Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ I don’t understand at best... I cannot speak for all the rest… ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?

AN: Things are starting to get dramatic now, and people find out things they aren't supposed to know, or worse, things they need not know yet. Thank you for reviewing: Sugar Girl, Lady Lightning, angel_1215, Miss Behaving, Atari420, Fallen Dragon, Alaskantiger, Quickjewel and Lina - Yes you paid attention! Snape and company would have anticipated Harri and Draco going to the past- which just goes to show, things are not always what they seem. P.S. to make up for the delay, this chapter is long.

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Six: I don't understand at best... I cannot speak for all the rest…

"Is she going to be okay?"

Lily asked she saw the young raven haired girl crumple to the floor. She looked ghostly pale, and was now lying unconscious on the floor. Draco watched as his mother, father, Snape, and Harri's mother entered the room. They were shocked at the sight the saw. Lucius was shocked to see his exact physical match staring him in the face. Narcissa was taken aback as well. Snape remained indifferent, but Lily was uncomfortable at seeing a young girl collapsed on the floor. Immediately, Draco kneeled down and whispered her name so softly, that none of them heard. She moved around a little, as if she were going to come to. Yet, she hadn't woken yet. Draco frowned at her pathetic state and once again, did something so uncharacteristically Draco and carried her in his arms.

"Professor, I believe you best have them sow us to our rooms."

Before the Headmaster could do anything, Lucius spoke first.

"Headmaster, may I ask who these people are?" Lucius asked, staring at his replica.

Dumbledore smiled absently.

"This is a student from an older school. His name is Draco."

Dumbledore said helping carry Harri to a chair.

"That young lady is Jayda."

Severus rolled his eyes at the entire scene. He looked bored, and ready to go. Draco was once again left with the task of carrying Harri. When she woke up she had better be grateful. There was something very odd about this place. Earlier, when they had been discussing how to get back home a strange thought crossed his mind. He wouldn't mention it to Dumbledore, because he didn't know everything. Besides, he wanted to know exactly what she could have possibly wanted to say to the Headmaster without him knowing. This time they had managed to find themselves in made him believe what had happened between them was no accident at all. When she came to, he and Potter would be having a long conversation.

He almost wished she were awake now. His father seemed perturbed at seeing someone that looked nearly identical to him. Draco had heard his father say before that when he was in school, he looked very much like Draco did now. Draco dismissed the thought at familial rubbish; something that every parents says tot heir child. Yet now, here his parents were, twenty years younger, and Draco agreed with his father. His mother was beautiful, and he could see no hint of the woman she would become. Her eyes were sharp, and alive. He caught the look his mother gave his father, almost in a challenging sense.

"Severus, Lily- take them to the guest rooms. Lucius, Narcissa, I'll need you two to accompany them."

Severus nodded, Lucius rolled his eyes. Narcissa and Lily gave a nervous smile. Draco gave Dumbledore a questioning glance, but lifted Harri unto his shoulders. They all stepped out of the office and were about to walk down the hall, when Draco stopped suddenly. He turned the old man.

"I will have to tell them."

"I understand. When you leave, their memories will be erased. However, it is Jayda's decision to tell her own parents. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir, I understand."

Dumbledore smiled and good naturedly shooed them out of his office. Every so often the four students would give one another a curious glance, and look towards Draco. This made him slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't matter. If children ever came to the future he'd stare as well if they looked anything like him. Harri was perched on his shoulders, and as he expected, she was light weight. He supposed she would not relish being carried around like a sack of potatoes, but she had no choice.

"Where are you and your girlfriend from?"

Narcissa asked suddenly. Draco froze, staring at his mother as if she had grown a second head.

"She is not my girlfriend."

Draco said regarding the girl on his shoulder. Her body hung lifelessly.

"Then who is she then to you?"

Lily piped in eager to know more of their relationship. It did not go unnoticed that he carried her carefully, almost tenderly, if one got past the shoulder thing.

"She is my arch nemesis… my enemy."

"Where are the two of you from?"

Lucius asked, giving his son a suspicious glare. He knew that there was something odd about him. Something he wasn't sure he liked.

