Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Earth ❯ Mirror Earth So Far ( Chapter 1 )

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Mirror Earth
Looking into the sky on all hallow's eve, Olivia saw the sun setting. She was 16; as well as her two best friends, her long black hair was up in a ponytail as usual, her school uniform as she usually had it. You see, they had to wear the uniforms, but they could cut of the sleeves or buy higher skirts, basically just the basic form must be the same. Her basic personality is creative and timid, shy and very mild. She was walking with her two friends Kiki and Kristy. Kiki's nickname was Kikiori, and Kristy's was Reinet, Rei the shorter of that. Olivia's nickname was Maxine, Maxi for even shorter.
Kristy was the most loyal person Olivia could ever think of meeting. She was extremely kind and had hardly any temper to mention. Her long red hair down to her waist, she was wearing her spring uniform and the only thing that made her slightly abnormal was the fact that her eyes were purple. Getting angry was not her style, she made sure that the others didn't get in trouble or get in fights. She was the general peacekeeper.
Kiki was the smart aleck, kick-ass, and troublesome, sarcastic person of the group. She had black hair and blue eyes and had her uniform sleeves ripped off with the scruffy edges and a just above the knees skirt. Her childhood had been strange; she was found as a child, put in an orphanage and then put in a foster home.
“Wow, look at the sky.” Kristy pointed out.
Kiki started walking backward and looked at it. “Yeah, very pretty. Hey Livi, did you do the homework for social studies yet?”
Kristy looked at Kiki, “How come you always assume she does it in class?”
“Because I do.” Livi said, smiling like a fool.
“Well? Can I have the papers?”
“Yeah sure.” Livi said, stopping and picking through her shoulder bag.
“You shouldn't let her copy all of your homework, Livi. I mean, you work really hard on it during class. You shouldn't just let her use you like that.” Kristy started in.
“Oh please. Hard work? It's like elementary work to me.” Olivia said, handing her papers to Kiki.
“Thank you soooooo much!” Kiki said, hugging Livi as soon as she stood up.
“It's ok. I don't mind. You don't have to thank me so much.”
“You know I have zero time to do homework. You are helping me through my classes you know.” Kiki said, skipping off to her house. “I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye Kiki!” Kristy said, waving to her.
“Ciao amica!” Livi said, going to the Italian language.
Kristy and Livi walked on for a while then Kristy started to turn off to her house. And Logan jumped out of the bush and pounced her while she was by her fence. Livi managed to side step and not get pushed to the ground as they fell.
Logan is Kristy's boyfriend. They've known each other for years and have been an item for about half a year. He is a carrot-top and has green eyes. The character of a perfect gentleman, kind, generous, and always thinking of his girl, you wouldn't catch him looking at any girl besides Kristy. His nickname was Trent.
“Logan you jerk!” She said, playfully pushing him away and pretending to be angry.
“Meow.” He said, getting up and helping Kristy up.
“You guys have fun.” Livi said, smiling and continuing to walk home.
“Do you want one of us to walk you home? Or both of us?”
“Nah, I'll be fine.”
“Are you sure? Logan can walk you home.”
“No, I'll be perfectly fine.”
“All right.” She said, and walked into her house, Logan's arm around her waist and her arm around his waist.
“Maxine!” Reinet said, pouncing on her.
Reinet was a fire kitsune. She had 190 years of life. Her hair was red and to her waist, and her eyes were purple. Her attitude is `spit-fire' fire kitsune. She never actually studies her magic or her weapons skills unless she's in school. Whenever she gets a temper …you'd better run, because you never know what will blow up next. But even so, never would any of her friends ever say that she was disloyal. No one would ever think that of her. Her nickname is Kristy.
“What?” Maxine growled.
Maxine is 16 years old, with long black hair to the back of her knees. As her brown eyes looked at Rei, she had the bold adventurer type of attitude. She was never regarded as timid or mild. Never was she thought of as creative, not even a very friendly type of person. Her school uniform had ripped up sleeves and a mid-thigh skirt. She would always get teased because she couldn't do the magic at all really. She was even worse than Rei. …And that's saying something. Her nickname was Olivia.
“You didn't wait for me.”
“Why should I? I was getting tired.”
“Kiki's kind of angry though.”
“What should I care?”
“Well, she's very strong and-”
“MAXINE!” A very angry female voice said from behind them, gaining on them.
Rei and Maxine's eyes grew large. “Uh-oh.” They said at once and Maxi started running as fast as she could away from enraged Kiki.
Kiki's full name is Kikiori Kitsu. She has black hair with white tips, eyes of opal with black around the irises. She found Rei in the jungle of the Makai and is now her tutor, because she is also a kitsune, just a shadow one is all. Her age is 551 years old. The nickname for her is Kiki.
Maxine was suddenly tackled to the ground and scraped her face on the cement ground very hard. Being pulled to her feet, she looked Kiki in the eyes.
“What have I told you about leaving me at school?”
“Ummmmm …I can't remember?”
“How about not leaving me there?”
“Oh that?” Maxine said, standing up straight as Trent, Jubei and Tihlhalen walked up with Rei. “That was a mistake.”
Trent has 500 years of age behind him and is a fire and light kitsune. He had orange hair and green eyes with gold flecks. He is Rei's boyfriend and completely dotes on her. But he does understand that she has to train and is kind, generous, and caring. His nickname is Logan.
Jubei is Kiki's boyfriend. He is a devil, literally that's his race, and is 600 years old. His hair is silver with black tips, and his eyes are pure silver. The aggressiveness and dominant nature of him attracts Kiki to him. Of course, he only tries to be dominant it doesn't work much. His nickname is Kiko.
Tihlhalen is a dragon demon; his nickname for his name is Tihl. He is the most powerful kind of dragon demon, he has the power of all elements and all other things, and he has lived 18 years. The hair on his head is black and under different lights the tips are black and the top of his head to the beginning of his tips changes colors for all of his different powers. The eyes of his change different colors with his emotions, and his normal color are yellow. He has the same kind of attitude as Maxine, strong, bold adventurous, not to mention he has a great body. He has a strong lean body. His nickname is Tom.
Jubei and Tihl wear their uniforms as most of the punk boys do, and Trent wears it basically like that, but a little more cover-some. Rei wore the spring uniform minus the jacket so it was just the under shirt and the skirt and the shoes and socks and the tie. Kiki and Maxine both wore the punk-ish uniform with the sleeves torn off.
“Course it was.” Jubei said, looking at Maxine with a glare.
“It's not like I hurt your pride in any way.” Maxine glared.
Trent stood next to Rei, arm around her shoulders. Tihl laughed at Maxine and Maxine glared. She looked at the setting sun and rising moon and said, “Look a diversion!”
As they all looked, she broke free of Kiki and ran off to her home.
These worlds are known as the earth and mirror. Earth is the first place I told you of. The one with Kristy, Livi, and Kiki as their real names, the one people there call normal. The second world with Rei, Kiki, and Maxine is called the mirror world. Rei is the mirror of Kristy; Kikiori is the mirror of Kiki, and Maxine is the mirror of Olivia.
There is an academy on earth that is called the Sunlight Academy. It has the same uniform as the Moonlight Academy on mirror world.
There is a legend of a day in each year when these two worlds collide and people might be changed into their other self, but needless to say this does not happen often. It happens on a day called, All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween to some others. This means it is only the beginning of what is to come. No one knows how they change, or how they get back, if they do.
There are three worlds in between the two main worlds. There is Shadow, Light and Gray. Shadow is where all those of horrible hearts go and stay with those of their kind. Light is where the pure of heart go, the innocent. Gray is where those that are not evil, but are not pure go. They then continue there. But only some stay where they are, some are exceptions of heart.
Livi looked at the moon just above her house. Sighing, she wished that Tom hadn't followed her, and then she remembered that he lived just down the street from her. She stretched like a cat and yawned. Then she looked at the sky for a few long minutes.
Maxine huffed and puffed and then looked above her house. She looked at the vivid moon and thought at about how bright it was. It wasn't naturally this bright. She stretched then looked at the moon for a few long minutes.
Livi suddenly felt a huge pain in her head and then fell to the ground, holding her hands to her head.
Maxine felt the pain of a screw being driven into her skull and fell convulsing to the ground.
Waking up, Livi looked about and found herself lying on the ground in the morning. Screeching, she bolted up and started running into the house. Taking the stairs three by three, she got to her room and threw open her closet doors. Seeing her clothes were all shredded up, she screamed.
Her foster brother came in with a baseball bat in hand, for he had never heard her scream before.
“What happened to my clothes? They're all shredded up!”
“You like wearing them like that!” He said, angrily dropping the bat.
“I do not! You would know that!”
“Mom should have some extras …I guess.”
“Go get them for me, will you?”
“Yeah, but you do know Kiki will be here soon, right?”
“What time is it?” Livi asked, shedding her jacket.
“Damn! Come on! Get the clothes for me!”
“Ok I'm going! Jeez!”
Brushing her layered hair quickly she threw off her shoes and grabbed some socks. Looking at them she saw they were short. Cursing, she took off her socks and pulled on the new ones. Her foster brother, Terrell, came in and tossed the new clothes to her.
“Ok, thanks. NOW GET OUT!”
“I'm going! Fine! I was gonna leave anyway!”
As he went out, she slammed the door shut and quickly changed into the traditional long sleeved shirt, long sleeved jacket, to the mid calf skirt and tied the knot of the tie tight. Shoving on her shoes she heard the doorbell ring.
“I'LL GET IT!” Terrell shouted up.
“No you won't you little twerp!” Olivia shouted down to him.
Olivia gracefully slid down the railing and got to the door just before Terrell. She stuck her tongue out at him and opened the door. Suddenly she was pounced by Rei and Kiki. Thinking it was Kristy and Kiki she squeaked kind of, and hit her head on the railing.
“Oh my god!” Rei said, quickly getting off of her. “Are you ok?”
“I'm fine.” Livi said, rubbing her head.
“Sorry.” Kiki said helping Livi up. “You're not gonna leave me after school today, are you Maxi?”
“When have I done that?” She asked, puzzled.
“Just yesterday remember? Must have been the knock to the head.”
“I guess.”
As they stepped out of the house, Livi grabbed her bag and said, “Can I have my homework back Kiki?”
“I never borrowed your homework.”
“Yes you did. And Kristy was all standing up for me saying that since I did the work I shouldn't let you use me like that.”
“I've never asked for your homework, Maxine.”
“Oh fine, I'll just do it later today.”
“Well, I'll see you guys in Magic.” Kiki said, starting to walk off with Jubei.
“Wait …what class is that?”
“Wow that must really have been a knock to the head!” Rei said, “I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to give you a bad memory!”
“I really have no idea what you mean!”
“Look at your schedule!” Kiki said, shoving it under Livi's nose.
Looking at the schedule under her nose, she saw it was chock full of classes besides the norm. It had classes like, Magic one and Weaponry one. Grabbing the schedule, she looked it through a million times or more as Kiki and Rei lead her along.
“Don't worry, that's your schedule.” Rei said, smiling.
“But, that's Miss Eye's class.” Livi said, pointing to the class that said basics of magic one.
“Yeah so?” Rei said.
“Doesn't she teach History this mod?”
“She hasn't taught history fourth mod since she was first teaching here.” Kiki said then added, “And that was a while ago.”
“I guess …” Livi said, walking along then suddenly being in her homeroom without Kiki or Rei or anyone she knew well.
Well this seems normal at least. Livi sat in her seat and saw people giving her strange looks.
Sighing she thought, that'll never change. Her teacher took attendance and off she went.
Maxine woke up on the ground and looked about and saw she was outside. Getting up, she sauntered inside and decided to change into clean clothes. Looking into her closet numbly, she then screeched. She doesn't scream, she screeches.
Kyle, who is Terrell in the mirror world, came in, carrying a bat. Maxine turned on him and grabbed his shirt in a hand and pointed to her closet. “WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CLOTHES TWERP!”
“That's how you always wear your clothes!” He said, completely frightened at how his foster sister was acting.
“This is not how I wear my clothes.” She said, letting go of him and grabbing a jacket and tearing off the sleeves.
After making the clothes fit her style, she put them on and heard the doorbell ringing furiously. Sauntering down the stairs, she slowly opened it to find Tom and Kristy and Kiki.
“What's he doing here?” She asked, giving him a glare.
“Tom always comes with us in the morning.” Kristy said confused.
“Right.” She said, annoyed. Then slamming the door shut.
“Here's that homework I borrowed yesterday.” Kiki said, holding the homework out to Maxine.
Kristy looked at Maxine and said, “What's with the clothes?”
“What do you mean? I always wear these kinds of clothes.” She said, posing and showing off her ripped up school uniform. “Oh and by the way Kiki, I didn't lend you homework.”
“Ok …whatever.” Kristy said, giving up.
“Yes you did lend me homework, baka!” Kiki said, annoyed.
“I didn't lend you homework. You know I never do homework. Especially not for Hawkie's class.”
“Hawkie?” They both asked, confused.
“Yeah, Miss Eye.”
“Oh.” They said, looking at each other.
“I get it but what's with the nickname? You never call her that.” Kristy said, looking at Maxine surprised.
“I always call her Hawkie. What are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?” Kiki asked, pushing her into her homeroom. “I'll see you during art.”
ART? I hate art! I have never taken an art class in my life! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”
“Well what have you been taking all this semester? Magic or Weaponry or something from your stories?” Kristy said.
“I don't write stories, but I have in fact-”
Miss Eye came and shut up Maxine. “How about you all go to your homerooms, hmm?”
“Yes, Miss Eye.” Kristy and Kiki said in unison.
“Ok Hawkie.” Maxine said, turning into her homeroom as Miss Eye turned away.
“Hawkie …no one here calls me Hawkie.” She said to herself and looking at what Maxine was wearing for the first time today. “Something has gone terribly wrong. I have to warn Tihlhalen.”
Students looked at her funny as she ran down the hall mumbling to herself. Many wondered, “Tihlhalen? Why is she calling Tom Tihlhalen?” They then paused and shrugged saying, “Whatever.”
“Guys what is up? This seems like something from one of my stories!” Livi asked, completely confused.
“Stories? Since when do you write stories?” Kiki said, confused.
“Since ever!” Livi said with rising panic. “They're my life! You'd know that!”
“Uh-huh.” Kiki and Rei said looking to each other. “…Ri-ight.”
“What class is next?”
“The history of magic.” Rei said happily, “It's my favorite!”
“Yeah since you can't actually do magic.”
“Grr!” Rei growled slightly as they walked into class.
Livi said as an aside to Kiki, “Since when could Kristy growl?”
“You sure you're feeling ok kid?” Kiki asked, giving Livi a funny look.
“No, I'm not sure.” She said, walking in and sitting in the familiar classroom, but with a sinking heart.
Sighing, she listened as the teacher she knew from her art classes taught about the history of magic. She started doing her usual habit of biting off the eraser and putting it back when she saw Tihlhalen at the window. Her eyes bulged out some and she started choking on her eraser. While she was choking and making many loud noises the teacher kept asking, “Are you all right Maxine?”
“I'm fine.” She replied after getting the eraser out of her lungs. “Just a little tired.”
“Umm …but how would that cause you to cough?”
“Well …I wasn't thinking about breathing?”
“…Usually people don't. Do you need to see the nurse?”
“Yes. …Yes I do.” She said distressed about all the changes.
The teacher wrote her a pass and sent her on her way. Livi looked about the halls and saw all the same familiar faces and rooms, but nothing had the same feeling anymore. Suddenly she was tackled from behind. Falling, she slid across the floor for a while and slowly got on her knees.
Wiping her face some, she felt some scrapes sting and saw little specks of blood. “Ow.” She said dully to herself.
“Hey! What's up?” Tihlhalen asked from behind her.
“Tom! What are you doing out of English class!” Livi said quickly turning to look at him, still sitting on the ground.
