Fan Fiction ❯ My Lover My Master ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Lover

My Master

Chapter 7

The sickening feeling, all to familiar to the poor girl, flooded her veins. It was that wretched smell your body has, or the part of you that's sore and shouldn't be no matter what the situation. Her pheromones were so thick in the air even she could almost literally smell herself, her very body, in spite of her, begging for her deepest enemy's darkest pleasures.

Even now well over an hour later her body still poured in cold sweat, soaking into the silken sheets mixing with her wretched juices. There was no longer a reason to fear sleep. No nightmare to run from, this new reality she had found. This, THIS was her nightmare; and she wondered if that horrid world were her father was the only one she had to fear, were that sick naive twisted version of herself could be happy and enjoy the twisted abuse, could possibly be better then this living hell.

Even in this lone hour begging to find that sleep she once feared, and now craved, ever moment was still vivid, etched in her mind, causing her to relive it to the point even her body reacted to some of the filthy images flooding through her brain. It may as well be happening at that very moment for her.

Because all she could think about, was him...

"My worst? That's one thing I never thought I'd here you say. You don't know my worst, yet. Frankly you couldn't handle it. Oh man. But I'm happy to oblige that sick little hunger that terrorizes you from inside, oh girl. I'm more then happy to.."

She wanted to take back the foolish comment right then. Her contempt was too strong to willingly let him take her as his own. But it was too late and he was going to take her up on that offer. Weather she still would willingly submit to him or at least fight his over powering advances to the end.

Only one question lingered in her mind. Did she want to fight? All the obvious answers said yes, but why did she even tell him that in the first place. She couldn't submit to John. Nor to her doubts. In her heart she knew she didn't want to, and she was determined not to let John fuck with her mind. He wasn't going to convince her otherwise. She would say no. She would fight.

Azure turned to her overbearing master who gazed at her coldly waiting for her to again speak after her long silence, "Listen, John. About."

"Save it!" He snapped cutting her off "You went thinking at the moment and you want to take it back now?"

"Uh. Yeah, that kind of sums it up" Azure weakly offered stunned at his accurate evaluation of her.

"Good, I'd hate to see you enjoying it too much so soon. Its like you said. I'm going to take you again sooner or later, right? My dripping little cunt?" He sneered and pressed his hand against her thigh "But its a shame, after all, you cant deny or admit that somewhere in you that slutty cunt of yours is aching for me. You've shown it too many times now to deny. But you just hate me too much to admit."

Azure's eyes searched him for answers as she shifted way from his strong hand.

"Tell me I'm wrong."

"...You are. I could never enjoy even the slightest look from you; much less your dark twisted abuse... how could you even imagine that I could....... You're wrong" Azure spat at him "Now how do I convince myself that?" She asked herself.

"Am I? Really? Azure, be honest with yourself."


"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't hate me, look me in the eyes and tell me your soul doesn't burn just to turn me into ash."

Azure glared at him showing that fire burning intensely

"Tell me that somewhere in you. With that hot slimy coating between your thighs that's dripped down so far I can already smell it. Tell me you have absolutely no desires for my body."

The soul fire was extinguished. Azure looked straight into his eyes. And suddenly, she who could lie to her mother's face under oath, couldn't deny that he spoke truth.

"You can't deny it can you?" John smiled barely able to contain his excitement this was what he had been waiting for and she was crumbling faster then he could've hoped for.

"No...I cant" Azures eyes all but began to brim with tears.

"So you admit it"

"I admit NOTHING!..." azure snapped fighting with her emotions bitterly

"This is pointless." John scoffed in disgusted "I don't know weather to leave you here alone for a while to teach you a thing or two or if its better to just eat you out now and get it over with."

"If you want to do something to me do it already damn it. Why are you fucking with my mind? You have me were you want me why don't you just take what you want?"

"Well that wouldn't be Nearly as fun now would it? No I suppose not. Which is why I left it up to you. I want you to hate it. Or I want you to want it. But bitch your going to care one way or the other"

"Why do you care?"

