Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Words ❯ More Than Words ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: More Than Words Could Describe
Author: Souken
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.


It was the middle of the night when she woke. She had been dreaming about him again. She remembered the dream so clearly it made her ache with want, and she turned to look at him and found only an empty pillow. The sight thoroughly depressed her. He had been gone for the past couple weeks, off on some ministry assignment. She had no idea when he'd be back, and she woke up every morning hoping to see him lying next to her. It hurt so much without him there. Words couldn't begin to describe how much she needed him.

She stared back up at the ceiling, remembering every part of her dream, every way that he touched her. Oh god, did she want him. There was no way she'd be able to go back to bed feeling like this. Slowly, she moved her hand down from where it rested on her stomach, to the place that she wanted to feel him the most. Picturing him, she stroked herself languidly, drowning out everything except the exhilarating sensations she was creating for herself and trying to imagine that it was him touching her.

Without warning, she felt another hand join hers, mimicking her own slow rhythm. There was no need to pretend any longer. She was filled with immense joy, smiling blissfully. She didn't need to open her eyes to know who it was. His gentle fingers. The same touch that she had felt in the exact spot countless times. Her body became attentive to the air around her, and she could feel the familiar warmth of him. His presence that always made her feel so right. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as he brought his mouth down on it. She slowly removed her hand from herself and searched out the place on him that would make him moan the same way that she was. She was pleased to find that he had removed all his clothing before joining her. 'Saves me the trouble,' she smiled to herself. She touched him and could hear the low moan that escaped from his throat. Nothing had ever sounded more erotic. She slowly started running her hand up and down the length of him, enjoying the gasps and moans the were coming from him, all the while losing herself in the pleasure that he was bringing her.

No matter how many times they did this together, she could never get enough of him. No matter how fast he went or how far he pushed, she wanted more of him. It was scary, yet exciting to want someone that much.

Deciding that it was her turn to get a taste of him, she pushed him down against the sheets, never taking her hand off of him, and his hand still upon her. She ran her tongue over the skin of his neck, knowing how sensitive he was there.


It was nothing more than a whisper, uttered with a sigh. Pleasant chills traveled through her body. She worked her way up, leaving trails of kisses and licks, finally reaching his mouth. Their kisses were slow and sensual at first, growing in intensity, until he rolled them over so he was on top. Only then did she open her eyes to see the most pleasant sight. He had such a beautiful quality about him. His midnight black hair, which was always messy (which she found incredibly sexy). The incredible color of his eyes, the most vibrant and clear green. Both of which were accompanied by the sweetest, most loving smile. She smiled in return and brought his head down to kiss him again.

"I missed you," she whispered against his lips.

"I could tell," he replied, his voice just as quiet, "I missed you too."

And kissed her once more. She responded by pulling him closer to her, letting him know exactly what she wanted. "Quite impatient, aren't we?" There was no humor in his voice, only desire. His breath coming out a little quicker. "Only where you're concerned." She breathed.

That was it. They were done with words. With a moan, he entered her and she rose up to meet him halfway. It started out slow, but sped up quickly as both were desperate with want for each other. They could go slow later, they had all night, but right now the only thing that mattered was that they were together again. The room was filled with cries and moans, whispered declarations of love and panting.

It was over far too soon, but both were feeling quite euphoric, laying in each other's arms and trying to catch their breath. She could feel a great smile stretch across her face and looked over to see one upon his face as well. He quietly gathered her in his arms and placed soft kisses on her shoulder.

"I love you, Hermione."

"I love you too, Harry."


Comments are welcome and greatly appreciated!