Fan Fiction ❯ More Than A Thief ❯ Under False Pretenses ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Since I obviously don't own the copyright to Teen Titans, I'm taking advantage of the Fair Use Clause of the Copyright laws to write a story with them in it. Who knew the government would protect the little guys? Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


The Titans sat around uncomfortably. Starfire had went to her room, Robin had simply growled when they Beast Boy had tried to start a conversation, Raven was busy reading a book, and Cyborg was recharging. Robin was lost in thought, the argument with Starfire didn't sit well with him, and it was not often that Starfire got so upset to begin with, but she had stomped out in protest after they agreed to take Red X's deal. It also irked him that Red X, the new Red X, had succeeded where he had failed. The waiting was driving him out of his mind. He folded his arms, put one leg on the other and began twisting his foot in air as he waited impatiently.

"Perhaps you should train?" Raven said, not looking up from her book.

"I already did my exercises." He snorted in reply and the room was silent for another moment. Robin broke the silence he had created, "Three days…" It was as if Robin couldn't take it any longer, he snapped, foot hitting the floor and fist hitting the table, "THREE DAYS WE'VE BEEN WAITING! WHERE IS HE?!" He snarled, causing Beast Boy to lunge back in his seat, while Raven sat, continuing to read her book.

"Dude, chill! He said he'll come and he's going to come, he wants his… your… the belt back." Beast Boy said, a sour look on his face.

"That's not it! It's Slade… he's still operating! And we're sitting here waiting for…"

Raven closed the book and put it down, "Robin, you have to control your emotions. If Red X is telling the truth and Slade really does have a base mass producing robots, we're going to need to destroy it, and having a temper tantrum is not going to help things."

Robin snarled, "Slade could be getting ready to take over the city at this very moment and you want me to be calm? How can you possibly expect me to be…"

"Because you're the only one who is so utterly fixated on Slade that you nearly died fighting him in your mind." Raven said, cutting him off.

Robin paused, lowered his head ever so slightly and walked towards the door, "I'm going to go train."

Beast Boy turned and watched him leave and waited until the door closed, "… I so pity that punching bag."


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Red X watched Slade's newly redesigned and upgraded robots roll down the conveyor belt. Slade looked at them with a discerning eye. "Very good…" One of the first upgraded robots walked forward, Slade turned his attention to it and Red X smiled. This was going to be an interesting night, to say the very least.

"I would like you to see the first test of my newly… enhanced robots." Slade said, not looking at Red X. If this truly worked, he'd be able to dispose of the titans this very night. Slade eyed X cautiously. After his other apprentices had failed, he had given little thought to getting a new one, and this Red X was far too independent to fit his needs. He would have to break him of that. Red X had his merits, bypassing Titan security and stealing Cyborg's schematics had been a feat that even Terra had been unable to accomplish, and she had lived with them.

"So… how are you going to test them?" Red X asked, watching patiently.

Another one of Slade's drones walked forward, slowly at first but then faster, moving at full tilt, claws bared to rip into the newly constructed automaton. It was within five feet when the new robot whirled and punched it in the gut, ripping out its internal systems. More of Slade's older model robots moved to attack, the new one watched as they circled it, then, in unison, charged. Their claws met air, as the new creation leapt into the air, then landed heavily on two of them, crushing them. A third slashed at it, but was beheaded in a deft motion. The final robot lunged at it in a final desperate attack, only to have a massive hole put in it as the new robot used its sonic cannon for the first time.

"The entire system has been reconfigured, not only does it have improved weaponry, it's structure is far more durable and lethal… the Titans won't stand a chance." Slade said, eyeing the thief beside him.

Red X smirked beneath his mask, "I think I'll go fetch them… I think they've waited long enough for this." He said, and left. Slade watched him leave as he had entered, slinking away into the shadows.


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Robin slammed his fist into the punching bag, followed by a swift twirling kick, followed by a jump kick and another punch. The bag ruptured under the pressure, tearing and releasing some of the white foam inside. Robin looked at it and took in a heavy breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. He'd been doing this for well over an hour and this was the third punching bag he'd busted open. Thoughts of fighting Slade again danced threw his head… he wasn't sure if he was angry that Slade was still alive or pleased he would be able to fight him again.

"My, my, for someone who trains so much your equipment is in shabby condition." The voice echoed threw the otherwise empty room and Robin sighed.

