Fan Fiction ❯ My Broken Wings ❯ Chapter 1 ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I dun own the FF8 cast…….. nope….. No idea if I will continue this or not…. I kinda want to but I dunno about the plot yet so x.x; yeah
I felt the soft wind caressing my cheek; heard the faint gull cries over the ocean waves and the sound of people laughing, running in the crests of the ocean foam. I could smell the damp sand beneath me and the salt carried by the wind and the waves. I could almost feel him beneath me. His soft tender, pale skin, warm and sandy beneath mine, ours bodies chafing together through the shallow water. I could almost feel his hands laced in my hair, his breath against my ear, his butterfly kisses along my neck; feathery wisps of hair placed delicately around his face. His beautiful peircing grey eyes, like steel, and just as cold. I could find that in all of my sense. All but in sight. That was something I'd just never see. Why? Heheh well, let me tell you why I'd even go for a guy like that. Let me tell you my side first, then why I find the man I adore attractive.
It's an odd reasoning enough. I had always grown up around chicks and, hell yeah they were hot, but once you've been in bed with one of em, you've been with em all. They didn't seem that fulfilling though. Maybe sex with them had been a major turnoff in my life. Maybe it was some odd mix of hormones getting my head. Maybe I just needed something different. Or maybe love's just as crazy as the people who find it. As it's said many times, after the end, a lot of things changed. After Ultamecia was freed, I wasn't the same again. After I had given up my life, it was like a shot to my head that everyone had expected me to stay the same. Yeah I was the same, I'm still Irvine; I'll always be. But my interests have changed. My interests have changed from tight mini skirts to tight leather pants. From large breasts to that cute little ass he's got. I sigh as I smile, imagining that sexy ass. But why would a player like me go for a guy? Like I said, I've been around women just about my entire life. They're more like friends than people I'd really hook up with.
People say they always see me smiling and laughing and flirting with the girls. Well, what else would a friend do? I have a very outgoing disposition, so I can't help but be cheerful and friendly. It's true I can say some rather off-handed things. Things to put a girl in a tight position, and I mean that literally. But how else can I expect to get someone to sit by me and just listen for a while? There's one person I know who listens to me. One person I know that doesn't have to say anything for me to know that he understands. I suppose if you're still a little confused about why I feel for him. Well, let's just say I've half convinced myself that just about all women are the same and I'm getting tired of finding one who just falls for my looks or charm. They don't treat me the way I want to be treated. How is that? Heheh I haven't even figured that out.
But why him? Well why not? Other than just physical attraction, it's kind of hard to say if there's anything else. I don't even know if I want there to be something else or not. Physically? His eyes are gorgeous, like liquid steel pools of fiery lead, pulsating with life and that little half smile he's got can't even compete with Zell's ear to ear grin or Selphie's sunshining smile. His smooth face, like an artist that's just sculpted an angel. Of course that sexy ass of his, but it's not the only thing that's got me staring. Sometimes I'd just love to think who, or what, is on his mind, just judging from the tightness in his pants, and-- you don't see it often either-- that rose blush he gets when he's embarrassed by something. It never lasts longer than a few seconds, but it makes him all the more beautiful.
Those soft knotted muscles plaguing his thin frame like thorns on a rose; the way they flex and shift when he moves; how they move so fluid and graceful under that pallid body. The way he shivers a little when I touch him. That sparkle in his eyes when he's pleased. I sigh again. It's just a dream though. That's what I imagine. That's what I hope for one day. One day. Over the sea, it seems far off, but you know something's on the other side. Something you've always wanted to see. Somthing you've dreamed of. What's over there? One day is. I'll reach it, one day.
"I think he's sleeping." It's Selphie's voice. She says it quietly, but it still disturbs my thoughts. I'm brought from my reverie now, and suddenly alert. Looking around, I notice her just behind me, leaning over, her hands on here knees so she's almost face level with me, so I put on my usual soft smile.
