Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight ❯ Midnight ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is my first original piece. The title is where my pen name originated from. Recently the story has slightly changed and has been renamed `Dio'. Dio is the boy narrating the story.
Ever since I was young, I was afraid of the dark. The grim silence of the dark shadows had always sent shivers curling down my spine. The deep shade of Midnight reminded me of the emptiness of that cold, lonely room. A room that was isolated from every other living thing, my room. What was done to me in there should have been a crime, but in there, there were no rules. I was only a Slave, a mere Pet for the only child in the mansion.
My Master treated me well ever since I was given to her at age five. She would always bare a smile on her face, a smile only I got to see. I would wait for her to come out of school, and together we'd play in her room until supper. Her hobby was dressing her Pet in fancy girlish attire. Putting ribbons in my snow white hair was her favorite. I didn't mind it, but when she told me I “looked so cute” or “precious”, I could have broken down each time. How could she call a doll “precious”? I am a monster. My hair and unnatural blue eyes are proof enough to know I'm not normal.
I am a Beast. A creature looked down upon by all others, the scum of the very Earth. My kind was bred and raised only to be sold for our service and the profit of others. We are nothing else. We have no worth. We are frightening beings. Like humans though, there is a time in our lives where we `become of age', but no age is involved. For every Beast it is different, we can be eight or even twenty when our `becoming of age' arrives. Just like humans, our age is a time when we accept the full weight of our birthright of being a Beast. We do not receive money or any other goods to help us in the future; instead we are forced on a form. We each take on our own unique form of the Beast; a monstrous and vicious appearance it is. When my time came, black and white fur sprouted from me, infesting my skin with this unnatural coat. My bones cracked and muscles deformed themselves from my original framework. I gagged for air the entire four hours. My appearance must have been horrifying to a child. Even so, with freakishly long nails and an abstract face, my master held onto me. No matter how much noise I made, either gasping or growling, she held on to the very end; when finally, I was able to regain my original body. Even in that disgusting form, my Master smiled down upon me. She didn't seem to mind me at all. To her, I was her companion as she was mine. I was her `Little Dio' and would forever be.
My Master's mother thought otherwise. She, like so many others, was appalled by my race. She disapproved how my Master treated me, feeling I would one day go `out of line'. I was no more then property to her, and a disobedient Servant at that. She took me to that damp room to `teach' me a lesson. It was no school, but highly educational. Every time I would do something wrong, which was everything I did, that woman would take me back for another lesson. Ever since the first day I came to be with that family, my Master wondered where I was from time to time. She never knew, but I knew. I knew every painful blow, every punch, filled with hate and distaste. The only thing I didn't know was the future. I wondered what would be next. What part of me would be hit over and over again until it became some unnatural color? Would my tears be shed just like my blood, or will I be saved this one time? Maybe… Please, just this once.
No matter how much I desired it, my freedom from that room never came. My body, sore and discolored, would stumble its way back to its Master's room. Back to her side, where it was safe and welcoming: a true place to belong.
All of my life, I lived in terror of that room. When I reached my thirteenth stone, my visits increased dramatically. I began to cough harsher than anyone with the worst cold. My chest would tighten and my throat would gag from lack of air. This feeling of drowning soon passed and I would go on my way. If the mistress ever caught me gagging, I would be punished for embarrassing her...
Even then when I sat on a warm bench, dressed in cloths I normally would not be allowed to wear, I watched my Master. My Master, dressed in white, walked down upon a red silk cloth along the floor. The ground covering led to an arch infested with flowers where two men stood.
I watched with pride, my Master nineteen, myself seventeen. Soon, very soon, I would no longer be under the command of that wretched woman. Soon I would be transferred under the power of the couple that stood together before me, both with soft gentle faces and clear eyes. Maybe now I can cheat my death and live whatever is left of my life in some peace, serving to my fullest.
My master approached, her face hidden behind a thin white lace. I watched as my new Master ever so carefully removed the lace from her face. My joy soon became a confused emotion. My heart felt like a knot, my chest froze as a warm sensation filled my lungs. A feeling all too familiar came over me. I began coughing, harsher then I ever have in my life. My body was on fire, the feeling unexplainable. I covered my mouth with my hands as my shoulders lunged forward. I felt a warm liquid pour into my hands I looked, and to my own regret, saw the shade of red. The red dripped down my fingers like rain petals. My head went light and unstable; my body fell forward against my will off the bench. On the ground my coughing didn't cease, in fact, it was even rougher against my throat. I didn't care; for once it didn't matter if I was embarrassing anyone or if I looked like a fool. My mind was blank, I didn't care.
I looked up, my eyes glazed with a thick coat of moist. Two white shoes were growing as the owner came closer. It was all blurry, but the voice was warm and my body fell under a relaxation state from the soft tongue.
White was around me, a soft white fabric was around my head. Though my eyes could see nothing I could feel that warm liquid under my face. I really am a monster, getting such a pure white dirty. I pictured my Master in her white gown; looking so happy walking to the Prince she was meant to be with. For a second my mind thought `what if this is her white gown?'
Silly me, I knew I was dreaming. I knew I was hallucinating it all, all the white and joy I felt. There was no way a Princess would leave her Prince to come to a worthless Pet like me. My thin, pale lips curled into a narrow smile.
It was a nice thought though.