"Red X, I should probably ask how you got into Titan's tower, but I somehow doubt you'll cooperate."

Red X peeked his head around from the other side of the punching bag to see Robin frown. "You'd be right, of course, because our deal is already arranged."

Robin stared at him, barely suppressing his rage, "What took you so long?"

"I had some errands to do, laundry, food run, goodie run, set my cable…" He chuckled, "Now you know how it feels to miss something that so rightfully belongs to you."

"When this is over, we are going to catch you X…"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm assuming you want your other buddies to tag along to blow the place up, so I suggest you go get them." Red X shrugged and motioned towards the door behind him.

"I'm keeping my eyes on you X…."

"Yeah… I'm sure, now can you hurry this up?" X said waving his hand in front of him as if waving him on.

Robin twitched in reply and walked out the door into the darkened hallway pulling out his communicator, "Titans, meet in the operations room… Red X has arrived."

"So, you hate Slade? I mean… I know you're all goody goody…" X paused, "well, except for when you were in this suit of course…" Robin growled and X chuckled, "but why do you hate this guy so much?"

"He's evil." Robin said, and went quiet.

"Oh… so he's evil… ok… then what makes you completely and utterly hate him compared to any of the other uniformed rejects you jump kick to the face every once and a while?"

"Slade nearly took over the city, he's hurt my friends, he tried to control me, and because of him the city was nearly destroyed! Does that answer your question?" Robin said, straining to keep his voice from reaching a yell.

"I guess I can understand that." X shrugged, and they continued walking towards the operations room.

They walked in silence until they reached the door. Just as Robin was about push the button to open it, Red X grabbed his wrist; "I have another question for you Robin. If those are the reasons you hate Slade, then why do you hate me?" Robin opened his mouth to reply, but X pressed the button and walked inside, leaving Robin frustrated at the door.

Starfire fixed him with a steely gaze and the others watched him carefully. He walked up to Starfire, arms wide open waiting for a second before chuckling, "What? No hug?' She growled but he had already moved past.

"Exactly how did you get inside without setting the alarm off?" Raven queried, watching him with a deadpan stare.

"Oh look, Robin, someone else thinks like you." He said, pointing to Raven who continued to stare at him.

"Everyone ready?" Robin said ignoring him.

"Oh no, you show me the belt and the Xenothium first before I even think of leaving this room." X said, and slumped down on the couch next to Beast Boy who growled ominously.

With a snort Robin took out the belt, "Here's the belt."

"And the Xenothium?" X asked, raising an eyebrow visibly even with the mask.

"It's taken care of." Robin replied stubbornly.

"Oh, I see. Then you can forget it. Arrest me, but find Slade on your own." X said, holding his hands out.

Robin closed his eyes, fists shaking in frustration, and then motioned to Raven, who quickly revealed a vial of red liquid. "Xenothium ore." She said quickly, and then pulled it back under her cloak.

"I want one of them now."


"Fine." He held his hands out again, and the Titans stared at him, "One of them now, for insurance."

Robin took a step towards him, belt in hand and his other hand balled up into a fist when Starfire blocked his path, "Please, please do not do this."

"Starfire… please… don't make this any harder than it already is…" He said looking away towards Red X.

"Ah… a lover's quarrel… cute, isn't it?" X said, nudging Beast Boy in the ribs.

Robin sneered at X but Starfire stood her ground, ignoring the barb, "Please, Robin, do not do this."

Robin stared down at the floor, more than a little disgusted with himself, "Star… I have to…"

Starfire lowered her head and stepped out of the way not saying another word. Robin took a few steps forward and held the belt out. Red X got up, walked over and grabbed onto the belt, but Robin didn't let go. Instead, he pulled the belt close and moved himself forward so his face was inches from the masked thief, "If this turns out to be a hoax, not even invisibility will be enough to keep me from catching you."

"I guess you're not going to be coming after me then." X said, and yanked the belt from Robin's grasp. With a deft motion he put it on, "Good, fits perfectly. Well then, let's go." Red X moved past Robin and Starfire, quickly reaching the door. "Try to keep up."

The Teen Titans followed X who was driving a speedboat, which unsurprisingly, had been registered as stolen earlier in the day. He was going far too fast to be safe, but he occasionally turned around to make sure they were still following.