"Oh hello Selphie," I, in turn, reply to her.
"Well I guess he isn't then," she says, smiling back, "What are you doing? You're so quiet, I though you'd be walking the beach, playing some games or something. You know, hanging in the crowd."
I look back over the ocean, the sun becoming obscured by an overhead cloud as it moves slowly along with the wind. I take a breath and wonder how I should put this.
"I don't really want to be around all those people. I just want some alone time," I said.<i> 'Some alone time with Squall</i>.' "I'm tired anyway, so I won't stay out here too long." I get up with a yawn, stretching my arms and back. Selphie's up completely now too, still watching, still with that smile in her face and eyes.
"You sure?" she asks, still happy, still cheerful, still ignorant of my pain.
"Yeah," I grin back, my hand keeping my hair back from the whipping wind.
"Alright then," she giggles, kicking the sand, "I guess there's tomorrow?"
"Definately." She nodds, then skips off. If only I didn't have him on my mind. But I couldn't help it. He was impressed in my mind like a four-leafed clover trapped between wax; there was nowhere to go.
He was the bird in the cage and I was the cat, watching and waiting for the moment I could pounce. But he was safe behind his bars and oblivious to me on the outside. Inside his cage there was only him. And nothing could escape it. He was the bird, his mind, the cage. I was the only one who could free him. Or was I? If the bird chanced to escape, would it fly to freedom? Or would the ignorance of the cat be it's final impending doom? Shaking my head, long auburn hair cascading down around my shoulders, I wandered off in the general direction of the beach house we were renting. The sand beneath my feet wasn't too warm, nor was the sea breeze too cool. But behind me was the vast and unforgiving ocean. It was empty, just as I was.
"We finally get a week of nothing but freedom and ease and vacation and he still expects me to work!" the brunette complained, stepping around the coffe table after getting off the phone with Hyne-only-knows someone back at Balamb Garden.
"Well, you do work long and hard every day. Probably twice as much when you shouldn't be," I said, flashing that award-winning smile I'm always wearing. He only smirked and rolled his eyes.
"Whatever--" Before he could even finish, Quistis put in her two cents.
"You are a busy bee with your work you know! You file such good reports anyway; no one's complaining. Besides, you know you complain but you love your work." I laughed. Squall took to pouting a little, stating as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"I don't <i>love</i> my work. I just do it because no one else can take my job right now. Filing reports and writing missions isn't the <i>only</i> thing I ever do you know!"
<i>'I just love to know what else you do.'</i>
"Okay so I can give you some room to complain, but it can't be that bad this time can it?" Quistis asked, stirring the teabag around in her chipped china cup.
Squall sighed, pouring himself a cup of the steaming brew and running a hand through his velveteen hair.
"I have three missions to fill out that's only for the majors in group A1-D. Their missions aren't that easy to do especially with all the sub-category standards they have and the offline quizzes I have to make. I'll be up the rest of the night just getting through the alphabetical fields for them!" Quistis shook her head, leaning against the kitchen counter.
"Maybe," she said, scoffing, "but no one else can fill in for you. You have a lot of responsibility, especially as a young commander. Even as a student..." There the young gal trailed off, reminiscing.
"What?" I asked curiously, turning my head to catch a glimpse of Squall watching me before he turned his attention to the tea.
"Just that he was a wonderful student, even though he fought with Seifer a lot and was always off in dream land," was her reply before she took to sipping her beverage. The attraction of my life smirked, shaking his head in denial.
"Whatever." I only half grinned.
<i>'I'd like to know where his mind was those times before when he was daydreaming.'</i>
"Anyway," Quistis continued with a glance toward the clock in the kitchen above the dining table, "I need to head out. I'm supposed to meet Selphie and the others by the ice cream parlor. You wanna come Irvine? They have a rave room nearby we could hit after shopping. The sun'll be down by then." She smiled, looking into my face but I politely declined.
