Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Hunters ❯ The discovery ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mind Hunters

Please R&R, this took me a long time....

Caramel Sharps-17 Breanna -13

Nick Chillner-17 Austin -8 Michael-10 Dela-12 Nicole-23

Samantha Gertover-17

Sean Kornifall-17 Jessica-16

Julia Berkstien-17

Brad Callermile-17 Peter-20

Triana Harper-16 Jason-13

Trevor Balling-17 Stacie -22

Brittany Winner-16 Jacie Flowd-16 Iora Grant-17

Nick Chillner. Age 17. Had no idea that one act could change his whole life...... " Hello, my name is Caramel Lily Sharps. My life is pretty normal, and I'm in High School, I have an annoying sister named Breanna. I go to Millerton City High. Now I don't mean to bore you, but I have a pretty ordinary life. My friends are Samantha G., Julia B., Triana H., and Jessica K. I have a pretty ordinary house too...well maybe not, with my crazy sister and dog recking the house, and baby-sitting ALL the time because my mom works at the space station. I appreciate your attention. Thank you."

The teacher wearily turned off the tape. " Ummm... thank you Mrs. Sharps, for that...interesting presentation...Next presentation.. Nick Chillner." Then the teacher turned on the tape, and fell asleep again. " Yo! Welcome to the place I work..." Nick's voice said on the tv. Nick looked at Caramel, his eyes resting on the side of her face. Her caramel blonde hair ran down her back, about 8 inches below her shoulders. She had gold earrings on, and her shirt was maroon with creamy white ruffles.

Caramel was popular, and Nick knew that she didn't know that he excisted. His eyes turned to Caramel's friend Samantha.

She had her own style, and everyone could see that. Her hair was sienna brown, and it was short and wisped out, unevenly. She had silver earrings and a light blue and silver shirt.

Then he looked over at Brittany Winner, and frowned. She had blonde hair and was wearing a pink spigetti strap shirt that said "Princess Angel." "Ya right," Nick thought, and looked to Triana. She had jet black hair and had dark blue earrings, with a blue and gold shirt. She wasn't snobby, but she was popular. Then he looked to Julia. Wavy strawberry blonde hair, up in a rubber band, most of her bangs hanging free. Her blue shirt had green stars on it. She was popular, but quiet.

" Thank you for your attention, and have a great day!" Nick heard his voice say. Everyone was awake now, and some people were clapping, unfortunately, not Caramel who was whispering to Samantha. Nick sighed and put his head on his desk. " Next movie, umm.... ....oh..Brittany Winner," the teacher said falling asleep again. Nick, who was very annoyed, put his head on his hands and tried to watch

" Hello fans! I'm Brittany Winner! Winner as in Winner, haha!" Nick rolled his eyes. " I have a totally cool life! My mom works at the nail salon! I get free manicures, and peticures, and lipstick, and blush and eyeshadow, and glitter..." Nick thought it was amazing that girls STILL acted like this. Nick wished that Brittany would move away, TO AUSTRALIA. " And glow in the dark glitter and hairspray, and eyeliner and lipgloss and fake nails and glitter hairspray and shampoo and.."

Nick couldn't stand her voice any longer, and he went up to the teacher, and asked " Um...may I go to the bathroom?" The teacher wearily held up a hall pass. "Thank you," Nick said. " Take your time...." The teacher said falling asleep AGAIN.

Nick walked through the hallway and turned a corner. The school was silent as his footsteps echoed off the tile walls. The lockers stood beside him, as he walked. All the same except for one. Brittany Winner. Her locker was covered in pink and silver bows, with hearts and shiny red wrapping paper. Nick made a discusted face and walked through the hall, making his way to the bathroom on the other side. He wanted to take time, so he went to the farthest one.

He went in and got into a stall. He sat on the toilet lid with his feet up, clutching his knees. " Why do I have such an annoying life? Why do only my teachers like me? Why aren't girls interested in me?" Nick asked himself, putting his face in his knees. A tear slowly fell from his eye down his cheek." Why is my life so...I don't know..unhappy?" he thought.

