Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Fifteen
By: Echan2
Warning: sad, sad, sad... :(:(:(
Disclaimer: Everything here belongs to SquareEnix. BLAH, BLAH! I HATE and LOATHE disclaimers. We all know who belongs to who. Punk Riku belongs to me. :):):) Ya'll like the last chapter? Kinda odd. I never wrote anything like that before so, I hope it was good. Review nicely, minna-san.

"Holding my last breath,
Safe inside myself,
Are all my thoughts of you.
Sweet rapture,
it ends here tonight." --- Evanescence
Sora's POV

I woke up the next morning still feeling like crap. More like a semi ran over me two times... My mom came up to greet me with breakfast in bed and I only ate the toast she gave me. I then washed myself carefully in the shower, towled myself dry, and got my clothes for today. I wore a simple black T-shirt and a pair of nice khakis with my traditional yellow shoes. I ran a hairbrush through my thick hair and regarded myself silently in the mirror. I was pale, the darkness of skin an ugly color. My eyes seemed empty like an abyss- a solid blue almost with my pupils dialated and no happiness dancing within the dark blue regions. My mouth was set in a sad frown and I looked pitiful. Sighing deeply, I felt tears sting my eyes as thoughts rushed back from yesterday like a burst of flame. "Riku," I whispered in a voice not my own. I could still see him above me, his hands touching me in the gentlest of ways, a soothing voice calming me...

I threw it all away.

I felt sick.

I drove Riku away by calling him something I shouldn't have.

I slapped my hands over my eyes and wept openly, sobbing loudly and didn't care. The one person whom I loved and who loved me in return was gone from my side, probably forever, and yet, I still didn't do anything to get him back. My stomach churned suddenly and I threw up my toast and orange juice on the carpet, still bawling like a baby. I heard rushed footsteps, and the door opening hurriedly. "Sora?!! Are you- SORA! Honey, please go to the bathroom!," my mother pleaded worriedly, grabbing me by the shoulders. She hauled me off to my bathroom and set me in front of the toilet, making sure everything made it in there. I was throwing up freely now, still crying my heart out. After seven minutes, I was dry-heaving, splatters of blood decorating the ceramic bowl of the toilet. My mother was calm, but her eyes shone in hysterics. "Darling, you need to go to the doctor again. This is unhealthy." I barely heard her as I slumped forward, a heavy lull coming over my senses. Darkness crept behind my vision and I passed out on the tiled bathroom floor.

'Why are you crying?', came a voice above. The little boy ceased his crying and suddenly looked up, seeing someone close to his age standing above his crouched position. And he opened up his mouth, still crying.

'I lost my mommy!', came the reply. Silence stretched out from the two boys and the oldest sat down beside the sobbing one, eyes sympathetic.

'I'll take you to her if you want me to.'

A little boy took grasp of anothers hand, clutching to it desperately as if though the person helping him would leave that instant. 'Really?! You'd do that?!!' The oldest smiled and tossed back his blinding hair. 'The least I can do, now...what's your mom look like?'

'Like me- blue eyes and my smile.'

The person helping him cocked his head to the side. 'Smile for me then.' The little boy did so. 'Now, frown. Like you're sad.' The boy did that as well. 'What's your name?'


'... nice name. How old?'

' Seven.'

'I'm eight. Wanna go find your mommy?'


'I will.'

'What's your name?'