"That's alright. Maybe some other time, but not tonight. I need to catch a few Z's for a fresh tomarrow!" I replied, hands behind my head, leaning back. She nodded in response.
Leaving with a good-bye on her way out and snatching her purse from the hat rack, the door clicking shut behind her and Quistis was gone. Squall was still quietly tending to his tea, putting his cup in the sink when he was finished. I tried not to watch him too much, but he was the only interesting thing in the room. He was always the only interesting thing in the room. He glanced at me once, when he left for his bedroom, our gaze meeting briefly. He didn't say anything to me but entered his room silently, locking it behind him. My gaze followed that tight behind of his all the way to his room, staring around the corner once he reached the doorway. Those jeans of his fit him nicely; loose on his waist and riding rather low. His white T-shirt made up for that, being long and baggy.
<i>'Why in Hyne's name does it have to be like this?' </i>
I lay back on the couch, enjoying my veiw of the ceiling. There were actually two skylights side by side in the room, but I couldn't see through them. Kicking my heels up and sighing I undid the button and zipper of my pants. A little bit of self-reassurance and some booze might fix my day. It wouldn't be for sure, but it was a pretty good gaurantee. My fingers started to wander, sliding across my lower body, hiding beneath the fabric and making sure to envelope the protruding evidence that showed blatantly that I was still dreaming of my one and only. I closed my eyes, trying to think that it was someone else's handing working me towards my release, tempting myself to believe that he loved me back just as much. His tender gaze on me. His fragile body touching mine...... I shuddered, moaning at the vision of him thrusting deep into my body; so deep it almost hurt.
"Squall," I breathed, still not opening my eyes. I had played us over and over in my head, reciting lines and watching his reactions, loving it all in the end. One leg dropped from the couch. Apparently the sofa was too small for me to even jack off on it. I smiled, starting to pant, my long cinnamon burned hair falling messily around my face and down my shoulders. My lip curled as I turned my head to the side, daring to open my eyes the slightest bit. Those eyes, hazy with lasciviousness stared back at the lower portion of my very good friend, Squall. Squall..... even from this distance I could tell he had been turned on by something. Whether is was by my body, sprawled with a clashingly detrasted color of the couch fabric, or from the continuous moans that elicted from the back of my throat, it was obviously that Squall had liked something. Maybe it was the pure fact that I was laying there, for everyone in the house to see, masturbating on the sofa by the front door.
My right arm was thrown precariously over my head, clutching the arm of the couch desparately, the other hand was now rubbing myself, stilled by the fact that I had been walked in on the person that I dreamt I was doing this to. I was still breathing hard through my mouth; still knew I held that look of longing in my eyes. He stared at me, a little suprised that I was out here openly, pleasuring myself for all my worth. Hyne I needed my release soon.... and if Squall didn't keep on walking by then Hyne-only-knows that I wouldn't be the only one in the room begging for a release. Licking my lips, chest still heaving, my eyes followed the watchful stare of their fancy as it blushed and opened the refridgerator door, looking for something to drink.
Straightening himself, a bottle of water in one hand, Squall turned to head back to his room, walking stiffly, briskly, and opening the drink on his way there. He choked, spitting out some of the water in the process as a reply to the moan that briefly filled the room.
<i> 'He's all I want. All I need.'</i> There my lover stopped, looking at me, almost curiously, and I stopped my administrations as he did. Staring at him was like walking into heaven. He looked a little lustful himself; I could see his pants tighten as I ran my fingers along the bottom on my swollen member, a hiss produced from my throat, my tongue running over my lips once more. Squall could only stare, gripping the couch opposite of me for support.
He wiped the water from his mouth and distractedly tried to fit the cap on his bottle, but it seemed to elude him and wouldn't quite fit right. I smiled at his confusion.
"Squall," I whispered, my breath heavy and seductive. Stormy eyes flashed towards me, training themselves on me like a target. I beckoned to him with the hand over my head. He came, stumbling over, nearly tripping on the couch but catching himself over me, staring down at my strewn out body beneath him. His face was white, but flushed, his eyes wide and curious.
