Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Sixteen
By: Echan2
Warning: sweet nothings!!!
Disclaimer: Everything you see belongs to Tetsuya Nomura and SquareEnix. There- I said it, now read my lovely story, minna-san. Oh, yeah... I am so the one for spoilers, so, if anyone knows ANYTHING about FF12, please E-MAIL info to me because I am so lost. I just know two characters named Vaan and Ashe. How sad... >.<;;; And, I'm dense about KH2, so, help a sister out, please! ^^ Review nicely!

** I apologize to my long delay. School was the reason, and shortly, it has been Hurricane Frances and Acedemic Bowl. Not to mention a new boyfriend! ^^ But enough of that. Also, my muse has been on vacation, but now I have my insipration. This is- sadly to say- the end of a great fanfiction... however... something else is planning on inside of my head... now, my dear readers, please read the last chapter of the great ficclet of:

"My Immortal".
Thank You.

"Say good night,
Don't be afraid,
Calling me,
Holding me as you fade to black..." --- Evanescence

I gasped suddenly and jerked my head up, knocking the top of my head against Aerith's chin. There was a futon laying next to my bed and Riku was laying on it, staring at me with bleary aqua eyes and a soft, knowing smile. He looked horrible... but it was beautiful to me. His pale skin was whiter than bone and there were dark circles around his eyes and his body was covered up completely in blankets. I felt my teeth chatter and my body trembled double-time. "Yeah, I'm rehearsing for tonight- no, Aerith, don't stop me. I promised a school a performance and dammit, I'm doing it," came Riku's stubborn reply, his eyes never leaving mine. "And for Christ's sake, Aerith, let the boy come to me. I want to feel that sexy little body against mine for once!" I leapt from the Healer's grasp and unhooked the IV from my arm hurriedly. I pounced on the futon and wrapped my arms around Riku, smelling medicine and that same lingering scent of moonlight he always carried.

Tears coursed down my raw face as I cried. "I'm so sorry, Riku!!! Can you please forgive me? I didn't meant ot hurt you like that... I'm such a baby...," I sobbed, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Riku rubbed my back soothingly, playing with my hair. "I know you didn't." I looked up at him through my tears and bit down on my lip. "You were still not over Ansem. And I shouldn't have rushed like that. You need to forgive me, kitten," he murmured, running both hands through my messy hair. I gulped and leaned in the gentle caress. "Oh, Riku... what can I do?"

The same feral smile he always had graced his tired face. "How 'bout a kiss to wake up this Sleeping Beauty?," he teased, his aqua eyes flashing. I laughed some, wiping my tears. I leaned forward and softly captured his lips with my own. He was cold again... soon, fire rushed to his lips and he grounded them against my own, wanting more. Obliging happily, I allowed our tounges to battle and dance, slick saliva mingling. Riku drew in a shuddering breath through his nose and parted fastly. His whole face was a huey pink and his lips ruby. "Do you know how long I wanted to kiss you, Sora?" I shook my head dumbly, a stupid grin laced on my face. Riku chuckled and laid down, sighing. "Oh... I forgot to tell you-

my mother's dead. She died last night during the storm at the hospital. I never got to say goodbye to her..."

I halted, staring down at my love with dread. "I- I never got a chance to meet her..." Riku nodded. "I know. She would've loved you, Sora. You probably could've brough sunlight into that house like you did to me," he whispered, taking hold of my hand and rubbing his thumb over the surface. I blushed some. "Me? Nah... but, that is sad. You didn't tell your mother how much you loved her."

"Yes, I could have. But, anyway, her funeral is tomorrow. I want you to come to meet Lynne properly. She knows about you, and she's been waiting to see you. At least give her that previlege," he brought out, his cheeks dusting with rose color. I laughed and laid beside Riku, holding his waist. "You're so cute when you blush!" He glared at me and I just kissed the top of his nose. "Love you," I said softly, my heart racing. Riku's expression softened and he smiled geniunely. "Me too." I felt my lids grow heavy with sleep and I drifted off as Riku watched over me.
regular POV

The door to Aerith's room busted open, revealing a panting young lady, her sharp, blue eyes wide with worry. "Riku?! Are you okay, kiddo?!!," she exclaimed, rushing to his side. "I'm fine... don't wake my kitten," he scolded, smiling. The woman stopped short and stared down at Sora. "Wow. He's cute," she mused, strands of ebony hiar falling over her face. "Fix your hair, stupid." The woman stuck out her tounge and blew away the annoying strands and reached for his free hand. "You had me worried there, cos. Lynne called me after Yumi died. I'm staying for the rest of the week so your dad can get back on his feet," she said softly, her magenta and black-covered eyes resting on Riku's face. Riku snorted in disgust. "He's a bastard. He doesn't give a shit about us. You forget that."

