Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Kitten ❯ A Curse...A Blessing ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My name is Shawn Raven, I am a Japanese boy with a power that I wish I never had. A curse, that my family has went through the generations. Me, my sister, Lindsey, and my cousin, Ashton have been living though the curse day and night, with people wondering who we really are. We keep a low profile....for some humans know of our curse and want the power within.

You see, we are cursed to change into a were-cat by night and human by day, yeah, similar to a werewolf, yet much different as well. The difference, is that we have a certain healing ability, yet comes a consequence. A terrible one.

I have the ability to look into the past of others, like watching a history movie about someone's life. That comes to some advantages sometimes, which gives me the ability to know who to trust and whom not to trust....but there is a consequence, like I said before.

I can't see the past of a person I am destined to fall in love with, reasons why is because I have to look into the past for the one I would love by myself, without any help with my powers, so I don't know if I'll ever find that someone any day now.

I maybe someone that is rather attractive to my friends and even to my cousin Ashton, but deep down inside I'm missing something, and that love is probably looking for me, like I'm looking for them.

So I wait here for that day, for that destined day to come, when I would find my love and love my lover forever til the last breath that breathe.


"Yo Shady, get your bum over here!! You have to get ready for school!!!" Lindsey yelled up the stairs. I groaned inwardly, curse this school I go to. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my sleepy blue eyes. Running a hand through my black and silver hair, got out of bed and sleepily got ready for school, but not running into Ashton, who was already dressed and had a toothbrush on the side of his mouth with the white frothing around his lips. He shook his long black hair which was still damp from taking a shower and looked at me with those brown eyes.

He blinked and then took the tooth brush out of his mouth, then muttering, "You better hurry, you gotta leave in thirty minutes."

I glared at him, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?"

"You look so cute when you're sleeping."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him towards the bathroom, turning on the water to get it warm before I get in.

After I got ready with damp wet hair and in my school uniform, (the one with the white button up shirt and the navy blue dress pants, and also the plaid blue tie) I grabbed some toast from the toaster then poured myself some orange juice. Lindsey was combing her long blonde hair as she entered the kitchen, her crimson eyes looked at the hand mirror she was holding and then at me, "You better get moving bro, if you're going to get to school on time."

"I know, I know, quit reminding me of torture from the seven hells." I growled as I grabbed my backpack from the floor and slung it on my shoulder. Lindsey sighed and continued brushing her hair, "You're so stupid when it comes to these things, you only got two more years left so quit complaining, at least you aren't in college like Ash and I are."

I rolled my eyes, not the 'being the youngest child' preaches again, I've heard enough from mom already and Ash always likes to call me the squirt because I'm shorter than he is, luckily I'm past Lindsey's height so I don't feel all that bad.

After I finished the last bit of my toast I ran out of the door, Ashton popped out of nowhere, "Shady, aren't you forgetting something?"

I stopped halfway and looked at him as he was waving my book report in his hand. I snatched the paper before running back out and slamming the door. Probably my sister wasn't too happy with that, but I can care less.

I walked slowly through the streets, as the breeze blew lightly through my still damp hair. I then remembered we were supposed to get an exchange student from America. I wonder why an American would want to come to Japan, I guess boundaries are never too far in an American's perspective.

I turned the corner heading towards the school. I sighed, let's get this day over with then.

I slowly crossed the road with my head low, I could feel like this is going to be a long boring day. I then jerked my head to the left to see a black car heading my way pretty sharply. My reflexes quickly kicked in as I jumped to the other side for safety sake, watching the black car, which was a stretch limo, come to a halt.

The door from the back opened and a girl with silver hair slipped out and dashed over to me in a university uniform, her amazingly multicolored eyes looked at me from head to toe to see if I was injured.

"I am so sorry, Alfred didn't see you when we turned that road, it was such a blind spot, are you alright? Do you need help?" She said quickly pulling me to my feet and brushed the dust off my clothes, I was trying to keep her away from me, I kinda felt a little guilty that a probably and obviously rich girl was worrying about me, whom she didn't know who the hell was.

"I'm fine miss, really, now I gotta get to school before I'm late." I said quickly before grabbing my bag from the ground and started to run off, but she grabbed my by the arm, "No worries, I'll be more than happy to give you a ride, besides, you have the same uniform my brother was wearing, so you must be in the same schools."

I didn't have any choice since she already dragged me into the limo. I looked around the limo in awe as the limo driver drove towards the school which was just a couple streets away.

When the limo stopped up front of the limo, the girl smiled and helped me out, "I'm so sorry for that....err.."

