Fan Fiction ❯ Mirkwood ❯ Mirkwood ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I packed all of my clothing, books, jewelry, and memories. I was crying the entire time, standing alone once again. The moment of fate had arrived when I realized what I had done. I was about to bind myself forever to my lover, bind myself to Mirkwood. I questioned my ability. Did I have the heart to rule a forest?

My mother was almost as nervous as I. By the cracks of dawn, I could see her figure walking around nervously, leading her horse. It took my father about an hour to join her. I watched him kiss her and embrace her. They were losing their only daughter. I was the first to leave the nest.

By early morning, I was riding away from the woods that bore me, tears welled up in my eye. Piles of presents bumped against my back. My brother, Annúnostion, rode up beside me. I met his eye and allowed the salty tears to flow shamelessly. He reached out a hand to me. "Sister, did you forgive the woods before you left?"

"Why do they deserve forgiveness? What wrong have they done?"

"They enslaved you. Now they turn you loose."

I smiled. "Brother, when you leave, you will find them your friend, find a longing. Think not of the Lady a slave master."

"But she is. You served her without question."

My second brother, Morinzilion, rode on my left. "Did you say farewell to the secret spot?"

I realized I had not. My heart leapt to my throat as childhood memories of playing along the river and hiding from the adults filled my mind. I glanced back at Lóthlorien longingly. Morinzilion spun his horse around and rode back with much speed. "Where are you going?" my mother cried.

"Ride on. He will catch up," Annúnostion smiled.

Within a mile, he was amongst us. He held out a closed fist towards me. I held my hand out and he placed in it something very heavy. I pulled my hand to me and stared into it. I smiled.

"I had forgotten…" I stuttered.

"I had as well until just a moment ago. Cherish it," he beamed.

It was a stone we had found in the woods many years ago. Morinzilion had wanted to toss it into the river, but dropped it and it had cracked open, revealing precious gems. We had thought we had just unlocked the key to the world. From then on, we would always try to break open stones, but none ever turned out like this one. We had decided to bury it in our secret meeting place.

I held it for a very long time, then placed it among all of the unopened gifts. We rode over a giant hill and I saw a tiny green speck. "Wait here," I told my family. I climbed a tree to get a better view. There was a small tower in the forest and I knew it. I leapt to the ground. "Mirkwood."

"We found it?"


"How do you know?" my mother asked.

"Legolas showed me in Minas Tirith. I would recognize it if my life depended on it."

I sat on my horse again and we rode into the forest.


Legolas was waiting for us at the front gates of the palace. My heart leapt to see him standing there. He had a look of elation mingled with fear. He was wearing a burgundy tunic, bringing out his beautiful hair and the fall leaves around him. He held his hand and helped me dismount.

I embraced him. It felt so wonderful to be back in his arms, though now I knew I would be in them forever. My parents looked away in pain. I pulled away and surveyed my new home. Legolas smiled.

"Did I not tell you about Mirkwood's beauty?"

"I had never expected this."

The woods were dense, but with just enough room to shoot animals in. The leaves were falling gently about us, the smell filling the air. I was surrounded by gold, orange, brown, and red. The temperature was chilled, but not dry. The river flowed gently beside the forest. I could see the leaves, like tiny boats, racing down it.

The palace was very tall and long, made from the finest white stone. It seemed to shine, calling me in. The prince laughed. "Look at me! I am supposed to be taking your horses." He grabbed a rein in each hand and led Mother and my horses away.

Mother was in as much confusion and amazement as I was. She had met Thranduil many years ago in Rivendell and was very nervous to meet him again. Morinzilion also seemed ecstatic about these woods. A wind blew in his black hair as he spun around, taking in the sights with a look of pure excitement.

Annúnostion could have cared less. He had traveled all over this world and had no doubt already been to Mirkwood. Of all of us, Father was the most concerned. He was losing his daughter, his wife was looking forward to seeing an old love, and he never enjoyed travel. Legolas returned and led away the other three horses. I went with him.


