Fan Fiction ❯ My Lover My Master ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Lover, My Master

Part 2

Azure lay against a wall for a while, wondering what was to become of her. Her body ached from the cut of her new master's whip and legs were still moist. "Master" she whispered to herself, still unbelieving that someone like her was at his mercy "that bastered, I HATE him, I-I" she didn't continue, she was finding it hard to come up with the words.

she wiped the tears away, she had begun crying.

She curled up into a ball to stay warm in the dank basement "and what's worse? She asked herself, "this place is cold! He could have at least given me a pad, or maybe some kind of mattress." To her surprise however, she couldn't fall back to sleep, usually when she was troubled she could just sleep it off, this was one of her worse habits, so she just sat there, waiting and waiting...

She walked around the room for lack of anything better to do, she hated this place, she whished she could just curl up and die. She went back to the middle of the prison that man had created for her. "Great, he took my clothes too" she grumbled

"Oh well" she walked around some more, trying to block her situation out of her mind she shifted her arms. Azure was very beautiful not that she believed that, she was very uncomfortable with her body most likely because her father had threatened to hurt her if she ever gained weight. She could never be good enough for him. She was just an ugly wimp, a ~Mistake~ that never should've happened.

As she walked her body jostled, she hated being naked, she had no support whatsoever, her breasts smacked against her numerous times, and it was very annoying. "I hate this I hate this I hate this" she muttered, the door at the end of the room squeaked at her neck jerked to see what was happening.

"Miss, are you awake?" The increasingly familiar voice asked, "I have your dinner"

"At least he plans on feeding me" she thought to her self, eyeing him "t-thanks you"

"Don't mention it, I just want you to be, healthy, that's all"

"I understand" she said and walked over to him.

Upon viewing the tray she was quite surprised, there was a slice of turkey, a serving of potatoes and some other trimmings, almost elegant. She took the glass of orange juice and took a sip. The man sat the tray on the floor and walked into a corner of the room and began to watch her eat.

Azure stared at her food, eating in small bites. "Hey what's this pill?" She asked, noticing a tiny pink pill on the tray. "It is a birth control pill" the man said with an evil grin "I suggest you take it"

Azure shivered, it was obvious what he was implying, she didn't trust him . She grasped the pill in her hands. "I don't want to ta-" she didn't finish, the crack of the whip stung her arms and she screamed. "NO!" She got off her knee and ran at the man, he sliced her shoulder again as he whipped she stumbled but kept charging. "I won't be your slave!" She spat and slugged him in the face.

"You little bitch! You raise your hand against me?!" He shouted and tossed her to the ground.

She tumbled across the ground scraping her elbows across the ground. She moaned from the pain her adrenaline had begun to wear off and the full force of the pain was now tangible. Blood leaked onto the floor

"Do we have an understanding you little cunt?" He sneered

"My name is not "cunt" its azure" she said defiantly

"I'll call you what I please! Do you understand me?!"

"Go to hell" she whispered

He kicked her in the ribs and she let out a small yelp

"What did you say"


The man kicked her again harder and she bit her tongue

"what's your name?!"


he whipped her again and she collapsed on the ground

"your name?"

"A. aa.. aazz..." she tried to speak but couldn't even finish he slugged her in the face

she bowed her head, the pain was too much "what...ever.. you.. want" she said tasting her own blood on her lips with each breath

Azure opened her fist and stared at the tiny pill for a second.

"Take it!"

"Please, no"

he grabbed the pill from her hand and shoved in ino her mouth, he closed her jaw and forced her to swallow, she fought with the little strength she had but it went down, it tasted bitter and wrong every second

"UGH" she moaned as he let go allowing her to breath once again.

"Good" he said descending on her. A chill ran up her "what are you going to .." She stopped, he was kissing her shoulder "please.. Stop..." he kept kisses the back of her neck, then he began to reach around her front. Azure shuttered, she wanted to get away, to stop this, but she couldn't.. She just sat the as he groped her. She began whimpering her body almost broken her soul struggled on weakly "No" she screamed dryly "STOP THIS!"

the man ignored her and began kissing her cheek and reached for her thighs as she begin to panic "no DAMN YOU no!" She cried as she struggled from his tight grasp

The man touched her, he worked his finger into her as she screamed and pleaded. Azure felt his finger violating the inside of her, she felt it flow through her, her wounds bled as she cried, the scent of alcohol on the mans breath wafted into her nose sickening her "No more!"

Azure got rolled on her back, the man stood the finger inside her as she screamed and pleaded

"He, your getting wet ~AZURE~" he said mockingly. He bent down and licked her and pulled back with a sneer. "You don't taste half-bad, im going to enjoy you"

Azure lay on her back swearing with her eyes, a pure hatred flowed out of them.

"Get up" he commanded. Azure obeyed reluctantly and weakly got to her feet, she was badly shaken and still crying

She watched in terror as he unzipped his pants.

