Fan Fiction ❯ My Special Star:A Robin and Starfire Lemon ❯ [chap 3]Reactions, and Proposal ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ok so hear's the last chapter. This has lime in it. What can I say I gave you guys enough Robin and Starfire lemon to last a long time. Oh and by the way thanks to all you dudes who review. It means a lot to me. Anyway in this chapter find out what happens when the other Titans find out what their comrades had done. Also look for a very special surprise.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three-Reactions, and Proposal

[next morning]
The next morning after Robins and Starfires little escapade with destiny, Beast Boy was pounding on Robins door, while holding a plate of tofu eggs, and tofu bacon. "Yo Robin its 10 a.m. get up! You can't ignore me! C'mon I got breakfast!" He waits for a response but hears nothing. The green shape shifter decides to take action, and he opens the door. The huge metal door slides open and he steps a few feet in. "Come on wakey wakey tofu eggs and tofu ba..." The sight he saw stopped in his tracks, he was stunned at what he saw. The eggs spilled off the plate and onto the floor, his eyes were as big as saucers. "Oh my friggin' god" he thought. Cyborg walked up saying "jeez Beast Boy, nobody wants your damn fake..." he stopped "" was his reaction. The site was more than weird to the two Teen Titans because 1)Starfire was sleeping in Robins room, in Robins bed, with Robin, 2)they were both naked, 3)they were really close together, and 4)the sheets and bedding looked soaking wet. Raven walked up, with her arms crossed, apparently annoyed. She said in her normal, toneless voice "what
are you two idiots looking at?" Beast Boy and Cyborg moved, their shocked expressions refusing to leave. They pointed into Robins room. Raven huffed and stepped in, the site also astounded her, her eyes were as big as Cyborgs and Beast Boys. She stammered "umm uhh maybe we should leave them alone." Cyborg and Beast Boy nodded and they walked out, shutting the door behind them. Robin and Starfire continued to sleep soundly as the rest of team tried desperately to process what they just saw.

[Later, around noon]
Robin woke as a sun beam that shone through his window fell on his face, making it seem as though the sun was forcing him to wake up. He yawned and rub his drooping eyes with the back of his fist. He looked to his left and saw the peaceful, sleeping form of his beautiful alien love. Her body, soaked with both his and her cum, and sweat seemed to glisten in the sunlight. Robin refused the idea of waking her up, he didn't want this moment to ever end but he knew they had to greet the day. He nudged her shoulder "Star, hey Star wake up it's morning." She groaned and rose up, her eyes were squeezed shut, almost refusing to open. They flicked open, allowing her to see the slightly blurry form of her love Robin. "R...Robin." She perked up, revealing her usual happy, infectious attitude. She kissed him and said "oh good morning Robin. Hmm what time is it?" Robin turned to his alarm clock "oh shit, its noon" Starfires hands clasped over her mouth "oh my we have slept in, the others may be worried about us." She got off of Robins bed and walked to pick up her clothes. A small groan of disappointment
escaped from Robins throat. Starfire found and put on her pj clothes, which managed to survive without getting any cum or sweat on them. She said "Robin I will see you in the living area as soon as I bathe and put on my uniform." Robin said "sure, I'll see you in a while I just hope I can find a way to get the cum and sweat off my sheets. Starfire giggled "tee hee Bye" She blew a kiss at him and stepped out of room. Robin sighed as he felt his heart did a back flip inside his chest. "I might as well take a shower to."

