Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ Turns out not where but who you’re with that matters, and hurts not much when you’re around! ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her mother could come back to her? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage? HP/DM, RW/HG (Very little as it is disgusting!) and SS/LE! ^_^

AN: Thanks to the following for reviewing. Saimhe, Quickjewel - thanks, Alaskantiger, nimacu, Fire Kitten, Katrina, angel_1215 - you're my 100th reviewer, Liviania, Eugiebear, Noelerin, Siobhan, Tigress of the Night, Furies, and Hannah! How many of you thinks this story should continue until the end of Harri's fifth year, or until she's out of Hogwarts? Please let me know in the reviews, thank you. A shout out to (>'.')>angel_1215<('.'<)

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Ten: Turns out not where but who you're with that matters, and hurts not much when you're around!

He had saved her life- again. She owed him now, a debt had been incurred. They successfully managed to avoid one another after the bludger incident, but luck was fading because they had managed to avoid one another for too long. Lady Luck would not be with them now however. They hadn't discussed how she would repay the favor, but Harri didn't fancy owing Draco Malfoy anything. Whatever her debt repayment was, it would be swift, and she'd make sure of that. Just when she thought she had maneuvered through the sea of students and teachers away from his sharp eyes, towards her bedroom's safety she bumped into him. They stared at one another, unsure of how to respond. Draco caught Harri's eye, but she looked away. She certainly wished her bravery would show now.

"How's your head?"

Draco asked, casually breaking the ice. Instinctively, Harri's hand reached up, and felt her scar, it felt the same, and the unsightly bump that had been on her head had now vanished. Her bangs covered it now, barely seen through her thick tresses. She ran her fingers down the outline, tracing the scar that would be on branded on her forehead for the rest of her life.

"It's fine, it's nothing Madame Pomfrey can't fix... I-I just wanted to say thanks, for you know saving my life."

She paused, removing her hand from her forehead. Draco gazed at her with an unreadable expression. They stood in silence, both uncomfortable with the eerie silence. Harri shuffled her feet nervously. Suddenly she felt shy and withdrawn. Draco cleared his throat, and she looked up at him, and he gave her a rare smile. Harri smiled back, not caring if his smile was meant to be malicious. It was rare when he smiled at all, so for him to give her a genuinely friendly amiable grin; she couldn't help but feel a little flattered by the gesture. Harri went into the foyer, and began her homework, totally ignoring Draco. Now that she had thanked him, there


Harri looked up from her textbook, slightly taken aback at how silently he moved about the room. There was only one other person who could do such a thing so well, and that was her father. He probably taught him the art of sneaking up on people. Draco looked at her intensely, but she tried to avoid looking him in the eye. Her eyes were covered by long strands of thick raven hair, which prevented him from seeing her jade green eyes. He paused, recalling the night they had arrived. Perhaps she had chosen the name Jayda because of her eyes? Draco shook his head, banishing the strange thoughts from his mind. Lately, she had been on his mind way too much comfort. He nervously ran a hand through his golden hair, desperately trying to make sense of his feelings. What did it matter what color her eyes were?!

"Yes, is there something you wanted?"

"Why do you think we're here?"

He asked her bluntly, looking at her carefully for her reaction. That thought had been running rampant in his mind since they arrived. He supposed he could imagine why Harri was brought here, but himself? Why was he sent to the past? The thought that that a tiny sip from a Time-Warp potion could bring him this far back was odd. Someone was behind their mysterious arrival, and he wanted to know who. He had his own suspicions, but he wanted to bounce ideas off of someone else. Since she would understand best, due to being in the same circumstance as he, they could think of what was behind the event.

"Truthfully, I don't really know. I think we might be here to serve a purpose, maybe to save something or someone, or be saved ourselves. I'm not really sure. Perhaps we're here to learn something. Have you noticed how strange Dumbledore has been acting lately?"

Harri asked, unconsciously leaning closer as if the room were bugged. He moved closer himself, and they whispered softly. They were in close proximity again, and ever since their return from summer holiday, being close to another was causing embarrassment, and uneasiness between them. Harri was the type to shrug off embarrassing situations, and bounce back fairly well, but Malfoy was different, yet the same. More and more each day, he was becoming Draco, and she was seeing glimpses of a human side to his usual cold demeanor. Draco snorted at the question. She knew, just like many others that Draco had very little respect for the Headmaster, and time traveling hadn't changed his opinion in the least.

