Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Mary ❯ Mystical Elven Sue ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I've got a lov-el-ly bunch of coconuts, diddle-de-de-dum, there they are a-standing in a roooooow.....


LP: Stop Shouting. And thanks to...a person who reviewed anonymously and left us very confused as to who they are. Thank you for pointing out QoS's idiocy. And the former dragon is now a generic magic beast. But he's still named Puff.

I blame my schoolwork. I'm overworked, and my brain can't take it anymore! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

LP: -_-; Right.

Wow!! Over eighty reviews!! I'm honored, I'm thrilled, I'm....

LP: Going to stop that and get on with the fic.

Oh. Right. Fic. Yes. Ok.

Today's craziness courtesy of Lady Laswen!


The Fellowship looked around them in astonishment. They had entered a forest, which would not be such a big deal if anyone had known the forest was there. One would think that a Ranger and an Elf would have known about this forest, but they were as surprised as anyone. Aragon pulled a map of Middle Earth out of his pack and studied it, brow furrowed in concentration.

"Wherever we are now, it certainly is not marked on this map. This wood should not exist."

Legolas nodded and peered through the silvery trees, trying to use his Elven sight to identify their location. "In all my years, I have never heard of this place. Something is very wrong here, I can sense a great evil in this wood."

When Gimli heard this he growled softly to himself and readied his axe. "Let it come! I have no fear of it!" The Hobbits glanced at each other and moved closer to the zealous Dwarf. They would prefer that any evil stayed as far away as possible, but if it did come they would like to be as close to the others as possible.

The Fellowship pressed through the forest, weapons in hand. The oppressive mystical aura of the wood weighed heavily on Legolas's Elven senses, and he wanted nothing more than to be out of this horrid place. The trees had an unnatural silver glow, and their leaves were golden; like the Mallorn leaves of Lothlorien, but without the life and vibrancy of the trees of the Golden Wood.

The forest showed no sign of thinning, and the Fellowship was wearying from being wound so tight for so long. Suddenly, they heard what sounded like giant wing beats coming toward them. They jerked back into full alertness and raised their weapons, focusing on the sound. Suddenly, a mysterious animal appeared above them, a perfect, beautiful, shining, blonde Elf maiden perched on it's neck. The creature lowered to the ground, the sun glinting off of it's jewel-like scales, and breaking off trees as it landed.

The astonishingly beautiful and perfect girl jumped lightly down from the dragon and stood before them. She smiled, her beautiful, perfect teeth nearly blinding the Fellowship. "Hello, I am Luthiuntumiel. Welcome to the magical forest of Celebrintiliendal. This is my magic friend, Puff."

The Fellowship just stared. Those who spoke Elvish were confused, an Legolas was a bit insulted. Those names sounded like they were intended to be some form of Elvish, and there was the occasional Elvish syllable, but they meant nothing. And furthermore, what in Middle Earth was that thing, and what kind of a name is `Puff?' Legolas took a closer look at the maiden before them, and hid a gasp of surprise. The evil aura he had sensed was focused around this girl!

The maiden, Luthiuntumiel, was oblivious to the negative reaction and laughed, sounding like bells. Bells made of tin and slightly out of tune, but bells none the less. "Welcome to my realm. I am the Princess of Celebrintiliendal, and you are welcome here. My people are the Mystic Elves; we have great power but we are slowly fading. Or time in Middle Earth is at an end." She looked very mournful as she said this, and Legolas and Aragorn looked her contemptuously. They knew more about Elves than anyone else there, and they had *never* heard of a race of Mystic Elves in a silver wood that was not marked on any map, especially a map made by rangers of the north who had walked every inch of the land shown.

Legolas discreetly raised a hand to his bow, and glanced at Aragorn. Aragorn nodded his approval and stood back as Legolas fired two arrows; one into the heart of the `magic' beast, and the second into the supposed `Mystical Elf.' She fell to the ground with a startled cry, and the moment her eyes shut forever the improbable silver wood faded away, revealing the rocky ground of the foothills of the Misty Mountains. Lothlorien was faintly visible in the distance. The Fellowship looked around for the body of the mysterious Elf maiden, but it had apparently vanished with the forest. They glanced at each other, shrugged, and continued on their quest to rid Middle Earth of the Evil of the One Ring.


LP: It's official, she's crazy. All that work's driven her mad.

I'm not quite mad!

LP: Yes you are, you'll be stark raving in a moment.

No, my paper got pushed back. I feel happy, I feel happy....

LP: Cracked. Completely daft.

Daft like Jack!

LP: Can we stop the inane movie quotes now?

Fine. Well, sorry about yesterday, I was a bit busy. But today is better! I'm in a good mood, I skipped class, I'm slacking off...

LP: That's not anything to be proud of.

Shut up, you. What I mean is, now I have time to get a chapter out. And more mock-elvish names. And Puff, the magic dragon. Couldn't resist.

I love you all!! THAAAAANK YOOOOOOU!!!!! You really make my day, you know that? Helps keep me going. Please, keep the reviews and the ideas coming!

Next up: Laureline!