“I don't have English this semester.”
“Ri-ight. And I'll bet farfigneuton is a real word or place.”
“You've been there?” Tihl said, squatting down.
“Oh, goddess.” Livi said, standing up slowly, wincing in pain. “I'm gonna be taking a beating. All these bruises from falling, hitting my head this morning.”
She then looked at his school uniform. Noticing that it was the way that Kiki wore hers. The sleeves ripped off …because he doesn't wear a skirt. We hope.
“So …why are you wearing the prep-ish like clothes today?” Tihl asked, following Livi towards the nurse's office.
“I always wear these clothes Tom.”
“Oh really?”
“But the strangest thing happened this morning. I looked in my closet and my clothes were all shredded up.”
“Because that's how you normally wear them?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You aren't this preppy shy, timid person.”
“And you aren't this …big, annoying, cocky jerk.” Livi said under her breath so that she thought Tihlhalen couldn't hear her.
She would have said more but Miss Eye walked up to Tihlhalen and said, “Tihlhalen, we need to talk-”
“Hello Miss Eye. I'll see you in class later then, hmm?” And then Livi walked off, not wanting to hear Tihl's reaction to her insult.
“Miss Eye? Yeah we do have a problem.” Tihl said and then was led off into an empty room by Hawk's Eye.
Looking at the familiar teacher Maxine said to herself, why is Gumby teaching art? Seeing that her paper was blank, `Gumby' looked at her disappointed.
“Livi …” He said concerned. “Are you feeling quite right?”
“Yeah, Gumby, I'm feeling perfectly fine.”
“Gumby? Since when do you call me Gumby?”
“I've always called you Gumby.” She said, drawing squiggly lines on the paper.
After she had a long conversation with the teacher about the name and if she was feeling all right, she kept an eye on the window, because she knew Tihlhalen would show up.
Chewing on the eraser, she kept a vicious eye on the window waiting. Then the bell rang, making her fall out of her seat. “Since when do we have a BELL!” She shouted out loud to the empty room. “I could have sworn it was chimes.”
“What do I have next.” She said to herself looking at the oh so new schedule in her hands. “Lunch? We get a lunch period? Sweeeet! We usually just work through and get out early.”
Skipping out of the room, she bumped into Tom. “Where were you!”
Tom looked at her surprised. “I …was in … class?”
“Since when do you stay in class?”
“Since it was English? And I like all of my classes?”
“Since when did you like your classes?”
“Since I signed up for them?”
“When did you sign up for classes?”
“Before this interrogation.”
“Oh ha ha. Very funny Mr. Laughs.” Maxine said, picking up Tom's books.
“Yep Miss Officer.”
Maxine growled slightly at the `Officer' remark and wondered where Hawkie was. Sighing, she said, “Where's the lunch place?”
“The lunch place? You mean the cafeteria?”
“… … …I guess.”
“It's down the hall. You always meet Kiki and Kristy there.”
“And that's ANOTHER THING! Since when are we using our nicknames as real names?” She paused for a short while. “HUUUUUUH?”
Tom looked at her wide-eyed. “Since when was Livi your nickname? Well that is to say, since when was Olivia your nickname?”
Maxine looked at him dumbfounded. “I don't feel so good.” She put her hands to her head and said, “My brain hurts. It's turning to muuuuuuush.”
“Ok, you should go to the nurse's office.”
“Yeah! She'll know me!” Maxine said, darting off to the nurse's office, tripping a few times and skidding along the floor. “And tell Kiki and Rei where I am!”
“… Who's Rei?”
Sighing she stopped and turned making people bump into her. “Kristy!”
“Ok! Don't be so touchy.” Tom said, walking off to find Kiki and Kristy.
“So …what do we do about it?” Tihl asked, stunned at the fact this had actually happened.
“You need to help her come to realization of this, and then help her find those pieces of the frame.”
“She thinks I'm this Tom character. She probably thinks she's in her own world for crying out loud!”
“Be quiet Tihlhalen, Prince of the Dragons, someone might hear you. There are ears and eyes everywhere.” Hawk's Eye said, making him shut up for once.
“I'm sorry. I can't help it. I just can't believe it actually happened.”
“I have reason to believe that this happened on purpose.”
“You always think that!” He exploded. “You think that a person goes to the bathroom for a specific purpose.”
“Well, a person's gotta go when a person's gotta go.”
“Yes, but that's besides the point!”
“Then what is the point!”
“The point is that the person I think I know isn't the person I really know, and who I think she is isn't who she really is.” Tihl said.
“You just confused me.”
“Maxine isn't Maxine, she's Olivia. I don't know Olivia.”
“All you really need to know is that she is the complete opposite.”
“I noticed …that would explain why she almost choked on her eraser when she saw me outside the window. And her rather quiet insults instead of the regular outburst.”
“Probably. …Wait …you were skipping class again?”
“… …Skipping? I wasn't skipping …the teacher doesn't like me and asked me to take a walk.”
“I doubt that. And probably if it was true, it was to my office.” Hawk's Eye said, with an evil glare.
“Heh …heh …oops. I always get that mixed up.”
“Now go to it lad.” Hawk's Eye said to Tihl.
“… To what?”
“Getting her to believe you …dummy.”
“WAIT! Why do I have to do it!”
“Think of it as your punishment.”
Maxine looked at the nurse dumbfounded. “You think I'm Livi too?”
“Your name is Olivia. You come here everyday during lunch.”
“I do?”
“Yes. Just to say hello. And to talk to the younger kids who aren't feeling to good. Even though some are regarded as `dorks.'”
“Whoa …I do?”
“… Did you get hit in the head this morning?”
“I think I did. Yeah. Or maybe it was from sleeping in the lawn …”
“Well that would explain why you weren't feeling too good.”
“Yeah …I'll just get back to class now.”
“Ok, but if you feel any worse today, just come on in.”
“Thanks.” Maxi said walking out of the office slowly and thinking very hard, which was new for her. “Ok since when did all this craziness start? Since last night right? I had a huge pain in my head, and then fell over. And then I woke up in the morning and everything was …WEEEEIRD.”
She then bumped into someone. Looking she saw it wasn't someone she knew. “Hello?”
“Hello.” He said, bowing.
“Who are you?” Maxine asked.
“I'm Lotharing.” He said, standing up straight and giving a smile.
“Ok, what's with the bowing? And the freakish smile? It's like you have …fangs.” I haven't seen fangs in a whole day. Not even from Tihl.
“Come with me …Maxine.” Lotharing said in a mysterious voice.
Suddenly her eyes widened in surprise. “You're the first one today to know my name. Who are you really?”
“Someone who wishes to know you more.”
“How much more?” She paused for a while. “Are you a stalker? I mean, I know I'm good looking and all, but I'm not into the worshipper for a guy. I'm looking for a nice kind of quiet guy. Not a bold person you know? Maybe with a little-”
“Just come with me already.” He said a little too harshly and annoyed.
“Fine, fine, but I'm not giving you my lunch money, I don't have any. I didn't know there was lunch until earlier today.”
Sighing, Lotharing led her into an empty classroom.
Livi sat in English, and decided not to eat her eraser again. Even though it was a habit. It was a habit she should break especially after that incident with the window and the almost choking and the lungs and the farfigneuton. Instead she decided to try and pay attention.
That didn't work. As soon as she started understanding what the teacher was saying, she saw someone in the corner of her eye at the window. Looking she saw Tihl. Annoyed she looked at him, and realized how hot he was.
Her mouth hung open as she looked out the window. When other people looked he would duck. He's good at that. Wonder when he learned that.
Looking she saw him holding up a sign. Squinting she tried to read it. Then she realized it was upside down. Sighing she tried to motion for him to turn it around without the teacher noticing, since she was in the middle of the room.
Tihl looked at the poster and swore to himself. Tom what are you doing? She then raised her hand and asked if she could open the window.
“Yes, go ahead Maxine.” Then she mutters to herself, “Since when does she even ask?”
Getting up, Livi casually strolled over to the window and opened it. Hitting him on the head she hissed, “What are you DOING?”
Realizing she had shrieked the last word she covered her mouth. “It's a little colder out than I had thought.”
Looking down at Tihl she saw him holding up another sign. Sighing, she turned this sign upside up also. And read it. Annoyed she hit him upside the head with the sign and then closed the window. Sitting back down in her chair she started to wonder what had come over Tom.
Sitting in her office, Hawk's Eye started to get impatient. “What's taking him so long?”
Then her personal intercom came on, “Miss Eye?”
“Yes?” She said quickly in response.
“Tihlhalen is here waiting to talk to you.”
“Send him in.” She said, then quickly jumping over her desk to open the door.
Tihl came in and was quickly given a barrage of questions. For example, “Well what happened!” “Did it work!”
Rubbing his head Tihl said, “It could have went better.”
“She hit me.” He whined flopping into a chair.
“It huuuuurt.” He croaked.
“Oh well. You're a prince. You'll get over it. You'll have to try again.”
“What! That'd be suicide!”
“She couldn't have hit that hard. She's not that strong.”
“You try being hit with cardboard over the head.”
“I'd rather not.”
“That's what I thought.” Tihl said, annoyed.
“You still have to go.”
“Damn.” Tihl thought, standing up and sighing, “All right. I'll go. But you better say it was ok for me to miss my classes.”
“It depends on how well of a job you do.”
“Are you black mailing me?”
“Maybe. That's a secret.”
“It's against the law to black mail a prince. You're one of the weirdest professors I've ever had.”
“Aren't you lucky.” She said, smiling wide.
“Aren't I just?” He said, walking out with more cardboard signs.
“And don't hold them upside down this time!”
Looking at Lotharing, Maxine wondered where he came from. Maybe I should pay attention during worlds studies.
For a long moment, they looked at each other. “So …yeah.” Maxine said, looking at him.
“Well?” She asked looking at him, then after him not answering she yelled, “WHAT DO YOU WANT!”
“Don't be so loud.”
“I'll be as loud as I DAMN PLEASE!” She said getting louder to annoy him.
“Someone may hear you. That wasn't a smart idea.”
“Oh WASN'T it?”
“Shut UP! You WITCH!” He said, blasting her across the room.
“I haven't gotten hit like that in a whole day!” She said, staying standing with an evil grin.
Suddenly, Hawk's Eye comes in. “Huh, Lotharing we meet again.”
“You.” He said with contempt in his voice.
“Get out of my schools.” She said threateningly.
“And how can an old maid like you make me leave?”
“I may be an `old maid' but I can still kick your ass any day.”
“Whooooooooooooo! Go Hawkie!” Maxine put in as a cheer.
“Thank you Maxine.”
“Hey! You called me Maxine!”
“I don't think you can even hurt me, old maid Hawk's Eye.” Lotharing insulted.
“Hey! Dun make fun of the Hawkie! Or you'll get your buttocks kicked!”
Hawk's Eye sighed and hung her head. She'll never learn will she? Suddenly, she was hit with a spell. She quickly reflected the spell just after it hit her.
“I'll get you, Maxine, mark my words.”
“What color?”
“How about black? It's my favorite color.”
“Too bad mine's purple.”
“Aww, yeah.”
“Ok, your words are marked.” Hawk's Eye put in. “Now get out of here.”
“Good bye sweet lady …and old maid.” He then disappeared.
“Oooooooooooi gag!” Maxine said, putting a finger pointing down her throat. “Barf! Gucky! Ewie poo poo! And all the other ucky stuff!”
Hawk's Eye sighed. “Do you know who that was?”
“Lothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… … … …………………something.”
“Well, sleep well, and you will learn more in the morn.”
“Wait …isn't there more school left? What do you mean?”
“Just sleep.”
Suddenly Maxine fell asleep.
“You've always skipped the rest of your classes anyways.”
Sighing as the last chime rang, which was strange as it was, she went to her locker and grabbed the books she would need for homework. Getting to her locker, Livi opened it and found Tihl in her locker with more signs.
“What are you doing in my locker? …HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY LOCKER! I could have sworn it was a smaller locker.”
“We need to talk, Olivia.”
“What? No one's called me that all day.” Livi said, confused but grateful.
“I told you, we need to talk.”
“No, you held up signs that said, `You aren't who you think you are' and `Man am I hungry.' I can read you know. I would have worded them differently at least.”
“You got what I meant didn't you?”
“You also asked if I could give you ten bucks so you could skip class and buy lunch.”
“Hey! I was hungry!”
Sighing, Livi started to slam the locker shut after getting her books out. Tihl stopped the locker door; almost getting his fingers cut off in the process and jumped out. Looking at him, she opened the locker and looked at him for a moment.
“You know, Tom? You're really getting on my nerves. Now, I wouldn't usually do this …but I'll make an exception.”
“What do you mean?”
Sighing, she grabbed him by the neck and shoved him in her locker, slamming the door before he could get out. He started banging on the locker from the inside and yelling for her to let him out.
“No. I'm not letting you out. Let someone else get you out.”
“Fine then.” He said transporting himself out and standing next to her.
Throwing her hands up in an `I give up' gesture, she ran off down the hall, glad to have been in track for a few years.
“Come back here!” Tihl said, running after her.
Suddenly he was in front of her and made so that she ran into him. “Good goddess stop doing that!”
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind.” She said, pushing him out of the way and running out of the school.
Livi gracefully jumped over a pair of kids who were falling down after tripping. Looking back, she saw Tihl jump over them not so gracefully and almost land on his face.
Sighing, she continued to run and only stopped when she dropped a book. Ducking back, she quickly picked it up and was then tackled to the ground by Tihlhalen. Ripping the sleeves as she fell, she also got a cut on her knee.
“Damn! Get off me man!” Livi said, trying to push him off.
“Since when do you call me man?”
“Since now!” She said, whacking him in the shin.
Moaning, he rolled off of her. Scrambling up, she noticed that her skirt was now in different layers. Running more, she suddenly tripped over a large tree branch instead of jumping over it.
Tihl skidded to a stop and knelt down next to Livi. Looking at her ankle, he saw it was twisted and swelling. “Stupid.”
“I wasn't trying to trip.” She said, trying to get up.
“You're even stupider for trying to get up.” He said, grabbing her arm as she started getting up.
“Thanks for helping me up.”
“No problem.” He said, and then lifted her up starting to carry her bridal style.
“Hey! Put me down!” Livi said blushing furiously.
“Heh, Maxine wouldn't do that.”
“Do what?”
“I am not blushing!”
“Yes you are.” He said starting to walk towards the main road.
“No! Do NOT take me onto the road!”
“I'm taking you to the sidewalk.”
“No public places if you're carrying me!”
“What do you want me to do then?” He asked stopping.
“Put me down and let me walk!”
“You can't your ankle is twisted.”
“I did not twist my ankle!”
“Yes. You did.”
“I did NOT!” Livi said, jumping up and landing on one foot.
“Then how about you walk?” Tihl asked, starting to like Olivia better than Maxine.
Biting her lip, she started to walk slowly and started to collapse. Tihl started to go to her, then was cut off by Kiki. Rei was kneeling next to Livi.
“What did you do to her, Tihlhalen?” Kiki asked, in a growl.
“You two would know.” Tihl said, a little angry that they hadn't picked up on anything.
“What are you talking about?” Rei asked, helping Livi stand.
“It was all hallow's eve last night.” Tihl said, like it was obvious.
“So?” Kiki said, standing between her friends and the man.
“The worlds collided. This isn't Maxine.”
“She is so Maxine.” Rei said.
“I'm Olivia.” Livi said, looking at them.
“She's from the `normal' world.” Tihl said, looking at them.
“She's one of them?” Rei asked, moving away from her slightly.
“Them who?” Livi asked scared. “I've known you two forever!”
“Or have you!” Tihl said, walking up to Livi. “Do I look like Thomas?”
“Yes you do!”
“But do I act like him?”
“No! You're completely opposite!” Livi said frustrated.