"I think he knows more than he lets on. Regardless of that, how could the Dumbledore of the past know something the Dumbledore of the future doesn't know?"

Draco asked thoughtfully rubbing his chin. Harri tapped her quill against her chin, thinking of the possible answers. They had been sitting in silence for almost ten minutes, trying to make sense of everything. Unfortunately, they were getting nowhere pretty fast. Harri had a vague idea of about Dumbledore's strange behavior but she could just be shooting in the dark. Draco paced the room back and forth, like an animal caged. Every now and then he'd run his hands through his hair. It was actually somewhat attractive she thought silently. She chastised herself for her thoughts. She was thinking about him again, in that way. If he and she were different people, then this would be normal. It was normal to be attracted to a member of the opposite sex. Things should have been easy, they should be able to flirt, and laugh like any other teenagers, but they weren't anyone else. They were Harriet Potter, and Draco Malfoy. Fate had decided absolutely nothing was going to be easy between them.

"I think that Dumbledore erased his own memory. Either that or someone else did it for him. I find it hard to believe that any of his close friends would have erased it though. McGonagall knows about us, but that is only because she is Deputy Headmistress. Even still, she'd have to know we were going back in time and try to stop us. No one stopped us, because they had their memories erased."

"That is a good theory, but Dumbledore couldn't obliviate himself. I highly doubt that he and McGonagall did that to each other either. It would be entirely too dangerous. I believe something more powerful than Dumbledore erased his and McGonagall's memory, or at least partially."

"So, what do we know so far? We know whomever, or whatever sent us here is trusted by Dumbledore, or vice versa, oblivated both he and McGonagall, and may or may not be benevolent."

Harri stood up, going to her bedroom, and fetching a book. She returned with Spells of the Century, and she began skimming through it. They were going to have to do a bit of research. It was now that Harri wished she had Hermione there with her to do the grunt work for her. It wasn't as if she was lazy, but Hermione actually enjoyed this type of stuff.

"I'd very much like to believe this magical... entity is benevolent, but how do we know for sure. We could be here because we are going to be hurt, killed, and abused. Merlin knows what else."

Draco scoffed at that answer. He could easily see the signs of peril, and he doubted they were in danger. Years of living under Lucius Malfoy's iron fist had taught him a thing or to about danger, abuse, and seeing the signs of danger yet to come. Whatever sent them here, he believed had good intentions or they wouldn't be killed here.

"Trust me Potter. If were going to die, we'd have already been killed. We're here to fin something out, learn something I guess. Come on, I have an idea."

Draco said gathering a quill and parchment. He stood at the door staring at her expectantly. Harri rolled her eyes, and followed suit. She walked silently beside him, saying nothing, but her face had a slight smile upon it. Apparently there was a bit of a mischief maker in all of us. Draco watched her with peripheral vision. She looked rather pretty when she wasn't making wisecracks to him, and was actually acting like, like something else. He cleared his throat, and abruptly stopped.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to remind you that I have saved your life twice now, and that is an obligatory Wizard's debt you've incurred."

He said seriously. Harri quirked a raven eyebrow, crossed her arms, and waited for the catch. He leaned against the wall, propping a foot up. To Harri, he looked like the epitome of cool, a suave Casanova. She wasn't sure she liked where this was going. Harri squared her shoulders, and marched right up to him, and stopped centimeters from him. They were almost touching, and she smiled at his sudden change in behavior. She gently trailed her slender fingers against his chest. She heard his intake of breath, and she continued avoiding his eyes, lest she lose her nerve. Suddenly, he grasped her hand, gently, and gently turn his chin to face her. The look in his eyes chilled Harri. It was a smoldering gaze, the kind she had seen ion television, on soap operas. Never had she been addressed with such a stare.

"What are you doing Potter, hmm? Are you trying to seduce me into removing the debt all together? Forget it Potter. Although I must say, I am flattered that you would go to such lengths."