Robin sat at the helm of the Teen Titan's boat closely following, while the others sat behind him in silence. Robin watched as Red X turned around again, making sure they were still behind him, the skull mask he had once worn hid another man's face. Robin knew Slade posed a bigger threat than Red X ever would, it was obvious to everyone. Still, remembering what Starfire had said three nights ago, when Red X had first made his offer. `Trade one evil for another.'

Red X looked back again, the Titans were following close behind. He smiled and looked back ahead, seeing the highly deteriorated downtown warehouse district. It was still a ways off, but he slowed down anyhow, this region probably wasn't the safest for high-speed travel on boats… seeing as some of the old wooden docking piers had been in this area. He sped past an old mooring post, barely noticing the decaying wood in the darkness.

Starfire gasped seeing the pole sticking up in the water and Robin spun the wheel, veering off to the side to avoid some of the wood ahead. He looked ahead to where Red X's boat sped between two narrow posts and then stopped at the remnants of an old pier. Robin looked back to the others who watched the water carefully as he slowly progressed towards the blackened and tarred wood. Finally reaching it Robin saw Red X standing there waiting impatiently, tapping his foot softly against the wood.

Robin jumped up out of the boat and onto the pier, quickly grabbing the advancing Red X, "YOU NEARLY GOT US KILLED BACK THERE!"

"Oh please metal man has got to have built in sonar in him somewhere." He said, indignantly.

Robin's grip shifted and he lifted Red X by the small amount of slack the suit had. "His name is Cyborg, not metal man, and no he doesn't have sonar, and if you try another stunt like that the deal is off." Robin said in a hushed yet threatening tone and then released Red X who wiped himself off without another word.

The others watched the exchange, and then at each other. Cyborg looked at Red X and then at Robin then, in a most reluctant manner got up, "…uh… Robin."

Robin whirled and Red X smiled expectantly. "What Cyborg?"

"I… sorta do have Sonar." Cyborg said and scratched the back of his head slightly embarrassed.

Before Robin even got to say a word, he heard X clear his throat, "Does that mean I get an apology?"

Robin turned around, twitching, but just as he opened his mouth to yell, X cut him off again, "Apology accepted." He said smiling widely, then turned and walked down the pier.

Starfire got off the boat and moved close to Robin, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Robin…"

"Don't. Just… don't." He said ignoring the frustration on her face, taking a few steps forward before hearing the large splash from behind. Turning, he saw a hole in the pier as Raven and Beast Boy stared down into it.

"CYBORG!" Robin rushed forward to the hole, and sighed with relief at Cyborg who looked none too happy who was neck deep in water.

"And now my sonar is actively telling me I'm surrounded by fish." Cyborg said, trying his best not to get angry. He looked up as Raven started uttering mystical words lifted him, dripping wet, from the bay and then levitated him over to the solid stone sidewalk where Red X was laughing himself sick

Finally calming himself down, Red X looked up to the wet Cyborg, "Sorry, I guess I gave you too much credit metal head, I never thought you might actually jump onto a rotting wood pier." Cyborg sighed and shook his head, but Robin stepped forward.

"I told you to call him Cyborg." Robin said in a low growl.

Red X paused, and put a hand to his chin, "Actually, if memory serves me right, you told me not to call him metal man, which, if you will note, I did not call him. I believe another apology is in order."

If it were not for Cyborg grabbing Robin's cape, Red X would have been on the ground as Robin had leapt at him at that very moment. Instead when Robin had launched himself forward his cape suddenly sent him snapping backwards and he had fallen down on the ground with a dull thud. "Dude. Chill, he's just trying to get you angry."

Red X nodded, "I think I'm doing a good job, too, don't you think metal head?" Not waiting for a response, he turned and started walking down the road motioning for the Titans to follow.

Robin got up glaring at Red X and then at Cyborg who sighed and walked forward. But before Robin could take another step forward, a hand fell on his shoulder. He growled, "Starfire I…" he stopped when he saw Raven looking at him impassively.

"You need to calm down, now." She said sternly.

"Red X has been making fools of us the entire night and you want me to calm down?!"

"Red X is the least of our concerns if he's telling the truth."

"Oh, I didn't know the two birdies hung out." Red X said, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently arms crossed on his chest.

Robin turned and growled, but Raven shook her head and walked forward, "How far are we from the base."

"Not far little miss darkness, keep that Xenothium handy for me, will you?" He said, cocking his head to the side and then continuing.