"Yes, Nevlothiel?"

"How much does your father know?"

He paused as he put a blanket over Morinzilion's horse. "Hardly anything, to be honest."

"How much of anything?"

"He knows we are getting married and your name. I decided to let him figure out the rest."

Suddenly, he turned his head. "What is it?" I asked.

"Get in with the horses."

I went into a stall with one of the horses as several elves came in. The tallest one went over and slapped Legolas on the back. "So where is she?"

"She is out front."

"We were just there."

"Why would I tell you? Quit trying to get a peek at her. You will see her this evening," Legolas snapped.

The third tallest moaned, "Aw, come on! Does she have any sisters?"

"No, but her brothers are out front."

At this, another load of elves came in. They were all girls. They embraced Legolas and one with brown hair, about his height, started screaming. "She has brothers! Are they married?"

"Not yet. But after they see you, dear sisters, maybe they will change their minds!" Legolas smiled. They all squealed and ran out giggling. His brothers, who I assumed they were by then, laughed at them.

The horse was beginning to smell quite bad to me and I was getting a little claustrophobic. I hissed, "Legolas!" gently to him as close as I could. He glanced at the horse and me and tried not to laugh. He held up a finger behind his back that told me two seconds.

The tall one looked at the horse. "Why are you talking to a horse?"

Legolas muttered, "Well, it was nice to chat, but I must go and talk to my guests. Just let me finish up these horses."

They all shuffled out. He waited a moment then pulled me out. "I am very sorry about all this," he smiled. "Try to stay away from Manarda. He is the heir to the throne and lets everyone know it."

"I thought you only had sisters."

"I have seven of each. But I am the youngest son. I guess I was… a bit jealous. Maybe if you thought I was the heir…"

"Legolas," I laughed. "I do not care at all about that. In fact, I am almost relieved."

He embraced me. I asked him who all his brothers and sisters were. He sighed. "Dear… Let us see. From the oldest male down, we have: Manarda, Doleniâth, Vinyaanto, Perostion, Nilrauko, Alcwilwarin, Enedquelle, and Legolas. That was a mouthful…"

I laughed. "I must feel lucky my parents do not have fifteen children!"

"And my sisters are from the eldest: Tinuviel, Elwing, Ringisil, Esgalardaiel, Oroeleniel, Hallasoron, and Luinadarien."

"Tinuviel? Elwing?"

"Yes. Mother…She had been raised on lore and was deep in love with the stories." He closed his eyes, remembering. "My mother was very beautiful. She loved us all so much… but she loved me the most. She always seemed to watch out for me more than the others."

I touched his hand. He wrapped his fingers around mine.

"Vinyaanto and Manarda were always harassing me about it. Once, they tried to drown me in the river. They had told me that we were going swimming and they had invented a new game. They hate me. How glad they were when I went searching for the creature Sméagol.

"But my sisters wept. I have always respected them more than my brothers. I have always assumed because my mother loved me so much, I want to treat them well. Sort of as a payment." Suddenly he spun around. "Oh dear! We have left your family standing out in the cold air! What a horrible host am I!"

I followed him to the front of the palace. They had already been let inside. He sighed and went in. I looked around at the main entrance. Its size was immeasurable. Around the edges was carved intricate portraits of all the kings who had ever ruled. In the hall were statues of the king's family as children.

Legolas walked along, pointing them all out to me. At the end of the row, I saw two very small statues. I stopped and looked at them. "Is this you?" I asked him. He laughed gently and placed a hand on the second to last.

"Yes. And this one next to it is little Luinadarien."

The statue was laughing and holding a toy bow. It was bent, a tiny arrow forever held in it. Each feather could be seen. I looked at his tiny ears. His hair was in the same style as it was now. I smiled at it. I felt Legolas' hand on my shoulder.

"My father is waiting, Nevlothiel. He is not a patient leader."