“This is how he's always acted, Maxi-… Olivia.” Kiki said.
“No! He's always acted quiet, and …and …and….”
“And I am not Thomas.” He said, giving a slight bow. “I am Tihlhalen, Prince of the Dragons.”
“This can't be.” Livi said, trying to step back and letting out a yip in pain, small little kitten fangs showing and spilling blood.
“What is that!” Rei asked, looking at the little bite marks on Livi's lips.
“What do you mean?” Livi asked, looking at Rei.
“Yeah …you do have some bite marks on your lip. …Did you do something you haven't told us about?” Kiki said.
“No I have not!” Livi said, looking at them. “My ankle hurt. All I did was bite my lip.”
“Let me see your teeth.” Tihl said randomly.
“Wha-a-a-at?” Livi asked looking at him.
“Please?” Tihl asked in a false sweet tone, or was it truly a sweet tone?
“I …don't see how that'd …help any….” Livi said, slowly.
“Just open your mouth, will you?” Kiki said, looking at Livi. “You haven't had a problem with that before.”
Livi did as her friends told her and they all looked amazed. Then they started muttering something about a shapechanger. They backed away from Livi and held a conference. As they talked she did a little healing spell on her ankle to make so as it wasn't twisted and she could walk.
“Maxine never had those pointy teeth.” Rei said, in a wondering tone.
“Those mark a shapechanger. Don't you all know that?” Tihl said.
“Of course we know! We just didn't expect this girl from the earth world to come to us here in the mirror and be a changer.” Kiki said, to Tihl.
Sighing, Tihl pulled out a collar of a sort. The girls looked at it, even Livi. As Olivia was gawking at it, Tihl took the chance and put it around her neck. Meowing, Livi tried to wriggle it off of her neck as he was magicking it into not coming loose until he gave word.
Wriggling her head she heard the bells on the collar ring. “That'd give away a position in a second flat.” Livi said, looking at him.
“You know of those such things?” Tihl asked, surprised.
“She writes stories.” Kiki said, rolling her eyes.
“She'd have to know for plots and such.” Rei put in.
“Good job you two.” Livi said, playing with the jingly things on her collar.
Rei was all proud and Kiki just said, “Yeah, that's not a new thing.”
Jubei dropped from the tree above Livi and she moved stealthily without disturbing a single bell. He dropped and before landing on his face, put out his arms, did a back flip and landed next to Kiki.
Trent jumped out of a bush and Livi dodged but this time made a noise, and she stopped after she was just in the safe. Trent moved and stood next to Rei. Trent kissed Rei's cheek and put his arm around her shoulder. Jubei stood up and nuzzled Kiki's neck slightly then stood with his arm around her waist.
Trent looked at Livi and noticed the collar. “What's with the collar Maxi?”
Sitting down with a thud, she looked at him. “How should I know?”
“It looks cute!” Rei said, smiling and going to play with the jingly bells.
“My jingly bells!” Livi said, running like a cat along the ground and hiding behind a tree.
“Sorry.” Rei said, a little sad.
“Let her play with the bells, Olivia.” Tihlhalen said, looking at Livi.
Livi crawled over to Rei and perched in front of her. Rei playfully whapped at the bells and Livi just stayed perched in front of her.
Waking up, Maxine found that Kiki and Kristy were standing over her. Stretching she said, “That was a great nap.”
“You didn't show up for lunch.” Kristy said hurt.
“Sorry.” Maxine said, sitting up.
“It's not that, it's that you didn't tell us yourself. And that you skipped classes! You never skip classes! You love classes!” Kiki said, angered.
“I always skip my classes! I go hang out with Lormier and Botchy.”
“Botchy? Lormier?” Kristy asked.
“You mean Jim and Franc?”
“Yeah, whatever.” Maxine said, smiling at them.
“Since when do you hang out with them?” Kristy said.
“I always do. I always skip lunch with you guys on Thursdays and go with them. Hey! Why hasn't Rei lost her temper yet?” Maxine said, looking at them confused.
“Lunch? When have you ever skipped lunch?” Kiki asked. “I'm the one that skips lunch sometimes! Not you! …And what are you talking about? Kristy never looses her temper!”
Suddenly, Maxine remembered something from one of her classes. Worlds study to be exact. A light bulb went on in her head. “I know what happened!”
“Congratu-frickin-lations. Enlighten us, please?” Kiki said, with an annoyed expression.
“What do you mean?” Kristy asked, looking at her.
Then Maxine went into a long conversation about the mirror world and the earth world and how they collide once a year.
“And what does this mean?” Kiki asked, shaking her head.
“It means that Olivia is in my world. How I feel sorry for her.” Maxine said, looking at a mirror. “I wonder what's going on with her right now….”
Livi continued to perch, annoyed that the others had decided to play with the jingly bells also. Suddenly a sickening feeling came in her stomach. Her ears perked up. What she then realized was that she had a purple cattail and purple cat ears on top of her head.
Pushing the others away from her, she looked about and found Kiki alert also. “Something is coming.” Kiki said, looking to Livi.
“I can tell.” Livi said, doing what she had learned from her writing to see if she could see what was coming.
She felt a warm, wonderful feeling from the thing that touched her mind. Jumping back into her own mind, she slammed down her walls. Suddenly everyone else became alert. Hawk's Eye appeared and everyone tackled her.
“WHAT IS THE FREAKING MEANING OF THIS!” Hawk's Eye said, no said is too pleasant, screamed in their ears.
“Miss Eye!” Livi said, jumping back, letting her bells ring freely.
“What's with the bells?” Hawk's Eye said, pushing the others off of her.
Livi shrugged in a cute kitten like way. Hawk's Eye squatted in front of Livi. “She's turning more into her real self quicker than I would have expected. Tihlhalen, make sure you keep track of her. And don't let Lotharing get her.”
“Right, Profess.”
Hawk's Eye looked up at him from her crouching position. “Don't call me that.”
“Sorry.” He said, giving a small smile. “By the by, the collar is like a tracker in a way.”
“You're ahead of me in a way then. Keep that way. I don't want to have to check on you every ten minutes!” Hawk's Eye said, standing up.
“Do you guys smell something dark? It feels like it is so close now!” Rei said, smelling the air.
“I've got to go. I've got to see to Maxine. Explain the mission to them, Tihlhalen.” Hawk's Eye said, and then disappeared.
“We should have asked her about the force when she was here. Now it's gone.” Rei said, a little annoyed.
Livi looked around unnerved. “It can't be that easy.”
“It might be …for now. But that will change.” Kiki said, looking around, and sniffing the air.
“Yeah.” Rei said, sniffing around.
Tihl looked at them, and didn't mention what he knew. Livi looked at him and perched in front of him, looking up at him. He looked down at her. “Yes?”
Suddenly, Livi bit the leg of his pants, missing his skin on purpose and then bounced away. She's become a much better person to be around than Maxine. Tihlhalen thought.
Livi stood normally now, not as much of cat behaviors, but she did still have the ears and tail showing. Tihl looked at her and smiled. He had never liked Maxine's attitudes. She was never …well …polite.
Livi smiled as Jubei and Trent played with the jingly bells on Livi's collar and they told her jokes. Then Tihlhalen remembered about the mission.
“Everyone! Your attention please!” Tihl said loudly.
Livi turned and looked at him with full attention. “What do you want, Tihl?” Kiki asked, continuously flicking a jingly absent-mindedly.
“I have to explain what we have to do so that Olivia can get back to her world.” Tihlhalen said, hiding the sadness in his voice.
“All right.” Livi said, perching in front of him again. “I'm all ears.”
“All right.” He nodded and sat down in front of her. She meowed and he chuckled. “Here's what we have to do.” He started.
Tihl then proceeded to explain that there were six pieces of a mirror frame that they had to find. They were all in different worlds. When he mentioned that one was in the Makai, Kiki jumped up.
“I know where that one is!” Kiki said, raising her hand.
“I know you do, Kikiori.” Tihlhalen said, annoyed, “You guard it.”
“Of course I do!” Kiki said.
Kristy and Kiki looked at Maxine. “So …you're not Livi?”
“No. I'm not. I'm Maxine.”
“So, you're Maxine, the mirror of Olivia.” Kristy said looking at Maxine.
“Isn't that what I just said?”
“I suppose, but we had to say it for ourselves. Otherwise we wouldn't believe you and say you need a pretty long trip to the nurse and to see the nice men in the white suits.” Kiki said, with a smile.
“As long as there aren't needles. I hate needles.” Maxine said, and then hissed.
“Well you shouldn't have too much of a problem then.” Kristy said with a small smile.
“So you borrow Livi's homework, eh?” Maxine asked, looking at Kiki.
“Yeah. You can always count on her.” Kiki said, showing the paper with an `A' in red markings to Maxine.
“Impressive.” Maxi said, smiling. “Glad I'm smart somewhere.”
“Yeah, she says it's like elementary work to her.” Kristy said.
Then Maxine, Kristy, and Kiki started to reminisce about Olivia.
Livi looked at the mirror and poked it. “Looks pretty solid to me.”
“Baka. I haven't done anything yet.” Kiki said, chanting a little spell, which made the mirror glow.
“Ooh! Pretty!” Livi said, batting at it.
Suddenly it showed a mansion in the jungle of Makai. Livi didn't even think about what she was doing. She walked into the mirror and ended up in the jungle of the Makai.
Kiki quickly followed, Rei after that, Trent and Jubei after that, and then Tihlhalen last of all. Kiki closed the mirror and then quickly followed Livi who had darted off.
Tihl was faster because he didn't have to close the portal. He ran down the path that Livi had taken, listening for any hint of noise. Hearing the slightest bit of a bell, he followed it and pounced onto Livi to keep her still.
She let out a loud meow then stopped. Tihl got off of her but kept hold of the sleeve of her uniform so she couldn't run. Livi sighed and flopped into a sitting position, waiting for the others, and Tihl sat also so he could still hold her sleeve.
“You definitely aren't like Tom.” Livi said, lying down, getting leaves in her hair.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Possibly. Who knows?” She said, looking at her shoes in a childish way, trying to hide her feelings of good and bad.
“Hey you two love birds! What have I told you about running off in the jungle of Makai you two tard muffins!” Kiki yelled getting to Tihl and Livi, and stopping.
Letting go of Livi's sleeve quickly, he coughed some and got up. Livi meowed once and turned into a full cat, the collar shrinking to fit her neck. When Kiki saw Livi change, she didn't know what to say, when Rei caught up she saw a kitty and squealed happily.
Livi looked up at them, suddenly being short. Turning to look at what they were all gawking at, she saw a black cat's tail and her body as a cat. She let out a large surprised meow and looked up at them, wondering how to get out of her new body.
Suddenly a large black panther jumped down and landed behind Livi. She turned quickly, managing to duck a swipe to the back. She then changed into a tiger absent-mindedly.
The panther changed into a bear, ready to strike. Surprised, Livi wasn't ready for the strike and was scraped across the cheeks. Kiki suddenly burst in saying, “Argair! Stop that!”
Suddenly the bear stopped. “She's a friend! You should be able to tell that!”
The bear changed into a tall man. He wore green three quarter pants, and no shirt. This was very complimentary on the man, had obviously had to rely on his strength, so he had well toned muscles. His eyes were a vivid yellow, and he had brown hair.
“Sorry, I didn't expect another changer anytime soon.”
“By the way,” Kiki started, “You're gonna train her.”
“What?” Argair asked surprised. “Did you say I'm gonna train her?”
“Yeah, this is Livi.” She said, standing next to the tiger Livi.
“Well?” He said expectantly to Livi.
She licked her lips, looking at him with a tilted head. Tihl had absent-mindedly gone to stand next to Livi and was scritching behind her ears. Argair started walking toward her a little to quickly for her liking, and she started backing away, claws coming out.
He slowed down immediately. She's obviously afraid. Doesn't know what's going on. “Is she a newbie?” Argair asked Kiki.
Jubei answered saying, “Long story, but yes.”
Argair nodded and then slowly started toward Livi. The curiosity taking over, Livi started walking to him slowly, he outstretched his hand to her and she sniffed it. He perched in front of her and started talking her through getting into her normal form.
In a few minutes, Livi was perched in front of Argair, with not her usual clothing on. Instead of her school uniform she was wearing a skort, that is to say a short skirt with shorts under it, and a halter-top that showed her toned stomach, both of which were a dark tan.
Shrieking some, Livi flopped onto her butt, going into a position where she covered most of her skin with her arms. Looking at her arms, she noticed that her skin was stripped like a tiger. Letting out a yip, she starred at her arms.
Argair started chuckling at her and Tihl looked at her slightly revealing clothing, amazed. Livi started blushing furiously as Tihl and Argair started complimenting her. Kiki came to her rescue and said, “Guys knock it off, you're drooling.”
Rei coaxed the reluctant Livi into standing, making her legs look extra long since she was wearing a short skort. Kiki looked at Livi and decided something. “Come on guys. Jubei, show the guys to their rooms. Livi, Rei come with me.”
Livi gladly ran after Kiki, Rei following shortly.
Maxine looked at Olivia's pj's and scoffed. “Kiki do you have any good pj's?”
“I've got some turtle stuff.”
“Yes! Turtles!” Maxi said, rummaging through Kiki's sleep over gear.
Picking out the turtle stuff, Maxine squealed and went in the closet and tossed the stuff on. Coming out she posed some as if she were on a catwalk. Kristy came into the room sporting her cheetah pj's and Kiki came in sporting her ducky pj's.
Maxi did a little turtle dance and then flopped onto the couch. “So what are we gonna do? It's Friday night!”
“Well, the guys are coming over-” Kristy started.
“`The guys?'” Maxi asked.
“Yeah, Logan, Kiko, and Tom.”
“I guess.” Maxi said, pouting slightly.
“Nope, not changing our minds. You haven't let us hang out with them since you got here.” Kiki said, poking Maxine's nose.
“Ok, as long as it's not a make-out party I'll be fine.”
“Why would it be a make-out party?” Kiki asked with shifty eyes.
“Hmm?” Kristy asked, having spaced out at the name of Trent. “I was in my happy place.”
“You guys won't be in any happy ever for a long time if this is a make-out party.” Maxine threatened.
“Oh …ok, we'll comply this time.” Kiki said, “But we'll break you soon enough.”
Sighing, Maxine went to answer the door, having sensed that there were people there. Opening the door, she caught Tom before he fell. He blushed and muttered many thanks. Maxine blushed thinking he was so cute.
Kiko and Logan did not miss this mistake. They were in and telling the other girls about it in less than a flash. Tom walked into the living room while Maxine closed the door. Sighing Maxine then looked at Kyle.
“What do you want twerp?”
“You do know that you're blushing …right?”
“What?” Maxine asked, eyes getting larger.
“Yeah, c'mon with me.”
“Why?” Maxine asked, skeptical.
“I know how to make so you don't look like you just blushed.”
“How do you know this secret of the trade?”
“Let's say I've had my time for blushing.”
“Ok, lead the way bro.”
“K, follow me.” Kyle said, darting into the kitchen.
Darting after him, she stayed with Kyle in the kitchen for a while. When she looked in a mirror it looked like she had never blushed before in her life.
“Thank you so much twerp.” Terrell would never do something like this for me.
“No prob., Maxine.”
She looked at him just before hugging him. “Huh?”
“I know that the worlds collide. When you started acting so freakish, I just assumed. And since they were all calling you Maxine, I decided I would too.” Kyle said, in a smart voice.
“You are so cool.” Maxine said, giving him a hug.
“I like you more than Livi.” Kyle said quietly, then suddenly the group erupted in a loud chorus of `Spin the bottle! Spin the bottle!'
“Maxine get in here!” Kiki yelled.
“Coming goddamnit!” Maxine yelled, touched by what Kyle had said. “I'll talk to ya latter, kiddo.”