The streets were dark and silent, and the few people who were still out eyed them from alleyways. With the notable exception of Raven, the Titans watched the eyes warily. Red X finally stopped outside of a large warehouse, worn down and damaged warehouse. "This is it…" He said and took a few steps towards the gate. The bums on the inside of the gate looked up and away from their burning trash can. Red X opened the gate and stepped inside, once again motioning for the Titans to follow. "Come on you sissies, don't just stand there, we're almost there."

The literal and figurative bum rush came suddenly and Red X barely dodged as the bums who were moments before standing at the trash can lunged forward with surprising ferocity. The Titans were shocked for a second, but became acutely aware of what happened when one of them bowled Beast Boy over. Robin reacted quickly, sending his foot twirling and into the second man's gut. Raven opened her mouth to shout her incantation, but the words came far too late as she was bowled over slamming hard into the ground. Cyborg and Starfire grabbed the men from their struggling friends and tossed them off. The bum Robin hit stumbled backwards a few feet then charged again. Robin jumped forward and kicked him in the chin, sending him spiraling backwards and into Red X… or more accurately, the X shaped blade on his wrist.

The bum grabbed at the spike that stood threw his chest for a moment as the Titans stood stock still in horror. Red X pulled back violently, sending the man slumping forward and to the ground in a heap. Red X shook his head looking at him, but before he could make another snide remark, Cyborg lifted him up by the neck, "YOU JUST KILLED A MAN!"

Red X grasped at Cyborg's arm trying to loosen the enraged Cyborg's grasp. He twisted violently, kicking air, gasping for breath, his eyes wide with shock. Cyborg released X, shocked and more than a little afraid at the length he had gone.

X fell to the ground and crawled back a few feet, grabbing at his throat, greedily sucking in air, "HE'S NOT HUMAN YOU IDIOT!" X snarled, pointing to where the bum lay on the ground.

"… He's not? Cyborg said utterly confused.

"AREN'T HUMANS SUPPOSED TO, OH, BLEED?!" X snarled, getting back to his feet.

Cyborg looked at the man on the ground and lifted him up, revealing nothing inside besides damaged machinery; he stared at it for a moment then smiled more than a bit relieved, "Uh… sorry?"

Red X grabbed at his sore throat turned and moved closer to the building, "Unlike you fools, Slade posts guards to watch his place…" He glared back at them, "What did you think of me? Did you really think I would murder someone?" The Titans looked between each other for a moment and X sneered in disgust, "Whatever… just come on… we probably made enough noise he knows you're coming…"

They reached the main door and X stopped, "Here's my stop."

"What do you mean your stop?" Robin asked watching him warily.

"I'm not going in." X replied nonchalantly.

"Oh you're going in, otherwise no Xenothium." Robin said, pointing at him.

"What do you want from me? I took you to the place, the door is right here!" X said, swinging his arm towards the door.

Robin shook his head, and folded his arms across his chest. "Then why can't we hear anything?" He looked over to where Cyborg stood, carefully watching X as well, "Cyborg scan for heat signatures."

Red X sighed, "He's locked this place up tight, it was only because those bums never seemed to go anywhere that drew my attention to the place."

Cyborg shook his head, "Robin, I can't see anything, X is right, this place must be lined with lead or something."

Raven looked at him calmly, "Then how are we supposed to get in?"

Red X chuckled, "Actually, I'm surprised you haven't blasted your way in already, planning never seemed to be your forte." Robin growled.

"How did you get in?" Starfire asked quietly uncertainty obvious in her voice, and the other Titans stared at her causing her to look away.

X shook his head, "Little miss goody goody finally speaks, and with the best question of the bunch as well. I'm surprised." The Titans scowled at him but he chuckled, "Simple, I snuck in, from the roof."

"Then why'd you lead us to the front door?" Robin growled.

"You're not the stealthiest bunch, and I don't think that roof is strong enough to support metal head anyway. If you want, go ahead."

Robin stared at him for a moment, "Raven, can you get me up there?"

Raven nodded put her hands forward and slowly recited her mystical words, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos…" A small black disk appeared beneath Robin and he was elevated to rooftop level.

"Nice trick by the way." Red X said, watching Robin.

She looked at him, "Just remember who has the Xenothium." Red X nodded and held his hands up.