Thranduil sat high on his throne, staring down at me, never moving his gaze. Legolas talked about meeting me all the while. Occasionally, he would acknowledge his son with a quick nod. At last, he stood and silenced Legolas. "I have heard enough," he said bluntly.

I glanced nervously at my love. He faced me and placed hand on my cheek. "Father," he sighed. "What do you think?"

My stomach lurched.

"Let me talk to her. In private."

Legolas kissed my cheek and filed out with the court. Thranduil stepped down and walked towards me. He walked around me, eyeing me like a hawk. At long last, he stopped and met my gaze. "My son does not shut up."

I smiled. "But he is very wary of what he says."

"Has he told you about his mother yet?"

"Why… no…"

"She was murdered."

I placed a hand to my mouth in shock. "I am so sorry, your highness!"

"I need no pity. But you know why it happened?" He did not wait for my response. "She was my wife. If she had not married the heir, she might still be alive. I have made many enemies over the years." His voice lowered. "So will Legolas. Are you ready for this?

"She left me with fifteen children to feed, one an infant who was still dependant. I am a very busy king. I could not make time for children, or as much time as I needed. I collapsed." He moved to the window and looked out. "I love my children, but they are a very big responsibility for one person to handle. And I have grown bitter from the years of toil.

"I could once love. I once danced. I once sang. But I can no longer. And someday, Legolas will not either. He will be burdened beyond dreaming. But there is still hope for him yet." He sighed. "The time of elves is no longer. In a matter of years, Mirkwood shall cease to exist."

There was a moment of pained silence. He looked at me again. I managed to smile. "Sire, your story touches me deeply. But I have a confession."

"Yes, Nevlothiel?"

"Before I say, who was your bride?"

"Her name was

. She was a common elf, just like you. She was Sindarin, though. No Quenti have ever married one of our kind."

"You are wrong, majesty. You know of my kin. You have met my kin."


"I am Vardarûniel's daughter, which means I am heir to Finrod. My forefather was a great leader. And so was yours. Legolas and I could bring a line of power greater than you can imagine."

He stared open mouthed at me. "You are Finrod's heir?"

"This I am."

He smiled. "Can you fight? Could you draw a sword in battle?"

"I would and I have."

"The warrior queen and the weak prince…" he laughed. "What oddities next?"

I was insulted greatly by this comment. "Majesty! Do you know what great deeds your son has done? Has it all been in vain? He has no other wish than to make you happy!"

"Are you speaking of Legolas?" Thranduil cried mockingly. "His sisters are braver than him!"

I could take it no more. "I ask your leave," I scowled.

"You shall not have it!"

"Then arrest me, for I can no longer stay here and watch you do this. He is your own flesh and blood!"

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me hard. "You should hear it! I speak the truth! He may be attractive, but he is useless. Do what you must with him, silly girl, then get away!" He stormed off and sat upon his throne. He caught his breath then stared me in the eye again. "I understand you love him, but someone with such a strong line should not waste their time with Legolas."

He clapped his hands three times. A guard came in. "Bring in my sons- all of them," he commanded. An instant later, they came parading into the room, dressed in fine robes. Legolas was at the end of the line and I went to him.

"Your father is a madman!" I whispered urgently into his ear.

He stared at me sadly. "Did I not forewarn you?"

Thranduil cleared his throat. "Legolas?"

He stepped forward hesitantly. "Yes, father?"

"Will you please leave the room?"

He muttered something under his breath and left. The king rose and came down. "Sons of the King, this is Nevlothiel, daughter of Nevlangion, heir of Finrod." I curtsied slightly. "Tell me, is Legolas worthy of such a fine lady?"

Manarda laughed casually. "Legolas has chosen this elf as his mate?" He stepped towards me and placed a hand on my cheek. "He has chosen too well. That little bastard always had a taste for the finer things."

Another one stood next to his brother. "I am Perostion. I stand with Manarda. Why do you allow him to be with you? He is more feminine than my sisters!" Several of them laughed at this.

