Fan Fiction ❯ Milk & Honey ❯ Shopping Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Notes: I am in need of a beta for this story. Any volunteers?


Special Thanks To: shadow-seraph, anime-goddess17, SKaddicted, praetor, KageKitsune16, Dcal, yaminakathy, Joonie, solance-to-the-moon, Ickis Krumm, Super Yam, BloodMistress, Fallen angel named Alan, Kittu, Katca Mcadar, and Neko Kate-chan!


Summary: Unbeknownst to Prince Riku Ellipson II, a meeting seven years ago sets off a chain of events that tests the willingness to discard the dreadful knowledge of the truth for temporary sweet bliss. (RikuxSora)


Disclaimer: If I owned Kingdom Hearts, I would be filthy rich right now!! So, get off my back!!


Warnings: This is a yaoi (male x male relationships) and later on, has yuri (woman x woman relationships)! No flames. Warning is here.


Story Rating: Strong R.


Chapter Rating: PG-13


Added Note: There will be an update list. People who review are automatically added, but if it is an anonymous review or your email is not available for public access, then just leave in it the review or send me an email (email in bio) saying you would like to join. Thanks!


Milk & Honey


Shopping Time


"Riku, get in! The water's great!"


Sora dove underneath the cool, placid waters of Teed Lake before coming up with an exaggerated gulp for air and shaking his head like a wet dog. He then basked in the sun while floating on his back; taking mouthfuls of water and squirting it heavenwards like a fountain. He looked to Riku once with a comically wide grin.


While Sora was happily enjoy the weather and the water, Riku was standing on the edge of the lake, looking cold, bored, and in disbelief - did Sora actually think he would get in the water? - as he watched Sora floating in the lake. Sora even splashed water at him; he jumped back as if burned, causing Sora to growl and now, swim towards the edge to confront Riku.


Riku averted his eyes as soon as Sora set foot on land, causing Sora to cock his head in silent questioning at the boy's sudden shyness - he was naked, but Riku shouldn't be embarrassed about that. They were both boys so what was the problem?


Deciding to loosen the stiff boy up, Sora smiled coyly at the other and batted his eyelashes rapidly like he saw his mother do once to his father. Twisting a lock of his thick, spiky hair, Sora squealed in an unattractive falsetto, "Hi! My name is -like- Riku and I'm so scared of -like- seeing people naked that I don't even -like- have the guts to get in the lake with them -like- Oh. My. Goodness!"


Sora expertly dodged the lunge from Riku and swan dived back in the water gracefully from a protruding rock just a few feet east from where they were standing. He emerged to see Riku standing on the very tip of rock, only shy of his shirt. His face was tinged red and his eyes were once again averted to a different location. Nevertheless, he slowly removed his pants and undergarments and jumped in. He swam in the lake much more gracefully than expected; he also swam much faster than Sora expected, who was easily caught and dunked in the lake.




Sora awoke with a frown on his face and a hand over his heart. The disturbing images from his past had always haunted him during these past seven years, but never once had he had that memory come up. It was one of his most sacred memories; not because it would be the most fun he would have in years to come or because he made Riku break out of the 'superior' mode for more than five minutes. It was because he actually liked to see the other boy naked.


One could say that he realized which gender he was attracted to when that memory happened seven years ago.


It was also the time that he fell hard for the other boy, and ever since that one moment where Riku wrapped his arms around his neck and dunked him in the water with a revitalizing laugh, he had been in love.


Or at the very least, strong like.


And so, as his heart slowed down and his frown turned upside down, Sora considered today a good day as he began to rise from his peaceful (albeit arousing) rest in the slave bunkhouses. It was a nice day - indicated by the bright sun shining directly into his eyes - and the slaves finished most of the perilous work yesterday, so there wasn't anything too strenuous to do. But as he heard the loud, obnoxious beating of horse hooves, an ominous feeling began to build up within him.


Was another slave going to be sold today?


The question was definitely the most thought about during all of the slaves' time here, for this slave encampment was only temporary shelter until one of the wealthy or one of royalty came down to pick out a slave for their personal means. Royals rarely came down to the bunkhouses; it was mostly newly made wealthy families in need of strong slaves to do plantation type work. Seeing that this is an all male slave bunkhouse, the only royals that did come down here were either the deaf and blind in need of assistance, the pretty young women lazy to the point where they need someone to make their beds or the kings.


The kings who desired pretty young boys as their personal slaves.


Opening his eyes while draping an arm across his line of vision, Sora turned from the comfortable warmth next to him to scoot off the bed. He looked at the blonde-haired boy peacefully snoring next to him, hesitant to awake him. Tidus rarely got rest these days; he was the owner's favorite, therefore making him his personal slave. The owner generally only asked for menial tasks like cleaning in his own personal quarters and such. But when his wife went into town for a couple of days or more...Tidus slept in the main house.


With the owner.


Thus, getting no sleep unless he was with Sora.