Draco said smirking. He still held her hand, and before she could pull away, he held her in a tight embrace. Harri squirmed, trying to escape his grip, angry that her athleticism didn't help her at all. Even though she was being held by him in a gentle romantic way, and it was Malfoy caressing her skin, she had to admit his touch did feel nice. He looked into her eyes, and she felt her cheeks flush. He kissed her, encouraging her to respond. They stood awkwardly planting butterfly kisses on one another, in a dark corridor, not caring about their differences. They stopped, when the necessity for air prevented them from going any further. Harri's rosy cheeks were almost identical to his own. She pulled away from him, feeling odd, and out of place. There was something about being there with him, in his arms- but now was not the time to think like this.

"We should head to wherever we're going. Someone might see us, and where are we going?"

"I don't tend to worry about the things that other people say Potter, and neither should you. We are going to the library. That's where we'll be able to get more information."

"How do I know you're not trying to get me alone in a dark room?"

"If I wanted to get you somewhere dark, trust me, this place would not be it."

Harri joked playfully. Was she flirting with Malfoy?! If Ron and Hermione could see her now… They'd probably be sick. She didn't want to feel torn between friends and him. Sure, she was attracted to him, but what if there was more? What if she wanted to pursue a relationship with him, and everyone found out, and then they went crazy? No, she would not hide anything; if it were anyone else no one would have a problem! Then again, how was she to know if he were really sincere in his teases, and kisses, and everything else. What was she on about? They kissed a few times, barely even registering on the make out map, and already she was thinking about what everyone else would think. Harri laughed at her ability to blow things out of proportion.

"What's so funny?"

Draco asked, as they reached the library, looking around for Madam Pince. Fortunately, she was nowhere to be found. She could be asleep by now like most of the other professors. They and to be especially careful; Harri didn't have access to the invisibility cloak. A charm wouldn't last long, and if they were heard, someone could just use the counter charm and see them.

"We should be looking for magical entities, powerful magical creatures, and the yearbooks of Dumbledore's years."

"That would be found in the restricted section."



"You take the right side, I'll take the other."

Draco offered, already heading to the yearbooks.

"Use the Qwik Quotes. It's faster, than longhand, and we'll be out of here sooner."

Harri reminded, leafing through the books on magical entities. They both went to their respective sections. What felt like hours was only a few minutes in reality. In those ten minutes, neither had found much of anything. Harri was beginning to believe that maybe they were really just in the 70's by some random fluke. Yet when she evaluated everything they had experienced, their personalities, their abilities, and their weaknesses, it was like they were here to be trained. She had overheard Professor Chaffin, an interim physical combat professor go over with Dumbledore how improved she and Draco were becoming. If something was going on, why would everyone let them believe whatever they willed, instead of telling the truth?

Harri's trance was broken however, when Draco slammed a very large, very thick book down on the table. They coughed as they dust settled, but not before Harri gave Draco her best glare. He winked playfully, bending down to kiss her soft cheeks. She blushed, much to her chagrin again, but swatted him away. Draco took a seat, pouring over the text.

"Well? What have you discovered?"

"I think we may have something here. You're a Gryffindor, I'm a Slytherin right? Since you're the model Gryffindor, and I'm the model Slytherin, we have been chosen for something. What better thing than to have to students the epitome of their houses, and of course them being stereotypical enemies, helps a bit. We're fifteen, and we have the best grades in our houses respectively."

"Yes, I know these things. What are you getting at Draco?"

"Hello Potter! Hasn't McGonagall talked with you about becoming an animagus yet?"

"Yes, but what does that-"

"I think we are the animagus they were talking about in those legends."

"What?! I think you're just grasping for anything now. You had me up to the legendary part."

Draco frowned at Harri's ignorance. Of course, she'd know nothing. She has been exposed to the magical world for five years, while he was raised in the wizard world all of his life. She wouldn't know about the legend of the battling heirs. He looked at her thoughtfully, thinking of the best way to explain everything to her in the simplest terms.

"Listen up Potter, this is a long story, and I'll try to stick to the facts. Make a short as possible okay?"


Severus had woken up from yet another nightmare of Lily yelling out to him. She was angry with him, and her once vibrant green eyes were dull and bland. The tears she cried were ice, and it hurt to see her in such a state. Though it was just a dream, it still disturbed him to no end. The strangest part of the entire dream was that Lily kept saying something about checking the bottom cabinet of his desk in his study, underneath the floor paneling. He thought this was odd, but at least his dream was less painful than before. Now that he knew for fact that Harri was his, things seemed a little easier. There was a part of Lily that would always be with him.