"I disagree," said one. All heads in the room looked at the fourth son in.

"Nilrauko!" stated his father harshly.

He came towards me and slapped his brother's hand. "Lady Nevlothiel," he smiled. I placed a hand to my lips in shock.

"Oh dear…" he sighed.

I touched his hair softly. "It… it is black…" I smiled.

"I wish not to discuss it…"

"My own brother does too."


"Nilrauko, please. Hold this conversation later," Manarda jeered.

Nilrauko spun on his heel and stared at his brother. "You. You have never said a kind word to anyone! Legolas is your brother! He has feelings too. He is worthy of something."

"I could love no other," I whispered to no one.

Nilrauko faced me again. "Legolas has been hurt so many times before. He does not understand how to be anything but good. He could treat you well."

"You sicken me!" his father screamed. "All who stand in that… THING'S defense is just sad. Get out! Get out of my sight!"

I would not be moved. "I want your permission. I love him. I will never forget him. Let us wed."

"Go right on ahead!" he laughed. "But see if I care!"

To my surprise, about three of the brothers followed Nilrauko and me out.


Enedquelle led me to Legolas' room. I smiled at him and entered. Legolas was sitting on his bed, head in hands. I placed a hand on his knee. "Legolas?" I called softly.

He glanced at me. "Why do you love me?"

I took his face in my hands and forced him to look into my eyes. I kissed him, but he did not return it. I pulled away and sat next to him on the bed. "Because you love me," I said gently. He fought back a smile. "I want to know something," I said a little stronger.


"What exactly happened with your mother?"

"Did he not tell you? She was murdered."

"But by who? How?"

He looked away and I caught the shine in his eye. "Father was upstairs in the room. He had always forbidden us to go there, ever since he was a boy he had not either. But when he went, we knew there was something wrong. The four eldest seemed to know and refused to tell us. So we called a council and drew straws to see who would sneak into the room. I came up short.

"Luinadarien distracted the guards by making them search for her lost doll while I climbed the ladder. At first, I could not see anything but black. But when my eyes adjusted, I saw Father sitting by a bed. My mother was in the bed, looking very pale. I had never seen Father cry before, so I almost laughed when I did. But then the sick realization came to me."

Legolas was shaking uncontrollably. I touched his hand and he faced me. His face was streaked with tears, his eyes swollen and red. "I saw a line on my mother's neck. The front of her dress was bright red, even in the dark. Black circles surrounded her eyes. I kept thinking there was not a way she could die. She was immortal!

"But my heart was pumping so loud, I was almost sure they could hear it. I covered it with my hand and hid back against the wall. Mother suddenly looked right at me. She smiled and her eyes closed. Father screamed with anguish and tossed his arms around her limp body. I became so frightened that I ran back down the ladder and into the chief guard's arms.

"My siblings crowded me. `What happened!' they kept shrieking. I just ignored them and walked straight into my bedroom. I have never told a soul what I saw."

I took his hand and kissed it.

"We are still looking for the killer," he whispered.

He tossed his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. We sat there, weeping, until the sun went down. A solid knock was heard on the door. I wiped my eyes and stood. I opened the door and revealed:

"Aragorn!" Legolas cried happily.

"Legolas!" Aragorn mocked.

They embraced. "Estel, cormamin lindua ele lle! Nae saian luume'," I smiled. Legolas looked at me.

"When was the last time I heard you speak in your language?"

I paused. "Not since Lórien is likely."

Aragorn shook his head. "I wish I could say that about Arwen. It is near the only thing she has been speaking since she left her father."

"I wish you would speak it more, Nevlothiel. Quenya is so beautiful and I understand it perfectly well."

Arwen appeared in the doorway next to Aragorn. "Nevlothiel!" she giggled. "Vanimle sila tiri. Oio naa elealla alasse'." She kissed my cheeks. "Oh. Malia ten' vasa? Tula, vasa ar'yulna en I'mereth!"