His teachers saw him as a polite boy that was extremely mature for his age. Then the students, especially the boys, were either jelous or just plain despised him. Most of the girls would turn their backs in his face if he tried to talk to them, and say that he was so uncool, right in front of him. " I don't want to be cool, I want to be myself...not some snobby bratty idiotic guy, who cares nothing about girls' space or school, or anything but their own pleasures!"

"It's not fair.." Nick said as tears stained his face. " Life is so unfair." Then something made his heart jump. A person came into the stall, followed by two others. Nick knew two of them. One, by the name of Sean, was slightly peach skinned, and had straight jet black hair, that was slightly curled at each end, and was wearing a dark green shirt and baggy jeans.

The second was a boy that Nick didn't know, but he had seen him. He had spiky blonde hair and was wearing punky clothes. His eyes were a scary dark brown. Somehow all the girls liked him, though he was always calling them whatever he pleased, still sticking to him in a mob, just because they said he's cute.

The third was a boy named Trevor, and he had spiky sienna brown hair. He was wearing a black long sleeved tee, a metal neclace with a cross, and dark, baggy jeans. The blonde pushed them in, another boy that Nick did not know came in and locked the bathroom door. His hair was dark brown. The blonde's eyes darted to Sean, who was standing casually, but Nick could see the nervousness in his eyes.

Trevor had blank face, but in his eyes, laid sadness, pain, and suffering. There was also a scared look in them. Nick doubted that anyone but him could tell that, because since he wasn't busy with friends, he could observe behaviors and the looks that he saw in the students eyes. Nick could tell what a person was like by looking in their eyes, which was very strange to his father and other students. Trevor and Sean talked to him every once in a while, but didn't really do much about him. They weren't popular though.

"Cough it up!" the blonde said forcfully. " Cough up what?" Sean asked. " My girlfriend's necklace." He said. " Why the heck would I have that?" Sean asked. " Kyle told me you had it, it's worth one hundred to two hundred dollars!" The blonde said, grabbing him by the collar." I don't know what you're talking about!" Sean said. Trevor charged forward but was held back by Kyle.

" Give it now!" The blonde demanded, tightening his grip. " I don't have it Brandon, Why would I even want it?" Sean asked, sweating. "Cause, you and your sister need college funds!" Brandon said with a little humor. Nick could tell that Sean was not lying. Brandon punched Sean's stomach hard, making his teeth clench.

Trevor tried to run forward but only got a hard kick in the back from Kyle, which made him fall to his knees. Then Sean said, " I don't have a neclace!" This time he got a punch in the face, and a kick in the knee, which made him fall. Sean's face was covered in blood, and he flelt a gash on his neck. Brandon was holding up a knife.

Nick's eyes widened. Trevor punched Kyle in the stomach and tried to hit Brandon. Kyle tripped him, and he landed on the floor hard. Then Kyle sat on Trevor and pulled his head up by his hair. Then he dug his elbow into Trevor's back, making him scream. Kyle put his hand on his mouth, and drew out a knife, pointing it at Trevor's neck. " One move, and I'll rip your throat in half. Along with your pretty little vocal chords." Trevor was a singer on the school rock band, and was excellent, Nick thought.

Sean tried to get up, but Brandon only kicked his chest. Sean breathed in gasps,with his chest stinging. "Now, one more time. Give it now!" Brandon demanded. " I..don'" Sean said. Brandon heeled his stomach again, making Sean struggle to breathe. Brandon then went to Trevor, knelt down, and looked at him. Trevor had the look of pure hatred in his eyes. Brandon punched him. " That's for being the theif's best friend, and this is for being a complete waste of time." Brandon punched him again.

Nick couldn't stand it. He burst out of the door, and charged toward the laughing Brandon. Nick kicked the side of his head and swung around to kick his stomach. He tripped him and went to Kyle, who stood up, punched his face and rammed him into the door. " Well, well, if it isn't a little spy, Nick Chillner, the perfect idiot!" Kyle said, pinning Nick to the door.

