Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ Strange allies with warring hearts! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with yet! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?

AN: As per the request of a reviewer, I have changed the Harry to Harri. It does make more sense, and is less confusing. Enjoy. Thank you to the following people for reviewing. Dragon-Pheonix, Kateri, Elaine Black, Eugiebear, Phoenix 353, Sie, Fire Kitten, Jewelclaw Lady of Wind, kazaa, ohmygawdd, Katrina, nicole padfoot, Lady Lightning, Furies, Myst4Drgn, and liz! Thank you all very much.

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Two: Strange allies with warring hearts

The two enemies stared at one another, wondering if each were bluffing. Before either could make a move to find out, they were interrupted by the arrival of Draco's cronies, Crabbe, and Goyle. They hadn't changed much over the summer. Both were fat, mean, pale looking things, and she was of course disgusted with them both. They grunted their acknowledgment of her presence, and stood next to Draco. Harri wanted to gag at their pathetic devotion. She turned, her back facing them and walked out of the room. She could feel his eyes on her, and whether or not he knew or not, it made her feel odd. Normally, thinking of him in anyway repulsed her, but with everything about her changing she was curious.

"If you will excuse me, I have a previous engagement."

Harri said with air of confidence. Draco stepped to the side smirking with amusement. Harri sneered, and made her way back up towards the train.

"This isn't over, Potter."

Harri sighed, and turned to face him.

"Is it ever?"

Soon, after a few wrong rooms, she found herself in the company of friends. She smiled when she saw Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. She squealed with delight when Ginny squeezed her to death with the death grip she had against her. "Harri, we were wondering where you were!" Harri smiled at the younger girl, and released herself from her grip.

"Ron, wow you've gotten taller this summer, and a bit tan. I'll bet you'll knock all the girls dead."

Ron blushed, and his ears turned a light shade of pink. She gave her best friend a jovial hug, and he returned with it with the same fervor. Ron moved out of the way so that she could see Hermione. Both girls squealed when they saw one another, and Ron slumped down with annoyance as heard the "you've changed so much" and "you look great" exclamations.

Though Ron was her best friend, Hermione came as a close second. There were some things Ron just couldn't understand being a guy, but Hermione could. It was why she cherished her as a friend. Hermione had changed little, she was still as pretty as ever, and her honey colored eyes doubled with a mischievous sparkle. She was slightly taller, but only by an inch or so. She was about 5'5, and her hair was now tamer, losing its wildness. Ron had become quite the lady killer in the looks department. It was no wonder they both fancies one another so much.

"Mione, did you tell him yet?"

Harri whispered, smiling at her friend's blush. Hermione shook her head no, but clasped her friend's hand.

"One day soon I will tell him, Harri."

Harri rolled her eyes, wondering if that day would ever happen. She knew deep down that her best friends were made for one another, and thought they were stubborn they would soon see the light. She only wished that she could feel that way about someone, but sadly, there was no one that ignited a flame in her heart yet.

"I must say Harri, you've changed so much. You hair, it's longer, and smoother. You are so tall now. When did all this happen, and why didn't you owl me about it?"

Harri shrugged, and leaned against the seat.

"I assumed it was normal witch puberty or something, but now I am beginning to doubt all that."

"Perhaps we should speak with Dumbledore about this, or better yet let's consult the library!"

Hermione said with a sparkle in her eye. Harri groaned inwardly. It was so like Hermione to turn everything into a research project. No doubt Ron would weasel his way out of this. They had all been eating gobs of candy, as per tradition since Harri met Ron, when Colin Creevey entered. As usual, his camera was in his hand, and was begging of a picture of Harri. He also commented on how much she had changed, but the only thing she could tell was that she had grown in height, and her hair was longer. He snapped numerous pictures, until finally Ginny had to convince him to stop, and the two of them went outside. Harri was grateful for her younger friend. It was a good thing that he had finally gotten over his silly crush on her, and focused his attention on Ginny now, who was glad to receive it. Now his sometimes annoying behavior was done in admiration of Harri, and not as an act of love. She only hoped those blasted fan clubs had died down by now.

