Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Destinies Book 1: Broken wings, Fading souls ❯ Blood Red ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh FINALLY! *sigh* now I've only got 14 more fics to work on....and the next chapter to this one........*sigh*



But it must be destiny, destiny,

Not left to chance.

With a wave of a hand, in a wasted land, we dance

DESTINY ~Bell Book & Candle

The world was spinning without him. Tempest tried to sit up but that only caused his head to hurt even more. after a couple of minutes everything had thankfully cleared enough so that he could sit up and look around. He was sitting on the floor of a nice looking room with white walls, a huge bed, a fire place and two other doors probably leading to a bathroom and another room.

When he had finished studying the room he noticed that he wasn't alone. Someone was sitting at the table by the window. Tempest coughed and the man turned around. It was the same knight that had caught him.

Grey eyes, golden hair.

Something moving in the back of his mind.



Fire dancing on silver.

Tempest couldn't tear his eyes of the guy in front of him. There was something he should remember. He had seen this guy before, well other then in the alley and the throne room, but where? Tempests eyes traveled down to the knights hands, he was fiddling with a bracelet of white metal around his left wrist. On a reflex Tempest brought his hands up to his neck and felt the cold smooth surface of a slave necklace clasped around his neck, realization hit him hard.


The crippled young woman gazed at the little animal in her lap and patted him. Where could Tempest be? That question was twisting in her mind as she stood up, put down the cat animal on her chair and limped over to a desk.

She opened a drawer and poked around until she found what she was looking for. She then limped back to the chair and smiled down at the cat.

"Domie, could I have the chair, you can sit on the table or go and lay down by the fire if you want." The little animal looked up at her with grinning big blue eyes then he jumped up at the table and sat down promptly at the other end of the table. She smiled at him, sat down and opened the box she had gotten from the drawer.

She sighed as she picked up a deck of cards from the little box and then shuffled them. The cards was a couple of sizes bigger then an ordinary stack of cards and the cards backside where a dark purple with pink roses and an orange cross.

The animal named Domino followed the young woman's hands as she shuffled the cards and put down a card with the right side up. It held a picture with a young man holding a knapsack, wearing a funny looking hat that covered his hair, but a few strings of blue found it's way out. His blue eyes was grinning and he was patting a strange looking creature balancing on the guys shoulder. The card had a zero painted on the top and on the bottom the words 'The Fool' was painted. Domino and the woman grinned at each other as she put out 4 other cards in a cross, with the right side down and the 'The Fool' card in the middle.

Then she put a card right side down over the fool card, put the remaining cards away and turned over the card laying to the left of the card with the Fool. She frowned as she looked down on the card. It was a tree, with ten pentagrams as apples.

"complete but not perfect," she said and looked up at the animal. He looked back at her and wiggled his long tail, as if to say 'hurry on and continue.' She turned her attention back at the cards and turned the card laying to the right of the fools card. It was a moon shining in the sky, on the ground was a little sea and sitting by it was two wolfs howling up at the moon. The letters on the bottom of the card said 'The Moon'. She stared at it for a while and then mumbled something.

"Find your courage and open your heart." She turned the card above the fools card and gasped. It was a young woman, tied up, blindfolded and surrounded by eight swords.

"There is changes in life that can only succeed if you understand your thoughts, use the swords to free yourself." She sighed and turned the card below the fools card. Her face got a thoughtful look and she traced the figure on the card with a finger. On top of the card was the sign for number 13. The figure on horse wheeling a scythe was a skeleton in a black robe. Her finger traced down over the people being trample to the ground by the huge white stallion, down to the letters at the bottom of the card and stopped there. The letters formed a five letter word she was really familiar with, 'Death'.

"Learn to let go, leave the past behind you, and harvest your future," she mumbled and looked up at the worried looking animal. His tail was twitching, she knew he was worrying so she gave him a reassuring little smile and said in a hushed voice.

"no need to worry, the death card don't necessary mean a bad thing." Domino didn't look one bit relived so she just shrugged and turned the last card, the one over the fool. The number was 16 and the picture was showing a tower, being destroyed by a fire breathing monster, the letters on the bottom said 'The Tower'. The animal and the young woman looked at each other, the animal with a questioning look that seamed to say 'and all this means...??'.

"Tempest is at The Golden castle, looking for his destiny."


Tempest's hands started to claw at the necklace, trying to tear it of. He couldn't, didn't want, would die if he was to be a slave to someone. His vision started to blur with tears, he almost didn't hear the sneeze through the panicked fogged haze but, his mind noticed a hand grasping his shoulder.