" Nick?" Trevor quietly said. " Now, what did you kick Brandon for? " Kyle said smirking. " Why do you think, moron?!" Nick yelled. Brandon came over and punched Nick in the jaw, and then slowly brought the knife to his arm. He ran it down his arm, cutting the fragile flesh, drawing blood. Nick clenched his teeth. Then Brandon tried to punch Nick's face again. But Nick's Anger and pain had taken him over, and he knocked Kyle away with his forehead, and blocked Brandon's fist. He grabbed it and twisted, making Brandon shout and drop to his knees.

Sean was half knocked out, and had no idea where he was, but Trevor stared in awe as Nick faught them. " Sean?" Trevor asked him quietly. He didn't answer. Nick kicked Kyle, smashing him against the sink. He banged his head and got knocked out. Brandon was yelling on the floor, helpless. But Nick lost his strength quickly, as his arm began to throb. Brandon kicked him into the wall and slashed at him with his knife. Nick dodged it barely, with the silver blade slashing his pants and shirt, inches from his skin.

Brandon then had an idea. " If you bring these little idiots down, I'll forgive you for everything you've done, and make you as popular as you could ever imagine." Brandon said. " Never!" Nick said, bringing Brandon to the floor, hard. He then took the knife and threw it away from them. " Trevor, is Sean okay?" Nick asked. " I don't know," Trevor said. " Sean? Sean? " Trevor asked. Sean groaned silently. "Okay then," Trevor said. " You..son of a b-" Brandon began but then drooped his head as his weakness took him to sleep.

"Anyone know how to unlock the door?" Nick said getting up slowly. " No,sorry." Trevor said. " Did they lock it with a key?" Nick asked. He tried the handle. "You need a key from outside I think." Nick said. " Oh, man." Trevor said. Nick thought hard. His thoughts turned to Caramel. " I wish she would come unlock us, or somebody. I wonder why I care if she even came, WHAT AM I THINKING? Why would she even come here?" Nick thought.

Caramel and Samantha were passing notes and giggling at the movies. Then Caramel had a strange feeling. " Nick...." she said. " Huh? Who? Are you okay?" Samantha asked. " I have to go to the bathroom." Caramel said. " I'll go wi-" " No." Caramel said. " Okay." Samantha said. Caramel went up to the teacher. " May I have a hall pass and the bathroom keys?" Caramel asked. The teacher held up the keys and pass, half alseep.

Caramel ran to the bathrooms, checking if they were locked. She was lucky that everyone was having a movie marathon today, becuase it was the last day of school, and everyone was watching the students' tapes. She went to the farthest and checked the door, and the boys bathroom was not open. She tried the keys, and tried to open it. Her mind rushed, wondering what was going on.

Nick sat with his head on his knees, trying to keep his arm from bleeding and trying not to cry. Trevor was holding a paper towel to Sean's neck. Then Nick looked up. He heard a lock being turned. Then Nick wondered if it was all a dream, because standing there, in the doorway, was Caramel. " Caramel?" Nick asked, astonished. " Oh my gosh what happened?" Caramel said covering her mouth. " Uhh..long story,odviously we got beat up." Nick said. " And get the school nurse!" Trevor said. " Okay." Caramel said, helping Nick up.

" You can run right?" Caramel asked Nick. "It's the arm, that's all." Nick said as he and Caramel ran to the office. They ran down the hall and burst into the office door. " There's been a bad fight! Get a nurse!" Caramel yelled. " Calm down, Miss." a lady said. " NO! This guy has been cut be a knife!" She yelled. The school nurse came out quickly, and they all ran out the door. They ran into the bathroom to find Sean struggling in pain, trying to breathe. Trevor was almost crying. " Oh my!" The nurse shouted.

"This is Miss Kelly to office, call the ambulance, there has been an accident." The nurse's voice boomed in the speaker. The students started talking. " I repeat call the ambulance. Teacher's keep your students in the room," She said. Samantha looked at the speaker, puzzled. " What is going on?" She thought.