Here, in the abyss of his memories, in his mind, his psyche, the mother comforts child. They sat around at dinner eating merrily. His surliness was gone. No longer did his face scowl at the mention of the name Potter. That night he woke with a start and tears trickled from his eyes. He wept soundlessly, bitter, angry, and worried. Now that he had someone, now that he had a real family untainted by growing up with up with his own father around. He had missed so much, everything that counted. He missed her first steps, he missed her first words. He missed every moment that made being a father worthwhile.

Then again, would him being in her life been for the worst. Admittedly he never despised Harri. Although he had come close to resenting the child, he couldn't do something as abhorrent as that. Lily died for her, and though it was childish and unfair, he blamed her death on the blasted baby that managed to live while Lily could not. When he had learned of Dumbledore's treachery, he was angry, and still was. How could his trusted Headmaster keep such important information secret? Why had the Headmaster allowed his precious Gryffindor, his model student to stay with the Dursleys? He would never forgive Dumbledore for the secrets he kept and the lies he told. He robbed them both of the time they could have had together. Had the man just said something, he could have rescued her from the abuse.

He had seen the bruises, the marks on her flesh. She always made some cockamamie story up about falling, or doing "sporty things", but he knew the truth. He knew all to the well the marks of someone that was beaten, he could see through the makeup, and long sleeved clothing. What kind of person allowed a child to stay in a dangerous environment? He vowed the night they had discovered their familial connection that she would never live with the Dursleys again. Severus didn't care if he had to openly admit the parentage. He would take blood tests, drink the Veritaserum, and administer the Fidelitas. There was no way in hell he would ever allow her to lie with again. She would be staying at Snapeshire as soon as the school year was over.

He could have prevented Harri from growing up with those horrible muggles. She could have been with him, loved, and cared. He would have loved their daughter. He couldn't begrudge Lily. She did what she had to do, but how dare that, that Headmaster has the audacity to keep such a matter to himself? He wasn't acting in Harriet's best interest. What angered Severus even more was that he used some paltry excuse. Even though he was a Death Eater and a spy Severus would have risked everything to be with his daughter to raise, her to love her, and to take care of her. This is injustice he had done to their family would not go unpunished. Did Dumbledore think so lowly of Severus that he thought he would deny his own child?

Severus was sickened by the thought. Never would he avoid claiming her. So what if she resembled James? She wouldn't of long anyway. What she looked like didn't matter anyway, she was his child, and he would not lose her. Was she safe, would she taken care of? He felt so helpless, being unable to retrieve her and Draco. They could be seriously hurt, starving, and anything dreadful. Though he was worried about Harri, Draco was causing him grief as well. Lucius was definitely going tot try to initiate him into the Death Eater's circle upon their return, and Severus couldn't allow the boy to go through something like that. He remembered when he had been given the mark. AT the time, he thought he could get power, respect, but he went through the wrong channels to get it.

Having never agreed with the Dark Lord's initiative in the first place, straying away from him wasn't hard. Maintaining his alleged loyalty to Voldemort was. He never held much hope in him to begin with. Lucius was with him, and he knew that there would come a day in which loud shrieks of terror would be heard, children fleeing madly about and Death Eaters everywhere. Severus stood, gathering his robes about him, and headed downstairs to his office. Out of curiosity, he would check the designated space, and see exactly what Lily was talking about. How could she have known where he hid anything?

He frowned to himself, frustrated at how strange things were becoming. Why had he hidden anything in a teacher's office? Perhaps he knew he'd one day be a teacher? Severus smacked his forehead in annoyance. He officially hated time traveling effects. Severus went to the bottom cabinet next to his family daggers. Brushing the dust away he stared in shock a t the small tin box that was covered in dust. Why hadn't the castle moved the location of the box somewhere else? Severus reached for the box, but recoiled in pain at the heat he felt when he tried reaching for it. At least as a teenager he had been very clever. The box was charmed, so that even he would have to perform a spell to release it. Severus reached for his wand, and in a simple wand waving position, he spoke the unlocking charm.


The box glowed slightly, but its appearance hadn't changed. He reached for the box, and sighed when he felt only a warm tingling sensation. The box had a lock on it, but that could easily be removed with one of his daggers. Severus brought the box to his desk, and sat down carefully, using the dagger as a makeshift crowbar. It opened with a shnikt that was barely heard. The tin box was a treasure trove of memories and letters. He rummaged through them, being careful not tear the aged parchment. The first thing that caught his eye was the photographs. Unlike wizard photos they didn't move at all. He remembered Lily having a muggle camera through sixth and seventh year, but he didn't know about her having one in fifth year. Then again, they barely spoke to one another, unless during prefect meetings.