Robin yelled and a bum fell from the rooftop landing heavily on the ground between Raven and X. Red X and Raven both stumbled backwards, as bits of the machinery escaped the shattered façade of a man. Starfire launched herself into the air, followed by a bird form of Beast Boy.

Robin swung his staff at the advancing bums, hitting one of them in the knee and knocking him to the ground. Another one charged, and like the first, he ducked and flipped it over the edge. The airborne machine became little more than a sack of cement falling to earth. Unfortunately Beast Boy was directly beneath him, and didn't have time to react. Beast Boy was hit and dragged to earth while Starfire lunged upwards to aid her embattled friend Robin.

Robin jumped back as another one of them swiped at him, nearly loosing his balance and falling off only to be pulled skyward by Starfire. He sighed, and she let him down a few feet from the edge, using her eyebeams to blast one of the other bums who tumbled back and over the edge. The last bum was trying to stand, but Robin had busted threw it's knee. With a swift overhead slam with his staff it hit the rooftop and stayed there.

"Thanks Starfire." She blushed a little.

"Robin, I know I do not like the Red X, but you were right… Slade is more dangerous." She said, bowing her head slightly.

Robin felt a small knot form in his stomach, "Starfire, look, I'm sorry I should have listened to you before…"

Red X cut him off, hovering slightly over the edge of the building, "You should also apologize to Beast Boy, you tossed three goons on him." Robin turned, not sure whether he should be angry or concerned, but Red X held up a hand, "Don't worry, the jolly green birdbrain is fine… just a little out of it. Then again, he's normally out of it from my understanding."

Robin scowled and X jumped onto the roof proper, "You never said there would be guards."

X shrugged, "You never asked, kid."

"You are a bad man." Starfire said in the angriest tone she could muster.

"I prefer the term not-so-self-righteous, thank you very much." He said and looked over his shoulder to where Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were now hovering at the edge of the rooftop. "Yo, metal head, think you can do this without crashing threw? Although it's not like we haven't announced our presence several times already…" He said shaking his head a little.

Cyborg sneered and stepped on the roof tentatively, nodding to Raven when he had made sure he wouldn't fall threw.

"So, where did you enter from last time?" Robin asked, keeping himself as calm as possible.

"The window at the far side, I cut a whole threw but couldn't see in, so I opened it up and leapt in. I landed on the conveyor belt with the things."

"You landed on the conveyor belt?" Raven said, eyeing him warily, "How did you get away?"

"They were being processed, unfinished, and not exactly aware, thankfully." X said, walking towards the window in the roof, "If you don't trust me, take a look, you have all the hocus pocus stuff to you."

Raven shook her head, "My magic is far more than mere side show, X, you don't want me to show you."

"You're right, I don't. The only thing I want from you is the Xenothium." He said indignantly.

"Raven, can you check inside?" Robin asked, still watching X who was standing at the window he had entered threw previously. Raven didn't even bother replying, sinking into shadows and into the roof.

Raven's head peaked out of the other side of the roof, where she quickly took stock of her surroundings. She could clearly hear the machines making noise, but it was so dark she couldn't make them out. She looked for any source of light in vain, then with a frown, pulled herself back into the shadow and reappeared on the roof. Robin watched her, "Well?"

Raven shook her head, "I heard the machines, but I couldn't see anything, it's completely dark."

"And, yes, before you ask me another stupid question, my camera has a flash setting, so that's why I could take the pictures, now can I get my Xenothium?" X said, folding his arms across his chest. They scowled at him, but he didn't seem to notice, only outstretching his hand towards Raven, "Thanks for holding it for me."

"Raven… give it to him." Robin said, looking at her utterly disgusted with himself. Raven pulled the Xenothium out and gave it to X.

Red X smiled, then put the fuel into his belt hurriedly, which vibrated slightly and the belt buckle flashed a vibrant red color as it reactivated. "Well then, it's been a pleasure…" he looked between the Titans, none of whom seemed amused, "well, for me anyway."

Red X started walking away when Robin put himself directly in his path. "We are going to catch you X, remember that."

X shrugged, nimbly stepping around Robin, "Be seeing you then…" Before Robin could make another comment, X pressed the button on his belt and disappeared.

Robin closed his eyes and stood stock still for a moment, doing his best to contain his growing rage. Exhaling deeply he walked to the window, "Lets get this over with."