Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Words ❯ More Than Words ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own W Juliet nor do I own More Than Words by Extreme.
Author's Note: This is a bonus story from my other W Juliet fanfic, The Simple Life. In other words, it's a chapter that has its own story, uses situation and circumstances from the other fic, but cannot be included in the other fic.
Also, I'll be posting volume summaries in my profile for every volume to come up. I have volume 7 right now. Check it out. It just might spark your interest.
I did this in less than an hour! That's a new record for me!
More Than Words
Saying I love you is
Not the words I want to hear from you
Life seemed to go by painfully slow. Life was routine and boring. Ito woke up before Makoto and prepared breakfast and packed his lunch. Makoto would wake, eat his breakfast, kiss Ito goodbye, and walk out the door with his lunch pack in hand. Ito would clean up, do the laundry, watch TV, and just laze about when all the chores were finished.
That's how the days would go by. And that's all there was to it. No words were exchanged between the two, except for a couple of “Come home safe!” or “Take care!” But that was it.
No “I Love You's”. Just necessary talking. Ito didn't need it. She knew, from the bottom of her heart, that Makoto cared for her. She wasn't one of those girls that need expensive gifts; she didn't whispered sweet nothings into her ear, though she wouldn't mind receiving them.
It's not that I want you
Not to say but if you only knew
How easy
It would be to show me how you feel
But Ito wasn't sure if Makoto felt the same way. Did he need to hear these things? Did he need little presents randomly every once in a while?
More than words
Is all you have to do
To make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me
'Cause already know
Makoto came home, tired and exhausted. Ito prepared a bath, much to his surprise, but he accepted it with a small smile. As he dipped his body into the lukewarm water, he sighed in contentment, leaning his aching back against the tile wall.
Ito, on the other side of the sliding door, listened to him breathe, relishing the thought that he was enjoying the bath she had prepared for him and only him. It seems that her husband didn't notice her presence beyond the door and made herself known, despite the protests from her mind.
“Mako?” She asked, her back still leaning against the wooden frame.
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
Ito didn't know what she was doing was she said it; there was no turning back now,” I love you.”
Luckily, Ito was facing the opposite direction so that she didn't see Makoto's dark silhouette stiffen through the paper door. When she turned around, his body relaxed again.
After a pregnant pause, Makoto replied,” I feel the same.”
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
Ito's eyes saddened. `Why…? Can't he say it back?' She stepped back, turning her heels to the direction of the bedroom door. `Oh well…' she thought with regret.
Makoto came out of the bath, a robe on and towel over his dripping hair. He ignored the little drops of water splashing down onto the hardwood floor. All he noticed was Ito's unmoving form on the futon on the ground.
“….” No reply.
Her back was facing him. Makoto put a hand on her shoulder and pushed it down, pressing her back against the futon. He saw her glisten with water and a few drops made its way down her cheeks.
“Ito-san…” he said, a disapproving frown on his features,” Why are you crying?”
She sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands. “Who, me? I'm not crying,” Ito denied,” Who says I'm crying?”
“You know you can't hide things from me, Ito-san.”
Now that I've tried to
Talk to you and make you understand
“I know,” she sobbed softly.
Makoto's eyes softened and he dipped his mouth over hers, Ito's eyes wide, cheeks flared with desperation and confusion.
The two didn't know what came over them, but things continued faster and more aggressive. Ito's hands found its way in Makoto's hair, tangled in his golden locks. Makoto's hands explored the smooth skin that is her back, taking off the clothing that divided his upper body from hers. Neither separated their mouth from the other's, their tongues locked in a battle for dominance; Makoto's was obviously the winner, but Ito's stayed in the fight.
Their articles of clothing lay abandoned and thrown on the floor beside the futon, forgotten in the heat of desire.
After an agreeable amount of foreplay, Makoto found his way in Ito, hands grasping her hips in order to hold her down. Ito gasped and convulsed; never before had she felt pleasure like this.
All that you have to do is
Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
And touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
Ito held onto the bed sheets, hips moving with Makoto's in a rhythmic beat. She screamed out his name, how many times she did not know, as he nipped softly at her neck.
Finally, they both came, and they collapsed on the futon; their heavy breathing filled the silence.
More than words
Is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me
Cause I'd Already Know
Ito found her way in Makoto's arms, resting her head on his shoulder. The last thing she heard from Makoto was a hushed,” I love you” before sleep claimed her and her world became dark.
thundersister: Oh my goodness! My first lemon! Wo0t! I'm so happy! (does a cheer) It's not very descriptive but hey! It's my first lemon! Besides, I don't think a 13-year-old like me should be doing those kinds of things just yet… (sweats) So…good? Bad? Give me feedback! I know it didn't make sense! But inspiration doesn't need to make sense, right?
I hope you like it! I bet this is the first W Juliet lemon ever! And if not, then who cares! At least I'm one of the few that did! (smiles and jumps for joy) I expect reviews for this! (winks)