The photograph was of Harri, Lily, and himself. Even as a teen, he wore an indifferent smirk on his face. Lily looked happy, and so did Harri. They gave each other that ridiculous muggle bunny finger thingy the muggles often did in their pictures. He couldn't help but think when that picture was taken. Then it dawned on him, they were changing the past! No wonder he had hidden everything away beforehand. Obviously Dumbledore erased their memories, preventing them from knowing anything about the time travelers. Why was he in the photograph though? Why was it just the three of them? Perhaps whatever it was that was written on the parchment would explain something. Severus put the photo down, and began reading the letters.


I know this is going to sound strange, and maybe even unbelievable, but when you are done reading you'll know all of what I've written is true. You have a daughter. Yes you, Severus Snape, a self proclaimed hater of children. I know technically I am still a child, but anyway I'm going off track. The reason I am writing this is because I'm going to be obliviated later. I want to remember everything; even if it's through this letter it would be worth it. Anyway let me tell you about your daughter, Jayda. (Isn't that a pretty name?) She's beautiful Sev. She's smart, funny, and athletic; a seeker to be exact (a whiz on the Quidditch pitch!) AND she's good at swordplay. She beat the snot out of Lucius Malfoy's boy. Can you believe Luc had a kid, and with Narcissa of all people!

I know she is keeping something very important from me, and so is Lucius' kid, Draco I think his name was. You won't believe what I had to do find out either? (I used the Fidelitas!) Thank Merlin Mother and Father don't know about this. The things he'd tried to do! If Jayda knew I was writing to myself, she'd go insane. Where does she get that temper anyway? Definitely not from her mother. Speaking of her mother, you would not believe who her mother is! I don't even want to write it out on paper! What if someone sees this?! That's why I am placing charms and spells on this. Odds are, I'll probably never see this letter again, but I wrote this in case I did.

If something were to happen to Jayda, or her mother… There's so much I wish we could together, although we won't be able to, it's kind of nice. We had a game today, and those Gryffindorks won! L Now get upset, but she's in Gryffindor because of her mother. At least that's my guess. Sometimes, just talking with her, I'd think she was a Slytherin through and through. I know you'll agree… I am so lucky to have a family. She cares about me, genuinely. Occasionally though, I get the feeling she that she's hurting because of something deeper. It makes me sad because I can't solve it for her. Ugh! Listen to me, I sound I parent-y and I'm only 15. It feels weird being around my family, and not being able to tell everyone that my kid is so cool, and smart and brave, and kind… and everything I want to be. Don't get me wrong Sev, she's not perfect, but she's a great person, and it makes me feel kind of proud to be her father. (I know a first for the Snapes!)

Ugh! There I go again getting in touch with my feelings. Maybe I should go find Black and Potter, and engage in a manly duel, or play pranks on the Hufflepuffs! Those damn Marauders think they're the only ones one can play a prank on someone. Heh Heh I showed Black today… Back to Jayda. She's cool, and her mother's not bad either. Let's just say you better thank your lucky stars! Jayda had to see Dumbledore today so I hope she's not in trouble or anything. Potter and Black had better leave her alone... I saw the way Black was ogling her. Damn pedophile. Well technically he isn't, but it's still gross.

She's enjoying herself here, which makes me happy. I won't be able to see her again for another 12 years, I think. L I haven't done the math yet. It sucks too, because she's one of the few people that understand me. That's life though. It figures one of the few blessed to understand the enigma that is I, is my kid 20 years in the future that isn't scheduled to officially arrive for quite some time. There's something about her that I can't help but love. I think Narcissa put it best when she said that instinctively we feel something for our children. That I care at all is something special. I still can't imagine how she could marry Luc. I thought they were just a fling for one another. They claim dating each other something dangerous and different. A Slytherin and a Hufflepuff! Ha! I've got to go now. Jayda's giving me the 'look'. Bye for now.


Severus Snape

P.S. Cherish the time you have with them now. They are both remarkable women.