I glanced at Aragorn. "You speak true."

Legolas smacked his forehead with his hand. "I should know what she is saying. But I am having trouble."

"Apparently, dinner has been called," I said, taking his hand.


"But when you have been taught Sindarin your whole life, it must be hard to concentrate in this land when we speak in another language."

We followed Arwen and Aragorn to the dining hall. Everyone was already there; I saw my family in the corner. Thranduil rose and cleared his throat as we entered. Silence immediately overtook the conversations.

"Be calm!" Legolas whispered.

"Do not take what he throws at you," I responded.

"Silence, son!" the King commanded. He glanced around the room. "Nilrauko, please rise."

Nilrauko, who was sitting next to my brother, Morinzilion, rose hesitantly. "Father, I…"

"Legolas, son of Thranduil, I hereby announce your arrest."

"Father!" he screamed. "What are you doing? I have done no wrong!"

Nilrauko ducked under the table and walked straight up to the old king. He leaned down and got right into his face. "Yes, father," he said quietly. "What are your reasons? What has he done?"

Manarda rose. "We believe he is plotting the murder of the King. Such thoughts are treason."

"Father! It is lies!" Legolas cried.

"Majesty, this is an outrage! We all know it!" I spat.

Nilrauko held up a hand to silence us. "What proof have you that he has done wrong?"

Manarda walked to the front of the room. He unbuttoned his tunic and bared his chest to everyone in the room. There was a large gash, cracking, but clean, stretched across it. There was some whispering. Legolas leaned down. "What kind of proof is this? I am almost sure I know how that happened." He cast Vinyaanto a dirty look.

"Legolas! Look at me when I speak to you!" his father snapped.

"Why should I? What a father you have been! Can I change the past? If Mother were here, you would be dancing with my bride! But instead you have allowed yourself to hate your own flesh and blood. You disgust me!" he screamed.

Manarda, who was not ready to give up yet, turned and slapped Legolas harshly. "Bow to the king, assassin!" he hissed. Legolas spat in his face. He stumbled back, as though struck. I caught him before he fell and sat him upright.

"Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa, Manarda. Utinu en lokirim. Lle naa haran e' nausalle. Amin feuya ten'lle!" I glared at him. "Amin delotha lle."

Thranduil shook with anger. "How dare you!"

"Being a widower has killed your heart," I spat, gaining strength and anger every second. "Nadorhuan."

"Guards. Place Nevlothiel and Legolas in the dungeons instantly."

Legolas' face turned ash white as they bound me. I caught my mother's eye just before I was forced from the room. She was weeping, but her eye glittered with love, nonetheless. She raised a hand in farewell. Then the world went black.


"At least he never objected to the marriage," Legolas muttered. He was shivering from the cold cell. He tried to hide it, but it was too obvious. His clothing had been stolen from his and he had been given an old frock to wear in place.

I wrapped the moth-eaten shawl closer around my shoulders. "He sickens me."

"Which one?"

"Manarda. He is clearly the influence behind your arrest. But it must have hurt his head to think of such a complicated plan."

Legolas laughed. "He was never the bright one. But he is the heir to the throne, so naturally, he comes first."

"Was that a joke?" muttered Nilrauko.

"Oh quit being a martyr," he smiled. "You are in here on your own free will."

I watched them through the bars of my cell. They had been placed together in the one across from me.

"Would he go so low as to execute us?" I asked one of them.

Nilrauko shook his head and said, "He is not yet fully under Manarda's influence. He may be cruel, but he is not mad."

"How long do you think we will be in here?"

Legolas shrugged. "I truly do not know. You might be out from one week to about a year. Nilrauko was not under any charges, so he can go soon as well. But me…"

I reached a hand towards him through the bars. "If he is indeed not mad, he will let you free along with us."

Just at that moment, Thranduil entered. The guard led him to my stall. He looked at me and I could see his eyes were red from crying, even in the dim light. "How did this come to happen?" he asked softly. I had never heard his voice so gentle.

