Fan Fiction ❯ Metroid College Days ❯ Math=heck, history=boring, english=dreamy, lunch=explosions ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Gee, thanks a lot Ridley for blowing up the whole class." Said Samus.

"I know, I like being evil." Said Ridley.

"Come on, we got to get to math."

They walked down to math class that wasn't to far away from the science class. They went in and took their seats. They sat by each other again.

"Ridley, go sit somewhere else."

"I can't all the other chairs are full."

Sure enough, the other students took every seat.


"Why did you say sigh?"

"I didn't..."

There was a hiss coming from the front of the room. A secret door opened with flames coming out of it to reveal an old female teacher who was wearing all black. She also had glasses.

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Death. If you don't think my last name is fine, then please raise your hand."

A small little alien dude raised his hand.


She pulled a lever and the alien fell in a hole under him with flames coming out. The thing screamed as it went down.

"Psssst, Ridley." Whispered Samus

"What?" Ridley asked.

"I think she's evil."

"I know, isn't it great?"


"Yes mrs.-"





"Good, if your all wondering why I'm married, I'm not, I'm just named Mrs. Death."

"Can we call you Mrs. D.?" Asked a student before he fell down a hole.

"Hmm, I guess you can. Anybody else?"


Good, take out your books to waste your miserable lives. Your homework is to do all of the math in the book and it's due tomorrow!"

"Boy, this is going to be a long day." Thought Samus.

"I like Mrs. D's evilness." Thought Ridley.

"Hmm, is that gum on my shoe?"

"Where did we get the books at?"

"I wonder what's happening in the science class?"

"Where did Samus's suit go?"

"I took it off stupid."

"How did you do that?"

"I don't know, maybe we can do telekinesis?"

"Why is Samus's voice in my head?"

"I thought that!"

"STOP THINKING" Thought Mrs. D.

Samus and Ridley sweat dropped. Class ended and the students ran out as fast as they could. Samus walked out and started to go to her other class.

"Ok, now I have history then English." Said Samus to herself.

She walked into history class and found her seat making sure that there were no empty seats by her. Ridley came in and found a seat by Samus.

"Curse you Ridley."

"I like being-"

"Evil, yeah, yeah."

A space pirate came in and went to the front of the room.

"Dude!" Said Ridley.

"What?" Asked Samus.

"I saw that guy the other day."

"Hi class, my name is (insert zebian name here). But you can call me X.Y."

"Why are you teaching us if your are?" Asked a student.

"Why, who says I'm evil? I like teaching!"

"Oh brother." Sighed Samus.

"Excuse me miss do you have a problem with me?"


"Good! Now today, we are going to learn about the history of Zebes. Get a pencil and I'll pass out your worksheets that are so long that you be tired out after doing it."

"Great, just what I needed, more work." Thought Samus.

"I know that's the guy I saw the other day, he has the same features as the guy." Thought Ridley.

"Where did this pencil come from?" Thought Samus.

"How do I even sit and fit in these small desks?" Thought Ridley.

"Ok, lets start in the beginning of it shall we? Zebes was made by who knows what and the ancient people called the Chozo were living on it ever since. Natives have been appearing around Zebes as well. If you are all wondering what a Chozo is. They are bird like people who stand like a man and spoke Zebian. Some even spoke English. After awhile, space pirates like me took over it and started building things. We even builded our first life form, Mother Brain. The space pirates like me killed the Chozo people of Zebes. And blah, blah, blah."

"Dang, this is way boring." Thought Samus.

"I'm going to give him a talking when he's done." Thought Ridley

"What are you going to do Ridley? Thought Samus

"I thought I'm going to give him a talking when he's done Thought Ridley." Thought Ridley.

"Uh-oh, we are doing that again." Thought Samus.

"So what, it's sweat having to do this." Thought Ridley.

"Ok class, your homework is to finish this paper." Said X. Y.

Class was over and everyone ran out fast. Samus went to English class to do whatever. She finds a seat and sits. Ridley comes in and sits by her.

"Why do I even bother?" Thought Samus.

A little boy was in the front sitting on a pillow.

"Hey class, we are not doing anything in here all year." Said the boy

"YAAAAZEEEE!!!!" Yelled everyone.

"Instead, we are going to do meditating."

"I should of known." Thought Samus.

"Great, another class to waste." Thought Ridley.

"Oh well, I'm going to do it anyway." Thought Samus.

"Yeah, what she thought." Thought Ridley.

Samus started meditating and went into a dream state on accident. In the dream Samus was driving a car with a loud burst of music coming from the radio. Ridley was enjoying listening to his theme song.