Severus leaned back into his chair, shock written on his face. He would tell no one of his discovery. He pocketed the letter, and the photograph, putting the tin box back into its hiding place. He went back to his room, a slight smile on his face. At least she was having fun, and doing well. Would everything go to being the same when they returned? If they were doing so well, and getting along, then maybe there was a chance for them. If she liked him then, perhaps Harri would have residual feelings later. He could after all, only hope. Still, he couldn't help believe that there was no hope in her for him.


Though he was small, and pudgy, he hung around a group of the most popular boys in school, Peter Pettigrew was lonely. Everyone always assumed he was a hanger-on. A person riding on the coat tails of his friends success. He was tired of being called weak, and ugly. He was a person too dammit! There was only so much a he could take before he went berserk on these jerks he called his peers. They were nice people, really his friends James, Sirius, and Remus. Although they had a tendency to make him feel left out, and then treat him like he was some member off their stupid fan club.

He had been the one to jinx Lily's cousin's broom. He didn't trust that girl as far as he could throw her, and Peter was never known for his athletic ability. He knew she was lying when he first saw her, and the boy, the other "transfer student" that mysteriously showed up look a lot like Lucius Malfoy. Hadn't the other boy said he was Lucius' cousin? Peter smelled a rat, and he knew it wasn't himself. Those two weren't from around here, at least not the girl. He had remembered Lily saying that her parents were only children. Even if she was lying to them, and she really did have a cousin, he highly doubted said cousin was a witch or wizard. He had been the one that jinxed her broom, but he wouldn't have killed her anything. He wasn't a murderer.

He had been in allegiance to his master for three months now, a fresh recruit that had joined the ranks after hearing such good things about the new Dark Lord. Like many, he was skeptical at first, but then he began to agree with some of the wizard's opinion. People were getting so afraid of him; they dared not to even speak his name. Many called him the next Grindelwald, and Peter Pettigrew was in the center of it. He had been given the assignment of recruiting more students to join his mission. He had snuck out of school tonight so that he could meet his master in Hogsmeade, ready for his next order. Luckily, Filch was nowhere near him, and he could roam about freely. He would have to be careful Mrs. Norris. She had caught him in rat form one too many times. She innerved him anyway. There was something about that blasted cat… it was almost as if she knew what he was doing at night.

As he walked through the alleyways of the town, his black robes hiding his face, and body. If her were seen, he'd just be a dark, indescribable figure. The town was shut down, and it was dark and cold, a sure sign of fall coming. He walked briskly to the designated place, and waited with the other junior death eaters for the news. There circle was small, but they all hoped it would be the beginning of a new era of Dark.

"Ah Wormtail makes our last member. Do try to be prompt next time, boy!"

An unidentified man croaked. Wormtail shook nervously, and took his place in the circle. He couldn't see the other faces, but they were probably shaking to. It was not wise to incur the wrath of one of the reigning leaders of the circle. He'd just shut up, and keep his head down.

"The Dark Lord has ordered the murders of more mudblood's parents. Those of you attending Hogwarts are to scout for new recruits, and report the names of all mudbloods, and half-bloods. Also, our Lord has said he will personally orchestrate the murders of Auror Potter, and his wife."

Wormtail nearly squeaked aloud. He would have to betray James? He didn't really want to betray his friends, but he couldn't just disobey his master's orders. He sighed, conflicted with his decisions. Someone was going to be hurt in the end, and he was the cause of it. He couldn't even bring himself to feel even a little guilty. The rest of meeting went rather quickly, and Wormtail, left feeling uneasy. Perhaps something from the kitchens would make him feel better.

"This meeting is adjourned. Leave quickly, all of you. Make sure none of you are seen, and if you betray the master, I think you realize you'll be forfeiting your lives!"

The older man sneered. Being the youngest one there, and not old enough to apparate anywhere, much less Hogwarts, Peter transformed into Wormtail, and fled the scene. He prayed to Merlin Mrs. Norris wasn't on the prowl anymore. Damn Filch and his she-demon cat.

The next week, James received the same unfortunate letter that lily had informing him, that his parents were now dead. It wasn't enough for the little lying bastard that he was responsible for her mother and James' death, oh no… More blood had to be shed, and he was responsible at least partially. Unfortunately, for Peter, Harri and Draco knew exactly who was behind it, and unlike Draco who wanted to remain impartial to everything, and not get involved, this was Harri's last straw. She was at the end of her rope now. She was angry when her own maternal grandparent's were killed, but now James' family too? She knew for a fact that Peter was somehow involved in this scheme. Harri didn't even care anymore that killing him would change the future, but she wouldn't have anyway.