"You can call me Shawn." I said, she smiled and nodded, "My names Nicole, you'll be seeing my brother in the afternoon hopefully."

"I guess so, well....bye."

"Later." She closed the door quietly as the limo drove off, leaving me to face the school in front of me. I sighed and walked in.


During break between homeroom, I was twirling my combination to my locker when I heard my named called out, I lifted my head to see my friend Alex Riverton walking towards me with a big smile, which I felt a little panicky, it was either that he had those crazy plans to prank the vice principal or something to ruin my reputation.

"So Raven, I heard that you were dropped off by a limo, so is that rumor true?" I ignored him and grabbed certain books I needed for the next class. He smirked, "What? You're afraid to admit that you found a girlfriend?"

I glared at him, "I am perfectly single thank you." Alex chuckled and whacked me on the back, "C'mon, you're digging that chick that dropped you off!"

"No I'm not! She's as old as my sister!!" I snapped, Alex shrugged, "Does age really matter at this time? It's only a number."

"Sure Alex, I know how you are, but I'm not that way." I walked into my class, and since he was in the same one, he followed. He sat down next to me and then muttered, "What's wrong Shad, you've been pretty edgy today. What's in that enigma of yours?"

"Nothing really." I growled, putting my head down on the desk, Alex blinked and then leaned back in his seat, "Whatever."

Then the teacher came in, followed by a new face, someone I've never seen before, if I did, I would definitely remember the handsome face anywhere.

Telling by the new kid's multicolored eyes that were similar to the girl that tried to turn me into roadkill, he must be the girl's brother. But instead of albino hair, he had perfect blonde hair that shimmered in the light. He had a perfect body, his uniform just made him even more to kill for. His eye hue is something I'll never explain, its beauty brought shame to other shades. He somehow felt me staring at him, since he turned his head to look at me. I blushed slightly and putted my head down again, trying not to make eye contact.

Alex raised his eyebrow at my antics and then looked at the blonde with interest. The other boy blinked, then turned his attention back to the teacher since the teacher was talking to him. Then after the teacher stopped talking the blonde walked towards us and then sat at the desk in front of me, I looked up slightly to see the blonde looking back at me in the corner of his eye. His eyes are so gorgeous.

I sighed, I'm falling for a guy now, this is great, but he does look nice....and se- Okay Shady, you need to stop thinking that.

Alex then smiled slightly, "So what's your name, or do you mind of me calling you Bubba?" The blonde chuckled at Alex's joke, "My name's Ramsey Risley."

Ramsey....what a lovely name....for a lovely guy.

Then Ramsey turned around to look at me, "So you're the guy Alfred almost ran over, I swear he needs glasses."

I smiled weakly, "At least I didn't lose any valuable body parts....Anyways my name's Shawn Raven."

"His nickname is Shady, since he's such a 'foreshadowing' type of guy." Alex said, I glared at him, "Hate to admit it, but he's right, I tend to do that a lot."

Ramsey smiled slightly, "That's alright, I'm used to it."

We talked during the whole period, I then found out that Ramsey was an American and that his mother was staying here in Japan because they have an import business for a fish industry in the Philippine Islands, he knew a little bit of the country's language as well.

Slowly the more I talked to him, the more I fell for him, he was funny, yet rather very gentleman like at the same time..let's face it, I was digging him.

After that class, Ramsey already left to find his next class while I headed to my locker, with Alex following me, he looked at me and whispered, "You like him, don't you."

I bit my bottom lip and didn't respond, from that point on, neither of us spoke the rest of the day.


When I made it home it was about 6, since I walked to the store, hung out with Alex for a while (even though we didn't speak that much) and then headed home, in a little while longer it was going to be nighttime and I would have to turn into my were-cat form. I felt an itch on my right ear, as I scratched it with annoyance.

"Damn itch." I muttered to the air as I sat down on the couch, then closing my eyes. Then to feel something warm and soft land on my lap. I opened my eyes to see a brown eyed cat with raven colored fur and hints of brown on it's paws, the tips of it's ears and tail.

"Ashton?" I blinked curiously, the cat nodded then talked to me telepathically, <Had to transform early, wasn't feeling so good>

"Where's Linds?"

<She's out on the prowl tonight, you think you can transform and go find her, I have to get some homework done.>

"In your cat form?" I asked, Ashton lowered his head to a sulking position, <Well sorry, I can do things in my cat form other than my human form, thank you.>

"Suit yourself." I muttered, lifting Ashton from my lap and placing him on the floor, once my hands loosened it's grip, Ashton darted into his room. I stood up and made sure no one was peaking inside from the windows, then closed my eyes, opening them to find myself in the room of a huger perspective.

