Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Sonata ❯ Moonlight Stroll ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Branches split the moonlight into ethereal beams that drifted across the small cluster of trees softly illuminating them in a milky white haze. The small park was near the center of the city, surrounded in the near distance by towering structures of steel and glass. And yet as close as it was to this urban metropolis the little wooded grove was still isolated, as if artificial light and noise could not penetrate the invisible barrier nature had erected. At 3:20 in the morning the park was empty and silent, just as most of the high rise office buildings around it were dark and devoid of human life. The silence was palpable, riding on the current of the soft breeze that rustled the green leaves of the trees and made the entire grove whisper 'something is here...something is here...'. Tsuzuki Asato walked slowly down the path feeling the breeze caress his face, his violet eyes closing as he inhaled the scent of early morning dew and new spring leaves. He'd come to this park sporadically for the last eight years, loving its solitude and silence in the wee morning hours. The path wound its way among the trees towards the offices on the far side of the park, and along this path, placed strategically to take in the best views the park had to offer, were park benches. This park didn't have the problems city parks in countries like America faced. A man, woman or child could walk through this park at any time of the night with no fear, there was no graffiti on the park benchs, no litter clogging the pathway. Nothing but soft silence, a gentle breeze, and a pretty Shinigami who was settling himself on his favorite bench.Tsuzuki sighed as he settled back, draping his arms over the back of the bench and staring off between the trees towards the tiny koi pond that marked the center of this park. The moonlight danced around him and the breeze sent ripples across the pond, each one catching a bit of moonlight making the water seem like a living thing, writhing in a strange and hypnotic dance. Tsuzuki watched the movement with an enthralled expression for here was a prime example of the beauty of earth and heaven mingling together. He was so happy to serve as a Shinigami, being one of the few spirits allowed to travel between the spiritual and material worlds. The breeze gusted suddenly rattling the tree branches above his head and stirring the ripples on the water in faint waves.Tsuzuki tilted his head back watching as leaf and wind fought each other in the heights of the trees branches, the air ruffling his brown hair and the long black coat he wore. The silence resumed a moment later and was much heavier than before, but Tsuzuki failed to notice it, his attention drawn back to the dancing moonlight on the koi pond. At first he didn't notice how deep the silence had become. The trees around him stopped their whispering as the breeze faded away, and the koi pond settled back into its natural flat calm state, not a ripple to be seen. Above his head the moon slipped behind a cloud casting the entire area into the shadow of darkness and this darkness made the hair on the back of Tsuzuki's neck stand up. It was quiet. Too quiet, he thought sitting up a bit and looking around. It was as if nature itself had paused, but for what purpose? He wondered.The soft brush of fingertips against the nape of his neck sent him rocketing to his feet and spinning full circle to glare at the man who stood just behind the bench."Muraki..." he hissed, angry with himself for not sensing the man's prescence. The doctor offered Tsuzuki a small and arrogant smirk at his obviously flustered state, dipping at the waist in a small bow."Mister Tsuzuki...." he said in reply.The breeze returned, drifting down from the sky as if it had been held back by an invisible hand, brushing through the leaves and ruffling the white coat and platinum blonde hair of the handsome doctor. Muraki tilted his head back lifting one hand to touch the right frame of his glasses and also to stop the wind from moving his hair too drastically. Tsuzuki knew what he was hiding. That eye, that strange mechanical eye that haunted him in his sleep, that looked straight through his flesh and bones into his very soul. Tsuzuki had nightmares about that eye.Muraki lowered his hand as the breeze wafted away and ran a finger along the back of the park bench where Tsuzuki had so recently been sitting. Making his way slowly around the bench he watched the Shinigami with the eye of the predator, forever stalking his favorite prey.Tsuzuki had to resist the urge to step back as the doctor walked towards him and then circled him slowly. His entire body stiffened feeling again the brush of fingertips along the nape of his neck, when he tried to twist away again however he found himself stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist and holding him firmly to the other man's chest. Tsuzuki sputtered a protest feeling the doctor's pointed chin resting on his right shoulder."Mister Tsuzuki....whatever are you doing out here.....all...alone..." he said letting his breath brush the Shinigami's ear.Tsuzuki scowled and pushed at the arms holding him but it was like trying to move steel. He knew full well he shouldn't have come to the mortal realm alone but damnit he was entitled to some me time the same as anyone else was, and besides his partner Hisoka would have thought it a stupid waste of time. "Let go of me now." he growled not liking being so close to the mad doctor. Muraki chuckled and nuzzled his ear softly. "And why should I do that, now that I have you in my arms at last?" he asked in a teasing tone which drove Tsuzuki mad, knowing the doctor was making fun of him."Let me go, Muraki!" he said in a louder voice betraying his agitation. Muraki made a tsking sound brushing his lips against the other man's earlobe before taking the delicate flesh in his teeth and tugging it softly feeling Tsuzuki squirm in his grip. "Why would I ever do that?" he asked nosing along his neck softly, his lips retracing the path to his ear. "now that i have you exactly as i want you. helpless..." he whispered against the pretty shell.Tsuzuki snarled in anger and twisted to face him, a sutra paper in hand but to his surprise Muraki wasn't there. Tsuzuki looked around in confusion, but all that he could see was the path wandering off into the trees towards the office building, and the moonlight reflecting off the koi pond. "what the hell....?" Turning full circle he jogged a few feet down the path and looked again but it was as if the man had vanished with the drifting breeze. If he'd ever been there at all...a small voice chided Tsuzuki. "The hell I'm imagining things!" he said in defiance of that voice letting the sutra vanish from his hand. "so much for a relaxing evenning in the park..." he muttered turning and walking swiftly back the way he'd come.