Robin prepared for the day, throwing his cum soaked bedding and clothes into his hamper, taking a shower, throwing on his normal uniform, and getting a new mask out of his dresser (you'd probably think he had an entire drawer full of masks) He stood in silence for awhile, eyeing the surrounding area, making sure nobody was around. (even though he knew nobody was
around, and nobody could hear him anyway) He walked to his night stand and opened the single drawer. Rummaging through useless crap he pulled out a small black box. He looked around again and opened the box to take a gandar at its contents. He inhaled deeply and said "ok Robo now’s the time, you have to ask her today!" He shoved the box into his pocket and headed for his door. He opened it and found Starfire waiting for him. Robin couldn't help but smile, she was now clean and dressed in her normal uniform making her look as radiant as ever. Starfire greeted Robin in her normal, cheery voice "hello Robin, I see you have bathed and you are dressed in your normal attire. Shall we go have breakfast?" Robin said "Uhh it’s a little late
for breakfast but we can still get something to eat." They started to walk down the hall when Robin suddenly stopped. Starfire stopped and asked "Robin what is wrong?" He said "nothing, but Starfire can I ask you a question." Starfire replied "what is troubling your mind Robin?" He stammered "well umm do you want to be my girlfriend Star?" (in case your all wondering this isn't the big question he wants to ask) She tilted her head "but aren't I already your girlfriend Robin? After all I am your friend, and I am a girl." Robin said "no that's not what I mean, you see hear on Earth when a boy and girl like each other more than friends they form a special relationship where they call each other boyfriend and girlfriend." He felt really stupid at this point, Starfire just stared at him. Robin lowered his head feeling as though he had been shot through the heart by a cannon. Starfire walked closer to him and put her hand on his left shoulder. Robin looked up to see her beautiful, smiling face. She said "Robin, yes I would love to be your girlfriend." Robins heart and soul had suddenly been revived, he jumped for joy nearly bumping his head on the ceiling. "Oh Starfire I can't believe it do you mean it?" She nodded "yes Robin but only if you'll be my boyfriend" Robin said "of course Star I'd love to be your boyfriend!" Starfire leapt to "yay, thank you Robin I feel so happy. Come on lets go tell Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg." She grabbed his wrist and flew, while he ran to the living room where the three curious Teen Titans were waiting for their love struck friends.

When they finally burst into the living room Robin said "guys you'll never guess, me and Star are..." Robin and Starfire found their teammates giving them glances that meant something serious was going on. Starfire asked "why are you all staring at us, did we do something wrong?" Cyborg rose up from the couch he was sitting on and said "look we need to talk." Robin said "'bout what?" Raven floated over to them and said "you have to be joking, we're talking about this morning." Both Robin and Starfire tensed up, a bead of sweat fell down Robins brow as he thought "how the fuck did they find out?!" Beast Boy walked over and said "yeah what did you guys do? I walked into Robins room this morning because he was sleeping late, and I found you Starfire..." he pointed a finger at her "sleeping with him, and you were both naked, and I swear I think those sheets were covered in cum, wassup wit' dat?!" Cyborg grinned "all this sounds like a code for SEEEEEEEEX!" Robin was as stiff as a board, he felt as stupid as hell at that moment, he never felt so embarrassed in his life as Cyborg was laughing like crazy. Beast Boy and Raven were becoming extremely annoyed with Cyborgs incessant laughing since they weren't getting anywhere with this interrogation. The two teens looked at each other then Raven waved her hand. Cyborgs head became incased in Ravens trademark black magic, and his laughing was silenced. Raven said "now what were asking is did you two have sex? Yes or no?" Beast Boy nodded "yeah tell us, the suspense is killing me." Robin was now visibly tense, he was sweating up a storm and his face was pale white, He balled up his fist, thinking of punching his three questioning friends and jumping out the immense window that was one of the living rooms walls. Starfire clenched his fist and gently squeezed, therefore easing Robins tension, and loosen his fist. He looked at her and she smiled and nodded "Robin perhaps we should tell them about last night."

Robin released his fist and held her hand. He took a deep breath and said "ok guys" they all silenced, including Cyborg and listened intently, Robin took another deep breath and turned to Starfire and wrapped his hands around her slender waist "it's true Starfire and I had sex last night. But it's because I love her." Starfire followed by wrapping her hands around his waist and pulling him close "and I love Robin" to show it they both kissed right in front of there friends. Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg were practically at a loss for words, Beast Boy and Cyborg whooped and shouted for joy, thinking this was the coolest turn of events the titans ever had. Raven bent her head trying to cover up her smile, even if it was just a small smirk she didn't want anybody to see her. Robin and Starfire stopped their deep kiss and faced their friends. Robin saw Raven looking at the floor and asked "Raven is something wrong?" Beast Boy, who was sort of concerned walked over and bent at the waist, trying to get a view of what was bugging Raven. He asked "Raven are you...smiling?" She snapped back "what in the hell would I have to smile about its not like this is anything new!" Robin and Starfire were confused when they heard that. Starfire said "but how did you all know, we have just informed you about our relationship?" Beast Boy said after he finishing snickering at Ravens overreaction to his question "come on you can't be serious we all knew since the first time you guys looked googly eyed at each other." Raven nodded and said irritably "yeah and the signs were so obvious." Robin said in defense "no friggin way!" Cyborg began to mock Robin in a little girly voice "Don't worry Starfire, here let me help you
Starfire, ha ha that's really cool Starfire, come on the ride with me Starfire, nobody can ever take your place Starfire, I won't let them do anything to hurt you Starfire, your safe with me Starfire, I'll always be there for you Starfire." He resumed his normal voice "come on man its as obvious as the nose on your face." Robin scratched his head "gee, I thought if I were the former side kick of Gotham Citys greatest detective I'd be able to hide things a lot better."