"We are uh-" Draco stopped, looking at the four teens in front of him. "Listen, I'll tell what I can when we get to our rooms, and when she wakes up."

"Fair enough, but you will answer us." Severus said sternly. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. How far is it to our rooms? My arms are getting tired."

They turned the seventh corner, and soon were standing in front of a portrait Draco had never seen before. It was an odd picture, painted vividly and decorated with bright colors. It was very animated, and instead of a people, there were animals. The larger was a long silver serpent, with large teeth, and sharp fangs. The latter, smaller creature was a multicolored bird with beautiful plumage. They flew in the air wildly, almost merrily.

"The password to the main room is Gryffindors suck."

Severus said smirking at Lucius. Lily snorted at the words, and crossed her arms angrily. Draco himself rather liked the password, but when Harri found out, she would probably change it to something else. Narcissa patted Lily on the back in a comforting manner. Draco had yet to notice her colors did not match those of his father and Potions Master. It was indeed hard to believe that his mother could be so kind to a Gryffindor, especially someone like Potter's mother.

"The bedroom passwords are created by you of course."


Draco walked in, and saw this was just the password to the foyer, and that there were actually two more rooms further back. This main room was decorated in both Slytherin and Gryffindor colors; which surprisingly did not clash as badly as he would have thought. There was a large couch, fireplace, and a common bathroom. He hoped desperately that there would be bathrooms in the bedrooms. They all walked in, examining the room. Lily whistled at the grandeur of it all, while the other three saw nothing special about it. They were purebloods, and Potter's mother was just a muggle-born, not use to wealth and luxury that they were accustomed to.

As gently as he could (for Draco at least) he lay Harri on the couch, and sat down as far from her as possible. The remaining four chose seats and Draco nudged Harri with his wand. Harri swatted it away, and tried to continue to sleeping. He was relieved to know she was no longer unconscious, but merely sleeping. He whacked her arm with the wand, and Harri jumped up, feeling a sharp pain on her arm. She looked up to see Draco smirking at her pain. She snatched her own wand out, and whacked him with hers.

"Bloody hell, that hurt you git!"

"Jayda, we have guests."

Draco said with a catty grin. Harri looked and saw her parents, as well as Draco's parents. She blushed crimson, and sat up, looking at the five other teens. Lily smiled, and Harri looked away, nervous to see her mother.

"Hi, I'm Lily Evans."

"I know who you are." Harri said meekly.

"I believe you had something to tell us, did you not?"

Harri looked between Snape and Draco incredulously. There was now ay he was telling them anything!

"I don't think so, Draco."

Harri hissed, careful not to say his last name.

"You can't tell them anything."

"Yes I can. Dumbledore will perform a memory charm when we leave. Relax."

"Fine! But you tell them about yourself only. I'll tell them what I wish to divulge."

"Screw you, Jayda." Draco spat, looking at his parents.

"Well you can go to hell Draco! It's your fault we are here in the first place! You and your stupid mishaps. Why did Snape have to partner me with you?!"

"Will you just shut up for one minute so I can explain to them what the hell is going on?!"

Harri sat back down and said nothing. She was fuming inside, angry that she couldn't tell her mother everything that would give her a normal life, and a family.

"We are students from Hogwarts, 20 years in the future."

Lucius looked at Draco, oddly. Severus frowned, as if he didn't believe one word. Narcissa looked genuinely shocked, and Lily seemed to have mixed feelings about everything.

"If you are from the future, then how did you get here?"

Severus asked with his typical look of cold disdain. Four pairs of eyes stared at Harri as if they were demanding an answer. Harri sighed, and turned to face them. Draco and Harri exchanged looks, but answered him anyway.

"We were in class making a Time-Warp potion, and as usual, you decided to partner me with this asshole. We got into an argument, and both took a sip of the potion, said where wanted to go, and ended up here."

"What do you mean he partnered you wit him?"

Narcissa asked, allowing hr shock to fade.

"Snape is our Potions teacher at Hogwarts."