Harri lay down on the soft compartment, pushing Hermione over to Ron's side, and tried to sleep soundly. So far, despite her physical changes everything seemed normal. She had her friends, Draco and she were still rivals, and everything seemed to be right with the world. She yawned lightly, hearing the jokes Hermione and Ron made, but wishing for nothing more than a nice long nap. Harri stretched, relaxing against the soft material. Now that Harri was resting, Hermione felt more courageous with talking to Ron. She inquired about his family, and how he spent his summer, and they both felt relief that Harri was snoring loudly, and in her own dream world.

"My summer was nice. I missed you both, and everyone wanted to visit the burrow."

Ron said, offering her a piece of chocolate frog. Hermione took a leg, and chewed it quietly.

"What about you? How was your summer?"

Hermione smiled, and regaled him with stories of her and her family visiting different countries in Europe. She expertly left out all of the things she had told them about Ron, which would have embarrassed her should he know. They already knew of Harri because she had visited Hermione's house for a Christmas break two years ago.

"Oh, I brought you both presents."

Ron remembered, shifting through his robes, and finally pulling out to boxes.

"I'll give Harri hers when we arrive at Hogwarts."

One was decorated with dark blue, and had a periwinkle ribbon. Another box, slightly bigger, was honey colored, with a tan ribbon. He handed Hermione the tan box. She blushed, and he nudged her to open it. Hermione undid the ribbon, and pulled out a beautiful pocket mirror, and a silver comb to go with it.

"Oh Ron... It's beautiful." She said with a shock. She looked into his eyes and both teens blushed.

"I love it. Thank you."

Hermione said softly, leaning in to hug him.

She relaxed under his touch, and both pulled away, feeling the awkwardness. They looked into one another's eyes, and just when he was about to lean in for a light kiss, Harri's yawn startled them both, and they backed way from one another. Harri remained sleeping, but for fear of being caught, they stopped, and said nothing; both too embarrassed to make light conversation.


The three friends' sat down, and chatted with their classmates. Dean, Seamus, and Neville sat closely to them. The circle of friends chatted amiably before the Sorting was to take place. She had received many compliments about her change over the summer, and aside from blushing at the compliments she had been content at eating her meal with her friends. She could feel eyes on her, and it caused her to shift uncomfortably. Harri turned around nervously, looking at the faces of those that stared. She caught the eye of her most hated and dreaded teacher Professor Snape. She has the sudden childish urge to glare at him, and stick out her tongue, but she refrained. Dumbledore gave her a cheerful smile, and she returned it.

"So Harri how was your summer with the muggles?"

Dean asked, cutting his steak. Harri shrugged, biting into an apple.

"Same old, same old, and I suppose... Dudley is afraid to even cross me, and I guess it is better now that they fear me."

She laughed heartily, earning strange stares from everyone.

"So, are you going to try for captain now that Johnston is leaving?"

Lavender asked her friend. Harri shrugged, and blushed at the attention.

"I do not think myself worthy of such a title. Besides, I think Ron has wanted that position since last year."

Harri said smirking at her best friend. He grumbled jokingly. Harri patted his back.

"Cheer up mate, it could be worse."

"Is it just me, or is Professor Snape paying more than enough of usual attention to our table?"

Hermione asked sipping her pumpkin juice. Seamus looked in Snape direction, turning quickly around when he earned a sneer for his efforts. The six friends looked at the professor.

"It is official; he hates us more and more each year."

Seamus said downhearted. Harri sighed, and had to agree with her friend. Severus Snape has a personal vendetta against all Gryffindors, especially her. Harri groaned, knowing she was in for another year of ridicule from him. His was the only class she struggled with, and he made sure to point her failures as much as he could.

"What crawled up his butt and died?"

Harri wondered aloud, generating loud guffaws from their entire group.

They finished their meal, and headed up to the Gryffindor common room. Already there were first years everywhere, anxious to meet the infamous Harri Potter. She plastered on a fake smile, and shook the hands of the younger students, before making her way to her room. She shared a room with Lavender, and Hermione, and thankfully, they were nice girls that didn't treat her like some exhibit.

"What say we go to the library, Mione?"

