Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps and a Glass of Water ❯ WTF?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
         Disclaimer: Jesus, SquareEnix and Disney own them all, OK? They own the fricking world for all we care! We're just non-creative freaks with time on our hands, and sad, twisted minds!

         Author's Note: I need a new hobby. This is the result of watching a T.V. show where someone gets sucked into a video game, watching Digimon 1st Season, reading quite a few fics where people get transported into books, games, movies, etc; You people caused me to do this. I blame you.

         Alec: You know they're all going to revolt against you now, right?

         Callie: Sadly, I do. -_-;;

         Simon: Can I watch T.V? I'm bored.

         Callie: ::throws him the remote:: But turn it off if Alec comes in, he's still grounded.

         Alec: HEY! What'd I do?!

         Callie: ::sighs:: Feathering and tarring the neighbors again, remember?

         Alec: ::looks enlightened:: Oooooohhhhh, yeah....

Mishaps And A Glass Of Water
Chapter 1: WTF?!

         It was a hot summer day and Callie lay in her room, playing one of her favorite games for the PS2, Kingdom Hearts. It was a simple enough game, but she couldn't figure out how to get back to Hollow Bastion. Soon, she was about to destroy her T.V., when her best friend, James, knocked on her window.
         "Hey, James. What's with the outfit?" She asked him. It was true, he was dressed extremely odd. At first glance, he could have been Squall from the Final Fantasy game series.
         "Anime Game Convention. Wanna go?" He asked with a grin. She shrugged.
         "Okay." she said. And she left, after getting dressed up for it and leaving the game on pause after going to Traverse Town in warp drive.
         Not even an hour after she left, her annoying youngest sister, Lindsay, ran into the room with her friends.
         "See, she has this cool static electricity thing," Lindsay said, playing with the small orb.
         "Cool! Let me see!" one of her friends said.
         "Okay." Lindsay handed the small orb to her friend, who dropped it accidentally. It fell, knocking over Callie's glass of water. Both the water and the orb, still turned on, landed on the PS2, which lay horizontally so that the cats wouldn't knock it over and break it. Sparks flew and Lindsay and her friends ran as fast as they could, eyes wide.

Two Hours Later

         Callie returned, laughing as she stepped into her room, appearing as though she belonged to SquareEnix. She had donned her Elf ears, the tips of which were now coated in blue paint, and a comfortable pair of boots. The earrings that hung from her Elf ears jingled with every movement of her head as did the many bangles on her wrists. Her dress was long and black, the hems ruffled in design, coming up in the front in an 'A' shape, exposing a little bit of her legs, which were covered by long black boots and thigh-high black stockings. On the front of the dress was the Heartless Symbol from Kingdom Hearts, and on the back of the dress was a small pair of black wings and a tail. Under the dress was a pair of spandex shorts, being as she hated to wear dresses without some form of pants or something. On her forehead was a small stick-on blue gem.
         "Ahhh.....home at la-HEY!" she said, seeing that her PS2 was covered in water. She rushed to it, the many bangles and earrings jingling furiously as she did. Everything seemed to be in working order, the game paused in Traverse Town, Accessory Shop where she'd left it. She scratched her head and decided to see if it was just some funky thing that would pop up as soon as she went to play.
         As she grabbed the controller and hit the Start button to un-pause it, she felt as if she was going to be sick and closed her eyes, dropping the controller as she felt herself spinning. She opened her eyes to stop the spinning when the feeling of being sick very soon passed, and screamed.
         She sat in front of a large door, above which was a sign that said Accessories. She looked around quickly, terrified, to see that she was in Traverse Town, sitting in front of the Accessory Shop on her butt. She closed her eyes tightly.
         "You have got to be kidding me!" she whispered frantically to herself. "Calm down, Callie. You're just really sick and delusional. It's just the after effects of the Anime Game Con. Your mind is just really freakishly twisted and likes to play tricks on you. In a few minutes you'll open your eyes and see that you're back in your bedroom, and everything will be-"
         "HEARTLESS!" a voice cried, and her eyes snapped open. She looked down slowly at her dress, and saw the Heartless Symbol. She paled as she saw many people running inside of their dwellings. She stood and looked around wildly. If she was correct, Sora would be coming out of the Accessory Shop to kill the supposedly evil Heartless. Sadly, that Heartless, was her.
         Just as she was about to run towards the Items Shop, the doors of the Accessory Shop burst open, and there stood Sora, Goofy, and Donald, weapons ready. The color of Callie's face drained as she looked up, having fallen when the doors hit her in the back. She scrambled up and ran around the shop, hearing the shouts of people running to get away.
         "Get back here!" Sora shouted, and Callie felt like she was gonna puke. Her back hurt where the door had hit her, and she knew now that this was no dream. This was real.
         She didn't stop running until she got to the doors, opening them and running into the Second District. It was just her luck when she tripped, landing in a heap. She groaned and rolled over onto her back, sitting up and rubbing her head.
         "There it is!" Donald's voice greeted her ears, and she looked up, the end of the Keyblade poised before her. Her hazel eyes looked up in fear, and Goofy tilted his head.
         "Gawrsh, she doesn't look like a Heartless." He said, and Donald glared at him.
         "That's because I'm not!" she shouted, fear a part of her very being.
         "Don't believe her, Sora. How do we know she isn't on of Maleficent's minions?" Donald asked, and Callie felt herself shaking.
         "I think I'm gonna be sick." she said to herself. Sora seemed to be contemplating.
         "Well, I've never seen a Heartless who looked so human." He said, and Callie sighed in slight relief.
         "Yeah? What about the wings and tail?" Donald asked, pulling on the tail that was a part of Callie's dress. She felt, to her disdain, it pull on her spine a little bit.
         "OW!!!" She cried, glaring at him. "That hurt!"
         "See?" Donald said. "Just get it over with so we can visit Leon already."
         "Now I know I'm gonna be sick." She said, turning and doing so on the stone below her.
         "Guys," Sora said, his voice confident and a bit silly as usual. 'I don't think she's really a Heartless."
         "SHE WEARS THE HEARTLESS SYMBOL!" Donald screamed in frustration.
         "So?" Callie cried, standing and easily dwarfing the duck. Donald glared up at her, his staff ((A/N: What was the name of the one he got in the Colisseum??)) still drawn and ready.
         "Stop it, both of you!" Sora said, jumping in between the two, arms out to keep them apart. "Look, we still need to get back to the Hollow Bastion, so I say we see what Kairi has to say about her first."
         "Gawrsh, Sora. How d'you suppose she'll know what she is?" Goofy asked.
         "Trust me, she'll know."