They digested this information, but it was obvious they wanted to know what all of this had to do with them. Except Snape, who seemed quite pleased with being a potions professor at Hogwarts. There was one question that lay on the tip of all of their tongues, but none had yet to voice the query.

"Who are your parents?"

Lily finally blurted it out, earning a cold look from Draco, and a smile from Harri.

"You are my father."

Draco said motioning to the other blonde in the room.

"My name is Draco Malfoy."

Lucius' sharp intake of breath would have been heard from a mile away. His eyes bugged out momentarily, and his breathing speeded up a bit, but he cooled down, and gave his son a smug smirk. Lucius stood, walking around his son, who was a few inches taller than himself. He examined Draco from top to bottom, very satisfied with his future son. He stepped back, and held out his hand to be shaken. Draco shook it, and released his hand.

"That's a firm grip. You've got a Malfoy's physique and charming good looks."

Harri rolled her eyes and snorted with disagreement. Lucius glared and turned to Harri stooping over her.

"You dare insult a Malfoy?"

Harri gave an innocent smile.

"Am I supposed to be afraid?"

Severus stood, annoyed with the childish display of theatrics.

"Who is your mother?"

Draco pointed to Narcissa, and she stood stunned. Lucius couldn't believe he had a child with a Hufflepuff. When he was honest with himself, she was a beautiful girl good enough for one thing only. Once he found her useless, he would dump her. There was now ay he married a Hufflepuff. It was one thing to fool around in school, but this was a disgrace! He couldn't allow his family name to be tarnished in the future. Yet, there was nothing he could do, it was bound to happen.

"Are we married in the future?"

Narcissa asked shyly. Apparently, the same thoughts were running through her mind. She couldn't marry a Slytherin could she? Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were ach other's exact opposites. She wanted to know what would possess her to have a child with a guy like Lucius Malfoy. Perhaps she changed for the better, and he became a man she would be proud to have as her husband.

"Yes mother."

Draco said with a faint smile. It was strange for her to watch what appeared to be such a nice woman, and slightly annoying guy. Looking at him now, she couldn't imagine him becoming Voldemort's right hand man. Why he would later turn to the Dark, Harri had no idea. Harri, Lily, and Severus watched the awkward exchange of the future family silently. As much as she would have liked to have done the same thing as Draco and announce that they were a family, she couldn't. Paranoid thoughts ran rampant through her mind. What if when they returned from the past Draco told his father that Severus Snape was her father? Lucius would have him killed. It was a risk Harri just wasn't willing to take.

Could she have told her parents, and spent time with them? What if the memory charm somehow malfunctioned and they found out that she was their kid, and didn't get together. What if she were never born? There were so many worries that plagued her, yet she yearned to spend time openly with her parents. At a time and place where lies did not matter and things could be brought to light. At least, there was Professor Snape at the school. Perhaps they could work towards understanding one another, and accepting each other as family. She would just have to tell them she was Lily's daughter. Draco would not mention James Potter if she had anything to do with it.

"Who are your parents, Jayda?"

Lily asked, shaking Harri from her reverie. It felt nice to hear her mother call her by her real name. It was nice, and she liked it. When they had some time alone together, she would ask her why she was given that name. It also felt right somehow to refer to herself that way. As if her name was written down for her long before she was born. It wasn't a shell of someone she wasn't. While she was here, she could be Jayda Panes, daughter of Severus Snape and Lily Evans. She was surprised Dumbledore hadn't picked up on the play on her father's last name.

"I cannot tell you who my father is, because it could severely damage the future, despite what Malfoy thinks."

Harri caustically said, casting Draco a glare. For a brief moment, it reminded Draco of glares his classmates were constantly receiving from Professor Snape during double potions. Since when did Harri Potter go around giving angry glares that looked like Snape's? His parents however, did not catch the resemblance. Lily frowned, but nodded her head in understanding.

"You are my mother."

Lily gasped, and the two girls stared at one another. Severus gave a look of interest. He could see the resemblance. They both had the same emerald green eyes, that while some would call ordinary, he saw that there were layers of different shades. They had the same lips, and smile, although when the daughter had scowled she didn't look like herself at all. Something about that girl made feel odd. Even still, though they said they had come from the future things weren't adding up.