The woman sighed deeply, sitting down Indian-style. "He does, sweetie. Remember, I'm older than you are, so shut up and listen," she teased and grinned. Th two cousins regarded each other with quite stares until she spoke. "Your father thinks the WORLD about you. He's proud that you are musically gifted and that you have your own individuality. He just wants you to do good. And... he found out about Sora." Riku felt his heart drop like a pin and his face slackened. "Wha- how...?"

"Lynne told him."

"That bitch!"

"And he also wants to meet him."

The whole room was quiet, except for Sora's lulling breathing. Riku grasped his cousin's hand. "Please say that you're joking... right?!," he asked, almost hysteric. The woman shook her dark head, a bitter smile on her face. "I wish I was, but I'm not. Riku, you have to understand that your dad has a heart. He's not amd at your sexuality, just for the fact you never told anyone." The silver-haired boy trembled slightly at the thought of telling his father. "If mom was alive..." The woman jerked at the mention of her aunt. "How did she die?"

"Weak heart."

"Because of losing blood a lot?"

"Yeah... I just thought it was me," he muttered, eyes cast on the floor. His cousin sighed deeply. "C'mon, now... that's not true. Yumi was strong, but we couldn't recognize her problems. Not even you, sweetie." Riku looked up at his beautiful cousin and smiled rather sadly. "Why aren't the other girls like you?," he pondered. She simply grinned a watery smile, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears. "Because I'm a princess stuck in a rock' n 'roll world, that's why. I have a heart that actually 'cares'!" Riku laughed and reached for his cousin. They both embraced one another, sharing their tears and sadden laughter. Sora, unbeknowest to his lover, watched on, warmth filling his chest. 'See Riku? You're not alone anymore.'

It was the late afternoon and the school was filling up with people. Cale was backstage, nawing on a drumstick. "Fuck, Riku! Where the hell are you?!," he cursed. Satoshi simply smacked the drummer in the back of the head and pushed up his glasses. "No swearing until afterwards." The keyboardist glanced over at Davey, who was putting on lip liner. "Blue? Are you insane?," he asked aloud. The green-haired boy looked up and smiled sweetly. "Yup."

"I can't tell whose more fruity- you or Satoshi?," Cale pondered, grinning evilly. Satoshi glared at him angrily and the drummer simply put up two fingers. "Peace?"


The two chased one another around the backstage area, leaving Davey to put on glittering orange eyeshadow, humming merrily to himself.

"You ready?"

"Ready as ever."

"Sora's with Rinoa?"


The woman put the final touches of Riku's make-up in the van, studying her work. "Man, I'm good! You look so hot, if I weren't your cousin, I'd rape you myself!" Riku pinched her arm and she squealed. "Bitch!"


The two howled with laughter as Riku pulled on his arm warmers. "Are you sure you're strong enough to perform?," she asked lightly, brushing back some of his silvery locks. The boy nodded, clipping on some studded bracelets. The woman watched her cousin lace up his shoes then and he slid the van door open. He jumped out and she followed after him, picking up her shimmery midnight blue side-skirt. "Let's go kick some ass," she stated and the two marched in the backway of the school gym, waiting to dazzle the student body.

All the lights were low as kids mingled and danced to rap, the base bouncing everywhere in the acoustic area. The decorations were up and the food out for them. All that the kids waited for was Broken Kingdom. Rinoa stood beside Sora, bed-decked in black and blue. "Man, you look great, Sora! How 'bout me?," she inquired, twirling in his arms. "Cute... too cute for words." She really was- garnet, pink, black, and gray were her colors tonight and she looked like a fallen princess that met a Gothic age. Sora noticed that Kairi was there and his usual friends. However, they silently recognized one another and only nodded heads. Apparently, they were too good for him... Sora sighed and decided it was best. Suddenly, everything got eerily quiet. Too quiet...


A lonely chime sweep made everyone turn towards the stage. All eyes sought out where the noise came from and soon, they got their answer. A ground-shaking entrance of guitars and drums and a synthesizer made kids start feeling adrenaline pump through their veins. Neon blue lights fell onto Davey, Cale, and Satoshi, highlighting their features as their faces were set with the music. Soon, a rich voice filtered through the PA system:

"Catch me as I fall;
Say you're here and it's all over now.
Speaking to the atmosphere,
No one's here and I fall into myself."