Sora sighed, then gently laid one hand on Tidus' shoulder. He knew the eighteen year old was instantly awake since almost immediately he turned on his back and eyed Sora wearily. "It's mornin' already?"


"Yea, and I heard horses. Someone may be getting a new home today."


Tidus groaned as he placed his hands over his face. Sitting up and leaning on the skinny pole that held up a bed above him, he eyed Sora, who was straightening up his side of the bed. "Damnit," he mumbled to no one in particular. "Who wants to buy slaves in this time of the year? That is so fucking messed up!" He punched into the air angrily, and his frown deepened as he began to wring his shirt in his hands. Tidus may talk tough, but when it got right down to it, he was terrified of the auctions. They all were; being displayed in front of their owners and the shoppers like meat in a butcher's shop. It was degrading, frustrating, downright one should have to go through it.


The official call went off - one high toot of a trumpet, one low toot, then a final long toot that rested somewhere in the middle of the musical scale. The surrounding beds began to creak, steadily increasing in sound, and the groans and sighs of exasperation signified the reality of the situation. While Sora knew of the auction from the hooves of the horses, the rest of the slaves knew from the call; that call meant that it was time to clean up and look presentable for the guests.


As boys between the ages of ten and twenty rose from their shabby beds to head to the one-gallon jugs in the corner to wash up, Sora and Tidus made their way over to the entrance. The two already made themselves as presentable as possible - they rubbed the dirt off their cheeks, smoothed out most of the wrinkles in their clothing, and made some attempt to finger-comb their hair. The two spotted their owner and what appeared to be the shopper and his assistant.


Speak of the devil! Sora thought with whirlwind of emotions. Riku!


Sensing the new excitement in his friend, Tidus looked to Sora. "What on earth are you excited about? We have a chance of being bought and separated and here you are bouncing around like you got 1,000 ices for the Frost Holiday [1]!"


"I'm not excited," Sora exclaimed as he made an extra effort to straighten his clothes.


Tidus gave him a pointed look.


Sora ignored it.


As his excitement at seeing his best friend heightened, they drew closer to the trio. Ignoring how animatedly his owner was talking to the two guests, Sora focused directly on the silver-haired man before him. Riku should be twenty springs right now, since he was at nineteen springs, so why on earth did he look so much older?


And what was he doing here in the first place? Young male royals didn't usually buy...young male slaves...unless?


Riku averted his eyes as soon as Sora set foot on land.


He likes boys?!


His face was tinged red and his eyes were once again averted to a different location.


That actually was not as heartening as he thought it would be for one simple reason: young male royals also didn't usually come down to the slave bunkhouses to get young male slaves unless they wanted a pleasure slave.


If Riku recognized him, would he be picked to be Riku's personal slave?


Sora blushed at the thought, out of embarrassment and anger. His perfect image of what Riku would be like at this age would be ruined if the man with the silver hair were Riku.


He didn't think that Riku would need a whore at some point in his life, that's for sure.


His excitement transforming into anger, Sora marched up to the silver haired man and took his place in the auction line, like the owner makes them rehearse. The silver haired man then turned around, and Sora almost leaped for joy when he realized that it was not Riku. "These're two of our finest slaves," the owner boasted since he was so proud that King Ellipson chose his slave bunkhouse. "They`re always the first to finish when they work and they're strong. The both of em'"


Sora crouched to one knees, as is expected of the slaves of the lower class, and keep his eyes on the ground, but as he crouched, he spotted the royal emblem - a wolf howling to the moon - emblazed on the cover of a leather bound notebook held by who he assumed to be the royal's personal assistance.


The men who took and crowned Riku seven years ago bore the emblem of the howling wolf.


By now, all of the other slaves had finished washing up and were now lining up in their respectable spots in front of the owner and his two highly esteemed guests. The younger slaves fidgeted nervously while the older slaves sent them reassuring smiles and claps on the back. There were forty slaves in this camp, so they made four rows of ten slaves, the older slaves in the front, and the younger slaves towards the back. In most cases the younger slaves are in the front, but since the King requested an older slave, they were pushed to the back.


When all slaves were down on one knee, King Sephiroth began to walk up and down the rows. His first stop was in front of a tall, lithe boy with long pale blond hair with mischievous green eyes. He looked at the King with unrepentant lust and raked his eyes from the toes of the King's feet to the icy green eyes of Sephiroth. "State your number," Sephiroth commanded as he locked eyes with the slave.




Eyeing the slave once more, Sephiroth motioned for his assistant, who faithfully ran to his side, and told him to write down the number. The weasely man did so without hesitation and stayed by his side after he finished.


Without warning, Sephiroth grabbed the chin of the slave and brought him forward, smelling the breath of the other and checking out the overall presentation of the slave.


He was impeccable in appearance.


"What is your name and age?"


The slave smiled seductively at the question, but nevertheless answered for fear of a flogging. "Imati. 18 springs."


"We usually call em' Shadow, damn slave so quick and noiseless," the owner added as he walked passed the assistant to the King. "May look small, but 'e's as strong as a horse, I tell yer."


