Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5
By: Lily Tsukino

Well guys I hope you enjoyed chapter 4 so here comes chapter 5. FYI it's going to be intimate so beware!! Lol. Well please review!! Ja!

Disclaimer: I OWN EVERYTHING!!!! MAHAHAHA well okay, maybe not everything. Zen belongs to my Twin and Drake belongs to her friend! I don't know him but if you read this PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! GOMEN!!!! anyways i do own everything else so if you steal it I will add you to my ‘HIT' list. That and it's not very wise to piss off Vampires. Especially if they're the president of C.V.S. (Crooked Vampire Stalkers)

~*~*~Chapter 5*~*~*~

Thanks to Zen, Kaye was telekinetically pushed into the arms of Travis. Since Travis didn't have a clue what was going on, he had a confused look on his face. His body was moving towards Kaye and yet he didn't know why his body was moving without him actually telling it to move.

Now that Kaye is in the arms of Travis, sa pink color fills her cheeks. She can feel his muscular chest through his tight black shirt. As she rested her head on his chest, she breathed in the sweet smell of his cologne. She as she exhaled and took in his aroma again, she fell into a short trance.

Travis looked down at the sleeping brunette in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead then embraced her tighter.

As Zen's power loosened, the couple looked up at each other. Noticing that they were alone (well, except the squirrels!) Thanks to Zen, Travis was getting "excited" so to say. Kaye was getting a bit tired and she was feeling dizzy from the alcohol which made it seem that her shoes were killing her feet, so she laid her head on Travis chest, feeling the warmth of his body, and fell asleep.

Since Kaye fell asleep, Travis was a bit disappointed. Then he picked Kaye up and carried her to the car. He knew that Jamie would be able to get home, especially that Zen was with her. So he and Kaye went back to the house.

On the way Travis made a quick turn which resulted in Kaye falling over and into Travis's lap. Kaye wrapped her hand in his shirt and cuddled close to him. Once they got home Kaye was fully Out cold. She would whine a bit when Travis would lift her out of the car.

Exentually, Travis got her into the house he decided that she should sleep in his room til she awoke. He heard her murmer something but since he couldn't understand what she said he just shrugged it off. He took her shoes off and placed her ontop of the bed as he quietly walked out of the room but not before stealing one more glance at the sleeping girl.

As he placed her shoes by the door, he then took off his coat and hung it up in the nearby closet that stood tall with wooden doors. He then entered the kitchen hoping to try and clear his mind of the girl sleeping in the next room. He grabbed the coffee pot and filled it with water which he soon poured into the maker along with the grounded up coffee. As he placed a porclin mug onto the counter he heard the noices coming from his bedroom.

Wondering what the hell was going on he walked gingerly to the door. 'Sounds like cloth moving. She must be gettin under the covers.' the blue eyed brunette thought as he smiled to himself as the image of her snuggling into his bed with him next to her excited him in so many ways. As the sound of water boiling drew his attention back to the kitchen, he slowly walked back to the kitchen but kept his eyes on the door, due to the sound of sheets moving once again.

As he turened off the water and poured a glass he took in the aroma of the hot drink. He placed the mug back onto the counter knowing that it was still hot, so while it cools a bit he decided on checking up on the sleeping brunette.


Zen and Jamie walk out of the toy store with 2 giant bags filled with stuffed animals. The bag was soo filled that Zen had talked 2 guys into carrying them for her. Before Kaye and Travis left, Kaye sent Zen a mental note saying that she and Travis were going back to the house and that Jamie knew how to get back to the house.

When Zen, Jamie and the 2 guys were walking down the street. Zen remembered that she and Kaye shared the same birthday. And that tomorrow would be their 17th birthday. So when she passed a beauty shop, she told them to come in with her.

Zen walked in and stopped at a counter. Jamie felt frightened that she was being looked at by ladies who thought she was ‘cute' so she clung onto Zen's pant leg. The sales lady approached Zen and looked her over. Then she responded with a simple, "Can I help you miss?"