" Ok, what happened?" the nurse asked. " He got kicked in the stomach at least two times, face punched, kicked in the knees, and cut in the neck by a knife." Nick said. Sean was hardly breathing, tears staining his face. Caramel had never seen Sean like this. Trevor was slightly crying.

The ambulance rushed in, and took the injured teens in the ambulance. As, the teens were taken, Nick went back to the bathroom for a quick glance, to see where Brandon and Kyle were, because they had disappeared somehow . As he walked in, a force hit his head and everything went blurry. Nick's vision turned black as he fell to his knees.

Nick opened his eyes, to the room he was in. He groaned, because his head was aching. Also his arm hurt. Then he slowly got his vision back. His eyes searched the white and blue walls of the room. He was in a bed, with some curtains folded up, hanging from the ceiling. Nick looked at his left, there was a wooden door. Then he looked to his right, and saw Caramel sitting on a chair, reading.

Nick rubbed his eyes with his unhurt arm. " Huh? Caramel? Is that you?" Nick asked, to his surpise, very hoarsly. " Yes, it's me." Caramel said smiling. " Why are you here?" Nick asked, puzzled. " I..I..came to see if you were alright." Caramel said, blushing. " While you were walking out, Brandon hit you in the back of your head." She said. " But also I wanted to tell you...that..I..really like you." " What?" Nick said. " Is it because I got beaten up?" He asked, turning his head away.

" No, that just gave me the courage to tell you. I have had a crush on you for a while, since 6th grade." She said blushing again. " Really?" Nick said, looking at her. " Yes, you could ask any of my friends. They said they would only tell you if you asked. But you never really actually talk to them so it wasn't really a problem." Caramel said. Nick blushed. " Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Nick asked. " I was scared. I thought that you wouldn't want to even be my friend because I was popular." Caramel said.

" Hmm. Good point, but I have liked you for a while. I don't know when I started liking you, it was probably when I met you." Nick said blushing. " Well, that's not even a very good reason, who cares if I was popular?" Caramel said. " You're not kidding are you?" Nick asked. " No, of course not." Caramel said. " Wow. Oh, how did you know that we were in trouble?" Nick asked.

" I'm not sure, I just was passing notes, and your name just popped into my mind. Then I just felt the urge to take the bathroom keys with me. I think part of it was Brittany Winner's video was still going, and I wanted to go outside. But it was a strange feeling. Oh, by the way, I liked your movie." Caramel said. "Thanks," Nick said, smiling.

" How are Sean and Trevor?" Nick asked her. " Trevor seems fine,Triana went in there a while ago. Then Sam went to stay with Sean, she was pretty upset. I think he's ok." Caramel said. " Well, I need to see Sean." Nick said, trying to get up. Caramel pushed him back down. " No, you need rest, and if you move, that cut is gonna hurt, the doctor said he hit some nerves." Caramel said, gently.

"Ok...but I want to see if Sean is alright. What happened to him was horrible, it was probably a nightmare. That poor guy. Blamed for something that he never did, " Nick said. " So what exactly did Brandon and Kyle do?" Caramel asked. " Well, Sean got cut, punched in the face, kicked in the knees and the stomach. Then Trevor was tortured on the floor, and punched in the face." Nick said. " Wow, how is it that somebody can get so mad? Or so mean?" Caramel asked.

"That's exactly what I was say." Nick said. Caramel shrugged, and moved her chair closer to the bed. " What time is it?" Nick asked, looking around the room for a clock. " Five thirty-one." Caramel said, looking at her watch. " Late." Nick said. " Not really." Caramel said. " Soft, warm bed." Nick said. Caramel giggled and smiled.

The docter came in a minute later. He said, " Mr. Chillner, I am very pleased to say that there is no major damage, but you will have to be careful of that arm for a while, and there are a few bruises." " When will I be able to go?" Nick questioned. " A few minutes I presume, what is amazing is that you are healing abnormally fast. " Oh, ok then," Nick said. " I'll be back in a while," the doctor said.

