Fan Fiction ❯ MST of... A Week in Disneyland ❯ 73|-| f(_)(|(?!?!? ( Chapter 2 )
>Iris- author
>Riku- bishie
>Sora- bishie
>Despair- bishie hunter
Yumi go get the mail, would you? *Yumi's mother called from the small tile kitchen across the hall.*
>Iris: What form is she writing in?
>Despair: A mix of story and script?
>Sora: Scory? Stript?
>Despair: I like that last one. ^_^
Yumi: Okay mom.
* Yumi goes outside to the apartment mailboxes with the door key and opens the mail door to find none other than a fancy engraved envelope with swirly writing on it.*
>Riku: *makes fanfare noise* Now introducing-
>Iris: His Honourable Paperness-
>Sora and Despair: Fancy Engraved Envelope!
:: I wonder what this could be:: Yumi thought as she tore through the fancy envelope with invigorating zeal.
>Iris: Seriously, does she get engraved envelopes in her mail all the time? Because that's how you use the phrase 'none other'.
>Despair: Shut up.
Yumi's Mom: Did you find anything?
Yumi: No.... *Yumi said as she quickly stuffed the letter in her shirt in the quick haste to hide it from her mom.*
>Riku: Wait, did she just say the same thing twice?
>Sora: Yeah, 'said Yumi, 'No', Yumi said'
>Riku: And when she was talking about quickly stuffing the letter in her shirt quickly.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ That night:
*I shot up in my bed, eyes bulging in terror, to various speaking figures. I couldn't tell you what they were at the time, partly because all was dark in my room, when suddenly a blinding light saturated the soothing darkness.*
>Despair: She changed the point of view.
Yumi: Wha.....
Sora: Wow, Sleeping Beauty awakens
>Iris: Riku, did you eat the period?
>Riku: No, it jumped into Yumi's 'Wha........'
Kairi: She's Awake?
Sora: Surprising Idin't it?
>Despair: Is awake a proper noun?
>Iris: No.
>Sora: What did I just say?
>Despair: 'Surprising Idin't it?' O_o;;
Riku: I didn't know people could sleep that long.
All: Wowww
Yumi: *confused* Sora, Riku, Kairi? ..... How did you get here? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know.
>Iris: I would want to know.
>Sora: You brought us here.
Yumi, are you awake?!? *My mom called in astonishment*(AN: I never get up when I can't even see my room through the darkness!!)
>Iris: This scory stript form is confusing.
Yumi: Ya *I said with the I-don't-know-why-your-so-confused tone*
You're NEVER up this early, even to play "Kingdom Hearts".
>Riku: Yumi's German?
>Iris: No, it should be spelled 'Ja'.
>Riku: So, she was talking in her sleep, apparently. ??
Yumi: I think I'm on a new brink, or something.
Yumi's mom: Brink? Ya, Right!! You got an invitation to Crissy's Birthday party last night! Why you didn't tell me you got mail is beyond me. But you better get ready because Crissy will be here soon and you need to pack a suitcase for your trip to California. If you didn't finish reading the letter you should know that Crissy is taking you and "three friends of your choice" to Disney Land.
>All: WTF?!?!?!
>Iris: Hun, it's spelled 'yeah' not 'ya'.
Yumi: Okay mom, I'll be ready in no time.
Yumi: Okay you guys, as you can see, my mom's already suspicious so keep a low profile. Okay?
Kairi: A low what ?!?!
Yumi: Don't let my mom know you're here.
Sora: Why didn't you just say so, I mean, were not stupid. We know what you mean when you say not to be-
>All: T3H F^(|(!?!?!?
>Sora: Why are we there!?!?!
>Iris: What is going on?
Riku: *cut off Sora* Hey, Sora, Lay off her for a minute why don't Ya? Sheesh we come in to her room in the middle of the night and expect her to be awake, you can't expect her to be anything but bothered.
Yumi: *Looks at Riku, realizes he has his shirt off (AN: rool*) and imeadiatly looks away* Thanks Riku
>Iris: *twitches* The mistakes make me shudder. A) 'lay' is not a proper noun, therefore does not need to be capitalized. B) You changed tenses and POV. C) You misspelled 'drool' and 'immediately'. And D) You lost a lot of punctuation there, babe.
Yumi's mom: Honey... You ready?
Yumi: Ya mom *Quickly stuffs some clothes and her toothbrush in the suitcase her mom set out for her.*
Yumi: you guys have to get out of my room before my mom comes up here.
Riku: No problem*grabs both Sora and Kairi by the scruff of the neck and disappears out the window.*
Yumi: Coming mom *grabs suitcase and runs downstairs*
>Sora: AH! Riku! *sobs* My neck hurts!
>Riku: -.-
>Despair: What's going on?
>All: *shrug*