Harri wasn't a murderer, and she couldn't kill someone, even scum like Peter Pettigrew. So instead, she resolved to kick his ass. Harri had already put on a nice pair of slacks, and lose fitting shirt, tucked in of course, with her now curlier hair, in a fitting pony tail. She brought her wand, although she doubted that she'd need it. She conveniently neglected to tell Draco that she was going to seriously maim Peter, but he couldn't get into the Gryffindor common room anyway. Harri banged on the portrait hole, nearly punching a hole into the painting, causing the Fat Lady to nearly ruffle her skirts in astonishment.

When she begrudgingly mumbled the password to get in, she marched past the staring students, right standing by the door, waiting for one of the boys to come out. The poor boy, a first year, unwisely gave her access, and she vaulted up the stairs, searching for the room in which Peter stayed. She found it with ease, after making a third year relinquish the location. Harri smirked, her gloves hiding her hands. She clinched her fists, exercising the muscles in her hands. Harri knocked on the door, and when Peter answered she smiled, at him, relishing the shocked expression.

"Hello Peter."

Harri said, slamming her fist against his face, laughing when her fist connected with his face. She heard the all too familiar sound of bones breaking. Most likely it was his nose. Peter staggered back, clutching his nose in pain. Remus rushed to the door, staring at Harri with shock, but before he could do anything, Harri pushed him out of the way, and moved closer to Peter, now kneeling on the floor in pain. Harri lifted her thick boots her mother had given her and swiftly kicked him in the balls. He screamed again, but by this time Harri was backed against the wall by her godfather and James. Remus was tending to his friend.

"What's gotten into Jayda why were you attacking Peter?"

"Your friend deserved it, and he knows why. He jinxed my broom, and he's done a lot of other crap that deserves an ass kicking. Now let me go right now so I can finish the job!"

"What?! No way, you're dangerous. You need to calm down, before you continue to hurt Peter or anyone else."

James yelled, even though his parents had passed away only four days ago. Harri struggled between James and Sirius, getting even angrier.

"Let me go… Please? I'm not going to hurt anyone else. I just want to hurt him, for hurting me!"

"You don't have proof Peter did any of these things anyway, Jayda. Now calm down and let's go downstairs and talk about this."

James coaxed, trying to be calm and understanding. How could he be so willing to help me when his parents just died? Harri felt a little sorry for him, knowing that if he really knew what was going on, he'd want to Peter himself. Harri nodded, and they released her. She did not move to attack Peter again; instead she took a deep breath and glared at him hatefully.

Harri took out her wand swiftly, and muttered an Obliviate. She also healed Peter's bruises and nose, although she would have rather left it the way it was, broken and bruised. She pointed her wand at all four of them, and when they recovered from their trance she made up some ridiculous lie about seeing them for a prank on the Slytherins. Remus, James, and Sirius headed downstairs to look for Lily, but Peter looked at her carefully. He walked out the door ahead of her, but she pulled him back.

"You listen to me you little fucking rat! You stay the hell away from Lily, or I'll hex you so hard, you'd be stuck in that form of a fat ass ugly rat! Are we clear?! I'm fucking serious, Pettigrew. Stay away from my cousin, and you had damn better stay away from me if you value your life. I know who you really are."

Peter nodded, and scurried out of the room. She had covered all of her loose ends. She had gotten her revenge, at least a little, and beat the hell out of Peter. It's too bad; he couldn't suffer in pain a bit longer. Harri smiled, and headed out of the boys dormitory before anyone stopped her. Dumbledore wanted to see Draco and her anyway. She glanced back at Peter one more time. He had better not step one toe out of line while she was here. Or she might have to break her promise and kill him.

FN: Harri and Draco kissed again! What's going on with them? Working together and stuff… Snape got a message from himself! Peter beings the descent into evil. Harri beat him up, but erased their memories… I know I didn't include Voldemort's appearance, or Lucius yet, or Lily's confession but they come next chapter. I'm going to play around with Lucius. I'll try to update sooner. Review please? That's all for now! Peace!