"Well, that's good. " Caramel said as she turned on the tv. The announcer was talking about the weather. Then the Friday news came on. " A suspicious looking character has been spotted around the Millerton city shops, especially in an alley with a giant green mirror. Do not attempt to find this character, let the police handle it. If you see this person contact the police. We are not sure what this person is doing here, and this person has not killed anyone, but a few claim to have been hurt.

" I think it was a teenager, he had brown eyes, and was wearing a fancy black coat with silver chains. When I asked why he was in my shop, he only knocked me out with a strange device, like a glaive, with rings around it. I can't remember anything else." a man being interviewed said. Caramel and Nick looked at each other with puzzled looks.

" What do you think is going on?" Caramel asked, worringly. " I'm not sure, but we should be careful." Nick said, as his eyes narrowed.

" I'm kinda wondering, how did you fight both Brandon and Kyle?"

Caramel asked. " Well, I have been taking martial arts for some time." Nick said. " Oh, that's why." Caramel said, smiling.

The doctor came in. " Good news, Mr. Chillner you are free to go, but do these things every day," the doctor said, handing Nick a piece of paper. " Thank you." Nick said. " Your welcome, please sign out at the front desk, " He said before leaving. " Cool. Caramel? Do you mind?" Nick said blushing. "Oops, sorry. I'll wait outside." Caramel said, getting up. " Thank you," Nick said, as she left. Caramel went outside and then slightly blushed.

Nick came out wearing his old clothes, and a bandage on his arm. He smiled at Caramel and said, " Before we go, can we check on Trevor and Sean?" " Fine with me." Caramel replied. They walked over to a nurse and asked where they were. Then they walked a little down the hall. They opened Trevor's door. He wasn't there. Then they walked over to Sean's room.

Everyone else was in there. Nick and Caramel came in, and everyone looked over. " Hi." Nick said. " Hello, so you were released too?" Trevor asked, smiling. " Yes, " Nick said, truthfully smiling for the second time in his life. Caramel looked at him. His face was bright with the reflection of sun. His hair glowed a stunning gold.

"Umm...Thank you, for what you did." Trevor said, smiling. " It was nothing, I just can't watch that. I usually would have just stayed hidden, but I felt the need to do something, I don't know. It was really strange, that pain in your eyes was slicing my skin. Sean, too. I just couldn't take it, and as I fought it didn't matter if I was okay, becuase someone else needed me, not myself. I didn't care if I died or not, just to make sure the ones being hurt would see the next day." Nick said. Trevor's eyes widened, and he stared at Nick in awe, as did Caramel, Triana, and Samantha.

" Nick, I'm not worth that much pain." Sean said. Everyone turned to him. Samantha had softness in her eyes. " You were to him, and would be to me." Samantha said, kneeling next to him. " Sean, don't say that." Trevor said. " My life is almost broken anyways. When I thought I was going to die, I let my defence go, and let the pain overcome me. " Sean said. Samantha started to cry. " Don't say that, you know that if you had been lost, my whole life, not matter what I did, or who I loved, I would never get rid of the pain, of losing you, and not even being able to say goodbye or defend you."

" Really?" Sean asked, staring into her eyes. " Yes." she said crying onto his chest. " It's okay, don't cry." Sean said, lifting her face up and looking into his eyes. " I'm going to swear to protect you Samantha, even if it takes my own life. I want to know that your life will be all that you can make it, and you reach your goals, and go beyond them." Sean said looking deep into her eyes.

Samantha smiled and hugged him, laying her head on his chest. " Thank you," she whispered in his ear. Then something in Sean gave him a huge wave of happiness. His body warmed up, and the sun shone in his face. Everyone watched them. Then Samantha stood up. Then the doctor came in. " Mr. Kornifall, you may go, but take this paper and follow the instructions every day for the next two weeks." the doctor said, giving Sean the paper and walking out. Then, by accident, everyone said, " Let's go sign out," at the same time. They laughed and got up.

Sean slowly got up, and to his amazement, his pain was almost gone.

They walked to the front desk and signed out. Then walked outside, into the golden sunshine.

Please tell me if you want me to continue.....I would greatly appriciate it.....Please review and tell me how you liked it, and thank you for taking the time to read this.