Sephiroth silenced him with one glance before turning back to the slave before him. He is well-kept and well-spoken, Sephiroth thought as he scanned the slave once more. Impeccable in his cleanliness and a good-looking boy. But he can't satisfy Riku; the boy is smitten with brunettes.


Not wanting to give up such a perfect slave, Sephiroth lead the boy out of the line, brought him close to his body and engaged him into a desire-motivated kiss. The slave's lips were soft like a royal, and his tongue dueled as if the battle were mere child's play. Never before had he meet a slave like this one.


He couldn't give him up, even if he were shopping for his son.


Deepening the kiss, the king ignored the several pairs of eyes set about his person and brought Imati even closer to his body. He broke the kiss abruptly, just after he heard the lithe slave moan softly, and dug out a golden collar embezzled with the royal emblem on its front.


He snapped the collar around Imati's neck.


"Oh, good choice dere, King Ellipson!" The owner couldn't stand Imati. Too mischievous. "'e's only 8,000 ices!"


With Imati clinging to his right side, Sephiroth regarded the owner with cool disdain. "I will take him for 800."


Unwilling to argue with the most powerful king in the land, the owner nodded twice before shrinking back into the shadows, taking the 800 ices from the assistant.


King Sephiroth once again made his way up and down the rows, stopping briefly to get a good look at some of the more handsome slaves. His second full stop was Sora, who bravely looked the king in the eye. He is definitely my son's type, Sephiroth thought as he made his way closer. Almost too much like what my son desires.


"State your number."




"Oh," Sephiroth said with growing interest. "Where were you captured [2]?"


"Along the banks of Kettering River near the Westland Kingdom."


"By who?"


"Slave traders."


Sephiroth stopped asking the questions to review over the validity of this slave's story. It was true that slave traders - men who captured children and traded them to slave bunkhouses for ices or supplies - did love to roam the land in search of orphans near the forests of Bridgewater, the lakes Teed and Styni, and the rivers Kettering, Valpar, and Mergrove. It was also true that they would look for young boys that resembled this slave; strong enough to handle a long day's work, yet good-looking enough to handle other business as well.


There was no doubt that he, too, was one of the best slaves here at this camp.


"What is your name and age?"


"Sora. 19 springs."




"I will take this one as well." He pulled out an identical collar, except the color was silver instead of gold, and snapped it on to Sora's neck.


Tidus looked ready to cry.


The owner scurried over to the King, told him his price (he didn't tell the real price for fear of being disregarded so harshly once again) and as soon as the assistant paid, the four were off to the carriage, riding back to the Nexiun Kingdom.


Neither Sora nor Imati got the chance to pack their belongings or say goodbye to their longtime friends.




The Nexiun Kingdom had to be the most beautiful kingdom in the land, Sora thought as he looked out the opening of the carriage. A winding path made of smooth pebbles from the bottom of a lake lead to the entrance of the castle, an off-white bastion overflowing with towers and extending wings. On the smooth patch of grass in the middle of the winding path, there were thousands of flowers, all with a myriad of hues only distinct to the Northland Kingdom, and shrubbery cut to perfection surrounding a large marble fountain shaped in the form of a howling wolf, water spraying from it's mouth upwards to the marble moon above it, only to trickle back down to the pool of water at it's feet. The maple double doors leading into the castle were opened, and the many servants of the kingdom were lined against the first hallway that lead to the Great Hall to welcome their king.


An elegant woman with long silver hair was the only one present at the very mouth of the entrance. Sora assumed it was the Queen.


The carriage stopped ten feet from the double doors and let the King, his assistant and his two new slaves out. The four walked into the hall, Imati and Sora trailing behind the King and the assistant, and were cordially greeted by the Queen, who immediately recognized the slave meet for her beloved son. She introduced herself to Sora, although there really was no need to, and ordered two maids to take Sora to his chambers and prepare him for the slave orientation. "No need to worry," Queen Reicia said as she walked Sora to the stairs. "The slaves here are treated with respect, so long as they don't make trouble. Since you are my son's, you will primarily take orders from him. However." She gave him a stern, motherly look. "If we need your assistance, it is required of you to obey. Disobedience will resort in a suitable punishment."


The term flogging was implied.


"Excuse me, Your Highness," Sora entreated as he bowed. "May I ask what your son's name is?"


Reicia smiled at Sora's politeness. "Prince Riku Ellipson II. It is his decision as to what he will allow you to call him."


Sora's stomach dropped.


To Be Continued...


[1] `Ices' is the currency for this world, and the Frost Holiday would be like our Christmas.


[2] The number of a slave's identification number is dependent on how they got into slavery. If the number is twelve numbers long like Imati's, it means that they were born into slavery. If the number is six numbers long like Sora's, it means that they were captured and forced into slavery, and if the number is three numbers long, it means that they were captured as a prisoner of war. But we won't encounter a number like that...yet...


Stay Tuned!