<Time to go.> I muttered to myself, then darted out of the kitty-door. I managed to race through the streets, I looked both ways, then darted across another, then I froze when I heard a loud honking noise of a car. I turned to see a red sports car speeding towards me. I gasped, but two arms wrapped around my body and skidded to the side.

"YOU CRAZY JERK!!!" my savior cried to the driver as he drove off like a maniac. I looked up and saw the multicolored eyes and the golden blonde hair, Ramsey saved me!!

~*~Ramsey's POV

That stupid bastard!! Driving like a drunk street racer and almost killing a cat. Jeez, they should have a couple stop signs around here before someone gets hurt.

I looked down at the cat I saved, rather beautiful looking cat I had in my arms. It's raven black fur with silver on the tips of it's ears and tail with beautiful sapphire eyes looking up at me with a cute little black nose sniffing me curiously.

"Poor little guy, you alright?" I whispered, the cat blinked and mewed in response. I smiled warmly, "I guess I can take you home, mom wouldn't mind having a cat in the house."

The feline tilted its head curiously, then mewed again. I chuckled and stood up, walking towards my house with the black and silver cat snuggling in my arms. I blushed slightly, why was I getting all mushy with a kitten? I mean, I know this cat almost got ran over, but why did I have this sudden urge to protect it from any living harm?

The question lingered in my head as I walked through the gates and towards my house.


"AWWWW!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!" Nicole cried, squeezing the life out of the kitten as it struggled to get a breath, I glared at her, "Nicole, give it some air, will ya?"

"Opps, sorry little cutie." Nicole said, loosening her grip and stroking the cat, which it purred contently. I felt a pang of jealousy, what's wrong with me? It's just a kitten!!

"I'll take the cat back, thank you." I muttered, pulling the black feline out of my sister's arms. "I'm going upstairs, call me if you need me."

"Roger that." Nicole said as she went to the study to work on homework. I walked upstairs and placed the kitten on the bed. The black kitten looked around curiously, then rolled around on the mattress.

I chuckled, the cat was so innocent. I contently scratched the back of it's silver tipped black ears, causing it to purr loudly. I smiled, "You're pretty cute for a kitten."

The cat meowed and jumped to my chest, clinging with it's claws to my shirt. I blinked and then stroked the silky raven fur, "You seem to remind me of someone.....someone I met at school."

The kitten looked up at me with curious blue eyes. I blinked, "Hm, blue eyes, black and silver remind me so much of...."

The cat meowed loudly, then hopped onto my shoulder, then nipped gently at my ear. I blinked again, "What's wrong with you?" The cat stared at me for a minute and then rubbed himself against my neck, tickling it with teasing sensations.

"You sure are acting strange." I muttered, pulling him off me and looked at him eye to eye. The kitten blinked, I sighed, "What am I going to call you?"

The feline wiggled in my hands slightly, it's hind legs swung back and forth uselessly. I thought for a moment, "Blacky, Silver, Shadow...."

Then Shadow repeated in my mind like a dragged sentence. I blinked at the kitten then breathed, "Shady?"

The cat mewed and nuzzled my finger's with it's head. I then positioned the kitten in my arms and smiled lightly, "Then Shady it is."


After coming back from the store I held a bag of goodies that I got for my new kitten. I opened the door to my room to find Shady curled up in a ball sleeping peacefully. I smiled and scratched behind it's silver-black ears. It opened it's blue eyes slowly and looked up at me, since I had my face really close to his, our noses touched slightly. I blushed lightly, but then shook my head and opened the bag.

The kitten blinked, then jumped into the bag and darted around the white plastic, it's head poking around on the sides. I chuckled and pulled him out of the bag, "You silly, you're sure impatient."

The kitten pouted slightly, I had to admit it, the cat acted so human....Maybe a little too human.

I shook my head again and pulled out a silver satin collar with embroidered lettering 'Shady' on it. I slipped it over it's black head and secured it on the neck. The feline tilted it's head in different directions, trying to get a good look at it. I picked him up and placed him on the mirrored dresser. The kitten looked down to see his reflection and eyed the collar. It purred and rubbed against the surface.

"Guess you like it don't you?" I said and the kitten purred louder in response. I picked him up from the dresser and placed him in my lap as I sat down on the bed, running my hand through the perfect black night of it's fur. The kitten was so adorable.

I yawned loudly and then turned the switch off to my light and crawled into bed. The kitten then laid next to me and leaned it's small head to my chest. I blushed slightly again, 'Ramsey, this is just a cat, just a cat.'
