Fan Fiction ❯ My not-so-proper Epic ❯ Wake ups ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Joey: no she doesn't.
Fangsyyhinudcfan1026: YES I DO I CREATED YOU!
Fangs: its true Joey get over it.
Joey: FINE! She does own it I was just pulling her chain, frankly I think she's a little too ah how do I say this…dumb!
Fangsyyhinudcfan1026: NO IM NOT!
Joey: then why the hell are you writing your whole name out?
Fangsyyhinudcfan1026: uh………………………STUNT GUY!!
Guy's with “security” written on the back of their jackets came and took Joey. Then they replaced him with a cardboard cut out of him.
Fangsyyhinudcfan1026: Is this the best you could do?
Guy: yes deal with it.
Fangsyyhinudcfan1026: fine im sure this one will be smarter and more cooperative.
Cardboard cut out of Joey: ...idiot.
After their visit to Joey's mom Joey and Fangs headed for their classes (they have all the same classes you can thank Joey and Ian's mom for that! ^_^)
“YOU FELL ASLEEP ON ME!” Ian had tried to get himself out of trouble with his girlfriend but to no effect.
“YOU LET ME FALL ASLEEP ON YOU!” a still very angry Alex had yelled.
“ Damn! You got me copper through on the cuffs and drag me off to jail or better yet an all-boys school.” Ian called with a sarcastic tone to Alex who was changing in the bathroom connected to her room.
“Oh shut up you perverted jerk!” Alex commanded as she walked out of the bathroom ready for school.
“ Fine, fine I will but you have to promise me something.” Ian sneakily stated.
“Wait! Tell me what im promising to first.” Alex almost demanded (she's very pushy when cranky)
“Ok I wont try to make you mad all day if you swear to send a kiss my way after classes today.” stated the half awake, perverted (as Alex stated earlier) Ian Salem.
“Are you crazy?” she was about to scream at him but all Alex could do was say it loudly so her mom wouldn't wake up, she didn't want to get in trouble for not being at school on time.
“Joey?” Fangs asked trying to tell if he was still awake because he was jut staring at the ground on the way to class.
“Huh? Oh it was just you Fangs.” He stated in a bored type of voice.
“Am I that boring?” Fangs asked because right after he was finished talking he continued to stare at the ground.
“ You seriously need to get more sleep; that's it no more late-night drawing sessions. K?”
Fangs said starting out jokingly and finishing with a concerning voice.
“I…that's not it Fangs it's just …” Joey started.
“It's just what?” Fangs sounded even more concerned.
“Oh nothing!” Joey said cheerily trying to hide his concern.
“Yeah bull spit nothing.” (Swearing is bad ^-^) Fangs said still walking in the hallway to their first block class because of Joey's little scare.
“No really! It's nothing, stop worrying!” Joey said taking Fangs' hand and forcing her to run to class. “We don't want to be late.”
“Liar” she said under her breath.
“What?” Joey said slowing down.
“That's just a bold face lie!” Fangs started with a bit of anger. “You know fully well that with my mind manipulation I can make it seem like we are already there, besides you never pay attention.” Fangs said on the verge of tears almost. She hated when Joey thought he could lie to her.
“Aw come on. Fine! If you really want to know I was sensing a big source of demonic energy from the school meaning there might be another possessed human lurking around school.” Joey said trying to console her.
“Oh that's all? Why didn't you say so?” Fangs said confirming Joey's plan a success.