“K, I'll see ya then.” He said, walking with Maxine out of the kitchen then running up the stairs.
Maxine walked into the living room and was tackled to the ground by Kiki. “Dammit you took so long!”
“Sorry!” Maxine said smiling.
“Sit down next to Kristy and Kiko.” Kiki said, sitting down across from Maxine with Logan sitting across from Kristy and Tom across from Kiko.
Maxine sighed as Kristy spun the bottle. To everyone's surprise it landed on Kiko. Kiki looked shifty as they very slightly kissed each other. Kristy sat back down wiping her mouth. Maxine hid a chuckle as Kiko spun.
The bottle landed on Kiki and they had a long kiss. They only parted when Maxine said in a cough, “Resurface for air.”
They broke up and then Kiki spun. They had been luck so far and when they spun they hadn't gotten a person of their own gender. This time it landed on Maxine. Kiki and Maxine looked at each other.
Kristy piped up, “How about if it lands on a person of the same gender you get to spin again.”
“I second the motion!” Kiki and Maxine said at once.
“Ok?” The guys said, looking at each other, not really wanting to risk having to kiss each other.
Kiki spun again and landed on Logan. Kiki and Logan kissed as Kristy had the turn to look shifty eyed. Kiki and Logan sat back and Logan spun. It landed on Maxine.
“Can I skip?” Maxine asked politely.
“Nooooooooooo.” Kiki and Kristy said at once.
Maxine winced and sat forward slightly. Logan and Maxi kissed hardly at all and then quickly went back to their spots. As Maxi started wiping her mouth, everyone looked at her. She looked up, having fully cleaned her mouth and found everyone looking at her.
Looking at them blankly, they pointed to the bottle. Maxine gave a weak smile and said, “Pass?”
“No.” Everyone said at once.
Sighing, Maxine leaded forward and spun the bottle. Everyone watched with anticipation. When it stopped, it was pointing to an empty space. Maxine threw her hands up, “Bingo!”
“Spin again.” Kiko said, crushing Maxine's dreams.
“Aw.” Maxine spun again and everyone but her watched it intently.
Looking, she saw it pointing to Kristy. Sighing, she spun again. “Can I stop if it points to another blank spot or girl?”
“No.” Kiki said evilly.
“Whatever.” Maxine said, waiting for it to stop.
Everyone's breath was being held except for Maxine's. When it finally stopped, it had landed on….
Livi looked at Kiki. “You're kidding.”
“No! It'd look great on you!” She said, holding up a belly ring.
Livi shrunk back some. “It's gonna hurt.”
“Only for a while!” Kiki said, showing that her naval was pierced.
Meowing slightly, she let herself be led into a chair. Kiki got the needle ready and Livi looked away. Feeling a pierce in her skin, she meowed loudly.
“Shh! The guys don't know we're doing this!” Kiki said, motioning for Rei to cover Livi's mouth.
Rei did so, but also offered her hand. Livi didn't take her hand; she didn't want to hurt Rei's hand. When it was finished, she looked at her stomach and found a belly ring in it.
Livi let out the breath that she had been holding. She stood up shakily and smiled. Rei clapped and Kiki did a victory sign. They then started to lead her out of the room.
“Umm, I really don't feel comfortable in these clothes.” Livi said, stopping short of the door.
“You look great though.” Kristy said, smiling.
“I …I guess.” She said, following them out the open door.
Looking out a window along the wall, Livi saw Tihlhalen and Argair yelling at each other. “Shh!” Livi said, grabbing Kiki and Rei and pulling them down.
Kiki and Rei let out slight yelps, not loud enough for the guys to hear. Livi crouched and worked her way to a small hole to hear out of. Kiki grabbed her.
“It's not polite for you to eavesdrop.”
“Sorry, Kiki.” Livi said, pouting and starting to walk away.
Looking back, she saw Kiki eavesdropping.
“I thought you said-”
“Shut up!” Kiki said, glaring at her.
Sighing, Livi sat and let her bells jingle. Suddenly, Kiki and Rei grabbed her and started running down the hall.
“Ack! What!”
“They heard your bells!” Kiki said, letting got of Livi so she could run freely.
Livi heard Argair change into a fast animal. Thinking real hard, she changed into a cheetah and ran for her life. Unfortunately she didn't know the layout of the mansion as well as the others, so she came to a few dead ends, had to slide while turning around quickly and jump over Argair who was assigned to follow her.
Looking over her shoulder, she found him in a cheetah form also. Damn she thought and then suddenly ran full speed into a wall. Falling onto her back, she automatically changed into her normal form.
Lying on her back, she saw Argair's head appear at the top of her vision. She was still seeing birds and had to blink some. Tilting her head at him, he then bent down and kissed her.
Livi started to feel her blood boil. Her stomach felt like she was going to throw up. Twisting so she was on the balls of her feet, she looked at him. Observing everything around her, she found a mouse hole. Acting as if she were going to run, she changed into a mouse and went through the hole.
Knowing it wouldn't take him to long to catch up, she found a hole out, took it and then changed into a dog. She was just at Kiki's feet and was scratched in the side and then pounced to the ground by a panther.
Livi turned normal and shrieked in pain. Tihl pushed Argair off and was at Livi's side, no questions asked. Argair came to her side; afraid he'd actually hurt her.
Holding her side, she started to sit up. Tihl looked at her side and saw blood on her fingers and starting to drip through. He made her lie down and then took off his shirt. Livi closed her eyes because she was in pain. Of course the scrapes on her cheek were now scabs, and she was focusing on trying to heal her side.
Kiki kneeled down next to Livi and Rei kneeled at Livi's head, growling at Argair. Livi looked up at Argair and saw a black aura around him. Her eyes widened as knowledge came flooding into her mind.
“Poison.” She managed to squeeze out.
Kiki stood abruptly turning on Argair at the same time. “There's more.” Livi started.
“Shut up.” Argair said, trying to make Livi quiet by making the pain worse.
“He's put a spell on me. It controls my pain, he put it in the poison.” Livi said through all the pain.
“I said shut up bitch!” Argair said, eyes glowing red, as he made the pain worse.
Livi screamed and then put in her last bit of information. “He's …from the shadows.”
Maxine looked at the bottle and then looked up at Tom. Her breath caught in her throat. She and Tom both moved into the middle. They just couldn't get themselves to look at the other.
“Hey Maxine!” Kyle yelled down.
“Yeah Ky?”
“I need some help up here!”
“Coming!” Maxine said, quickly leaving the circle. “You guys keep playing.”
“We'll get you Maxi.” Kiko said, and then said to Tom, “Just go ahead and spin.”
Getting up the stairs, Maxine looked at Kyle. “What ya need twerp?”
“Getting you out of that sticky situation.” He said smiling.
“Thankyousomuch! IoweyoubigtimeKyle!”
“No problem Maxi.”
She smiled and then looked at the living room. “You wanna hang out with us? They won't mind.”
“Are you sure? They think I'm a brat.”
“I don't care. If they won't hang out with you, I won't hang out with them.”
She hugged Kyle and dragged him downstairs to see the game of spin the bottle ending. Maxine held a hand up when they were about to ask what Kyle was doing in the room.
“He's gonna hang out with us.”
They started to protest, that is to say Kristy and Kiki started to object, the guys thought it was a great idea. “If you girls won't hang out with him, I'm kicking you out.”
Kiki and Kristy nodded slightly and sighed as Kyle put in a scary movie and the people huddled together. Kristy with Logan, Kiki with Kiko, Kyle, Tom and Maxine all sat together, Kyle in the middle of them.
Argair stood, looking at the bitch that had managed to slip his secret. He growled and intensified the pain. She screamed, clutching her side. Tihl didn't know if he should stand and fight or stay by her side, never leaving her.
His mind was decided when Rei stood up growling ready to attack Argair.
“Reinet.” Kikiori said, looking at Rei with a glare.
“But-! He's trying to kill Livi! He poisoned her!” Rei argued.
“I'll handle this.” Kiki said, annoyed.
Whilst they were arguing, Argair started edging away, making sure Livi was still in pain. The last thing he would need would be for Tihlhalen to come after him.
Kiki froze Argair's feet in place on the ground. She then strode to him. “Bastard. Ninny face. Gross dim wad.”
Argair looked at her. “Are these names supposed to hurt?”
“No …but this is.” Kiki said and then kneed him in the groin.
He doubled over in pain, while Livi screamed at the new pain. Kiki continued to beat him to a bloody pulp and when he was dead, Livi let out one more loud scream and then passed out.
Kiki supplied everyone with bubble gum and they all sat around in a circle after the movie.
“How about truth or dare?” Logan asked, since he was extremely bored.
“Guys?” Kiki said, pointing to Kyle.
“Hey, he's thirteen. And he doesn't have to do any dares, and if he does say dare, nothing gross guys.” Maxine said looking at all of them.
“Fine.” Kiki said, flopping into her seat.
“All right, who's starting?” Kyle asked.
“I'll start.” Kiki said, sitting forward. “Maxine, truth or dare.”
“Umm, dare.” Maxine said, not really thinking.
“I dare you to kiss Tom.”
Maxine's eyes went large. “Skip?”
“You can't skip!” Kiki and Kristy yelled, annoyed at her.
“Sorry.” She said, looking next to her at Tom.
Kissing Tom on the cheek she then said, “My turn!”
Kiki and Kristy pouted feeling disappointed. “Logan, truth or dare?”
“Pooi.” Maxine said a little disappointed. “Do you love Kristy more than the stars above?”
Logan blushed and quietly said, “Yeah.”
“Ooooooooooo!” Kristy said, getting up and flinging herself into Logan's lap.
“My turn. Tom, truth or dare.”
“She's breathing.” Kiki said, sitting back on the balls of her feet.
“So she's still alive.” Tihl said, relaxing his grip on Livi's hand slightly.
“Yes, but we have to monitor her. We don't know the spell he used.” Kiki said, standing up. “We'll all take shifts.”
“I'm not leaving.” He then said quickly. “Hawk's Eye wants me to look after her.”
“Fine.” Kiki said, “But we will have others come too.”
“All right.” He said bowing his head and closing his eyes.
“I'll be back for the shift.”
“Dare.” Tom said, rather confidently.
Maxine looked at him surprised. She sat waiting for Logan to think of a dare for Tom.
“I dare you …to kiss Maxine.”
“On the lips!” Kiki put in.
“On the lips.” Logan put in rolling his eyes.
“Can I object?” Maxine asked. “I mean if it's against someone's will, there has to be a rule for that …right?”
Tom was quiet then turned to look at Maxine. They both paused for a moment and then Tom kissed Maxine …on the lips.
She started blushing furiously. Her face had turned a bright red. Then she felt like she had a fever and passed out.
What are these voices? Livi thought, seeing only black and hearing all these voices. They sound familiar. But …I have no idea who they are!
She felt like a floating blob. Moving her head, she saw a body that looked like hers …but it was unharmed. It had no red scars on its cheek, but the face did look red.
Sitting up, she looked at the person with the pure dark around her. Suddenly Livi gasped. It was herself …only it couldn't be. The girl stirred, sitting up.
They looked at each other and were wordless. The song `Butterfly' played softly in the background, but slowed down. “Are you …?”
“Livi?” Maxine finished.
“I am.”
“So …we're each other?” Maxine asked, moving slightly closer to Livi.
“Yes.” A woman's soft voice said.
Livi and Maxine looked up and saw a woman with black hair and brown eyes with a pale complexion looking down at them. They both looked at her, ready to protect each other.
“There are no worries, my children.”
“Are you goddess?” Olivia asked, wondering.
“No. I am your mother.”
“You're her mother?” Maxine asked stunned.
“And yours dear.” She added looking at Maxine. “My dear Olivia.”
“I'm not Olivia. I'm Maxine.”
“I've got a story to tell you two. When I lived in the light realm, I loved singing, dancing, anything remotely creative …but I also had a side that was more bold and brave. So when I met your father, bold, brave, bound for adventures, I never thought I would get caught up in them. We fell in love and got married shortly after. We were happy. Content. Then I got the news.” She paused, sitting down gracefully in front of the two girls. “I was pregnant with twins and that I had a special pregnancy, one was to be a changer and go to the mirror, and the other was a human and was to go to earth.” A tear started flowing down the lady's cheek. “Your father was overjoyed. He always wanted girls. We agreed that he would go to the mirror and I would go to earth. Then a few hours before your births, he was killed for something he had never done by a man named Poiten, and it was no coincidence that Poiten used poison to kill him.” She covered her face with her hands. “I was sent here shortly after so as I could send you each to your rightful places. After I had you two, I got to be with you two for a short while, and then you were sent away. I got caught just before I was to go to the mirror.”
“You mean …our father's dead?”
“You mean …” Livi began, “we're twins?”
The beautiful lady took them up into a hug, one on each side. “I missed you two so much. I never thought I'd see another living soul. So I need your help Maxine.” She said looking at Livi.
“But, I'm Olivia.”
“Let me explain more….”
“Tihl you need sleep.” Hawk's Eye said, standing next to him.
“She's feeling weaker, her energy is dying.”
“Yes, but you won't do any good if you're falling down dead when she's better.”
I believe in a thing called love… Tihl thought, trying to make himself feel better. “Fine. I'll sleep, but I'm staying in this room.”
“That's all I ask.” Hawk's Eye said, looking as Rei ran in.
“I feel-” Rei paused seeing Hawk's Eye. “Oh, sorry.” She said, giving a respectful bow to her professor. “I thought I felt something. I guess I was wrong.”
“That's all right. I have to leave anyway. Keep studying, Reinet Halun.”
“Yes teacher.” Rei said, a little suspiciously.
Hawk's Eye disappeared and Rei looked around for any evil sign. Growling she sat next to Livi's barely breathing body. “Is she ok?”
“Yeah, she's breathing.” Tihl said, nodding.
“You need to sleep you know.” Rei said, placing a hand on Tihl's arm. “If anything happens one of us will wake you.”
“Thanks. I needed that.”
“Glad I could help.” Rei smiled and pointed to the cot in the corner of the room, in the shadow so it was a good spying position. “That's where you'll be sleeping.”
“All the memories I have are beautiful in my mind.” The lady said, sitting with her white dress glowing from inside and beautifully lay out around her delicate flower like body. She held two necklaces. They had white gold chains, one had a crescent moon on it, and the other had a star with fiery ends. “But I have these realizations that they aren't there anymore. Your father was a wonderful person. He truly was. I can't wait to meet him in the Beyond. But I cannot get out of here. I need your help …girls.”
Livi looked at herself, all these things were new, and her name wasn't her name but her sister's …she had a family, a sister. Looking at her mother she said, “What help do you need? What I can give is yours.”
“Same here.” Maxine said nodding.
“I need you to keep the earth stable by staying on earth.” She said, handing Maxine the necklace with the crescent moon. “Maxine, I need you to world jump. I need you to find those mirror pieces, start a life. The sooner you find them the better. I could change your places now, but you are where you belong. In the end, when the mirror frame has been put back together, I will let you two choose if you two wish to stay or go.” She then handed Livi the star one.
“Go home.” Livi said, smiling a cattish grin. “I'll do my best to get the frame pieces.”
“No. You must.” The lady said with urgency. “There is no only trying. I can finally get to my world …the light realm. I can finally ask to be sent to where your father is. Then, when we all get there, we will all be together.”
“You won't stay with us?” Maxine asked.
“No, I can't. It would be like you taking a stranger into your home. It's impossible Olivia.”
Maxine sighed and started to fade. “Maxine!” Livi yelled, grabbing onto her tight.
“She's waking up dear.” The lady said, making Livi let go of Maxine some.
“But I'll never see her again.”
“You'll see her when you have all those mirror frame pieces.”
“I love you Livi. Don't forget that.” Maxine said, hugging Livi a moment then she faded.
