Fan Fiction ❯ Mother ❯ A mothers pain ( Chapter 1 )

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As the sun filters through the trees and the birds sing their praises to the sky above a young maiden walks with a basket heavy with jars. She wears a simple peasant's gown of brown and white it was loose around her and she was very thing. She soon comes upon a cottage and walks inside setting down the basket she walks to he heart. She searches the side cupboard and pulls out a heavy cloth then grabs the handle of the pot hanging over the fire. She is careful to keep the cloth on the handle so she would not be burned. She stirs the boiling contents then she pours in some herbs from a jar she removes from the basket. Then she scoops some of the water into a cup and sets it aside.
With this task completed she puts away the other jars into different cupboards before she picks up the cup again and walks up to the second floor of the small cottage. Upon opening the door she gives an exasperated sigh seeing her son trying to get out of bed his attempts weak and feeble. She walks over and he lays down knowing that he should be resting. She places the cup on the nightstand and smiles at her son letting her hand rest on his forehead. She sighs heavily and pulls her hand away he was still burning with fever. Her eyes flicker over his face seeing his pale skin with a slight yellow tint. She knows he is very ill but the doctors had not been able to diagnose him with anything they knew of.
She sits beside him and rests him along her chest and takes each of his hands into her own helping him to hold the warm cup she soon places into his hands. "You must drink this it will help with the fever." She smiles as she helps him bring the cup to his lips he was even too weak to hold a thin piece of paper. She tilts the cup forward pouring some of the now semi-hot tea into his mouth. She knows it tastes horrid she herself hated to take this concoction when she was little and even to this day would rather brave a fever then to drink it down. She feels him choke on it a little and stops to let him cough before she continues to pour the amber liquid into his mouth. She smiles when the cup is empty and sets it aside rubbing her hands through his sandy blond hair. She soon rests her cheek against the top of his head and shuts her eyes hugging him close.
He had been ill for a month now off and on but this is the worst he has gotten the doctors have told her to be ready for the worst. She knows that her time with her son may be limited and the herbs he needs did not grow in the wild. They cost money that she did not have but she found ways to get them. Some she stole and others she bought with what little money she had for food for herself. She sighs heavily and lets him lay back down gently and covers him up tightly. "Now sleep son you need your rest I will be back with more tea when you wake." She kisses his cheek and pats his hand a little before she turns and walks out of the room.
Once down the stairs and out of his sight and hearing she falls into the chair on beside the table her hands tightly clenched into fists resting on her shut eyes. She sobs heavily her shoulders shuddering with each cry. She holds back her loud cries of despair he had stopped speaking and could not move more then an inch at a time he was getting worse every hour. She had done all she could for him and had worked herself to the bone to make sure she could be there for him. Her once shimmering blond hair was now dull and mopped up on her head like it had not been combed in months. Her eyes are dull and clouded with lack of sleep deep dark circles rest under her eyes she was driving herself harder the she could bare but she must do it for her son.
She leans into the table and falls to sleep but she did not sleep long hearing a crash sound from her son's room. She immediately bolts up and runs up the stairs throwing open his door. She sees him convulsing on the bed and calls out in despair this did not happen often but each time is made him weaker and she did not think he could stand to get any weaker. Throwing herself across his body she holds him down so he will not harm himself seeing the thin trail of blood that flows from a wound on his hand. She looks down to the shattered cup on the floor her heart mimicking its fragility.
His blood was thin and his body frail no matter how much she fed him he kept getting thinner and paler. His frail body thrashes around under her body as she holds him down until the seizure passes. Slowly and carefully she sits up and smoothes his hair out of his face. His breath was slow and ragged with a rattle behind each breath. She bites her lips and wails in angst she knows that rattle death was lingering over his body.
Her eyes shut tightly as she lets the tears pour down her face her hands clenched tightly in the folds of her apron. She shakes her head slowly and calls out in agony crying a curse to the heavens. Soon her head tilts back and she braves a glance at her son. His body was covered in a thick sheen of sweat and his breath was painfully slow. She rests her cheek on his chest to listen to his fading heart beat crying into him her tears sinking into his clothes and to the flesh below. Soon his heart beat fades to silence and she sits back on her knees looking at her son's body her eyes blank. The broken cup beside her laying shattered like her heart within her breast.