They all managed to get a good chuckle out of Robins reaction to the fact that they knew that him and Starfire liked each other. The boy wonder shrugged his shoulders and said "well I guess this is as good a time as ever." He knelt before Starfire and gently grabbed her hand, rubbing her bare fingers. Everything went silent, every titan in the tower listened intently, especially Starfire who was especially dumbfounded. Robin took a deep breath and he said "Starfire I love you a lot! You know that right?" She nodded in response "well I've been wanting to ask this for a long time but I didn't know how you felt about me up until last night. And well I'm really nervous about this so I'm just gonna come out and say it!" He took the box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a golden ring with a considerably large emerald in the center, and little sapphires dotting around it. "Starfire will you.....marry me?" Beast Boys, Ravens, and Cyborgs jaws dropped, Starfire was absolutely stunned.

Starfires eyes began to tear up. She brought Robin up to eye level. She looked into his eyes, the blue jewels that only she would ever get to see, she put her hands on his shoulders and said hysterically (practically) "Oh Robin yes, yes I would love to marry you and be your wife!" Robin smiled and said at her exact volume "Star you mean it?!" She responded while tugging him tightly "yes, I have waited a countless amount of time for you to ask me." Robin deepened the hug by putting his hand on her back and head and pulling her in closer. (if such a thing were possible) He said "Aww Star you've made me the happiest guy in the universe. I'm gonna get married to the greatest girl alive. But we'll have to wait a few years." They let go of each other and Starfire asked "but why?" Robin said "huh what do you mean?" She said "well on my planet a male and female are allowed to get married at our age." Robin chuckled "ha ha uhh it uhh doesn't work like that here. How about I explain it to you over lunch? Wanna go out?" Starfire nodded "ok, how about we journey to the pizza establishment?" Robin said "sounds pretty good to me" On their way out the faint sound of Starfire asking "perhaps you can inform me on why everything on the menu is not a topping" and Robin answering "well it's like this...." their voices phased out as they exited the tower, leaving their friends stunned. Cyborg slapped his head and started laughing like crazy, he fell over holding his gut in an attempt to quench his fits of laughter. Beast Boy also laughed and jumped around for joy. A few seconds into his laughing frenzy, Beast Boy heard the sound of water, and a thing of glass breaking. He turned around and saw a few tears spill out of Ravens hood. He smiled at the site of her actually showing emotions.

Ever since then Robin and Starfire were practically like a married couple already. They spent a lot of time together, they went on dates together, they shared deep, intimate moments, they trained together, fought together, protected each other, and of course had sex at least once a week. And through all the years they never went back on their marriage proposal. That is up until....

"Do you Robin take Starfire to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, 'till death do you part?" Robin and Starfire were finally getting married, they were currently in the biggest church in Jump City with all their friends and family. Including Beast Boy and Raven, who had became boyfriend and girlfriend way back. And of course Cyborg, who managed to get and piss off girlfriends over the years, and of course there was Aqualad, Thunder, Lightning, Blackfire, who had been reformed while in prison, Static Shock, whom the Titans met a couple years ago, and Slade, who the Titans found out was actually Robins dad. He was still in jail but he was getting time off to come see his sons wedding, and some other people who the Titans have befriend. Even the Old Justice League was there, Bruce Wayne (Batman) along with Bat Girl, and Alfred, Clark Kent (Superman), John Stewart (Green Lantern), Jon Jonz (Martian Man Hunter), Wally West (The Flash), Diana (I forgot her last name) (Wonder Woman), and Shayera Hol (Hawk Girl). "I do" said Robin, we hadn't changed much in appearance over the years, he wore a snug tuxedo, his mask, and his utility belt. (you know just in case) The preacher turned to Starfire who was dressed in a long flowing white gown, the familiar emerald ring still lingered on her finger, she also hadn't changed very much over the years "do you Starfire take Robin to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera?" She nodded and smiled "yes I do." "Does anyone hear have a reason why these two should not be wed?" says the priest, as there is a dead silence. The priest chuckled "well that’s good enough for me. I hereby pronounce you super hero man and super hero wife. You may now kiss the bride." That was all Robin needed to hear, he removed the veil from Starfires face and planted a deep kiss on her lips that seemed to last over thirty minutes. (actually it was only thirty seconds but who the hell is counting) Everybody in the church cheered for the new married couple. Once they finished Starfire flung her bouquet into the crowd. Numerous women tried to catch it, but just as it was about to land in one females grasp it was suddenly surrounded by a black bubble with light lines. The bouquet floated over to Raven who caught it with her right hand. She looked at it and presented it to Beast Boy. He smiled, accepted it and wrapped his arms around her neck in appreciation.