Harri said, taking off her flat shoes, and changing into a pair of black knee high boots. Instead of wearing the usual red and gold colors, today she decided upon something darker. She found a dark navy sweater in her trunk and put it on. It didn't take long to find a nice jean skirt to match her ensemble and she was ready to go. Hermione looked at her change of dress oddly.

"You are wearing that to the library?"

Harri smirked and twirled in her outfit.

"Who knows, I see something I like on the way."

She left the room, leaving a confused Hermione, and Lavender.

The corridors of the castle were dark, and she lit them with her wand. She was eager to know what was going on with her body. She doubted it was puberty because she had already went through all of that when she was twelve. Whatever this was, it has nothing to do with puberty, and she was almost certain of it. Her cloak swished down the halls, and for a few moments, she wondered if she were indeed alone. Soon, her worries were addressed, when she ran into Filch. He was petting Mrs. Norris, and glaring at her with contempt. Mrs. Norris hissed at her angrily as if she were ready to pounce, and if she did, Filch would do nothing but laugh as she clawed her.

Harri knew that he never forgave her for the petrifying of Mrs. Norris, despite Harri being innocent, and not being the Slytherin heir. He petted her softly, and sneered at her with malice. Harri wasn't afraid of him anymore, and if need me she always had magic as her defense since he was a squib.

"What are you doing away from your tower?"

He demanded to know stepping closer. Harri glared at him, but politely answered his question.

"I am going to library if you must know. If you'll excuse me..."

She proceeded to walk off, but Filch blocked her way.

"The library ain't available for use until tomorrow. You're breaking the rules, and now you have to see Dumbledore."

He said with glee. Harri rolled her eyes, and was about to protest when she thought better of it. She might as well go along, and get this over with. They walked to the headmaster's office, and Filch whispered the password, allowing Harri to enter. He headed off, eager to torture some other student. She found Dumbledore sitting in his chair, and he smiled at her when she entered.

"Hello Harri, would like a lemon drop?"

Harri declined and sat in her chair watching the Headmaster.

"Filch informs me that you were headed to the library alone, and after hours."

"I sincerely apologize, Headmaster. I didn't know it was after hours, and I only went because I am worried about something, and I needed information."

Harri admitted, looking at her hands. Dumbledore stood, and walked about the room.

"I'm sure you've noticed the obvious changes about me. I'm three inches taller, and my hair longer. Also, my vision is slowly clearing up because my glasses are giving me headaches. I don't think this is puberty, sir."

Dumbledore sighed, and looked into Harri's eyes.

"I believe I can tell you what is going on."

Harri sat up, eager to hear his explanation.

"I need but call Severus. I believe he needs to hear this as well."

"Snape? What does he have to do with any of this?"

"It's Professor Snape, and he has a lot to do with this Harri."

Dumbledore said while sending an elf to fetch Severus. Soon, he arrived, and when Dumbledore offered him a lemon drop, he declined.

"Why have you summoned me Albus?"

Snape demanded, but not before giving Harri a glare. Dumbledore went into a back room of his office, and returned with two aged letters. One was addressed to Harri, and the other Snape.

"I think you both should read your letters."

He said gravely.

"But first, there is something you both should know."

"Which is?"

Harri asked.

"What does it have to do with myself and Potter?"

Severus demanded, angrily. Harri frowned at him. She wanted to know what any of what he had to say connected them both, but she had more tact than to address the issue rudely. The headmaster was silent for a moment.

"There are things that have been kept from the knowledge of both of you. Lily did this to protect you both, but I think you should read your letters. Harri, why don't you read your letter in the back? I'll be in the hall when you are done."

He left the room quickly, leaving both to their own thoughts, and letters. Harri went to the back and stared at her letter. It was old, and yellowed with age. Her beautiful scrawl wrote out her name. Though some would have called her penmanship messy, top Harri, it was the most beautiful writing in the world. Finally, with an ounce of courage, she opened her letter. She began reading her mother's letter.