' ... Riku...'
~~~end of flashback~~~

Still keeping my eyes closed, I could hear the steady beeping of a heart monitor. I was at the hospital again, wasn't I? Wait... hospitals don't smell this nice. I tried to sense the area around me, and realized I was at Aerith's house. Slowly, carefully, I opened my eyes and saw in front of me a slumbering healer, her brown hair pooled around her head and my lap, spilling over the sides of the bed. Her peachy hands were under her cheeks, her lips parted as she breathed. I sat up cautiously, trying not to wake her. I took in the room's appearance silently and sighesd with disgust. I'm always needing help... I guess Mom had her come over.

I groaned some when a piercing stab pinched my arm as I tried to scratch my head. I looked down and saw an IV in my wrist. I scowled at the needle and paused, going over the dream I had in my head. I do remember that day awfully well now all of a sudden. I could distantly recall that the stranger who helped me had blinding color hair and a silver crown necklace. Why didn't I remember this when I saw Riku for the first time? Did I push back in the farthest regions of my mind for some reason? Shaking my head, I leaned back against my pillows and sighed inwardly, trying to go back to sleep, but all I could see was Riku.

Riku was the one who helped me find Mom and I never saw him again.

What kind of a person was I?

Swallowing a large lump that formed in my throat, I squeezed my eyes shut and urged myself to go back to sleep, to the darkness. However, my guilt wouldn't allow me to. Tears surged to the surface and I found myself weeping openly. I haven't cried in a real long time- you know, an actual mess of crying... But thinking all of the things that were happening to me made the tears come harder and faster and I longed for Riku's hold, touches, and deep voice to wrap around me like a security blanket. I sniffled and hiccuped some, shaking the bed a little. Aerith stirred, blinking her emerald eyes some. "Huh? Oh, Sora! You're awake!!!" She sat up in a flash and checked the IV quickly and then the heart monitor that was hers. "You gave your mother quite a scare, young man. Throwing up blood is something that's particuarly nasty. Have you been eating properly?," she asked lightly, her gaze lingering on my face. I knew I blushed some and cast my eyes down on the bedspread. "Yes."

"You're lying to me."

My head shot up. "So? As if you really cared." Aerith regarded me quietly, her eyes flashing with emotion. "Now, that's not true. Your parents love you, Cloud and I love you. All your friends do too. And Riku-" She must've halted because of my pained expression. "What happened between you and Riku?," she implored softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. It came out in a wave, what happened with Ansem and when Riku and I were in the bathroom to the morning when I threw up. The healer only stared at me, making small noises when understanding something, her face calm and serene.

I finished my story and folded my hands, keeping my head down. The silence was broken by Aerith's bell-like voice. "Would you like to know what happened to Riku after he left the bathroom?," she asked lightly, but almost cautiously. I raised my eyes to her slowly, not comprehending what point she was trying to get across. What she told me next made me want to throw up again; a strip joint, getting drunk, going to Leon's house, and the next thing made me bawl.

"... Leon had called me shortly afterwards after he left. He was worried. So, he, Cloud, and I went out looking for him. I was the one to find him, laying in a puddle outside your house. When I knelt to see his condition, I realized that he wasn't breathing and he was deathly cold. So, I summoned up my healing skills and tried many forms of Cure upon him, even a Life. It wasn't until I performed a Life then supplied him with many Elixirs that he came around and his skin returned warm. He blinked, coughed some, and began spasing once Leon and Clid made their way to us. I hauled up Riku and put him in Cloud's truck... Sora, his time spending out in that cold rain and that wind made him have double phenmonia. He could die."

My world stopped dead in its tracks.

My breathing stopped, including my heart.

My tears stopped coming and I sat there, unmoving, unblinking.


Riku's stronger than us; stronger than me...!



Aerith approached me and embraced me tightly, hugging me close to her. "Listen to my heart, Sora. And listen to me- I said he could, darling. But possibilites are so slim..." Her green eyes shimmered with tears and I clutched at her shoulders, some of her soft hair intwining in my fingers. I sobbed out loud, the noise echoing off the walls around us. "Noooo, Aerith...not like this, pleeeeassseee," I wailed hopelessly.

"Could ya keep it down? I'm trying to reserve my life here and rehearse, dummy. Man, Sora, I knew you 'definately' had a set of lungs, but Jesus Christ..."

Ah-ha!!! CLIFFHANGER! Bow down to me, mortals!!! Mmmbbbwaaahahaha! *blinks and ducks underneath her rock* I KNOW I spent some time away frmo the computer and the story, but blame my stupid school and homework, okay?!?!! I love you guys, you know this, but my time is being taken away from me. And, yes, I know this chapter was short, but keep those chins up. Review nicely!
- Echan2 ^_~