Zen smirked, "Yes, my friend's birthday is tomorrow and I'm looking to have a perfume made for her." The lady walked away as a younger girl took her place. "Hello. I'm Hannah. Sorry about the other lady. Don't mind her she's always a bitch." The blonde joked. The older saleslady glared at her as Hannah just flicked her off.

"So, since I overheard you don't have to repeat what you're looking for. But just what do you want the scent to be?" Hannah said as she smiled and rubbed her blue eyes. Zen rubbed her head as she tried to remember what Kaye's favorite thing was. "Ummm. Wait! I remember! Kaye loves flowers! Uhh Roses and honeysuckles to be exact." Zen said extremely proud of herself.

After a couple minutes of Hannah mixing the perfume and Zen messing with the ladies at the store. She was switching the items in their bags and messing with their hair. Jamie giggled as she watched Zen create mischief. After Hannah came back and Zen paid for the present, they left the store in search for a decent car that Zen could mentally break into and "borrow" it."

Once Zen found a suitable car, she unlocked the door, but made it look like she had a key. Then she had the young men put the toys into the back seat. Then she went to the taller one of the 2 and kissed him gently on the lips. She handed him a piece of paper. ‘Call Me.' was all it said along with her cell number.

The young man ran his fingers through his silky red hair. His crimson eyes beaming as he opened Zen's car door. Zen got into the car and sped off in the direction Jamie told her.


As Travis slowly opened the door to his room and stepped in only to be surrounded in darkness. Standing in the same spot, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Upon having his eyesight back he look over at the bed. Upon gazing at the sight, his pants grew tighter in a certin region.

There she was. The sleeping brunette lying on her stomach with her hair spread out along her back with some falling over her face. The right side of her face covered in the pillow she was laying on. Her right arm underneath that same pillow while her left arm just gripped part of the pillowcase. But what made Travis harden was that the blanket was laying over her silken skin, but it was only covering the way lower back and below. Her entire back was exposed. Her lavender top and black laced bra were lying on the floor next to his bed along with her coat.

Travis stood there, stunned at her beauty and the fact that she was half naked in his bed. He tried to control himself the best he could but his lower half had taken over. He sat next to her on the bed. Gently enough not to awaken her. He gently moved the strands of brown that were still lying on her back. In doing so his fingers gently glided along her sensitive skin sending shivers up her spine, which caused her to breath out a slight moan.

Hearing this pleasurable noise coming from such beauty made him loose all common sense to the need of wanting to take her, to claim her as his, to be inside her and make her moan more. He bend down and placed butterfly kisses all along her spine and stopped as he reached her neck. By this time Kaye had awoken and was feeling quite a sensation. Pulling the sheet up the best she could, she turned over and sat up so she came face to face with her enticer. Brown met blue as she blushed deeply when she saw who was giving her such sweet temtations.

"Travis what are you-"Kaye tried to say but was cut off as Travis placed his finger on her soft lips. His looks softened as he gently shook his head. Removing his finger and gently brushing the strand of hair that fell into her face away, he returne his gaze to her eyes. At first they held confusion but upon another glance they held lust, longing, and compassion. He then placed his lips upon hers kissing her softly before getting a little rougher with the angel- apprearing girl.

As the kiss deepened, she released the blanket only to wrap her arms to Travis's neck and pull him closer. He brushed his tounge gently across her lips, asking for entrance, at which she quickly acepted by letting him explore her mouth as she did his. As the kiss continued, Travis slowly lowered themselves. To get more comfortable, he then flipped his right leg over her body so that he was strattling her. He then released his lips from her mouth as he moved south along her jaw and neck. As he reached the crook of her neck he decided to nip her a little bit to see how she'd respond.

Excitement rushed through her veins as she let out a moan to the nip she was given. Seeing that his lovely liked the feeling he began to suck, nip, and lick her neck. In doing so Kaye was getting even more enticed with the feelings that flowed through her body aching for more. Each touch that he gave her sent chills up her spine along with moans of sheer pleasure.