"I'm your- You're my-"

Lily started but couldn't find the words. Harri nodded, and her tears feel from her eyes like a cascade of emerald. She held her arms out to Harri, and she took her mother's hug gratefully. They embraced, and even Severus could say he was touched by the scene. He felt slightly awkward being there, with no familial connection to the time travelers. On the other side of the room, he saw Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco huddled ina corner, chatting.

"Is that why you fainted?"

Harri paused, unsure of how to answer her mother. She couldn't give her the complete reason. Sorry I fainted Mom, seeing you alive after fourteen years was traumatizing. What could she say to her mother? Before she said anything however, Severus rescued her from the awkward situation.

"I think it is because you looked years younger right?"

Harri gave him a grateful smile, and looked at her mother. She smiled and apparently bought the story. Still, having herself helped by her father gave her a feeling of uneasiness. He definitely suspected them of telling half truths, and whole lies. He was going to find out things he wasn't meant to know, and it was then her fears would be brought open.

"There's so much I want to say, but I can't." Harri yawned. "We also have class in the morning."

She had to downplay her excitement, because if she acted like she hadn't seen her mother since she was a baby, they would all see through her, and suspect something. One of them might even find out she had been killed. She was treading on thin water with Snape around, and though she could tell Draco more than any of the rest, there was still the matter of his allegiance to his father. She had yet to determine if he were on the side of the Light, or if he had succumbed to the Voldemort's evil. Now was not the time to ponder these things. One thing was for certain, however. They would have to trust one another to some extent, for the duration of their stay here.

"I understand. I have much to discuss with you. This is so exciting! I'm attending classes my own daughter, beautiful, smart, and studious."

Harri blushed at her mother's doting on her.

"I know you can't tell me who I marry, but is he cute?"

Her mother was being rather accepting to the fact that Harri couldn't tell her about her father. The idea of not knowing should have peakexd her interest somewhat. Harry avoided looking at Severus, because she knew he was staring. How could she describe the slimy teacher of her's cute? Moreover, how could she describe her father without him knowing? He was tall, had hair just below his ears, and it was curled slightly. His nose was rather big, and he was very sophisticated.

"Well, my father is very tall, lean, he is smart. Kind of aristocratic, you know?"

"He sounds nice."

Lily giggled. Harri tried hard not to scoff. He's nice if your idea of nice is being a total prick to your kid, and he friends.

"As interesting as this night has been, I am tired, and I'm going to sleep."

Severus drawled out. He looked at Lily, Narcissa, and Lucius. They nodded, and headed towards the door. Lucius gave Draco an awkward handshake, Narcissa kissed his cheek, and Lily kissed Harri's cheek. Harri didn't want her to leave, but they all had a big day tomorrow. She knew she'd have to be prepared.

"We'll come by in the morning to give you're your schedules, and maybe have a bit of breakfast."

Lily said with a bright smile. Harri smiled at the redhead, and was thankful to have such a considerate woman for a mother. Everyone exchanged their goodnights, leaving Harri and Draco alone. Harri sat on the couch, watching him as he closed the door. He gave her a look, not bothering to say goodnight, when Harri called out to him.



"We need to talk.

"What is it?"

Draco said holding back a yawn. He was obviously tired, and so was she, but they need to talk. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and saw it was 2:47 in the morning.

"I don't want you tell my mother, your parents or Snape about my father."

"Why not?"

"I-I can't tell you."

Draco growled upset with the way she was acting. Her odd aloofness had gone far enough.

"Things could happen, or not happen that would to put it bluntly, fuck the world up."

"What is it you aren't telling me Potter?"

Draco asked, staring at her intently. Once again, he was violating personal space, and he was much to close. Harri whipped out her hand to push him away but he grabbed it, and held it. Since when had Draco's reflexes improved so much? Every time she wanted push him away, he pulled her closer. Had he finally become her athletic better, or was she just allowing herself to be pulled in?

"Let go."

But Draco did no such thing. He leaned closer, so that Harri was forced to the back of the couch. Draco released her hand, but placed his arms ion either side of her of the couch so that she was left with no escape.


