Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Voices ❯ Sybilus 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sybilus - Part 2

Victoria could not sleep; her entire body felt tense and useless. Her tail and ears flopped stiffly, her ivory white fur stood on end and the pounding of her heart drummed her eyes open. A guilty, sick feeling rose in her throat and she buried her ebony black nose into her pillow. She worried for Dr Sybilus but she knew there was nothing she could do. All that evening after the boys had shown off their arms she had begged Sybilus to relent on such a stupid expedition. In the end she had made him promise but Victoria knew Sybilus' word was an empty one.

Uneasily Victoria prayed that the professor would return safely - with the knowledge they so desired.

Victoria was right. Sybilus' room was empty for he, at that very moment stood at the brink of death observing the fatal Count Von Roo.

"Fascinating," Sybilus whispered from his hiding place, "who would have thought it? This Von Roo is like no other monster I have seen! If it were not for his savage lust for blood I would say this Blumaroo was like any other Neopet."

The Count had endured a tiresome night. His antics with the three female pets had been published in the national newspaper and so even the stupidest of Neopets had not ventured out; that was apart from one. This idiotic if old Scorchio had been following the Count the entire night. The situation of stalker being stalked had long since lost its novelty to Von Roo. The Count was ravenous and irritable.

"Do you mind revealing yourself now?" the Count yawned.

Sybilus' heart stopped.

"Yes - you hiding behind my gate," the Count frowned addressing Sybilus.

Sybilus dared not move.

"Fine then," Von Roo grunted as from nowhere he walked up behind the doctor, "only the joke's worn a bit thin."

"Sir!" Sybilus turned to face the Count both prostrate in stance.

"Why have you been following me all night?" Von Roo questioned.

"M…merely for r…research purposes," the doctor stuttered.

"I see," the Count looked the Scorchio over, "and you did not think to ask my permission?"

"I…I'll be going then…" Sybilus said desperately reaching for his cane.

"Oh no," Von Roo tutted, "I would be very happy if I could demonstrate to you my feeding techniques."

"I don't get your meaning Sir," Sybilus made his one and only attempt at standing up to the fiend.

"Oh I thought it was quite obvious," laughed Von Roo encompassing the doctor, "I want to eat you."