“It's been a week!” Tihl said, holding Livi's hand tightly, but looking up at Hawk's Eye.
“She's between the worlds. I suspect she's met Maxine and her mother.” Hawk's Eye said, trying to mask her scent for a few more minutes so she could talk to Tihl. “As soon as she wakes up, send me a message. I don't care if everyone is in the room. Call for me.”
“I will.” Tihl said, and then quickly made a go away motion as he heard a person running down the hall.
Hawk's Eye disappeared as Kiki came running in. “She's dying.” She said alarmed.
“WHAT?” Tihl asked, afraid.
“I can feel her energy dwindling. It's near the edges of the Beyond.”
“That can't be!” Tihl said, “She can't die!”
“She will if we don't do something!” Kiki said, quickly kneeling next to Livi's bed. “Give me your hand. I'm going after her.”
“Why do you need my hand then?”
“So I can have a grounder, baka.” Kiki said, grabbing his hand and then diving into the darkness following Livi's trail.
The lady sat, watching her daughter sleep. Looking to the left, she saw the fields of life getting farther away, looking to her right, she saw the murky forest of death coming closer. Her heart stopped. Looking at her daughter, she saw the scrapes on her side and the scars on her cheek.
Seeing the poison spreading into her daughter's body, she knew what she should do. Before she could, a shadow kitsune appeared. She looked at Livi then at the woman.
“What did you do to her?” She asked venomously.
“I'm about to save her.” The glowing lady said, touching her lips to Livi's side.
Livi's eyes opened and she looked at her mother. “Mum?”
“You never told me you had poison, Maxine.”
“I didn't think it would still be in me now.”
“Never think that. Please, just do as I ask.”
Kiki disappeared, thrown into the Makai room with Tihl and Livi's body.
“Remember me in a few days, remember nothing until then.” She said, choking some.
“Mum? Are you ok?” Livi asked, sitting up.
“Always …remember your father well. Remember him as a good man. A great man. Remember us all …well. And always remember my name …Janette.”
“Mummy?” Janette's body lay lifeless next to Livi. “Mummy!” Livi said, lying over her mother's body, crying the same tears as her mother, those clear glistening ones.
Maxine looked about at her friends, feeling like she missed something. Since the day she met her mother and Livi a week ago, Tom was protective of her and the others were acting like she was a delicate flower. Livi looked like an elegant flower, mum looked delicate.
Maxine had tried to explain what had happened but they thought she was just suffering from shock.
“Hey Maxi!” Kyle yelled to get her out of the living room.
“Coming Ky!”
Getting up the stairs, she sat on the top step with Kyle. “They're way too protective of me.”
“I understand.”
“Wanna go hang out in my room with the music blasting?”
“Sure.” Kyle said, getting up.
Maxine got up and they walked to her room and starting blasting the music. Hearing the others knock on her door she slowly opened it. She was then pounced by Tom. Letting out a slight shriek, she looked at him as he pinned her to the ground. Kiki, Kristy, Logan, and Kiko all stormed in her room and started dancing.
Maxine blushed as Tom got off and offered her a hand up. She took the offered hand and heard her secretly invited guest. Grabbing Ky's hand she dragged him down the stairs.
Opening the door she saw Ky's eyes grow wide when he saw his crush at the door.
“Hi Ky.” She said blushing some. “Your sister told me that you liked me and invited me to come if I liked you too.”
He sputtered for a moment and then said, “Hi Liz.”
She giggled some and then Ky blushed. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah! Sure! The party's in my sister's room.”
“Thanks dweeb.” Maxine said, whapping him lightly on the head. “Come on up Liz, the guys will love to meet you.”
“Thanks.” She said, starting to walk up the stairs.
“Get her hand and lead her, baka.” Maxine said, pushing Ky next to her.
“C'mon. This way Liz.” He said, gingerly taking her hand.
Liz took his hand and squeezed it some as he started off toward Maxine's room a little fast. Maxine smiled and started up the stairs herself. I'm glad I could help him out. He's not like Terrell. Terrell has all the girls streaming all over him because he's so self-confident. Ky needs a little push first.
When she got to her room, she was pulled in and the door was closed behind her. She looked and saw Ky dancing with Liz, becoming more comfortable every minute. Smiling, she was spun around; she hadn't even noticed she was dancing. When she looked at her partner she saw it was Tom.
She smiled as they danced and the songs changed and it was time for a CD change. They were having such a blast, but Maxine kept feeling something in her gut. That something major had happened.
Livi's body moved slightly. Tihl woke from his trance and looked at her, thinking it was just another of his crazy imagination's jokes. When she moved again, he called for Hawk's Eye and then for the others.
Kiki and Rei came running in. Hawk's Eye appeared right next to Livi's bed. “She's waking?”
“Yeah, she just moved.” Tihl said, holding Livi's hand.
Livi moved about some more and opened her eyes. Looking at everyone who had gathered, since by now it was everyone, she shrieked.
Argair has not reported in a time. He often reports on time or early. He is too punctual to miss even one. I fear the worse. I fear he was killed.
That's too bad. The pleasure would have been great killing him for myself. For a while I had ideas that he was changing to a gray heart. I cannot have a gray heart in my group of followers. It simply will not do.
That wench named Kikiori Kitsu killed Argair. Her little apprentice seemed eager to kill him as well. It shows that she has a past with our shadows.
I wonder what ever happened to Hawk's Eye. Maybe that Reinet Halun has gotten her. She does have quite a temper. I will simply have to go after Maxine myself. To become king, I must have the right queen. The one of purest blood. That is to say, Maxine.
My brother may have an advantage over me, the actual Prince of the Dragons, but I will woo her to be my own. If only by taking advantage of that poison, it will have to be done quickly and swiftly.
I could tell that the girl on earth was not the actual Maxine. She was too bold and she knew too much.
I hear my servants, why I write that I do not know. All shall be done in secret. No one shall hear of this.
Livi looked wide-eyed at the people standing around the strange bed she was in. Backing as far against the wall as she could, she noticed that one of them was holding her hand.
He let go, seeing her looking at his hand like it was a weapon. Tihl looked at her surprised. “Livi?”
“Livi, don't play jokes.” Kiki said, sitting on the bed.
Livi quickly moved in the fetal position, not wanting to touch them. She didn't know where they had been. Hell she didn't even know who they were. Yet they seemed to know her. “Who is this Livi?” She asked in a small scared voice.
“You are.” Rei said, hopping onto the bed.
“She has amnesia.” Hawk's Eye said for the first time in this little session.
Hawk's Eye had stayed to the back of the group. She knew this kind of poison well. If the person did survive, which most didn't, it would give the person a temporary amnesia. Hasn't she suffered enough? She thought to herself, moving toward the bed.
Hawk's Eye's black skirt bellowed as she walked, her navy blue tunic making her look dark but for her complexion, her eyes and her hair. Livi looked at her, not wanting to trust her but feeling compelled to, like she was a motherly figure.
Livi looked shocked as the woman stopped at the end of the bed. Hawk's Eye and Livi locked eyes and Livi felt compelled to do anything she said. She did not understand why she trusted the woman so. Why she would trust her with her life.
“Olivia.” She started.
“That's a pretty name, Miss Olivia.”
“Olivia is your name, child.” Hawk's Eye said, politely.
“Will you come closer, Miss?” Livi said, still against the headboard as far as she could go.
“I will.” She said nodding. Stepping around the end of the bed, she walked cautiously to stand beside Livi and ask, “What is it, dear?”
“Who are these nice people?”
“These are Kikiori Kitsu,” She pointed to the people as she named them off. “Reinet Halun, Trent, Jubei, and Tihlhalen. And I am Hawk's Eye.”
“Nice to meet you all.” Livi said, looking at them all a little nervous like.
“You don't have to be afraid of us.” Rei said, giving a smile.
“I don't think I have to either. But since I don't know you, I have to be careful.”
“But you do know us.” Trent said, standing next to Jubei.
Shaking her head, Livi stood up. She didn't seem as uncomfortable in the clothes as she did when she had her memory. “You see …I don't remember you. I may know you all, but I don't remember.” She walked to the door. “And until I do know you all, I think I should be away from you all.”
Livi then left the room. Everyone was quiet and then Olivia stuck her head back in. “Umm …I don't know where anything is.”
“I'll show you.” Hawk's Eye started.
“Can I show her?” Tihl asked, standing up slightly.
“Would you mind Tihlhalen showing you around, Olivia?”
Shaking her head slightly, she looked at the ground as Tihl walked out and started to show her around.
“I'm sorry I do not remember any of your names …or who you all are.” Livi said quietly, not looking up.
“It's all right. It's not like you meant to forget us all.”
“It's not all right.” Livi said, reaching for his sleeve then stopping herself. “It's rude. I've forgotten all your good deeds. I've forgotten enemies, allies, anyone in between.”
Tihl looked at her, and wanted to hug her and make her feel like she wasn't alone, but he knew that if he did he would scare her. “It's all right. We can help you through this.”
Livi nodded slightly and followed him more. When he showed her to the bathing rooms and then to her room he stopped at the door. “I'll see you later today then.”
He turned and was stopped by a tug on his sleeve. As he started turning to her again, he felt her hug him. Tihl was a good head taller than Livi so she fit into him well. He hugged her back slightly and felt her quake as she took in a breath through her crying.
“No, don't start crying …please?”
“I'm …I'm sorry.” She said, pulling away from him and wiping her eyes.
“If you need to cry, I will always lend my shoulder.”
“I don't know if I can reach your shoulder.” Livi said, trying not to cry.
“Then I'll kneel.” He said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Want me to send Hawk's Eye in?”
“No …I'll be by myself for a while.” Livi said, starting to close the door.
“All right. If you do need me, just call.”
“I'll figure a way.” She said, almost closing the door completely, “Oh yeah, Tihl? I'm sorry I can't remember anyone.”
“It's ok. I'm sure you'll remember.”
“I sure hope so.” Livi said, closing the door the rest of the way.
Walking to the unfamiliar bed, she sat ever so carefully on it. Moving into the middle of the bed, pulled her knees up to her chest and cried. She didn't know anything anymore. It scared her and she was afraid that she might not be in good hands.
That Hawk's Eye woman was very nice. She seems like a motherly figure. They all seem so …familiar. But I don't know them. I don't belong.
Maxine tossed and turned in her sleep. Waking up, she saw a light under her door. Getting up she went out of her room and found Kyle had Liz and Tom over.
Walking down the steps slowly, she yawned wide and looked at them all as she got in. Liz looked at her and then pounced her. Maxi squeaked and looked at Liz. Liz looked up and grinned.
Maxine suddenly realized it was a diversion just before she was attacked by Tom and Kyle who started tickling her. She squeaked and tried to make so they couldn't get her. Liz rolled off since she knew she wouldn't be able to pin Maxine to the ground. Maxine tried to make so that she could get an advantage, but Tom crawled onto her and pinned her to the ground.
Kyle and Liz leaned in front of Tom and kissed each other. Maxine awed and was being tickled again.
“Meep!” She squeaked loudly and her head flew up trying to save herself. When she did, her forehead ended up touching Tom's forehead and they were looking eye to eye.
Kyle and Liz backed away giggling some and they sat in a chair, Liz sitting on Kyle's lap. Maxine looked at Tom and couldn't think of anything to say except, “Gaaaaah.”
Tom smiled a cute little half smile and kissed Maxine. Her come back to that was, “Gaaaaah.”
He chuckled, got off of Maxine and offered her a hand to get up. “No snappy come backs?”
“You caught me off guard, cheater.”
Tom winked at her and sat back down in his chair.
“I was sleeping peacefully and I woke up to you people.” Maxine said, wiping off invisible dirt. Then she paused, “Why are you guys up …why are you here Liz?”
“Well, it's kind of secret.” Liz said, getting comfy on Kyle.
“Whatever.” Maxi said starting to go to her room.
“Wanna stay up a while, Maxi?” Tom asked.
Maxine turned and looked at them all. Laughing she said, “Of course!” and jumped onto a chair of her own.
Getting up, her eyes red from hours of crying, she opened her door and found Tihl ready to knock on the door. Wiping her eyes, she looked at him.
“Supper's ready.” He said, in a quiet voice.
“Thank you.” Livi said, starting to walk out of the room. “I just need to stop by the restroom.”
“All right.” Tihl said, starting to walk off.
“Umm …Tihl?” He turned around at his name. “Can you show me where it is after I stop at the restroom?”
“Sure.” Tihl said, walking with her for a little while in silence. “Were you crying that whole time?”
“Yeah.” She said, smiling some. “Makes me feel like a baby. It's silly isn't it?”
“Naw, you have a perfect reason to cry if you look for one.”
“I don't want to look for one.” Livi said, putting a hand on the bathroom doorknob. “I don't like crying, it makes me feel weak.”
“You shouldn't feel weak for crying.”
Sighing, Livi went into the bathroom and splashed water over her face. Sitting for a moment on the counter, she heard a man singing from outside the door. Walking to the door, she listened and heard a song in a language she didn't know.
Closing her eyes, she smiled, for the first time after she woke up, she was actually smiling.
Liz had fallen asleep on Kyle's lap and they were both sound asleep on the chair. Maxine stretched some and looked at Tom. “You should be heading home. Sorry they kept you so late.” Maxine said, smiling.
“Aw, it's ok. My mum thinks I'm gonna be here all night so it's really ok.”
“Wow. I never thought that something like this would happen.”
“Something like what?”
“Hanging out with people like me.”
“What? In the mirror you weren't cool?”
“In the mirror I was regarded as a freak. I couldn't do anything that the others could. I couldn't even do the things my friend Rei could …and she was bad.” Maxine said, getting up from her seat and standing in front of Tom, yawning from exhaustion.
“Sorry to hear that.” Tom said, looking at Maxine's yawn. “Wanna sit down?”
Maxine looked at him and nodded, starting toward her chair. Tom grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap.
“I thought you were Mr. Subtle man.”
“Not at sometimes.” Tom said, hugging Maxine as she started falling asleep.
Livi walked out of the bathroom when Tihl's song finished. He looked at her startled and then said, “This way.”
Nodding, Livi followed, humming the song he had been singing. She stopped and covered her mouth quickly. Tihl looked at her and saw her removing her hand from her mouth. He smiled, then the smile changed into a small laugh, which changed into full out laughter.
Livi sneezed, and looked at him. Suddenly, a servant bumped into Olivia. “Oh! I'm sorry.” Livi said, looking at him.
He had dropped a paper and Olivia knelt to pick it up. The servant went to pick it up also. She picked it up and handed it to him. “I really am very sorry.”
“It's all right miss.” He said, nodding his head and taking the paper from her.
“I should have looked where I was going.” Olivia said, pushing her hair out of her face and standing up.
“I should have gotten out of your way.” He said, standing up also.
“Do I know you?” Livi asked, tilting her head at him.
“Do you feel hungry, Livi?” Tihl asked, getting a little uncomfortable with the servant's attitude.
“Yes, just a little.” Olivia said, looking over her shoulder as Tihl started leading her away.
That man is a little too familiar. I feel I shouldn't trust him. But why do I feel like that? I felt I could trust these people as soon as I saw them. But why? Why this servant?
“Who is he?” Livi asked Tihl as she turned her head to look to him.
“A servant.”
“I don't think I should trust that man.”
“He's only a servant. What trouble can he be?”
“Servants have eyes and ears. They can be spies. People usually forget about they're being there.”
“Does that give any reason?”
“Did you not hear what I just said, young man?”
“I'm older than you by two years.” Tihl said, looking at Livi.
“I don't care. You're acting like a little boy. If I didn't need the help with where I was going, I would storm off right now.”
“How nice of you.” Tihl said, rolling his eyes and looking away from her.
Livi stopped and started having a cough attack. Tihl stopped and went back to her side. “Are you all right?”
Nodding she waited for the coughing to stop and stood up. “Yes. Let's go.”
