Fan Fiction ❯ My Special Star:A Robin and Starfire Lemon ❯ [chap 1]Robins Secret, Rooftop Confessions ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer don't own Teen Titans. All logos, titles, characters, etc. are properties of Warner Brothers and DC Comics. So lets get to the story. Also I don't own any of the names, characters, and people that are mentioned in this story.

This is my first Teen Titans fic, first fic ever, and first romance fic. so please bare with me. I'm not very romantic so this may not be to good. But if you like lemons there is lemony goodness at the end of the story so if you wanna skip the bull shit and go for the goods than go right ahead.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1-Robins Secret, Rooftop Confessions

"Oh Robin" Starfire said as she and Robin held each other in a passionate embrace. Robin ran his fingers through Starfires long silky red hair, and ran his index finger up and down the curve of her bare back. "Starfire" said Robin looking into her shimmering emerald green eyes, whose beauty couldn't be matched by anything on Earth. Their faces were only inches apart. "I love you" he squeaked out as he drew closer about to kiss the girl he had secretly loved. The human teen was the happiest he had ever been. Just being around this one girl sent him into a state of absolute bliss. Starfire suddenly smacked Robin ferociously across his face creating a large thump. The Boy Wonder fell to the ground and rubbed his face while sadness and rejection began to build up within him. He said "ow Starfire that hurt!" But without esponding or remorse Starfire turned around and slowly walked away leaving a heartbroken Robin laying on the ground, his eyes filling with tears.

Robin came back into reality, finding himself in a precarious looking position. He found himself lying on the floor of his room with the bedding pulled onto the ground with him. "Not again" thought Robin as he got up and fixed his bed. He sat on the edge of his bed rubbing the bump on his head made from the sudden reality check. He drowsily looked at his alarm clock it read "12:00 a.m." "Great, just about every night for the pass three months it's been the same recurring dream. It's the exact same scene to. Star and me are hugging and I tell her that I love her and than she smacks me really hard and walks away leaving me, my pride, and my crushed heart on the ground. And every night I fall out of bed and slam my head on the floor. I swear if this keeps up I'll end up retarded. What's going on, lately I...I just can't stop thinking about her. I mean I like her but I can't possibly love her. Or what if I do love her? What if she loves me to or what if she doesn't. Arrgh!!!" Robin proceeded to punch his head several times in a feeble to get the thoughts of the incredibly hot alien girl whom he secretly loved out of his head.

He thought after ceasing himself from nearly busting his skull in half "maybe a walk on the roof will help? Yeah that'll get her out of my head." He laced up his boots, and put on his utility belt just in case a dire emergency would require him to be ready quickly. He also made sure he had his mask just in case any of the other Titans or anybody else were to see him. He walked out of his room and thought "ok now lets get her out of my head. Now think about other things. Base Ball, Rock-n-Roll, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, how cute she looks when she laughs, and ahh dammit! Ok think of other people! Mike Myers, Eddie Van Halen, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Starfire, Jim Carry, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, Tom Clancy, Cyborg, Starfire, the Rock, Rob Van Dam, Starfire, an...shit!! Dammit no matter what I do I can't quit thinking about her!!! Ok one more time." takes a deep breath "ok now lets see Yu-gi-oh, Adult Swim, what color her bra and panties are, Disney, weight lifting, how incredibly boring Cyborg is, the size of her boobs, radioactive alien monster hybrids, how much Beast Boy likes Raven, the coincidence that the episode "Nevermore" that Raven starred in is also a line from Edgar Allen Poes 'the Raven', how tight her pussy probably is! What oh man now I'm thinking perverted thoughts about her this is going way to far!!!!!!!!"