Another came in, a deep, velvet voice of a female came in as well:

"This truth drives me
Into madness.
I know I can stop the pain,
If I will it all away..."

The two clashed together, the music swelling greatly with a large chorus behind them. The lights came up to reveal the rest of Broken Kingdom. Riku was dressed in a tanktop that showed off his defined muscles, baggy Dickie pants, and arm warmers, all black, save the red and purple eyeshadow around his eyes. His clothes were ripped artistically and silver buckles, studs, and lining glittered in the bright light. His hair positively gleamed in the spotlight and his red lips shone. A woman stood beside him, wearing a tight black leather bodiace with pink frills and a purple pleather top. She wore a full side-skirt and black Dickies with pink ballet slippers and fishnet stockings. Magenta and black covered her shocking blue eyes, purple on her lips, and her black hair was pulled up and spiked at the top. She wore gossimer, rainbow fairy wings and Riku wore black angel wings. Everyone gaped as the figured out who the woman was.

"Don't turn away.
(Don't give into the pain)
Don't try to hide.
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes.
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light.
(Never sleep, never die)

I'm frightened by what I see.
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come.
Immobilized by my fear,
And soon to be
Blinded by tears.
I can stop the pain,
If I will it all away-
If I will it all away...

Don't turn away.
(Don't give into the pain)
Don't try to hide.
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes.
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light.
(Never sleep, never die)

Fallen angels at my feet.
Whispered voices at my ear.
Death before my eyes,
Lying next to me I fear.
She beckons me-
Shall I give in?
Upon my end shall I begin?
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet my end...

Don't turn away.
(Don't give into the pain)
Don't try to hide.
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes.
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light.
(Never sleep, never die)

Don't turn away...
Don't try to hide...
Don't close your eyes...
Don't turn out the light...

Don't turn away...
Don't try to hide...
Don't close your eyes...
Don't turn out the lights...!"

The way the two sang together made Sora literally stand there and just stare. Tears smarted his eyes the second time that night. Was this it? The song that Riku wanted him to hear? He looked so beautiful up there that Sora felt so incrediably lucky. All the trouble they had to go through jsut to be with each other... Riku jumped off the stage while singing, leaving his cousin on there still singing her song as she watched the two. Her heart swelled with happiness as she saw the two hug one another and kiss before the students, the majority of them hooting and hollering.

Riku parted from Sora and smiled sweetly. "You know that my dad wants to see you, right?"

"I know... but forget that. You were great up there. You took my breath away," the boy breathed, eyes shinning. The silver-haired teen felt his heart catch up in his throat. "You're bluffing." Sora laughed. "No! I'm not... I love you so much, Riku," he whispered over the noise, clinging to his love. Riku felt himself open up widely as he felt something fall on his arm. Aside from his mother, sister, and cousin, he found someone that loved him back. Not for what he was, but for WHO he was on the inside. Riku crushed Sora against him, holding him tight. "I love you, too... forever."

Riku's cousin smiled after finishing her song and left the band to finish the song on just music. She turned away and left the gym, happiness within her. "Finally, baby cousin, you found your sunlight. Never may that change," she prayed to the sultry night, smiling at the moon. The orb grew brighter as her two sons found comfort with themselves. Now, Riku would never be alone...

and Sora had a person to love.

And it all started with a lost punk and a misguided artist.

How cool is that?

** Did ya'll figure out who his cousin is? Take a wild guess... ^^**

Well, my wonderful readers, that was it. I hope that I gave some light into the darkness in everyone's hearts to find some sort of love and freedom. I wrote it not for entertainment, but for the fact anyone can all in love with SOMEONE, and there are many trials and tribulations to go through to be loved in return. Sora and Riku were jsut a good example. I'm sure you all wanted some raunchy sex scenes, but there were enough for them to prove each others love. However, I might write something on the side. Like, an aftermath. Possibly... it all depends... So, enclosing on the next page, I give you dedications to the reviewers who kept me going and the beautiful lyrics to the title by Evanescence, a band who has helped get through last year and continues to this year. Amy is a great inspiration and I hope that she is to you all as well. Never give up on ANYTHING and just be yourself. There's always someone out there for you. And if something's wrong, e-mail me and we can sort it out. I love you all very much!
- Echan ^_~