She is smart even when she knows nothing. I bumped into her in the hall, dressed as a servant; those clothes were burned as soon as I got back.
That girl is very smart, she knows who her friends were, but only subconsciously, she knows no one consciously, except now she is aware that there is someone after her. She also knows her friends consciously.
I am going to have some problems with this girl. I have no doubt.
Sitting down at one end of the table with Hawk's Eye, the others sat at the not to far away other end of the table. Livi gave a small smile and took a bite out of her food ever so carefully, noticing that they all were looking at her.
“Stop examining her.” Hawk's Eye said, taking a bite. “You're scaring her. Stop doing that.” She said, slapping Trent's hand from trying to take food off of her plate.
Livi smiled, taking another bite as they all looked away, but made glances to make sure she was ok. Trent slowly started to take food off of her plate. Olivia whapped his hand with the flat of her knife, and he pulled his hand back quickly a surprised look on his face.
Not being able to hold back anymore, she started laughing. Pushing away her plate, she doubled over in laughter. Tears came to her eyes as everyone looked at her.
Finally stopping, she coughed some and pulled her plate back to where it was while she was eating. Tihl stood up and went to her side, a little concerned.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I just remember that look on Trent's face when he fell into the ground.”
“Did you just say …remember?”
“Did I?” Livi asked, looking at them. “That's all I remember though.”
“But you remembered something.” Tihl said, kneeling next to Olivia.
“I …I guess.” Livi said, taking another bite of food and mulling over that thought. “I may remember in good time.”
After supper, Olivia found her way to her room. Opening her door, she found the servant from earlier looking through her drawers. “What are you doing here?”
He turned startled and looked at her in amazement. “I was just looking so see if you needed anything washed.”
“I need nothing washed that I cannot wash myself.” Livi said, taking a step toward him. “Get out of my room.”
“But, m'lady Livi-”
“Don't call me that you filthy rat.” Livi said, drawing a sword from a hidden corner of the room. “And get out of my room.”
Taking a fighting stance, she saw the servant grab a sword from a hiding spot on his body. He took a stance as well and they circled each other for a moment.
“What made you so suspicious of a servant, Olivia?” He said in a deep tone, his appearance seeming to change away from that of the servant.
“I never did like servants that I could remember. I always thought them to be meddling fools.”
“That doesn't sound like something the girl I seek would say.” The servant looked nothing like the servant who first came into her room.
“And you don't appear to be a servant in Miss Kiki's mansion.”
“I am not. You have that right, my pretty.”
“Well aren't I smart.” Livi said, moving so she had her back to the window and he was to the door. “This is your last chance. Out the door or you will not see day again.”
“I will leave then. But you will see me again.” He blew her a kiss and disappeared in black smoke.
My …my head. It feels so dizzy …As if a curse were being lifted …as if I'm floating on air. Livi thought, falling onto her bed, having passed out from fright.
Maxine stretched some and woke up. Looking down at the chair, she saw Tom. Screeching slightly, she wiggled and fell off of Tom's lap. Kyle and Liz woke up with starts and Liz fell off of Kyle.
Scrambling up, Maxie looked at them. “What is …Kyle? Liz? What are …Tom? Huuuuh?”
“Are you trying to say something?” Kyle asked, giving Maxine a skeptical glance.
“What happened?”
“Nothing happened.” Tom said, standing up. “You fell asleep. That's all.”
“Oh is it?” Maxine asked, backing away. “Huh? Huuuuh?”
“Yeah.” Liz said, yawning.
“You know Tom, Maxine.” Kyle said, stretching and standing up. “He wouldn't do anything to dishonor you.”
“You talk like my Magic instructor.” Maxie said, looking at Kyle. “Wouldn't dishonor this, would honor that. …Would dishonor this only under this condition.”
Kyle laughed and Liz smiled. Tom chuckled and stood up as Kyle helped Liz up. “Too bad you should have learned a lot from him.”
“Her actually.” Maxine said, sticking her chin up in the air, “And I did learn a lot so there.”
Maxie stuck her tongue out at them and asked, “Do you guys want anything for breakfast?”
“Yes please!” Liz and Kyle said at once.
“All right then. I'll make pancakes.”
Livi woke up and looked about the room. Where'd that servant go? And why am I just lying on the bed? Looking out the window she saw it was morning.
“Oh no! How long have I been asleep? Oh god.” Livi said, getting up and changing quickly into new clothes, with combat boots.
Running down the hall she went to the conference room and saw everyone just sitting about. She looked at them expectantly.
When they just looked at her with a wondering gaze, she said, “Why didn't any of you wake me?”
“Well …wait! How'd you get here? Did you show her this room Tihl?” Kiki asked Tihl.
“No. …Did I?” He asked Livi.
“No Tihlhalen, you idiot.” Livi said, stepping into the room. “Now. I need that mirror frame, Kikiori Kitsu.”
Kiki paused and then jumped up and hugged Olivia. “She remembers! She knows my name! That is to say my full name.”
“That was mean, Livi.” Tihl said, faking tears.
Sticking her tongue out at him, she pulled Kiki off of her. “Now that we know that I have my memory back, can we get along with our mission here?”
“Right down to business is she? That's not like Maxine.” Kiki said, flopping into her chair.
“I don't want to lose frame pieces. Or at least have them broken into more which will make putting them back together even worse of a horror.”
“I've got the smallest piece, so no worries about a smaller piece than this.” Kiki said, in a bored voice.
“Kikiori Kitsu, it seems like you are as lazy as ever.” Hawk's Eye said appearing in the room. “Not getting straight to work once our friend here had her memory back.”
“So-orry.” Kiki said, standing up. “I'll go get the frame piece.”
“All right then, I'll tell the others where they have to go next.” Hawk's Eye said, as Kiki started out.
“Great, they'll fill me in later then.”
“Yes, they will.” Hawk's Eye said rolling her eyes. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, everyone sit please.” Everyone was seated except for Livi so she sat down on the floor in front of Hawk's Eye. “In a chair please?”
“But that chair is Kiki's. I do NOT want to get her angry when she comes to take her seat back.”
“Then sit on someone.” Hawk's Eye said annoyed.
“I don' wanna.”
“Now, now Miss Olivia, please just take a seat on a chair?”
Sniffling, Livi stood up and sat on the arm of Reinet's chair. “Better.” Hawk's Eye said sighing. “Anyway, the next world you all must travel to is a world ruled by women. Anyone have an idea what this world may be?”
“You're still teaching us when we're trying to help Maxine and Livi change back?” Jubei complained.
“I'm still your professor, I'll teach you as I see damn well fit. Anyone?”
“The Amazon world…?” Olivia asked.
“Correct …how did you know Olivia?”
“Well you see, in all my stories and all the stories I've read, the Amazons rule a world and the women are higher up on the food chain than the men. The men are slaves to the women and are bought and sold as property as it was in the south before and still a little after the Civil War in the Untied States. So I deducted from the fact that women ruled that it was either Amazons, my foster brother sometimes calls me that, or some world I have no clue about.”
“Very good, Olivia.” Hawk's Eye said, as the others just looked at her amazed as Kiki walked in.
“Why're you all looking at Livi like she's done something amazing?”
“She just rambled off a lot of information, they're processing it.” Hawk's Eye said, taking the frame piece from Kiki. “I will hold onto the frame pieces so as they will not get lost.”
“Fine.” Kiki said, flopping into her chair.
“Anyway, we do not want our gentlemen friends to be taken into slavery. That would not be good. So we need suggestions.”
No one raised their hands for a while, and then Livi did.
“Yes Olivia?”
“Well, in a story I once read, they just didn't let the men come along. But we need their strength and their ideas, so that's right out. How about we have the guys dress up as females? Or put an illusion over them?”
“The illusions can be seen through easily. We'll have to dress them up.” Hawk's Eye said, not really talking to anyone besides Olivia until this point.
“I object.” Jubei, Trent and Tihl said at once.
Livi looked at them. “Do you guys want to be taken as slaves, eaten alive or worse?”
“How would any of those things happen?” Trent asked.
“And what could be worse than eaten alive?”
“Well,” Olivia started, “You could be taken as slaves by the amazons, or thrown into a disserted world, eaten alive by the mongrels there, or worse yet have us angry at you and none of you boyfriends have a very good time.”
“No problem for me.” Tihl said.
“No, you we'd just sell off to the amazons or the mongrels for food.” Olivia said, the girls not really saying anything.
“I don't think I'd actually sell him off.” Rei said, looking at Olivia.
“No I'd do all the selling. I'm very good at bargaining.” Livi said giving an evil smile.
“I vote for dressing.” Trent and Jubei said.
“Fine.” Tihl said, sighing.
“Go ahead girls, find the men some clothes.” Hawk's Eye said, standing out of their path as Kiki took Jubei, Rei took Trent, and Olivia just walked away, Tihl following.
“Yay! Pancakes!” Kyle said, drowning his pancakes in pure maple syrup.
“Don't put so much on them.” Maxine scolded.
“Sorry, I'll remember next time.”
Liz put hardly any on. “You can have more than that, Liz.”
“I know, but I didn't want to use to much.”
“You don't worry about that. Kyle should know better.”
Tom put just the right amount. “Take after this guy.” Maxie said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Just enough Maple Syrup. Not too much.” She glared at Kyle. “Not to little.” Smiling at Liz she then said. “Just the right amount.”
“You know …its just maple syrup.”
Just maple syrup? JUST maple syrup? Do you know that the maple trees make maple syrup?”
“Yeah… so?”
“My gosh! Knowing how much maple syrup to put on your pancakes is essential.” Maxine said, pretending to be grief stricken.
They all looked at her like she was insane. “You all get pancakes for supper. I hope you all know how much syrup to put on. It'll be your own special test.” She said, bounding off to her room without eating.
Hawk's Eye sat in the conference room by herself. Sighing as she heard the protests of each guy as they were being pulled down the hall. Things like, “Do I have to wear this bra?” With answers of, “Of course! If you didn't you would not look like a girl! We stuffed the bra you know!”
She stood up as the first real girl entered. Kiki stood, poised and then walked in, followed by an uncomfortable Jubei. Kiki noticed he wasn't following through the door and turned back, pulling her dressed up dolly through the door.
Jubei was wearing a long dress, of course. It was black, with a high neck frilly collar, long sleeves that belled out at the end, and a stuffed bra making so it looked like he had a chest. He had his hair up in a fancy headdress. Over the frilly of his neck, he had a plain silver necklace. Not to mention the make-up. The make-up, even Hawk's Eye knew, made the appearance complete. Jubei had gray eye shadow and had eyeliner on. Kiki had made him look paler and put some blush into his cheeks and fake eyelashes on. He looked …like a girl.
“How about shoes?” Hawk's Eye asked.
“We're working on that. He has big feet.” Kiki said, with a slight smile.
Jubei grumbled as he walked to Hawk's Eye. She looked at him and once he had stopped moving made so he had one-inch heels on high-heeled shoes. He stumbled some and looked at them.
“We'll teach you how to walk in a few minutes after the other men have come in.”
“I wouldn't call them men anymore, Miss Eye.” Rei said, stepping into the doorway.
“True. Is Trent next?”
“Not quite. We have a few minutes to finish him up, so Tihl's next.”
“All right send him in.”
Rei nodded and looked around some, then stepping out of the doorway so Olivia could stand in the doorway. Olivia stood, standing proudly …ish. She had immensely enjoyed dressing Tihl up. Especially since she knew how to make solid shoes on people that fit correctly.
Taking a few steps, Tihl tried to trip her. Jumping over his foot in a little Irish jig step, she gave a smirk and continued and stopped standing next to Kiki who was standing proudly in front of a chair opposite Hawk's Eye.
Tihl walked in, stumbling some, for he was wearing high heels, not large ones, only maybe two inches, if that. But it seemed like a mile to him at the moment. He was wearing a long green dress with a stuffed bra, because he had bluntly refused to wear the short one that Olivia originally picked out. The sleeves were long and he wore gloves that came to the elbow. The sleeves were angel winged and gave him plenty of room to hide things. His long hair was put up in a braid then the braid put into a bun on top of his head with head pins in them, hanging diamond coming off of it. His make up was simple. He was made to look fair. Not much, a little lipstick, some light blue eye shadow, eyeliner, and pale skin with blush on his cheeks.
Tihl finished his walk to Hawk's Eye's side and she motioned to his feet. Heaving a huge sigh he showed her the shoes. She tried not to laugh and motioned him next to Jubei. So far they had two successful changes from male to female. They had but one more.
“Hey, Livi? Can you help me for a minute?”
“Yeah. Coming.” Livi said, jogging across the room and into the doorway.
The two had a hushed conversation and Livi left the doorway and Rei entered. “Ladies and …ladies?” Rei asked, trying to figure out what to call them. Hawk's Eye and Kiki laughed. “Anyway. May I present, Olivia and Tracy-”
“Tracy?” Kiki asked.
“Yeah, Trent's girl name.”
Clearing her throat, Rei looked back out the door. “Huh?” Livi asked.
“Ready yet?”
“Oh! Yeah. So, I'm supposed to make him look good right? As in he can walk in the shoes and I can't?”
“Can you walk in high heels?”
“Hell no.” Livi said, looking at her.
“Then you'll do fine. You in the clothes yet?”
“Now then, ladies, I give you Tracy and Olivia.” Rei said, stepping away from the door, doing a flourish to the door.
Olivia walked in wearing a grand gold brocade dress; Tihl's mouth fell open. Her hair was brushed and looked silky, it wasn't up which made it look especially long. She was only wearing the dress and was cursing at it the whole time, almost falling in the heels, which was the only thing to break the illusion.
Trent, or known as right now Tracy, walked in wearing a long midnight blue dress with a slightly less stuffed bra, with flounced sleeves. He had heels on and was walking perfectly, his hair brushed and looking about as smooth as Olivia's. He had a few necklaces on and walked not looking at his feet. His make-up made him plain and fairly light and had some blush. The rest of his make up was a gold eye shadow and eyeliner.
The guys looked at him with a wide-eyed look. They didn't know how to reply to how Trent looked. If Livi hadn't known them, she would have said the room only had girls in it. That is to say, if she hadn't know that three of them were men.
“You all did a fabulous job. I'll send you six off in a few minutes, so go pack some extra women's clothes, would you?”
“Aye, Aye cap'n.” Kiki said, starting to walk to the door then stopping and looking at Trent.
He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. She changed her route from the door to Trent. “Uh …Trent?”
“What were you doing?” Kiki asked, looking at him.
Livi looked at the flounced sleeves and sat down and started batting at them, her belled collar jingling. Kiki looked at her and rolled her eyes.
“Trent?” Rei asked, walking to stand next to Kiki.
Jubei and Tihl followed, standing behind the other girls.
“They're just so fun!” He said, breaking out of the `I didn't do anything' to play with the sleeves.
Rei looked at him. Kiki stared, the guys looked horrified. “We're not supposed to like the clothes, Trent!”
“But …but….”
“Are you sure you're not gay, Trent?”
“Of course I'm not gay!” Trent said, looking at her.
“And how can you walk so well? What have you been doing in your rooms?”
“I haven't been doing anything!” Trent said, hurt.
Olivia kept playing with the sleeves until Tihl pulled her away from the sleeves and made her stand up. She pouted some and went off to her room, getting some more clothes. Kiki and Jubei went off to her room, and Rei lead Trent off, giving him curious glances.
Stretching, Maxine looked out the window. She'd been hearing Liz cheer on Kyle in videogames all morning. Yawning, she wondered what Olivia was doing. Hearing the doorbell ring she got up slowly and went down the stairs. I wonder if I'll ever be able to get in contact with Livi. Should I tell these guys what my mom said? No they'll think I'm insane.
Opening the door, she was bombarded with Kiki, Logan, Kiko and Kristy coming in and giving her either a hug or a pat on the back. Looking into the living room after she had closed the door, she found them playing videogames.