"Why should I?"

"If you don't you'll regret it."

He leaned even closer so that they were but a hair's length apart.

"You don't scare me Potter."

Harri said nothing, barely able to breathe. Of all times, why did she have to feel an attraction to him now? It was minuscule at best, and she only felt that microscopic feeling because they had been in close company for so long. She wasn't afraid of him so why was she acting so out of character? You like him you fool! No, she would not like Draco Malfoy. He was the enemy, he wanted to see her dead, and would probably dance on her grave if he were given the chance.

"For the last time, get off me Draco."

"Draco? Hmm, it seems you are breaking down Potter. Two years ago, if I have ever gotten this close you would have decked me by now."

Draco said with amusement. Harri moved around slightly, not liking wherever this was going.

Yes, but whenever we get there you'll love it.

Harri's eyes bugged out, and so did Draco. She was about to hop off the couch, but Draco remained unmoving. She could tell by the look in his eyes that there was a flicker of something there, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"Get off of me!"

"Why? Is my being this close to you bothering you?"

"Yes, now move dammit!"

Draco moved, and Harri got up, walking towards the window. Why did he have to be such a bastard? Getting so close… Draco came to the window, and watched the view. It was very beautiful, even at night. The moon could be seen through the Whomping Willow. It was romantic in a creepy horror flick way.

"I though Gryffindors were brave."

"We are brave."

"Maybe so, but you aren't."

"What? How dare you?"

"It's true. You can't even admit it."

Harri turned to face him, her arms crossed. She stared at him, with a scowl on her face. Draco leaned down slightly so that they were eye to eye, and it only caused Draco to smirk. He chuckled at her behavior. It wasn't a maniacal laugh, or an evil guffaw, it was one of merriment which Harri was sure she hadn't heard before.

"You're pathetic. You can't even stop moving away from me."

Harri stood still, glaring at Draco with contempt in her green eyes.

"Admit what?"

"That you want me as much as I want you."

Before Harri was given a chance to protest, Draco kissed her passionately, stifling all thoughts of pushing him away. She could feel him wrap his arms around her body, and she saw the passion in his eyes. She leaned in to his arms, her hands exploring his back, and her own by shivering as his hands roamed her waist. He kissed her harder, pulling her closer, if possible. There was no space in between them now. As her mind and body waged a war against one another, she deepened the kiss. Finally, they pulled apart as the need for air overcame them both.

They did not move away from the other however. Draco leaned in for another kiss, but Harri's sense came back, and she stepped away. She was shaking her head, and moving further away. Draco followed her, and she was going to turn and go into her room, but he stopped her.

"Potter, what's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm not the one going around kissing people trying to seduce them!"

"I was trying to seduce you, I was just. I just gave into a temptation I've been trying to fight."

"What are you getting at, Malfoy?"

"I-I'm attracted to you alright. I wanted to kiss you so I did."

"Well, you shouldn't have done that."

Draco narrowed his eyes angrily.

"I see now that it was a mistake. I should have just fought it."

"Oh I get it now. You can't like Harri Potter. Oh no, you've got to like me in spite of yourself."

Harri said seething with anger. Although neither knew, they had just caused one another as much hurt as either could imagine.

"At least I can admit it! Don't try and lie and tell me you didn't enjoy that!"

Draco bellowed angry as well. She wasn't the only one who could have a temper. Harri could say nothing in retort. Truth be told, she enjoyed that kiss immensely but she wasn't about to let Malfoy know that.

"You just caught me off guard, is all."

Draco stared open mouthed at her pathetic excuse. This was very sad indeed. Did she despise him so much she couldn't even admit that she actually might be attracted to him? A look of pain crossed his face, but he said nothing. He said nothing, and headed towards his bedroom. Before he went inside, he gave her a stern look.

"We'll just pretend this never happened. I don't like you, and you don't like me."

With that said, Draco slammed his door, and Harri feel to the ground, unsure of everything.