My dear Harriet,

If you are reading this letter, then I am dead. I am sorry to have left you but please know this daughter; I died so that you may live. There are so many things I wish to write to you of, but I cannot. Time is not on my side. You must be fifteen by now, and no doubt a beautiful young woman. How could you not be, as you came from me? There are a few things that you must know my darling. As I write you this letter, I hold you in my arms, and we chose our star. I hope you can see it wherever you are. You shall know it immediately upon seeing it. I feel in love with your father under that star. I know I am rambling, but I cannot help it, I love you so much, and I want to just hold you in my arms, and thank Merlin you came to me. The first thing you must know is that James Potter is not your father. Your real name isn't Harriet Potter. Your name is Jayda Serenity Snape. Oh, I know it all seems so confusing, but he is not. Severus Snape, the man that I love, my soul mate, is your biological father. I did not cheat on your father and marry James if that is what you may be thinking. I married Severus, and we'd have stayed together, but your father is a spy, and it was dangerous for him to be affiliated with a muggle-born witch. Our marriage was annulled until Voldemort could be defeated. I married James (my best friend) so that suspicions would not arise as to my being pregnant. I know Severus can come off as cruel, rude, and mean, but he is your father, and you are his daughter. I know that if you inherited anything from me, it is my personality. I only ask that you give him a chance. The second thing you must know is that you are a very special young woman. One day you shall rise like the Phoenix and defeat Voldemort. Do not worry, I have faith in you. Though I have died for you, your father shall live for you, and if I were still alive, I'd do the same. I know you want explanations, and you deserve them. Talk to Dumbledore, and your father, they'll be able to explain the rest. I love you with all of my heart, my darling daughter.

Your Mother,

Lily (Snape) Potter

Harri put the letter down, and she was so full of emotion, she didn't know whether to be angry, sad, or shocked. There was no way that her most hated teacher could be her father. Severus Snape was not her father. There was no way in hell that he could be her father. She just couldn't accept it. This had to be some sort of cruel joke. Her mother would never do something like this to her, right? Her name wasn't even Harriet? She wanted answers, and she wanted them now. Her tears fell from her eyes, staining the parchment. She wiped them off, and headed into Dumbledore's office. Expecting to see Snape, she was surprised to discover he was outside in the hall arguing with Dumbledore.

Harri inched closer to the painting, listening to the conversation he was having with Dumbledore. She could hear his voice filled with rage, and she felt her anger rise.

"Is this some kind of bloody joke Albus?!"

He yelled.

"There is no way that girl is my daughter!"

He raged on, and she could hear Dumbledore trying to calm him down. Harri dare not open the door.

"Come in Severus. We can all sit down and talk about this."

Harri panicked. She had no desire to talk to either of them, Dumbledore included. He had kept this information from her for five years. She just couldn't face Snape. Harri pulled her wand out of her robes, and muttered a flying spell. She opened Dumbledore's window and flew outside. She found an open window, and flew in, hoping that the room was empty.

After hearing such dreadful news, Harri just wanted to crawl somewhere and die. There was no way that Snape was her father. No way in hell. She reached in her pocket for a tissue, and wiped her nose. She couldn't afford to be spotted. It was after hours, and she probably looked a mess. Harri looked around the room, realizing she was in the greenhouse. The sky was dark, and she could see the stars through the window. Maybe if she sat on the roof, she could think, and it would make her feel better. Harri stood and used the flying spell to allow her to sit on the roof in peace. She hoped no one saw her, but just to be safe, she had better do something.

"I better use an invisibility charm."

She said aloud.

"Potter, what are you doing out here?"

A voice asked, and immediately she knew who it was. Draco Malfoy. Yet again, he chose the most inopportune time to be around her. She wiped her face, hoping he didn't see the tears on her face. He stood in front of her and peered into her eyes.

"Have you been crying?"

Harri didn't feel like responding so she said nothing, and was content for the time being in just sitting in silence, crying. She didn't give a damn if he saw her crying right now. She just wanted to be left alone, but apparently, it was not to happen this night. Regaining her dignity and composure she asked him what he was doing out here. Draco gave her a smirk, and sat down a few feet away from her.

"I believe I asked you first..." He said evading her question.

FN: Next time, Crabbe, and Goyle speak! Also, how will her friends react to her being a Snape's kid? Will she even tell them? What si Draco douing outside at this time of night. I've got to go now; my mother is driving me insane.