Looking at them strangely, she started back up into her room. In a small part of her mind she heard them calling to her to come and play the games, but she just didn't register it. She was thinking about Kiki, Rei, Trent, Jubei and Tihl.
She missed the people she had grown up with. She didn't like Tihl at all but she still thought they were friends. These new people couldn't take away her past and make her feel completely in, though they did make her feel loved.
I have to hide from them. I have to hide the real me from them. Maxine thought, flopping into her bed, her bedroom door closed. Yeah right. Like my name is Maxine anymore. My name's really Olivia…. I wonder how Livi's taking it.
“Are you all ready?” Hawk's Eye asked, looking at them, the guys dressed up, looking like girls and the girls dressed in their regular clothes.
“I have a question.” Tihl said, raising a hand then putting it down when Hawk's Eye looked at him. “Why do the girls get to wear normal clothes and we have to dress up?”
“Because you girls get to pretend to be of noble blood.” Livi said, looking at them. “Plus the guys would think you all are just dolls.”
She pinched his cheek as so many guys have done to girls and gave a big smile. Dodging a whap to the head, she moved over and stood next to Kiki. Rei was still looking at Trent with a curious look.
“I told you! I'm not gay!” Trent said, making large hand motions.
“Me thinks he doth protest-eth too much.” Olivia said with an evil smile.
“Right.” Rei said, standing next to Kiki also.
Hawk's Eye rolled her eyes and looked at the six people. “Are you all ready to go now?”
“Yes!” Kiki, Rei and Olivia said at once.
“Good. Now I'm going to count to three, and each of you grab onto one of the others before I get to three.”
“Do we have to?” Livi asked, and then got glares from the others. “All right! All right.”
Livi grabbed Kiki's hand, who grabbed Jubei's hand, who grabbed Tihl's hand, who grabbed Trent's hand, who grabbed Rei's hand. Hawk's eye gave an approving look and said, “Three.”
They all gave her a kind of `huh' look as they disappeared onto the Amazon world. Falling into a chair, Hawk's Eye looked at the door as her little `puppy' came in.
“Well Vestera? Report.”
“Well, you know how you told me to find the last frame piece? …Well I found it.”
“That's great.”
“Well …not really. It's on the Ashemons world.”
“They won't take kindly to our just barging in.”
“I know…”
“What do you have planned?”
“I think that you should try to coax them. Get them to help us. Give them the frame piece.”
“I can try my best, but you know as well as I do, that they can find out any secret whether it be known or hidden. Mine is one of the more horrible ones to hide. What would they think?”
“They wouldn't give away your secret, Miss Hawk's Eye. They know how to keep all secrets.”
“All right. I will go and talk to them within the day.”
“Thank you, Miss Eye.”
“Now go Vestera, you have a family to tend.”
“My husband watches over them when I work for you.”
“I know.” Hawk's Eye said standing up and walking out of the conference room.
All six of them fell on impact with the next world. A chorus of ows were heard and followed by spear tips to their heads. Livi looked up and saw that it was all female warriors. Smiling a halfhearted smile, she carefully stood up, the others kind of stunned.
“Hello?” Livi asked to see if they could speak English.
“Hello.” The one with the spear to her heart said, looking her up and down. “Where do you come from?”
“We come from the Makai. We are students at the Moonlight Academy on the Mirror world.” Kiki said, standing up, out of her shock completely.
“What are all of your names?” Another asked, one that wasn't pointing directly at them but just adding another blade.
“I am Reinet, this is Kikiori, Olivia, Tracy, Tania and Jessica.” Rei said, standing up and helping the guys up.
“Welcome to the Amazon world, Reinet, Kikiori, Olivia, Tracy, Tania and Jessica.” The leader of the women said, stepping aside and showing a beautiful town full of cute little huts and women leading around men on collars and leashes.
Another thing to note about this town, all the women are tall. There are some shorter ones, but they were hard to come by, and even then their short was five eight. They were mostly wearing normal clothing, nothing like in the stories Livi had read about wild women who wore hardly anything. They were mostly wearing jeans and shirts.
The guys kept glaring at the girls because they had made them wear dresses. The girls grinned as they were all lead into the town. The men who were being lead around whistled at the group of newcomers to the town.
“Xylia, I understand that you have to be careful, but you know me. I could never send people unworthy into your area. If I had a choice I wouldn't and I would get it from you.”
“I know that this is important to you, but we cannot have these strangers come in, Hawk's Eye.” She looked at Hawk's Eye through her kaleidoscope eyes. “You know more than we the consequences of that. Remember last June? Summer break? Some careless students of yours? I seem to remember your face in the crowd too.”
“I know, but I was …I was trying to stop them.”
“Su-ure. Even if I believed you, we still can't make exceptions.”
“I know, but couldn't you push the uppers to the right direction? Give them obstacles if you wish!”
“That's a good idea, Hawk's Eye.” One of the upper Ashemons said, coming into view.
“Damn.” Hawk's Eye said under her breath. “I know. So why don't you take my advice and do it? If they pass all of them, let them in and get the frame piece.”
“We just might well do that.” The man said, starting to disappear.
“Wait! I didn't mean it! They're just kids!” Hawk's Eye started, but it was too late, he had already gone. “Knowing him he's likely to come up with obstacles that'll kill them.”
“I have a say in what happens, they won't be killed. If it comes close to it, I will personally come and help them out of the trouble.”
“Thank you, Xylia.”
“You're welcome, Hawk's Eye old friend.”
“Why does everyone call me old?”
Livi started dancing about the street, and then stopped after drawing some attention to them, even though the guys were doing enough of that. They looked like some of the prettiest women on the place. In the town, who knows, maybe even the world.
They had learned a few names, but they were too hard to pronounce. So they were fondly called Amazon and then a number. They knew which number they were so that was good. Amazon four looked at Livi and started walking beside her.
“You all don't mind staying at an inn for a while, do you? The queen is …busy.”
“We won't mind. Don't worry.”
“Busy doing what?” Trent asked, barely remembering to disguise his voice, but was threatened with an elbow to the pelvic if he didn't.
“You know. Things that they usually do.” Amazon four said, with a grin.
“Oh.” Trent said, letting his voice slip.
Amazon four caught it and looked at him. “Don't mind hi-her.” Kiki said, elbowing him discreetly.
“It's a man.” She then took close looks at the other guys. “There are three of them.”
“Run!” They said, hiking up the skirts and running.
“Guys!” Rei yelled.
Livi shook her head and looked at her two companions. “I had an excuse.”
“Why were you traveling with men?” Amazon two asked.
“They are our servants and we didn't want any of you to take them …no offense.” Livi said, with an apologetic look to them.
“Why did they run then?”
“Because they are afraid of women power put together.” Kiki said, in a quick thinking mode.
They laughed some and said, “Want us to go find your slaves?”
Livi tried not to wince at the word slaves. “Well, we would, but we are rather tired.”
“What?” Kiki and Rei asked Livi.
“They won't be harmed. They respect women too much.” Livi said, giving them a death glare for a moment.
“Then we will bring them to your hotel rooms.” They all said, giving bows and smiling.
They then ran off, gleefully. Dusting off her hands, Livi started into the hotel, to be stopped by Kiki and Rei.
“What's up?”
“You're seriously going to let them go and get them and bring them back?”
“Yeah they respect other woman's property.”
“And so you believe them?” Kiki asked, horrified.
“Give it up. If you guys want to go run after them and catch the guys yourself, instead of getting a nice long warm bath, with nice warm food, luxurious rooms,” Livi said, in a nice soothing voice that flowed like water, and then cut in with a grating voice, “then go ahead.” Talking normally she said, “I'm going to get a nice warm bath.”
“A bath does sound nice…” Rei said, looking at Kiki.
“And warm food is nice.” Kiki said, looking at Rei.
“Then let us be off.” Livi said, putting an arm around each of her friends and leading them into the inn.
Getting out of a shower, Maxine heard a knock on the bathroom door. “Hold on!” She yelled, grabbing her clothes and shoving them on. “Almost done!”
“Hurry up, Maxie! I have to pee!” Kyle said, in an urgent tone.
“I'm almost DONE!” Maxie said, opening the door fully clothed.
“Jeez. Took you long enough.”
“So-orry.” Stepping past Ky, she bumped into someone.
“Sorry.” Tom said, in a slight mumble.
“No …it's ok.” Maxie said, putting the towel on her head and ruffling her hair to dry it. “Put this in the bathroom when he's ok for me, will ya?”
“Um …sure.” Then there was a long pause. “Are you ok? You didn't really respond when we wanted you to come play videogames with us.”
“I was just a little out of it.”
“Why? Well …you wouldn't understand.”
“Try me.”
“No.” Maxine said, walking across the hall and into her room.
Slamming the door shut, she flopped onto her bed and continued thinking of her friends.
Getting out of the bath, Livi looked up and found an Amazon woman standing with Tihl in the same clothes as the other servants. Screeching, Olivia grabbed a towel and held it in front of her and heard the same screeches from Rei and Kiki's bathing areas.
“We didn't think you'd mind us bringing them straight into your bathing areas.” The Amazon said to Livi.
“Can you leave me for a moment?”
“Sure.” She said, turning to leave.
“Um …take him to the shared living room please.” Olivia said, still clutching the towel for dear life.
“Ok?” She said, grabbing Tihl and pulling him out.
Running to close the door, Livi slid down onto the ground, and then shot up since it was a marble floor. Looking at the clothes she was brought, she shoved on the clothes and put on her combat boots, because she won't be seen without them, unless she has to be seen without them for disguise or some such thing.
Barging into the shared living room at the same time as Rei and Kiki, they all glared at the guys. The Amazons quickly followed, coming in, in random order.
“Is everything all right? Were the baths to hot? To cold?” Amazon one asked, looking at Kiki.
“Was the food not to satisfaction?” Amazon two asked looking at Rei.
“Do you not like us?” Amazon five asked looking at Livi.
“The baths were awe inspiring.” Kiki reassured.
“The food was delicious.” Rei said.
“And we think you people are wondrous and fantastic, but we have different customs. We have …boyfriends, husbands. Not servants and sex slaves.” Olivia said, looking at them.
“You could have just said that.” Amazon four said, looking at them all. “We would have given them regular clothes and not have brought them into your bathing chambers.”
“What?” Rei asked, looking at them.
“Yeah! We get tourists all the time. We don't treat them like we treat our men.” Amazon three said, looking at Rei.
“You mean, we could have been spared these clothes?” Tihl asked.
“And yet you did it for us. That's real sweet guys.” Kiki said, smiling.
“Did we have a choice?” Tihl asked.
“You could have kicked and screamed.” Livi said, inspecting her nails.
“And what? Have you all angry with us?” Trent asked, looking at Rei.
“I wouldn't be angry with you.” Rei said, squatting in front of Trent, “But if you ever come into my bathing rooms again without permission, I'll kill you.”
“Same to you Jubei.”
“Needless to say, Tihl? If you even come near my bathing rooms I'll kill you and then kill you after regenerating you.”
Tihl gulped and then asked, “Can we change into regular clothes?”
“Sure, the clothes rooms are down the hall and last door on the right.” Amazon one said, smiling. “The boys will help fit you.”
“Thank you.” They all said, running out.
There was a short pause, and then everyone started laughing.
“They seem to be handling everything very well. But our obstacles have hardly begun, we still have four more worlds.” The head Ashemon said to Xylia and Hawk's Eye.
“…That was your first test? Making the guys dress as slaves?” Hawk's Eye asked, looking at him.
“Ingenious wasn't it.” He asked, looking at Hawk's Eye.
“Yeah …sure.” Hawk's Eye said, astonished.
“It'll get better.” He said, looking into the mist.
“What's your name, sir?”
“Holy well …how appropriate.” Hawk's Eye said, looking to Xylia.
“Um …Amazon number one? We're looking for mirror frame pieces.” Livi asked casually.
“And there's one on this world.”
“No there isn't.” Amazon two said, looking at them.
“But we heard-”
“I thought it was in the castle, Jamiana.”
“Shut up.” Jamiana, or Amazon two said, looking at Amazon five.
“Thanks. We'll be on our way.” Kiki said, edging away.
“Why? We'll have a huge party for you all.” Amazon one said happily.
“A party?” Kiki was intrigued.
“Yay food!” Rei said, jumping up and down.
“I don't think we should …” Livi said, pondering it.
They all turned, including the Amazons, to look at Livi, “Why not?” They asked in unison.
“Because, I have a weird feeling coming from the castle. It seems very evil.” Livi said wiggling her eyebrows. Then she noticed the amazons looking at her, “No offense or anything.”
“Why shouldn't we take offense to it, Miss Olivia?” Amazon four said, with her eyes narrowed threateningly.
“Well, because I didn't mean that it was your people. All I meant was that there was a bad feeling coming from that castle.” Livi said, in a protective voice.
“You're just making things worse for your self.” Amazon three said, hands on hips in a grating voice.
“Great your digging your own grave and ours Livi, thanks a lot!” Tihl said, glaring at Olivia.
“When you find yourself in a hole,” Rei started.
“Stop digging!” Kiki finished.
“Or throw away the shovel.” Rei said, looking at Kiki.
“Good point.” Kiki said, nodding.
“Shut your incessant chattering.” Amazon one said looking at them. “And pick someone.”
“Pick someone for what?” Kiki asked.
“For the duel.” Amazon one said.
“What duel?” Rei asked.
“The duel of strengths and wits.” Amazon two answered.
“What's that?” Trent asked.
“The reason you need to pick a person.” Amazon three answered.
“Ok, shut up everyone.” Livi said in a sturdy voice. “I'll go in.”
“What!” Tihl said, standing up suddenly.
Livi looked at Tihl and raised an eyebrow. He walked over quickly and brought her into a little talking spot. “You don't know what it's like in there. It could be a death bout for all you know.”
“And so? I'm the one that spilled the beans.”
“If you die, then I wouldn't-” He stopped about to say that he wouldn't be able to live, then said instead, “Maxine wouldn't be able to come back.”
“Oh …everything's about Maxine.” Livi said quietly. “I don't care. I'll just not die.” She said out loud and to him. “I won't fail everyone. I'm actually very smart.”
“I still don't think that you should-” Tihlhalen started and then was cut off by the Amazons dragging Livi off for a costume fitting.
I don't think everything's going ok back home. Maxine said, looking out of the window during class. Suddenly her eyes caught a glint off of someone's glasses outside the window.
Looking carefully, she saw it was Tom. Her eyes widened and she raised her hand.
“Yes Olivia?”
“May I open the window?”
“Of course.” She said, turning back to the whiteboard.
Getting up, Maxine hurried to the window and opened it. “What the hell are you doing here?” She asked in a harsh whisper.
“I have something to say.” He said, fiddling with something in his pocket.
“Oh, just tell me after school.” Maxie said, sighing and walking back to her seat.
Suddenly the PA system went on playing a song by the Darkness called, `I believe in a thing called love.' All the preppy popular girls were saying, `Oh, I can't believe my boyfriend did this for me. I knew he loved me.' But when the song ended, Tom came on.
“Maxine? That was for you.”
The Power puff girl theme song started playing and Tom said, “Turn that off guys.”
Once the PA system was turned off, everyone looked at Maxine. “Please, continue with this fascinating language.” Maxie said, ignoring everyone, but inwardly blushing.
“No! We can't let her do this!” Tihl said, glaring at Kiki and Rei.
“It's only a battle of wits.”
“AND STRENGTH! I heard a duel of strength and wits. They never said battle.”
“Exactly. They never said battle. So, so far as we know, it could just be a friendly game of chess.” Rei said, smiling.
“I doubt that very much.” Tihl said, plopping down into his seat on the balcony over the arena. “Why would they need such a large arena for chess?”