Hermione gave Ron smug grin as they stepped over Neville's petrified body. Hermione did not want to use that spell on him again as she had before but they couldn't risk him tagging along, and getting in the way. One day Neville was going to have to stop being such a stick in the mud and loosen up. Of course, in retrospect, hadn't she been one to Harri and Ron before when they wanted to go off on some adventure? They even let her tag along, and thus they had become a trio. She sighed, regretfully, and she turned Neville back to his normal state.

"Listen Neville, if we let you come along, do you promise not to do anything stupid?"

Hermione asked gently. Neville looked between the two, and after receiving a reassuring smile from Ron, he agreed. She offered her hand, and Neville stood smiling.

"There has been something bothering me about this entire thing since Harri and Draco left."

Hermione said as the three of them huddled under Harri's invisibility cloak, walking towards the dungeons.

"Like what?"

Ron asked, carefully avoiding Neville's feet from stomping his own. They were already out of the tower, and halfway there. At least Filch was nowhere around. Although Mrs. Norris could see through the cloak, so they still needed to proceed with caution. They rounded another corner, nearly jogging down the hallways. Amazingly, they had reached the dungeons unseen.

"Well, if Harri and Draco had time traveled to the past, why is it Dumbledore, and Snape don't remember."

"Maybe they forgot Hermione. When I forget things my I look at my Rememball."

Neville suggested.

"No, they wouldn't have forgotten anything like that. Maybe, they stayed away from Snape and Dumbledore so they would have never saw them while they were at school."

Ron piped in, pulling them into an abandoned hallway.

"That's rather far fetched isn't it?"

Hermione whispered. Neville agreed.

"Even if they didn't have contact with their parents, knowing the two of them, they would have brought attention to themselves somehow."

She said mused, peeping in the Potions classroom.

"Dumbledore could have used a memory spell on them."

Neville answered with his brow furrowed.

"I suppose, but he would still have known where they had gone wouldn't he?"

Ron argued. Something about this wasn't right at all. If Hermione's worrying proved to mean something then he was worried. Even for Malfoy which he disliked to no end, something very wrong was going on. Maybe they used different names. Even if they had different names, they would have still looked like their parents. Dumbledore could have used a glamour charm on them. That didn't change the fact that they didn't anticipate Harri and Malfoy time traveling.

"When he came into class, he acted as if he had no idea where they had gone off to."

Hermione said recalling the day's events. If their own Headmaster didn't remember anything, that was definitely not a good sign. She only hoped that those two didn't end up killing each other. They heard footsteps coming, and they ducked into an empty classroom, which was unfortunate for that was where the footsteps were headed. Ron threw the cloak on them again, and they watched as Snape entered along with Snuffles. Snuffles transformed into Sirius, and they began taking things out of the boxes that lined the shelves of the potions class. Soon, Remus entered, hastily carrying more supplies. Why was Sirius working with Snape?

"I really don't understand why Dumbledore wants you two had to help me."

Snape grumbled, sifting through books that could only have been from the restricted section.

"He wants us to help because we are intelligent and won't do anything stupid."

Snape grumbled, ignoring Sirius.

"We have to work together if we want to bring Harri and Draco back you guys."

Remus said, trying to be the peace maker between the two.

"I still don't understand what could have been done that would cause us not to remember any of this."

Sirius said with confusion.

"Hasn't it occurred to you that something isn't right here? Obviously foul play is in involved."

Snape said as if he were talking to a bunch of first years.

"How so, Severus?"

Remus asked, mixing for the third failed attempt the Time-Communiqué Potion.

"Something or someone has erased our collective memories so that we don't remember them being in the past. Voldemort has not called me in quite some time."

"Voldemort is responsible."

Remus and Sirius stopped whatever they were doing. He did have a point, but things just didn't add up.

"Nom, that couldn't be because when Lucius found out, he was going to tell Voldemort, and there was no way Voldemort wouldn't tell him something like that."

Severus answered absently, reading another book for a way to bring them home.

"Then how do you explain all of us, Dumbledore included not being able to stop this from happening?"

Hermione, Ron, and Neville listened to the banter as quietly as possible. Ron felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. They hadn't been able to prevent this from happening, because they hadn't known! Hermione was right, and before they could whisper their own speculations, the three men began talking again.