Moving along her body he then cupped one of her breasts in his hand as he looked up at her. Her eyes met him as he then smirked and placed the erect nipple in his hot mouth and began to suck and nip. With the other breast he began rubbing and massaging it only to switch in a matter of seconds. Kaye couldn't believe what he was doin to her. She oculdn't move she was too engulfed in pleasure and excitement that all she could do was sit there and take it. Every couple seconds when Travis would change his tactics, Kaye would moan with each new sensation. Wanting to tease her a bit, Travis then sat up and just smirked at the brunette who was engulfed in sheer pleasure. He smiled as she opened her eyes to look at him getting up and off the bed.

"Wh-wha-what are you doing?" She stammered as she sat up and stared at him. He just turned around and walked towards the door, "I donno I think I'll go drink my coffee now." As Travis neared the door he felt someone grab his arm. "The hell you aren't." Said a agravated and turned on Kaye. Before he could say another word he was pushed against the door as his lips were caught on hers. She glided her hands underneath his shirt feeling all the muscles he had built over the years of doing hard labor. She then pushed his shirt up and over his head only to break the kiss for a moment before she decided to have her way with him.

Doing something close to what he did to her, she gently kissed and nipped her way down his neck and stopped at his collarbone where she marred his skin with a deep red mark which sent not just chills up his spine but an ache to his already throbbing member. Seeing how she was considering this to be payback for what he did, she decided to take it one step further. She gently slid her hands down his chest and to the buldge in his pants. Rubbing the outside of his pants gently she giggled and smirked at the young man who stood infront of her. He was moaning as he closed his eyes tight wanting her to go father. Seeing his plee, she slowly unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor.

Travis not wanting to go on with the foreplay had decided to use his strength against the tempting brunette. Placing his hands on her biceps, he pushed her off of him as he then ripped off her skirt and pulled off her laced thong. He then threw her onto the bed at which she winced in pain bc she wasn't aware that she would be thrown. Sheding his plaid boxers, he crawled ontop of her only to engulf her lips in a deep but brief kiss. As Kaye enjoyed their closeness she soon found her hands weaving themselves through Travis deep brown locks. But her peaceful moment was interrupted as a hard object was inserted into her pussy sending her arousaling sensations all over her body. As Travis began to rock in and out, he made sure not to hurt her. Each passing rock was followed by a moan that grew louder as the strokes grew faster and harder. Kaye wrapped her legs around his hips trying to make him go in deeper. Seeing how she wanted it, Travis then began rocking harder and faster along with deeper. Pushing way beyond his limits he kept going at that level til his love screamed his name in pure ecstasy. He followed her soon as he too screamed and then fell into her opened arms.

Kaye had actually felt happy for once in her life. She felt that everything was right. She held the mad she loved close as he pulled the blankets around them and held her to his chest. He looked deep into her eyes which were filled with love and happiness. "If you haven't been able to tell already, I'm in love with you and I will never let you go. Not ever, not even if you ask me to. No matter what you say I will always love you." Tears filled Kaye's eyes as she wept tears of joy, "I love you too and no one could ever change that." And with that Travis hugged her tightly and kissed her gently on the forehead as she slowly nodded off in his arms. He looked down at her and kissed her gently once more before letting slumber take it's toll.


When Zen and Jamie walk into the house Zen spies a container of ants. "Did you know that one day ants will rule the world?" She said as she was having a glaring contest with one particular ant. Jamie just giggled as she pulled out the pillows and blankets for Zen to use when she sleeps on the couch. Then she gave Zen a hug goodnight and skipped off to her room, changed then ran back out and dragged her bag of toys into her room.

Zen gave her a bit of help as she saw it was going to take Jamie a while to drag the bag. Then she settled in on the couch. She dreamt of Drake (the guy from the store((red hair and eyes.))) and what it would be like tomorrow and if Kaye remembered.

Little did she know that tomorrow wouldn't be such a glorious day as she thought it would be.
They ALL were in for a BIG surprise.

Well there's chapter 5. I decided to rewrite it because I didnt like how it was done. It bothered me alot. So I hope you liked the improvement. Please read and review.