"Hey! Hey guy!" Yelled Samus.

"I can't here you."

"Turn down the music! I got to tell you something!"

Ridley turned down the music.

"Thank you."

"So what did you want to tell me?"

"Nothing, except that keep the music down."


Ridley turned up the music in full blast shaking the car. They drove up to a store and got out of the car. They went towards the store and went in. They got in and were greeted by this ugly looking old hag.

"Welcome to da store!!!!" Yelled the lady.

"Holy crap." Thought Samus

"Oh Jesus." Thought Ridley


"Oh my Jesus."

"Oh crap."

"Gosh no."

"I'm scared."

"Go, attack."

"No, no, no."


"No lets just go."


"GO, GO, GO!!!"

They went to one part of the store to see a metal knight there follow by a goblin or some sort.

"I, the great ruler, will by a can of soup, TO RULE THEM ALL!!!" Said the evil person.

"Your majesty, how about a diet can of soup?" Said the green thingy, goblin, whatever.

"Ah yes, this one soup could possibly be the worse kind of food ever. That's what I like being evil. Getting things people hate the most because it will RULE THEM ALL!!!"

Samus and Ridley went to the soda isles and got each there own pop. They went to the clerk and just stared at her.

"Samus...Samus...Samus, she's not moving. Samus she's just, standing there." Whispered Ridley.

"Just by the drinks." Said Samus.

"Ok, how much is it... hmm, 200 zebian coins? Hey Samus, do you got 200 zebian coins?"

"Oh, so am I a money giver now? Well, to bad, I don't have it here."


"But, I'm thirsty..."

"Just take them, gogogogogogo!"

Samus wakes up and it has only been a half an hour.

"I got to stop searching the web on the computer." Thought Samus.

Ridley was in a deep sleep so lets see what he's dreaming about. Ridley was flying over a now burning city. He had just done the most evil thing ever.

"Yes, now I'm going to be famous for what I have done." Said a happy Ridley.

"I shall slay thee." Said a mans voice.

Ridley looked below him to see an elf type person holding a sword and a shield.

"My name is Link, and I shall destroy you!" Said the Link.

"My, my, such tough words for a not so tough guy."

Ridley landed right in front of him.

"Come on, I'll give you a freebee. Hit me." Said Ridley not expecting it to hurt.

Link did a horizontal slash in his legs and it didn't even scratch him. Link then stabbed him in the abdomen and that left a mark and Ridley felt it.

"Is that all you can do? Well, it's not good enough."

Ridley lifted his foot and smashed Link. He laughed an evil laugh. Ridley then woke up. Class was almost over.

"Oh man!" Thought Ridley.

Class ended and everyone went out as fast as they could. Samus went to cafeteria and got in line with the other people.

"This college gets weirder and weirder." Thought Samus

"Hey Samus." Said Ridley.

"Can I have just one moment of piece?" Asked Samus

"Nope, because I'm-"

"EVIL!!!" Yelled everyone in the college.

There was this big huge green thing serving people food. It had three red eyes, and looks like a lizard.

"Hey Samus, see that guy right there?" Said Ridley.

"Yeah, what about him?" Said Samus

"Well, he is a big idiot that doesn't even know how to talk."

"WHAT!!!" Said the big guy shaking everything from his booming voice.

"His name is Kraid, the stupidest creature to exist." Said Ridley.

Kraid threw a load of food at Ridley, Ridley ducked and the food somebody else. That somebody else threw it at Kraid, but the aim was to low so it hitted another random person.

"Hm, this is a good time to call it out." Thought Ridley. "FOOD FIGHT!!!" Yelled Ridley.

Food was going around everywhere in the cafeteria. Samus hid under the table to avoid collision by the food. Ridley was on top a table throwing everything he sees and throwing it to random people.

"DIE DEMONS!!!" Yelled Ridley.

"Ridley, why did you have to start a food fight?" Thought Samus.

Ridley under the table where Samus is at.

"It's crazy up there, no, chaos, perfect chaos!" Yelled Ridley!

Ridley got up on the tables again while Samus ran to the doors to get out. A potato was heading right at her. X.Y. came in to see this. X. Y. Jumped in front of Samus and got hit with the potato.

"X. Y. are you ok?" Asked Samus.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you?" Said X. Y.

"Just fine."

One of the lunch ladies went out of the kitchen doors.

"Everybody, take cover, the food is about to explode!" Yelled one of them.

"HIT THE DECK!!!" Ridley said as he took cover.

"Oh sh-"

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! Food went everywhere.