“How would we know?” Jubei and Trent said, flopping down in their chairs.
“How will they like this for a new challenge?” Halliwell asked, sitting in a grand chair and looking into the mist, no one but himself and his servant Xylia in the room.
“But, there was only supposed to be one test per world.” Xylia said, in a worried tone.
“There will be, but we missed the first world. And that first test stunk.” Halliwell said, smiling and showing his half-breed teeth to Xylia. “Now, my star, don't you go waking up that nasty little misfit.”
“She's not a nasty misfit. She's just different from her kind.”
“Making her a misfit, Xylia, my darling wood-dweller.” He said, cupping her chin. “I only sent for you to come back from that nasty earth world because it would contaminate you, my bright star.”
“Stop with these names.” Xylia said, the ground rumbling.
“My wood-dweller, please stop this.”
“Don't give them this second test on this one world. Give them one test per world. That was the deal, holy well.”
“Xylia, I love you, but this is insane. You're protecting these demons.”
“They're not just demons. They're friends to our kind. That one.” She said, pointing to Kiki. “She helped me when I fell ill. How about him.” She said, pointing to Tihlhalen. “The Prince of the Dragon kind. He came here before and stopped that revolt. They don't want to harm us. They just want to go back to where they belong.”
“What about the human girl?” Halliwell asked, making the image change to Olivia being pushed into the arena.
“She isn't the human. She's the Shapechanger.”
“Hmm? That's impossible.”
“No. It's not. You see …” Xylia trailed off, seeing Hawk's Eye appear, fully clothed.
“I want to know the meaning of this.” She said, showing a letter to them both.
“I'm not ready! Don't I get time to prepare?” Livi shrieked, while being pushed into the arena.
“No. It's time now for the duel, Sidra.”
“My name's not Sidra. It's Olivia …well, actually it's Maxine.”
“To us we give you the name Sidra, which means of the stars.”
“Thank you, but I cannot just allow you to give me yet another name.”
“We will call you what we wish.”
“Well …what is this duel?”
“It is nothing that will get anyone killed.”
“What is it?”
“I think you people call it …Minesweeper.”
“Letter?” Halliwell asked, looking at Hawk's Eye.
“Yes. It says that there is a mysterious thing happening. That another test is being put upon my students. I thought we said one per world.”
“And how do you know they are still on the same world?”
“Because,” Hawk's Eye paused to clear her throat, “The letter says, `PROFFESSOR HAWK'S EYE! There's this duel of strengths and wits and we're afraid that the Amazons may want us dead! Helpusorwemayneverseethelightofdayagain!' Now, I'm sure he exaggerated that last part about never seeing the light of day again, but I know you have put another test unto them.”
“Hawk's Eye, you must be kidding. We've done no such thing.” Halliwell asked, standing up. “We've been simply watching them. It seems horrible the things that happen. And you seem to blame us.”
“Hawk's Eye, I'm sorry. I was trying to tell him not to give them this test, but he was not listening to me. I was giving it my all.” Xylia said, walking down to Hawk's Eye.
“Now, Halliwell, we can do this the hard way …or the easy way, and I'm sure you will dislike the hard way much more than me.” Hawk's Eye said, moving past Xylia and walking up to Halliwell. “You do remember I was at an assassin school, correct?”
Even though it was stated as a question, it was more of a threat and reminder of where she had come from, more than just the assassin of her, but of her bloodline. “You never know when I'll start to need to kill, and not have an assignment.” She said, circling around Halliwell. “And that would leave Xylia as the head around here.”
Halliwell's eyes had been growing wider as she started to act more and more like a predator circling her prey, making all these threats. “Lady, I did not send them this-”
Before the man could finish his sentence, a knife blade was to this throat, running up and down before stopping and turning so the blade was against his skin. “You were saying, sir?”
“I shall take it off. Right now.” He said, trying not to move his neck much.
“Do it before I take the blade off your neck.” Hawk's Eye said, not budging the blade.
In a few quick motions, the test was annulled and the Amazons were not held to giving them the test. “The rest is for the Amazon's to decided.” He said, looking down slightly.
Hawk's Eye had taken the knife off his throat a very long time ago, now all that was against his throat was a butter knife, and she was no where to be seen, Xylia gone as well. Halliwell cursed and smashed his hand into a table, making it break in half. “Damn that woman.”
Finishing the game with no problem, Livi looked up and saw Hawk's Eye at the entrance to the game. “Miss Eye! Watch out for the-” Before she could finish her sentence, Hawk's Eye stepped on a mine at the side of the game. “Mine.”
Hawk's Eye lifted her foot and there was a great explosion. Shielding her face, Livi looked up and saw Hawk's Eye had flown across the game and was now against the wall off of the game. Running around the game, Livi ran up to her. “Miss Eye!”
Opening an eye she said, “You could have warned me.” And coughed slightly, covering her mouth and turning over.
“I did try to warn you! You had just stepped onto the piece! And if you hadn't picked your foot up you would have been safe.” Olivia said, helping Hawk's Eye to her feet.
“Is everyone safe?” A woman with eyes that continuously changed color asked as she flew over to them. “Is the game annulled? That was risky, Hawk's Eye.”
“You know me. I'm a risk taker.” She said, grinning at the woman and coughing some more. “Olivia, this is Xylia. She's an Ashemon. Xylia, Olivia.”
Nodding to Xylia, everyone else ran down from where their seats had been. Tihl looked stricken and was constantly asking questions about if everyone was ok, while the others just ran and let Tihl ask the questions, since he seemed to want to do that.
An Amazon walked up to Olivia and tapped her shoulder. Turning her head to look at the woman, she blinked slightly. “Yes?”
“Sidra, you have proven yourself to us.” She backed away and motioned to a girl carrying a piece of wood that seemed to make a ninety-degree angle. “We will give you the piece of the mirror frame you were looking for on this world. But you must come back and visit us. Play more of our games.” She said, grinning.
Livi motioned for Kiki to grab the frame piece and then said, “I'd be delighted to come back, and our male friends there won't have to dress as females to get here.” She said, half trying to make sure, half trying to make the guys squirm.
As she had expected, the guys all squirmed some …except for Trent who just looked at them. “What? I TOLD YOU! I'M NOT GAY!”
Shaking her head, Olivia smiled at the Amazon. “Thank you. I'm glad that we had the time to do this.” Xylia took Hawk's Eye and supported her for a moment.
“I can support my own damn self, thank you.” She said, pulling herself upright and pushing Xylia away. “Anyway, now we should all be heading back. If you'll follow me.”
“What?” Olivia gave a quick hug to a few of the Amazons and then followed Hawk's Eye through a doorway, which lead them to Kiki's manor. “Wow!”
Soon they were followed by Kiki, Rei, Trent, Jubei, and Tihl, in that order. The portal then closed and everyone flopped down into some kind of sitting position, except for Hawk's Eye who staid standing and looked at all of them.
“You six are extremely lucky.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What are you talking about?” Kiki asked, crawling onto her chair. “`Extremely lucky' my ass.”
“Do you know how badly Livi could have been hurt had she not gotten everything correct? Had Halliwell not taken the test off? If she had lost, this whole thing could have gone down the drain.” Hawk's Eye tapped her foot lightly as she watched them look at her. “Your next place to go is to Mann'al'terran.”
Everyone looked at Tihl as a gasp escaped his mouth. Raised eyebrows met his stunned gaze. “I can just go in and get that myself.” He said, looking Hawk's Eye straight in the eyes. “Don't send everyone else.”
“I told you that everyone is to go on these. Especially Olivia.” Hawk's Eye said, motioning to her. “She's the one that needs to get back to her home, and Maxine has to come back home. Anyway, you all get to stay here another night, under Kikiori's hospitality, and then you get to go to Mann'al'terran. Sleep well, I'll be back in the morning.”
Hawk's Eye then disappeared. Rei growled some. “You know that shadow energy I keep feeling? That evil shadow energy?” She said, looking to all of us. “It always goes away when Hawkie does.”
“It must be coincidence.” Kiki said, stretching some. “I'm tired. I'm going to my rooms. Have a good night all.” She then walked out of the room.
Everyone else dispersed slowly, going to their rooms, Tihl was trying to think of a way to make the girls not go to Mann'al'terran the whole time before he went to sleep, which was then full of nightmares and shadows.
Having fallen asleep thinking about Kiki and Rei, she stretched some and looked around her room. The shadows seemed darker and longer, and outside looked like hell. Shooting up in bed, she looked around more and noticed things lurking in her room. Before she could scream, a hand came around her mouth and she was knocked out.
Livi awoke during the middle of the night with a nightmare. She looked around and saw that she was in a normal room. “What was that?” Putting a hand to her head, she tried to imagine exactly what her dream was of. “I was kidnapped.” A thought suddenly popped into her head. “MAXINE!”
Throwing the covers off of herself, she ran out of her room, still in her pajamas. Running down the hall, she saw a few servants looking at her strangely. Her bare feet kept pounding on the cold floor until she got to Kiki's room. Banging on the door as hard as she could, she felt someone behind her.
Turning quickly, she saw it was the other four. Sighing slightly, she turned around to have a pissed Kiki looking at her. Before she could say anything mean though, Livi burst out, “Maxine's been kidnapped.”
Opening her eyes, Maxine was looking into the eyes of Lotharing. Trying to scream, trying to squirm, she found she was completely paralyzed. Taking her chin in his hand he looked at her. “You two look the same …but what could be different, I wonder.”
His hands seemed so cold that Maxine shivered involuntarily. Smiling at this, he took his hand away from her chin and walked a few paces away. “You're a very lively girl, am I correct? Then why are you not the girl that I am looking for? My brother seemed to like you, so I don't understand why it is this other girl that I need instead of you.”
Maxine looked at him carefully after he said, `My brother.' Who could that be? She thought, trying to rack her brain into coming up with a name. A name popped into her head, but she didn't like what this would mean for her sister. Tihlhalen.
"Maxine couldn't have been kidnapped." Kiki said, sighing. "She's too stubborn for her own good. If you honestly think that she would stoop so low as to let someone kidnap her, you must be delusional." She had still been quite angry at having been woken up from her pleasant dreams.
Nodding slightly, Olivia looked to her feet. I don't think I can live without knowing the truth. If she's hurt, or even if my dream was true and she's only captured, she's my sister. And to hell with anyone that thinks I'm about to leave her alone. Looking up to the others with a random smile on her face she nodded. "You're right. Maxine would never do something like that. She'd never let herself get caught."
"I know you think she's gotten herself kidnapped. But-" Looking to Olivia, Kiki stopped. "You mean agree with us?" This shocked Kiki to no end. She was completely used to Maxine and never giving up on her views. "You aren't much like Maxine, that's for sure."
"I'm gonna go get ready for our trip." Livi said, and just before she could walk off, Tihl stopped her. "What is it Tihl? I was going to go and pack."
"I think you best learn some about Mann'al'terran culture." Crossing his arms across his chest, he stood in a matter of fact way. "You see-"
"Shut it Tihl. I'm going to go pack." With that, Livi burst off towards her room, quickly followed by Kiki and Rei.
Annoyed with Livi, Tihl looked to the other men. “Let's go.” Starting off towards the lounging room they had came back in, the other two boys looked at him for a moment. Spinning around, Tihl looked at them ferociously. “I said let's go!”
“And for the LAST TIME! My name isn't Roger!” Rolling his eyes, he then walked off followed by the boys. All the while as he walked, Tihl muttered to himself about `stupid girls.'
Once they reached the room, they saw that there was a world portal in there waiting for them. “Miss Eye must have made it early so she wouldn't have to worry.” Tihlhalen said looking at the portal that glowed green.
“Where are we going Tihl? I do think we were supposed to wait for the girls.” Trent asked, looking at the portal with a slight grimace. The last time they took the portal, they didn't land on their feet very well.
“You don't know the danger of taking girls into Mann'al'terran.” Tihl said, walking closer to the portal. “If we take them in …we may just lose them.” With that, he went through the portal, knowing the guys would follow, if just for more information.
After a mind boggling few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, they all landed standing up. Trent was just glad they had landed on their feet, while Jubei spent no time in grabbing hold of Tihl's collar and lifting him up some.
“Why did we leave the girls?”
“It's not safe for them in Mann'al'terran.”
“How is it not safe? Just saying `it's not safe for them' won't make people understand you!”
“In Mann'al'terran, you could say that men are the superior gender. Look outside those windows. You will see women in rags, just trying to get a good meal. Go into a house you will see one man for almost twenty women. Almost no man holds any respect for a woman. There is especially no respect for shape-changers, of any gender. They are forced to change into work beasts. Pulling plows, carriages, wagons, the good looking females get thrown into brothels.” Tihl watched as the other boys looked out the window. After Trent gagged slightly, Tihl continued. “If the girls came here, there would be no end to what might happen to them. Think clearly boys. We were lucky enough to end up in my palace. Think of what would happen if they do not land in here? They will come, I have no doubt. I just hope we can get in and get out quicker than they can realize we are not there with them.”
As Livi finished packing her bags, she looked about. Furrowing her eyebrows, she looked poked her head out of her room. “Something fishy is going on here. Where are the boys? They usually can't live without bothering us at least twice a minute.” Tilting her head, she looked down the hall and thought quite hard. “Won't Tihl want to tell me about Mann'al'terran? Try to convince me not to go?”
It hit her like a sack of potatoes in the gut. They left without me. They left without US! Growling, she grabbed her bag and a hat and started running down the hall. “I can't believe those jerks!” She screamed as she reached Rei's door. “Come on! They left without us! We have to be on our way!”
Knocking on Rei's door quite loudly, it was lucky for them both that she didn't hit Reinet on the head when she opened the door. “They left?” Rei asked quietly.
“Noticed no one bothering us? They left!” Marching down to Kiki's room, they both were outraged when they reached her room.
“They've gone and left us!” They said in unison as they banged on the door. “Those jerks up and left us here! As if we couldn't be taken along because we had bad tempers or something!”
Kiki opened the door looking as if she had just woken up …again. “What were you two saying?”
Looking at Kiki they both blurted out, “The guys left us here and went to Mann'al'terran!”
“Let's get those weasels!” Kiki said, grabbing a bag that seemed quite full and starting towards the portal room.
Just after they entered, Hawk's Eye appeared out of a shadow. How does she do that? Livi thought as she looked at her. Hawk's Eye had clothes in her arms. She had felt the fluctuations of the energy from the portal change as the boy's left, so she knew what she had to bring.
“You all know the boys left you here.” Instead of asking it, she stated it. It was not hard to miss the outraged look on those girls' faced. “And so, I will tell you why they left. Mann'al'terran is a world were the men are extremely cruel to women. They did not want you all to get hurt. Now, here is what we are going to do about this. You three are going to dress up as men. Bind your chest, put on trousers and everything. If you look or even act like females, they will catch you and sell you as a slave.”
“That's horrible!” Reinet said covering her mouth slightly.
“But …if they waited for us …couldn't they have just said that we were theirs?” Kiki asked, still in a very angry voice.
“That's my thought exactly. But since they left ahead of you, I will have to make changes in our plans. You girls get to slip on these. Livi, since you are a shape changer, you can make the manliest appearance of you all. If you just think really hard at looking like a man and think of your configuring yourself as one …very good! Very good, Olivia, job well done.”
Now, Olivia was …male? Instead of her hair being long and black, it was short and brown. Her eyes stayed the same blue-green color, and her face looked more masculine. Since you can't have a boy with a bust, she was a lean and athletic looking boy. As she looked down at her clothes, she saw that they didn't change. So she was a boy …that looked gay.
“Miss Eye!” Olivia covered her mouth as is sounded deep like a boy's.
“You did a better job then I thought!” Hawk's Eye said with a smile. “I have new clothes, they will tailor themselves to you so you do not have to worry much about if they will fit. In fact, you could pull them over your current clothes if you wished to!”