"Calm down or I'll hit you. I'm supposed to take you to the baths, you smell." Tempest took a few deep calming breaths and looked up into two blazing grey eyes and then down on his dirty old outfit. He really needed a bath, and some new clothes. Tempests dried his eyes and stood up when a thought suddenly struck him. How come the last thing he remembered was being dragged down to the dungeon again after seeing the king? How long had he been unconscious?? He glanced at the knight who turned around and headed for the door.

"walk two steps behind me." The knight reached the door, opened it and gave Tempest a soft glance that only lasted for a second and wasn't noticed. Tempest sighed and followed the knight out of the room, it would be nice to take a bath cause it was a while ago had the opportunity. And hopefully he wouldn't have to make a scene to get to do it alone.


Solitaire glanced over his shoulder at the short, thin, young man walking two steps behind him. He was still a bit surprised that they had finally caught the infamous Tempest Blue. People had tired that for at least 10 years. He had actually thought that the thief would be older but this guy walking behind him couldn't be older then himself.

Yet the thieves guild hated him with passion, the assassins guild was after his head, he could get in and out of the kings chambers without anyone knowing and somehow he always got out of everyone's grasp. Solitaire sighed and turned another corner. Then there was the wicked mind of the king, he was up to something. Somehow Solitaire hadn't been surprised when he had woke up this morning and found the blue haired thief on his floor with a slave necklace and a servant waiting to see to it that the knight put on the master bracelet.

They walked down a long stair and stopped at a huge door that the Knight opened and steam rushed at them, they had reached their destination. Tempest followed the golden haired Knight into the room and stared at it in awe. The walls was made of tainted glass and the floor was black stone polished until it was smooth and shimmered. In the middle of the floor was a huge hole with bubbling water.

"It's a hot spring.....we're under ground now...." The Knight said and pointed at a bench in a corner.

"Put you're clothes there, I'm going to go and look for a servant to bring you your new outfit." Tempest watched the blonde knight turn around, walk out the door and then close it. He let out a sigh, took off his clothes and dived in. He was surprised that the knight just left him here. 'What made him think that I wouldn't run away?' Tempest thought and pull his hands trough his now wet hair.

"I suppose..." he said out load and his hands found their way down to his necklace. His mind wandered over to the blond knights cold grey eyes.

"Maybe this isn't such a bad thing." He said to the air while he started to rub out the dirt in his hair.


Solitaire walked into the royal tailors chambers without knocking and looked around. Two young ladies was sitting at a table drinking tea and eating cookies. When they noticed who had entered they where quickly at their feet's and rushed over to assist him.

"oh master Solitaire, what can we do for you, Jooliino isn't here but I'm sure we can be of service"

"Uhmm...His highness has given me a slave and I wonder if he has ordered for its outfit as well or will I have to?" He noticed a strange gleam in the tailor apprentice eyes as she bowed and answered.

"No, he ordered them yesterday and one outfit is ready, we will go and get it." the ladies disappeared behind some curtains in the end of the room. After a couple of minutes uncomfortable for Solitaire they returned with huge grins and a bundle of black, white and blood red clothes. It took a while for Solitaires mind to register the colors and why they had those huge grins but when it did his face turned the same red as part of the outfit. He growled at them, ripped the clothes from their clutches and stormed of in the direction of the royal chambers.


The king looked up from his reading with a grin as the door to his private room where knocked of their hinges and an fuming knight stomped in a bundle in his hands.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS??!!" he screamed at the chuckling King and he held out the clothes.

"my, my upset are we?! You turn 16 today and in the land I come from it is a custom that the royalties takes a concubine on their 16th birthday.....and now I'm a king in this country so I've decided that that custom is to be followed here too," he said and suppressed a grin.

"But he is a BOY! A BOY!.......and why a slave necklace? If he is to be a concubine?" The now not-so-angry blonde knight said, sat down in a chair across the table from the king and put the clothes on the table.

"I know full well that he is boy.....he will be your slave until the ceremony is complete. Now could you please leave I have things to attend to," The King said and turned back to his book. The knight sighed, he couldn't really do much of anything. What the king had decided was to be. He picked up the clothes and walked out the door missing the evil gleam in the kings eyes.


The young knight walked down the steps to the baths again, this time muttering curses under his breath. He did NOT like this, but he guessed that was one of the reasons the kings seemed to enjoy it. He reached the bottom of the stairs and opened the door and sneaked in. Why he sneaked he didn't know he could just have walked in, it wasn't like the thief hand any say in anything.

What he saw when he entered made him gasp. Feathers, light blue feathers with silver sparkles. Tempest Blue was a winged one. But those where exterminated, they had disappeared from the face of the earth 14 years ago, at least that was what his schoolbooks had told him. But this one was here his wings were broken, someone or something had ripped of most of his feathers.


0_o This one is long........ ^_^

Kimo: come on fics to write......*drags LiCat off to the other fics*