         Somewhere near a half hour later, they were in the Secret Waterway, greeting Kairi, Donald's staff pointed warningly at Callie the whole time.
         "She hasn't answered a single question we've asked her, just shot dirty looks at Donald. So, Kairi, can you figure her out?" Sora asked, and Kairi smiled. ((A/N: Normally, I'd be Kairi bashing right now, but for the story, I'll try to be semi-nice. She's going to be important, anyways lol))
         "Sure thing, Sora." she said, looking over at Callie, who crouched near the water, throwing rocks into it every few seconds. Donald was still watching her with a frown.
         "Thanks, Kairi! We have to get back to the Hollow Bastion, so I'll need you to keep an eye on her, okay? If she tries anything...."
         "Sora," Kairi said, placing a hand on Sora's. "I'll be okay. Besides, I don't think she's evil."
         "Why not?!" Donald shouted angrily.
         "Because, silly." Kairi said. "She'd have attacked by now, don't you think?"
         "Well, at any rate, be careful." Sora said, grinning slightly.
         "So're we going back to the Hollow Bastion then?" Goofy asked, standing by Sora and Kairi.
         "Yeah, in a few minutes we will b-"
         "I'm going with you." Callie said quietly, eyes watching the water.
         "What?" Sora and Goofy asked at the same time.
         "NO YOU AREN'T!" Donald shouted.
         Kairi walked up to Callie, bending down and placing a hand on the girl's chin, inspecting her as if to see if she would be the kind to attack on impulse or if she would ignore attacks all together. She smiled after a few seconds and stood again.
         "She's safe. She has a very kind heart."
         "Geez, thanks." Callie said, rolling her eyes.
         "Well, if that's the case," Sora began, approaching Callie as well. "What are you doing here? You're obviously a Heartless."
         "I AM NOT!!!" she cried, standing with her fists to her sides. "I don't know what I'm doing here, so don't ask me again!"
         "I thought you said she was safe.....y'know, a kind heart?" Sora said to Kairi. Kairi giggled.
         "Well, have you ever known a person who never got angry once or twice in their lives?" she asked with a smile. Callie sat back down.
         "Jeebus, it's not like I'm not here, y'know." she said with a hint of disdain.
         "Well, we should at least take her to see Leon with us," Goofy said from where he stood. "Maybe he can help sort her out."
         "I'm sitting right here, you know. It's not like I can't hear you." Callie said. She wasn't exactly fond of her current position, so she was dealing with it the only way she knew how to; with mistrust, an attitude, and a lot of candy in her pockets that she'd forgotten was in there until just then. She pulled some out and was unwrapping it when Sora spoke again.
         "Hey, Donald," he began, "You can put that away."
         They all looked to see Donald pointing his staff at Callie, making the candy she had just unwrapped float over to him.
         "HEY!" she cried, jumping up and grabbing the candy before smacking him in the back of the head. "Dolt."

         YAY! I finished the chapter without killing my computer!! W00T!! Te he he. I am so odd in this. Most of it is how I'd actually act, except I'd have gotten killed for being a smart arse ^_^

         Alec: Can i watch TV now??

         Simon: .......

         Me: Well, considering I just finished writing this before I posted it on, you should have been ungrounded a long time ago..

         Alec: So can I?

         Me: No.

         Bye all! See you next chapter! I hope you all like this so far, because It's my first KH fic and I'm a Crossover writer by nature. R&R please!