Sirius asked with genuine concern. He was very worried about his god daughter.

"I think an outside third party is at work here. I do not know who or why, but something tells me, it's dreadful."

Severus said simply. Sirius was obviously unhappy with that reply.

"Dreadful? That's all you can say? Your daughter is lost through time, and all you can say is that whoever is involved is dreadful?"

Sirius erupted, and flung the book that was in his hands, with anger. Snape looked as if wanted to break Sirius body badly, but the two had to be restrained by Remus again. Hermione, Neville, and Ron took a sharp in take of breath. Did Sirius just call Snape Harri's father? Snape was Harri's father? No way that was possible!

"Calm down! Do you want to wake everyone up? Fighting isn't going to bring back Harri and Draco."

"Harri's left the school, and this would be the perfect time to attack Hogwarts! We've got to act fast. So stop arguing and you be nice to your goddaughter's father!"

Remus said pointing a finger at Sirius.

"That goes for you as well. Sirius loves Harri, and even though he is having a hard time accepting you being Harri's father, don't egg him on!"

The two disagreeing men said nothing else to one another. Remus chopped the necessary ingredients to the Communiqué potion, hoping it would allow them to talk to the time travelers, and hopefully bring them home. Remus began chopping ingredients, and Hermione motioned for them to walk as quietly as possible to the door. The smell of mandrake, and veela hair was very potent. They were almost out of door, when Neville sneezed. Hermione and Ron exchanged looks of terror. Neville was allergic to veela hair!

"Who is in here? Show yourselves!"

Snape's voice demanded stopping them in their tracks. There was no way out. They had been caught. Ron pulled the cloak off of himself, Hermione and Neville, and they looked incredulously at the three men. Snape paled slightly, but soon, his face quickly returned to it's normal shade.

"Weasly? Granger? Longbottom?"

"Ron, Hermione, Neville?" Sirius and Remus said in unison. What in the world were they doing down here.

"What are you three brats doing up at 4:00 in the morning, in the dungeons no less?"

Snape demanded, giving them his meanest scowl yet. Before eh could torture them any further, they were rescued by Remus.

"How much did you all hear?"

Sirius asked, giving them a suspicious look.

"We heard everything sir."

"You know then."

Snape said. It was not a question.

"Yes, we do know now."

Hermione piped up. Neville said nothing because he was too shaken.

"Does Harri know, sir?"

Ron asked, looking into Snape's eyes. Despite the scowl on his face, Ron's annoying Gryffindor courage somehow managed to give him enough audacity to ask that question.

"Yes, she does know."

Hermione and Ron exchanged looks. Harri knew and didn't tell them? They couldn't dwell on those thoughts now.

"I trust that none of what you heard and saw will leave this room?"

Snape said, with coolly laced anger in his voice.

"Yes sir."

The three Gryffindors answered in unison.

"Good, now get out, and go to your rooms, to sleep."

Snape said pointing at the door. It was going to be a long day. Already three more people knew that he was Harri Potter's father. He knew that they wouldn't tell anyone, he'd scared them well enough for that, but still. More people knowing the truth meant that it was becoming increasingly dangerous for Harri, himself, and Hogwarts. They had been working for the past two hours, and he needed to teach classes tomorrow. Lupin had classes tomorrow as well. They gathered up the supplies, and headed tot heir own rooms. If Malfoy or Voldemort found out the truth, the school would be done for. He knew that Voldemort would never attack Hogwarts with Harri there, but now that she had left, perhaps the Dark Lord's fear for Dumbledore had finally depleted.

FN: That is it for now. I know I didn't add Draco and Harri beginning classes, but it will happen in the upcoming chapters. Who or what is this suspicious force changing things around? Draco and Harri kissed! Yippee! ::throws confetti in the air:: Also, next chapter Lucius suspects Snape, Severus gets suspicious of Harri, Draco gets angry, Harri gets sad, and James gets jealous! Lily and Narcissa are pretty happy though! Review please! ^_^ What's this? Crabbe and Goyle start bullying Neville?