He walked down the hall and headed up to the roof but as he was walking he stopped by Starfires room. The door was slightly ajar and he couldn't resist the sudden undeniable urge to peer inside. Robin found Starfires sleeping form on top of her circular bed as his head slowly slipped through the crack of her door. It was a pretty warm night and the air conditioner in Titan Tower was broken. Since Cyborg was procrastinating the job of fixing it. He walked in and stood on the side of her bed and he watched her sleep. Tonight she was sleeping the correct way whereas she would always sleep on the end with her head hanging over the edge. He looked around and surveyed the room, the walls were a very light indigo and the ceiling and trim were plain wight. On the east wall was a regular sized desk, a spinney chair, a couple Starfire comic books and a notebook entitled 'Scrapbook:Property of Starfire' sat silently on the desk. Next to the desk was a bookcase containing various books, a dictionary, a thesaurus, various mangas, and binders that had Teen Titans, Starfire and Robin comic books. (he couldn't see the binder labeled Robin comics) The west wall had a small bathroom containing a shower, sink, etc. Next to it was a walk in closet containing Starfires purple uniforms and a bunch of other dresses she hardly wore. The north wall (if you don't include the one with the door)had her circle shaped bed with indigo and purple bedding. Near her bed was a small desk with a vanity mirror, beauty, and grooming supplies. Also Next to her bed was her night stand with an alarm clock, a lamp, a picture of the Teen Titans, and one of her and Robin alone posing for the camera.

He fixed his gaze on Starfire she was wearing a purple tank top that went down to her lower gut, exposing her stomach like her normal shirt, and she wore long purple pajama pants. It was very similar to her uniform. Robin thought as he looked down at the sleeping girl "man she's so beautiful, a girl like her could never go for a guy like me. She's perfect! She's kind, beautiful, caring, sweet, a little naive at times but she's cute like that. "He cupped her chin and roamed her cheek with his left hand and roamed her exposed stomach with his right hand. He thought "god even through these fucking gloves she's so
soft." He looked around again and than took off his gloves and stuffed them between his utility belt. He then began to roam her body with his bare hands. Robin leaned down to her face and lightly but passionately kissed her cheek. He moved his hand up her shirt and gently squeezed her right breast. Starfire shivered and moaned. She whispered almost inaudibly under her breath "Robin!"

Robin gasped and jumped back into the shadows of her room. if she were to wake up right now it would be a nightmare come true having to explain why he was in her room, why was it at 12 in the morning, and he knew she would surely ask what was the feeling she had. Yet she remained asleep. Robin breathed heavily "phew she's only dreaming!" Starfire whispered "Oh Robin I love you." Robins eyes grew huge and a huge sweat drop appeared in the back of his head [anime style] his heart was banging against his chest so hard and fast people in the next city could hear it and he felt something poking against the crotch of his green pajama pants. He thought "oh man I gotta get outta here!" With that he dashed out her bedroom door and up to the roof at a speed that even Sonic the Hedgehog, the Road Runner, and Speedy Gonzales together couldn't even come close to matching. However he was unaware that he left her bedroom door open, and the slamming of the roof door caused Starfire to wake up. She sat up "huh what was that noise?! It sounded like a door slamming." She rubbed her eyes and thought "it is probably nothing to be concerned about, but that odd dream I had. I dreamt that I just told Robin that I loved him and he kissed me, than he hit me, and he seemed to disappear." She put her hand to her heart and felt it beat at an unusual rate, and her face felt extremely hot. This feeling was weird but it was a good feeling to her, one that she had been experiencing for awhile whenever she thought of Robin. "I cannot sleep I wonder if I should tell Robin how I feel about him? No I cannot he could never love me in that fashion. He's brave, thoughtful, strong, courageous, and such a wise and caring leader. He has taught me so much about Earth and it's customs. About pizza, cotton candy, fire works, television, parties, football, music, movies, how you should never try wrestling at home, how you should always remain in shape, he once even tried to teach me how to play video games. He has done countless things for me I could never repay him fully for all he has done. But perhaps I can find a way to reward him."