"I will never be a good father. But there is so much on my mind. I get so confused." He reached into the cell and touched my cheek. "I would love for you to be in my family. But Manarda has convinced me that Legolas and all who love him are evil."

"Melkor was deceiving too. His voice was beautiful and betraying, but it took the maker of us to see this. The chorus was lost," I said, recalling the story of our creation.

Thranduil smiled at me, sadly and sweetly. "You remind me greatly of my own beloved, bless her soul. She loved lore."

"She would recite it to us as children," Legolas said softly. Thranduil spun around.

"Sons!" he gasped slightly. He covered his eyes and wept.

"Father," Nilrauko called softly.

"Oh, Legolas… Indeed we all know what has happened. I was against it, but blind at the moment. Can you find it to forgive me?"

"Manarda should be here instead."

"I know! I am aware."

"Father, I ask of your leave of this place," he smiled weakly.

"Guard!" he cried. A tall elf came and let opened our cells. I ran into Legolas' arms. He kissed my brow reassuringly. Nilrauko embraced his father, who wept uncontrollably. I pulled away from Legolas and looked at the king.

"Your majesty, I love your son more than life itself. He has no other desire than to please you." I glanced at Legolas. "Lle naa curucuar, Legolas Greenleaf. Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa. Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor. Lle. Mela en' coiamin. A'maelamin. Aratoamin. Melamin." I knelt and kissed his hand. "Heruamin."

Thranduil smiled, tears streaking down his face. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I rose and looked into his eyes. They were smoky gray, like Legolas'. I smiled back at him. He took my hand and his son's.

"Legolas? Do you promise to forever love Lady Nevlothiel?"

"Father, there is no doubt of this. I could never love another."

"Nevlothiel, is this the path you have chosen?"

I glanced at Legolas and he met my gaze. In his eyes, I was taken back to Lóthlorien. I thought of every tree, every rock. The morning steam from the river. I closed my eyes, thinking of how much I loved my home. This moment would be locked in my memory forever.


My fingers intertwined with his as his father accepted me. My ears filled with laughter and I opened my eyes again. Legolas dragged me up the stairs, away from the dungeons, and into the light. We went outside. The leaves blew around us, tiny whirlwinds about our feet. He led me into the heart of the forest, away from the palace of the king.

There was a place where the great Forest River met a cliff. He ran up the jagged side and held out his hand towards me. I took it and he pulled me up. We stood on the edge, looking over it. All around us was trees, colorful and grand. He gathered me in his arms again. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"If you have escaped and wish to go into exile, try hiding under the cliff, not on top."

We turned and saw Aragorn, walking along. "I swear, you stalk us day and night!" Legolas laughed.

"But you never seemed to notice," he sneered.

"How do you always seem to know where we are heading?"

"I also know your next actions. You were going to start singing."

He released me and flew down the cliff. "You know me far too well, Aragorn!"

Aragorn did a small dance, shuffling through the leaves. "Elves are so predictable!" Legolas stuck out his foot, tripping the dancer. He fell flat on his face and rolled into the river. "DAMN IS THIS COLD!" he screamed.

He bobbed and sputtered around. Finally, he swam back to shore. He pointed a finger at Legolas, who was laughing to hard to notice. "I hate you…"

"You cause it for yourself!"

The dripping wet ranger took off his cloak and started wringing it out.

"Oh dear… did I accidentally make you clean? Now Arwen will never find you attractive…" Legolas dug deeper.

"And even worse- now, I am too cold to sweat and make myself even more sexy…"

In the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow. I spun in its direction, the old fear rekindled. "Legolas. On your left," I whispered to him. He gave me a curious look and glanced over. His face turned paler than the winter snow.

"I see it. It is Manarda," he breathed.

I squinted and could barely make out the face. He was pointing his bow in our direction, an arrow quivering with resistance on the string. I could not tell whom he was aiming for. Legolas climbed back next to me.