"Irvine?" he managed in a small quiet voice.
"I want you," I breathed caressing his cheek with a trembling hand, my eyes, I know, were stitched it passion.
It was so odd. To be attracted to him, more than physically. My heart leaped when his hand rested over mine. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he sat down on the couch between my legs, his gaze never leaving mine. My grip on myself went slack. I called him closer with my gaze. He placed a gentle hand upon my bare chest. Bare still as the only thing I wore to the beach were my jeans. He spread his fingers across my chest, sending shivers to run along my body and for my breath to catch in my throat. His shaggy brown hair fell around our faces as he leaned in to catch my lips with his.
<i>'Please don't let this be just a dream.'</i> He took my hand that had once been busy from my erection, bringing it to his lips. I watched dreamily, my brows knit with concentration, feeling as he took my fingers in his mouth, one by one, suckling them gently, tasting me.
Deciding I was worthwhile and that small sample wasn't enough, he put a finger on his lips, wanting me to be quiet. There was doubt flooding my mind, but knowing that I had the oppertunity to be so close to him, I didn't want to ruin our chance, so I complied, allowing him to do what he wished. Bringing both hands above my head, I could only guess that Squall's speech had failed him, as did mine for the moment. I felt his lips around me, his warm wet tongue against my body was bliss beyond what I could have ever imagined. He took me in, inch for excruciating inch, swallowing me nearly whole. My fingers curled around my hair, gripping the strands as if they'd never left go. I moaned loudly, not caring if the whole world heard me right then, and Squall drew back a moment to hush me with a kiss, warning touching his gaze. I nodded.
Trying to comprise for my pent-up aches and moans, I took to breathing harder, muscles flexing and unflexing.
<i>'He's all I've ever wanted. This is all I've ever wanted.' </i> I couldn't contain myself much longer. I was already so damn close I felt as if I'd burst. Hands clamped on to Squall's head, forcning myself completely into him, bucking my hips to get myself in further, not caring that he had ended up biting me a litter harder than I had bargained for. With his warm breath surrounding me, I arched my back, heels digging into the couch, releasing a cry, head thrown back as I came into his mouth.
"Irvine?" Someone was calling me.
"Irvine???" Not now, please not now!
<i>`Wake up.' </i>
"IRVINE!" someone shouted into my ear, waking me up completely.
"What? Where's the fire? I didn't do it! Who called the cops?" I said groggily, sitting straight up and looking around. I noticed my jeans were still unzipped and it was apparent that my dream had had a lasting effect on me. At least is had on my arousal.
"Sheesh! Get up the first time I call you and I won't have to repeat what I said a second time!" It was Squall.
I looked up sleepily, noticing he looked fatigued and weary. One hand on his hip, the other holding what looked like coffee.
"What is it?" I yawned.
"Get up so you can go to bed!" Go to bed? Why'd he wake me up for that? Dammit, now I'd have to fall asleep all over again.
"What time is it?" I asked drowsily, standing up.
"Last I checked it was three in the morning but that was at least two hours ago," he yawned a reply.
"You've been up that long?" I asked incrediously, "Don't you ever sleep anymore?"
"Not really," he smirked, "I fell asleep at my desk around two I guess, but I woke up an hour later.
"Only an hour later?" Really, I had to feel sorry for the guy.
"Yeah that's when the candle started to burn my hand."
"Oh." A moment of silence passed. "You should get more sleep you know."
"I'm going to." With that said he turned on his heel and began to drag himself sluggishly to his room, half asleep. I quickly caught up to him, watching his back the entire time.
"Good night," I said as he reached his door, giving the knob a turn.
"Yeah, night," he yawned. Giving his butt a quick squeeze, I winked and opened my own bedroom door, right across from his. Inwardly, my heart was blossoming.
Huzzah for one shots! Review for me ^ ^ cause you just LOVE me to pieces :3 ;)