She got out of bed and walked to his room and found his door open. However he wasn't in there. She only saw the sheets that were on his bed but they were in total disarray like someone had fought Robin and seriously messed up his bed. She was beginning to panic she began to check all the rooms he might be in. She checked the living room, the kitchen, the gym, the recreational room, the meeting/board room, the vehicle dock, the Investigation Room (you know that dark room Robin was in "Masks"), the laundry room, storage facility, and even the library but still no Robin. Starfire wondered "where is Robin, where did he go?" She was panicking, trying to figure out what to do. She was just about to wake up the other titans when she remembered something. "Wait that noise of a door slamming on the roof, could that be him" she then flew up to the roof hoping to find him.

[Titan Tower Roof Top]
Starfire quietly opened the door to the roof and sure enough there was Robin sitting on the edge of the tower looking at the distant city. She floated quietly toward him. He was mesmerized by the city that he failed to notice the door to the roof closing behind the two teens. Robin was sitting on the roof overlooking the city, everything was eerily quiet except for the faint sound of horn honks and other sounds coming from the city he thought "ah the city night. The view from up here always relaxes me. It's so soothing. Kinda like heavy metal music." He looked up into the sky it was a cloudless night and the moon and the stars were in full view. His mind began to draw a mental image of Starfires unbelievable face in the moon. "Sigh" thought Robin "I'm such a dork I've braved so much crap and tons of hell throughout my entire life and yet I can't even talk to a girl! What am I gonna do? Fuckin' teenage hormones their totally screwing with my life. I could just avoid her. Nah I can't do that, she's one of my best friends and plus we're both apart of the same team so I've got to live wish her for a long time. Plus how could anyone avoid such a great girl like her? Or maybe I could turn gay... hell no that'll never happen even in a million years!!! Or I could just tell her how I feel about her and get this stupid thing off my chest? But even if I did it would probably end up like the dream. I'll just be heartbroken." With one more sigh he stood up and was going to head back to his room and hopefully find a way to fall asleep when he heard a familiar angelic voice behind him saying "Hello Robin." He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the red headed aliens voice but he turned around and found her smiling that beautiful bright smile he adored so much. Robin sighed "Oh phew it's just you Star you scared the living hell outta me!" She replied "I am very sorry Robin can you forgive me?" There was a hint of regret and worry in her voice. Robin sighed "sure Star of course."

Starfire walked over to Robin, he surveyed her graceful movements. The graceful sway of her hips, the beauty of her emerald eyes as they glowed in the moon light, her luscious lips that he has only dreamed of kissing and the majesty of her hair moving and contorting with the wind, Robin was entranced by her remarkable beauty so much that he couldn't help but blindly stare at her. Thank god for him that she didn't notice his staring because she to was also staring blindly at him. His brunette hair that seemed to stick out in every single direction, his perfect face free of any kind of blemish, his eyes forever clouded by the mask he always wore, his powerful body that she has always wanted to see unclothed. Starfire said sitting next to him "good evening Robin. What are you doing up so late? I thought the Earth custom of sleeping was that a person has to accumulate at least eight hours of sleep to reduce fatigue and crankiness." Robin replied with his head turned away from her, concealing his beet red blush "well I couldn't sleep, so I came up here trying to find something to help me get back to sleep and... hey what are you doing up so late?" She turned her head to hide the bright tint in her cheeks and replied "I heard the door up here slam, and I also couldn't sleep either so I went to find you, in hopes that you would help me but you weren't in your room, or any of the other rooms so I found you up here." Robin said "oh umm... why come to me?" She responded, with her blush temporarily sub-siding "because in the past whenever I had a problem you had always found the time and patience to help me. And for that I trust you greatly Robin." Robin said "Wow thanks Star that really means a lot to me knowing that someone trusts me and wants my help. Well anyway why couldn't you sleep Star?" He scooted a little closer to Starfire. She replied "well I umm... had this dream" She scooted closer. Robin asked "really I had a dream to. What was yours about?" He moved toward her a little more. Starfire said "it was well about you Robin." She moved even closer, the two were barely an inch apart.