"For once, he used his head. How I wish I had my weapons."

Aragorn placed a hand on his sword. "I fear this will bring no help. The speed of an arrow is greater than that of a skilled hand."

"I fear you are right," Legolas said softly. "Be silent and watch."

Legolas placed his hand on my back and pressed me against him. He kissed my brow and I felt his lips trembling slightly. "You are nervous," I whispered. And then the arrow came.


"Mela en' coiamin," he breathed. I felt the warmth of his blood spreading across my chest. I gave a small cry and lowered him to the ground. His hand moved the other arm and he felt the arrow. He wrapped his fingers around it and pulled. He clenched his teeth together, biting back a scream.

"It is too deep. Let me do it," I said, pulling his hand away from the wound. I moved his arm and saw the arrow had gone completely through to the other side. "Aragorn, lend me a knife," I calmly stated. He handed me a small dagger. I cut off the sharp tip and feathers.

All that remained was the body. I undid Legolas' belt and placed it in his teeth. "Try to relax. This is going to hurt." He nodded, his face growing slightly green. I took the top part of the arrow and twisted it. It took a few tries to move. "I think it entered the bone," I said.

Soon enough, I could move the arrow easily. I gave a tug and it fell onto the ground. There was a large, clean-cut hole in his forearm. I touched his cheek, feeling the moisture of his tears. I took the belt away from his mouth and he lay, gasping for air.

I tore the ragged shawl and handed a few pieces to Aragorn. He took them and cleaned them in the river. When he finished, he came up next to me. He patted one of the rags on his face while I cleaned the wound. I wrapped the rest of the shawl around his arm.

Legolas lay there, the blood covering his temporary bandages. "He was not aiming for my arm," he said to himself. "Father will understand." He tried to sit up, but I refused to let him.

I lay down next to him, placing a hand on his chest and my other hand on his unwounded arm. "It will all be all right in the end." He closed his eyes and smiled.


"Yes?" I asked.

"Amin mela lle."

I kissed his cheek. "I can never leave you."

Aragorn crouched next to him on the other side. "Can you help me? He can't lie here without any comfort." I urged his torso into an upright position and Aragorn held him up. "Nevlothiel, can you take his arm? He needs-"

"I do not need anything! I injured an arm, not a leg!" Legolas protested.

"It's the blood loss, Legolas, that I am worried about," said Aragorn. "You will be quite weak for a few days."

I realized Manarda had not left. I faced him and he stood, watching as we healed his brother. He had a look of loathing I had never seen before. I called to Aragorn, "Could you take him back? There is something I must tend to."

Legolas wriggled free and limped over to me. The few steps drained all the blood from his face. "Leave him alone, love. He does not understand." He cast a glance at him. "He will never understand." He kissed me gently on the lips and was dragged away by Aragorn.

"His kiss must be wonderful," Manarda chuckled, coming towards me. "So many have known it before you." He placed his bow on his shoulder, brushed the hazelnut wisps from his eyes, and stopped a few feet from me.

"Why him? Why do you hate him so?"

"Brotherly love, of course."

I almost laughed. "There is no love in your heart. He would never do such things to you."

"Jealousy can do wonders," he sneered. He placed a hand on my cheek. I took a step back, but he grabbed my wrists. I screamed and tried to pry free, but his grasp was stronger than chains. Before I could do anything, he jerked me against his and shoved his mouth over mine.

I kneed him in the stomach.

Doubling over, he grabbed his stomach and laughed at me. "We have a fiery one!"

I wiped my mouth. "If you want more fire, touch the flame."

He laughed even harder. "The weak little she-elf against the heir to an entire race. What chances do you have?" He came towards me again. As his arms were about to touch me, I ducked and grabbed the knife from his belt.

Spinning the blade with my right hand, I smiled at him. He snarled, "I fear no fire or arrow, for I know I can prevail."

"You are not aware of what you are messing with," I replied calmly. "The sun keeps a fire of its own and is yet to be touched."