"Think about it Azure." She looked at him questioningly as to why he called her by her proper name "Why the fuck would I. if it were just about the obvious id have it by now. Simply I want more. And you'll find out what I really want in due time." He beamed her a smile "Trust me."

"Trust you? Why should I trust you?"

"Why shouldn't you? I've explained everything you need to know, I've been honest and forward to your questions. I have not lied to you, and I will not lie to you. I'm your owner now and you've just got to learn to accept that. But as your owner I need to earn your trust. And if you don't trust me. Then I can't trust you."

Azure wretched inside, she looked sick. "Trust isn't so easily gained'

"I know this. But I work hard to keep my pets in line."

"Ugh I can't believe you actually want me as a pet. Are you fucking serious?"

"I do believe you'd make a fine pet yes."

"I hate that name more then I hate *cunt*"

"I know."

"So you're saying I can trust you right? Your promise you'll never lie to me? And I'm supposed to believe this?"

"Quite frankely,Yes,Doyou have anyone else you can trust right now? Can you even trust yourself? Your emotions continue to play worse games then I ever could."

"Not... really?"

"You liked that bath didn't you?"

"Let's see, getting beat up. Using a trashcan to urinate cut wounds, sexual abuse... BATH. Tough choice" Azure voice wreaked with sarcasm

"Not even a thank you?"

"I think not trying to escape and or kill you suffices as a thank you."

"I disagree."

"How's a cold heartless Thank You with no meaning or backing what so ever"

"Works for me, rather have a real one"

"Well in that case, I would honestly be thankful IF, you let me take a bath. By myself. No watching, talking, barging in. And Especially no touching" Azure joked with a slight hint of muse in her voice

John almost giggled at her comment, so he decided to do something shed never expect. He retorted with another offer, "How's this, I let you have the bath if you can swear to me, that I can fully trust you, not to run away, try, plan an attempt or anything against me at all. If you can promise me that I can trust you, it's yours." He gave her that stern but honest look again, grinning menacingly the whole time, forceing her to look into his eyes, "Can I trust you?"

"That depends on how much trust you are capable of." She replied steadily gazing into those transient eyes, "But unless you are a fool enough to think that id willing stay in your control, then you can not trust me."

With a sigh John got up and turned his back to Azure . "Then perhaps I am a fool" he told himself under his breath.

It had to be a trap, Johns back was turned. He didn't have a whip. And the door was still open. It had to be a trap, it had to be. But the thought of freedom was a lust beyond that of Johns for her. The sheets already off her body she darted off the matt that passed for a bed and moved so hard her muscles burned. The door was in sight, her foot hit the step her frail figure propelled off of it through the doorway into the long corridor. Another door at the end that had to be a stairway to the next level, or at least somewhere else, and the door to the bathroom on her right. She began running toward what she hoped was the exit.

A blur of doors flashed by, each had labels like "closet, restroom, janitorial supplies, Azure."

"Azure?" she squeaked in surprised just before John's upper body slammed her legs crippling her to the floor.

"Ugh," John's lungs unleashed there air forcefully as the both toppled onto the floor, "You weren't supposed to see that yet Cunt."

"What , ugh, is this anyway?" Azure asked trying to get up with Johns arms wrapped around her legs.

"Its your new room, I was going to show you it when I felt I could trust you" He sighed and unlocked the door while letting Azure up. She was to curious to try and run away.

John opend the door reviling a room with a shimmering red bed with lace and silk sheets, ample lighting, a sink and some doors, wich she would later discover held a decent bathroom and a closet with skimpy clothes.

"Oh great. So now your gonna show me this room I could've had and taunt me with it?" Azure wondered openly.

"No, You've seen your room and I won't deny it too you. You may live here now, but you will have to pay for it, and be punished for that pitiful escape attempt."

Azure's heart leaped with joy for a mere second. Before being hit by a painful realization. "What's this going to cost me?"

"You'll see, go on," He kicked Azure into the room, "Get comfortable while you can. It will be a long time before you will have a chance to enjoy comfort such as this again." With this John Locked the door and left, leaving Azure to go about inspecting her room

"Well guess I better hurry up and get comfortable. I get the feeling I don't have much time..."