Robin said "really about me? Mine was uhh...about you to Star." He placed his gloved hand on top of hers. Starfire gasped under her breath and said "ohh umm...I'd love to hear about yours first." Robins face turned completely crimson red while he searched for the words to put his dream into context. "Well it went like this, you see uhh...we were both standing on a cloud or something...umm...hugging!!!!!! Really Robin? Please continue." She was somewhat shocked because her dream was beginning to sound very similar to his. Robin lowered his head and continued "well after some conversation I said...I said umm...arggh I can't take it anymore!" The Boy Wonder moved his hands to Starfires shoulders and turned her so her whole body faced him and so she could look him in the eye. He lifted his face so she could look him in the eye. She was a little confused at Robins incredibly eery behavior but eagerly awaited an explanation. Robin took a deep breath and said "uhh...Starfire this is kinda hard for me to say because I don't know how you feel so I'm just gonna come out and sat it. I umm...I. I love you" and he pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss. Starfire was a little shocked at this but found out this was exactly what she had been wanting from Robin for a long time. She closed her eyes and went along with it.

The kiss between the two Teen Titans lasted over a minute before they had to brake for air. As they parted Starfires lips were still slightly ajar and her eyes were still closed. They open and began to tear up. Robin looked down and he said regretfully "Star I'm sorry I didn't know what came over me. I'll leave now." He got up and was ready to walk off thinking that he now had no chance of Starfire ever loving him now. Starfire quickly grabbed his wrist and rose up and met his gaze. She looked at him, her vision blurred by tears. Robin asked "Starfire I'm sorry for what I did, please stop crying. I can't stand to see you cry." She said while chocking back a sob "no, Robin I'm crying because I am just so happy to here you say that!" Robins eyes widened " mean?" Starfire said practically shouting hysterically "yes I love you Robin!" Tears began to pour from inside his mask (a little OOC personally I don't think Robin would cry about anything) "really, I'm so glad to hear you say that Star!I love you to." They both kissed again, this one being more passionate than the last. They wrapped their arms around each others necks, pushing their lips farther and farther in (if that's possible). Robins tongue snaked out and he began to lick Starfires lips, enjoying the sweet supple taste. He was also trying to get her to allow him to french kiss her. He probed open her lips and began feeling around the inside of her mouth. Starfire moaned as Robin french kissed her. She remembered seeing something like this in a movie and frenched him. Their tongues wrestled in each others mouths, savoring the taste of one another breath, teeth, tongue, and roof.

When the two parted a stream of spit came from both their tongues. Starfire said "Wow my first and second kiss in one night. What was that where we put our tongues in each others mouths" Robin replied "mine to! And it's called a french kiss" Starfire asked "hmm isn’t French an Earth country?" Robin said "yeah but I don't know, that's just something they decided to call it." An awkward silence lingered between them until Starfire said "Robin?" "Yeah Star" he replied, she finished "do you...wish todo the reproductive act with me?" Robin jumped and asked frantically " mean sex?!" "if that is what Earthlings call it than yes." Robin asked "have you ever done it before?" Starfire shook her head "no I have been saving myself for the right person, and to me that is you Robin." "But what if you get pregnant?" said Robin. Starfire lifted up her shirt as far as her ribs and revealed a long scar. She said "see this scar?" Robin nodded "yeah, what is it" she continued "a Glorbuxlion Implant, it keeps me from becoming pregent until I am twenty three years of age. Now please Robin I wish to do this with you tonight. I have been wanting to do so ever since I met you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his forehead. He thought about it for a few seconds and said "ok, but lets go to my room. Wanna race?" Starfire smiled widely and said "ok. Robin? Robin?!" He had already took a head start and Starfire could here him laughing along the way. She yelled "hey no fair you got a head start!" And with that she flew after him.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok that's the first chapter. The lemon part is up next so if you don't want to read about sex than leave now.