"Suck" he said coldly

She stood there staring at him, his pants fell to the floor.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He asked as she started to back away

He put his hands behind her head and started pulling her up to him

"no.. please.. not again.." It was happening all over again, just like before, exactly like before, his hands, his manhood pushing into her mouth silencing her hapless pleas

Azure closed her eye and concentrated on breathing, it was a priority suddenly, she knew if she wasn't careful she would choke.

He began to become erect in her mouth, the more she struggle to get away the harder he pressed her on, she could escape.

"MMMPH! erm erg!" She tried to scream again, but that only made it worse, because the vibrations stimulated him, he was growing faster.

"Suck it! What's wrong with you?!" He growled

Azure shed another tear, she tried to bite him but he trust deeper into her ripping at her thought

The pain subsided a little as he pulled out a little, she refused to suck but she could fight his strong grasp, she screamed at herself in her mind, hating herself for not being able to stop this.

."Oh G*d! " He shouted taken aback by her felacio skills.

She wasn't even trying to pleasure him but for some reason even her struggling was enough.

"Not a big surprise" she told herself "you have the experience don't you?"

she cried more never stopping her struggled to get away

"SLUT! HOAR! " She screamed at her self

"suck damn it or ill cut you open!" he said digging his fingers into her shoulder, she slowly began to suck on him just a little, just so he'd let go of her


"I don't want him to hurt me" she answered

"Just like you, a SLUT, your afraid of this or that, so you'll do whatever a guy wants, just for profit, your worse then a prostitute!"

"STOP IT! I don't want this, leave me alone" she screamed in her head.

Azure opened her eyes and more tears rushed down her face she pressed him with her tongue causing him to blast her mouth full of his seed. She tried to spit it out but he pulled her head deeper over him forceing her to swallow it by jamming himself down her thought.

He pulled out, "are you ok?" He asked insincerely

"No" she stuttered gulping to clear her thought.

"I hope you were thirsty"

"Not particularly no"

"Sorry to hear that....."

Azure looked up an him like a hurt animal, ready to strike but too weak

"Were did you learn how to blow like that? It was incredible" he said with a strangely colorful tone

She looked away, taken aback by the question "m. My f- f- father.."

He looked at her questioningly "Your FATHER?!"

Azure nodded sadly, then spat trying to get his seed out of her mouth

"I guess you could say it was a skill I was born with.."

"That's just fucked up"

"your one to talk"


She got up "Are.. are you finished with me?"

"Not nearly... but you've done enough for now... and im sorry about your father"

"Don't be.. He isn't"


"Um.. S- Sir?" She asked fearing his anger would return


"May,, may I ask your name?"

"Why?" He glared

"Well.. If im going to be serving you and all." She muttered, biting her tongue with each word, every second a deeper rage flowed over her, but she hid it

"You will call me sir, or master, or whatever I please, however, if you must know, my name is John, but if i so much as hear you mutter that then I'll cut you open like a trout, understand?"

"Y-yes" she glared

"Good girl"

He walked out of the room leaving her to lay there thinking..

"Good girl.." She repeated to herself unbelieving. She curled up to, it was rather cold, but heat had begun to flow into the room from some duct.

"Why.. Why is this happening again.. Why did it happen in the first place" she asked herself as the horrific memories flooded her.

She was 13 and talking to her father through the glass window at the prison.

"Why daddy? Why did you do this?!"

"I told you.. I don't know. I couldn't help myself, it was like, a huge curiosity within me, I just,.. Honey.. Im sorry"

"I hate you father!"

"Azure please... don't hate me, I made a bad choice.. I made allot of bad choices.. But please don't hate me"


"Azure.. When was the first time.. I made you."


"No.. It wasn't.."

The young girl's eyes lit up fiercely at met his gaze

"What do you mean?" She sneered

"When you were a baby, before one-year old.. I would do similar things... but I stopped when you turned two, I was afraid you would remember.. But. I could help myself... and I started again when you turned four.. Azure.. Please forgive me..."

"Never, you are the worst person on earth, you lowlier then the gruel you eat"

"Azure try to understand.. I was drunk.. And you mom,,,,, hasn't been the same since her operation, she didn't want to do anything with Me.. I was deprived.. It doesn't justify what I did but I"

"SAVE IT!" She yelled, "There's no excuse for what you've done! I don't even know why I came to visit you... I HATE you Dammit!"

Justin looked down "im sorry" he whispered as she got up and walked away..

"I'll see you in hell" she sad as she walked away, the words echoed in her mind

"Why do these memories haunt me..." she groaned as the clock on the ticked..

"Funny.. I never noticed that clock before" she quipped. "I guess I've been too busy.. Sigh.."

The time ticked by.. Hour after hour.. She had nothing to do in this room, the only things there were sex toys and toucher devices, so once more she found herself drifting to sleep.

"I guess ill meet you sooner then I thought daddy.." she whispered
