looked over at Snake he could only smile. His fellow
philanthropist had already fallen into a deep sleep, and he didn't dare disturb him, if anyone
needed a good night's rest, it was Solid Snake.

– End –