"Give me my knife back," he said slowly, a little more cautiously stepping forward.

"Do not take another step."

He stopped. "Then slide it back."

"I am not afraid of you."

"Did your mother never teach you to share?" he joked.

"My mother taught me this."

"That knife is very expensive. I would like it back."

I waved it at him. "Come and get it from me."

He was growing more impatient by the second. "You do not know what power I have over the kingdom. Return it now or you will be back in the golden wood before the morning!"


He lost all train of thought and ran at me. I waited to the last second and leaped aside, driving the blade into his arm and removing it before it tore the skin any further. He gave a great cry and grabbed his arm. "Who are you?" he gasped in pain.

"The child of Finrod's daughter. His blood is mine and I have his skill. Bow or sword, I can beat near any man."

"You have never shown so!" he said harshly, sinking to his knees. He held a hand to me. "Now I am hurt. Will you help me?" he spoke, his face softening immediately.

"I know better." I kicked dirt on him and walked away. "Oh," I said dully. "You might want this." I hurled the dagger at him and it landed inches away from his groin.

"Aiya!" he exclaimed.

"Uuma ma' ten' rashwe, ta tuluva a' lle," I responded. I turned on my heel and went off after Legolas.


I saw Legolas, standing, waiting for me. He was robed in silver, his headdress of much simplicity. It was a thin design of mithril, an emerald dangling onto his forehead. His misty eyes met mine and I caught a slight hint of fear. I was shaking like a leaf in a storm.

Aragorn stood just above Legolas. Next to him stood Thranduil, Éomer, Imrahil, and Lord Celeborn. The kings stood waiting, watching me walk down the hall towards them. I reached them and Legolas took my hand. We faced Aragorn who smiled.

"Friends of all nations of Middle-Earth, we are gathered today to bind these two elves, Nevlothiel of Lóthlorien, servant of Lady Galadriel, and Legolas, prince-son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Who ever dare forbid these two to wed, speak now or forever hold your peace," he spoke solemnly.

"I object," a voice said, rising from among the sea of guests. Heads turned towards it. The person rose.

"Haldir? What are you doing?" I asked.

"I am objecting to your marriage, Nevlothiel."

Aragorn frowned. "Haldir, lle lakwenien? Mani na lle umien?"

"I already said, I am objecting to the marriage." He looked at me. "Until I receive a kiss from my best friend."

I caught the eye of the Lady Galadriel. She nodded and smiled. Haldir ran up and I kissed his cheek. `Now you may continue."

"No they can't," said Merry and Pippin, standing up from the back of the room. "We want kisses."

"And I," said Sam.

"Don't forget me," said Frodo.

I laughed and kissed them all.

Gandalf rose. "As a friend to you, I ask for one as well."

"Never has a dwarf received or wanted a kiss from an elf before, but never has one become friends," said Gimli.

"If you are kissing the Fellowship, kiss me as well," said Aragorn. Arwen snorted and looked away as I pecked them all on the cheek.

Faramir rose. "I come for my brother."

I kissed him.

Aragorn coughed. "Does the bride have any more to give before we continue?"

Legolas' entire family rose, except Manarda. I laughed and kissed the 6 brothers and embraced the 7 sisters. Thranduil kissed me. Aragorn was growing impatient. "Who else?" No one rose. "All right," he smiled.

"Wait," said Galadriel. She walked towards us. She kissed Legolas' cheek. "The best of luck to you both."

My family rose and did the same. Aragorn was beside himself. "Are we finished?" No one spoke or rose. "Good. Now the service can begin."

About an hour of reciting vows and making eternal promises, I looked into Legolas' eyes. There was no more fear or pain. All I could see was pure love. He put a hand on my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. I put all the passion I could muster into a reply.

Around us were cheers of many races. I pulled away, laughing. Legolas took me in his arms and picked me up. He carried me into the hallway and set me on my feet. I kissed him again and felt well. This was where I belonged.