[Later at the Reception]
People were dancing, eating, leaving, talking, and congratulating the bride and groom. Blackfire stepped out of the crowd and up to the happy couple "Well, well look who it is." Starfire said "oh hello sister, I trust you are having fun?" "Yeah" Blackfire responded "I just can't get over it, you got married before I did and to such a great man to." Robin nervously scratched his cheek "I wouldn't say I'm that great" Blackfire nodded "yeah you are, after all my sister picked you out of a trillion guys in the whole universe, so you must be pretty special." Robin and Starfire blushed and looked at each other, and laughed nervously. Blackfire snicker "well I'm gonna leave you to alone now. Be sure to drop me a line sometime, okay sis?" Starfire nodded as Blackfire disappeared into the crowd. A few minutes later Slade walked up. Robin noticed him and said "oh hey dad" Starfire said "hello Mr. Slade." Slade said in his cold, manly voice that he still kept after like five years "hello Robin, and Starfire please call me father." Starfire smiled and nodded "ok, father." Robin chuckled and said "so dad your getting out of jail soon. Maybe we could get together and catch up on a some things" Slade shook his head "I'm afraid that won't be possible." Robin and Starfire looked at him questioningly and Starfire said "whatever do you mean father?" Robin said "yeah dad quit speaking in riddles for godsake." Slade said "what I mean is Robin will not have time to spend with me because he will be focused on other things, and of course you Starfire. Protecting you, and the world, living with you, spending excess time with you, starting and raising a family with you." He turned his back, getting ready to leave "he will
have no time for anything else. Goodbye now" he disappeared into the crowd. Robin mumbled "dad's still as weird as he was when we were teens." Starfire nodded "yes I agree."

Later on as people were starting to leave, the justice league, and the titans were talking with Robin and Starfire. Beast Boy said "ha ha I was starting to think this day would never come. But finally you guys got hitched." Starfire said "thank you Beast Boy" Robin said "yeah thanks, so you and Raven set a date?" Raven said in her usual cold expression "three months" Beast Boy said with confusion "huh but Ravey dear I thought you said two months?" "It was three months and don't call me Ravey!" Beast Boy sweat dropped and nervously replied "right, sorry honey." Cyborg said "well your one lucky guy Robin" Robin said "thanks I've been hearing that all night. So you pissed off any more girls lately?" Cyborg said in defense "what the hell are you talking about? I don't ask about your sex life!" Robin replied "actually when we were teenagers you asked me everyday if I had sex with Starfire or not." Cyborg could only babble, he eventually gave up and walked off. Bruce Wayne and Alfred came up, Bruce said while looking extremely proud "well Robin I can see you have gone places, and you have gone into a point where no super hero has gone before." Robin asked with slight confusion "whats that?" "Why marriage" replied Bruce. "Yes I'm so happy, I remember when you were 12 and..." Robin cut in "no Alfred please don't tell that story again!" Alfred replied "alright Robin I will not embarrass you in front of your bride." Robin blushed and looked at Starfire as she was giggleing at him. John Stewart and Clark Kent came up next "I remember when you were apart of the Justice League you were only Batmans sidekick but..." while Clark and John were chatting with Robin Diana, and Shayera were talking with Starfire. "Be sure to keep an eye on Robin" said Diana. "Yes" said Shayera "he can get into a lot of trouble." Starfire snickered "you both need not worry, I have lived with Robin for more than six earth years I have the ability to keep him safe. And at that moment Clark and John were concluding an embarrassing story about Robin, to which Beast Boy and Cyborg were laughing like crazy to. Starfire walked back over to him and put her hand across his shoulder and shot that "I'll kill you if you don't shut up in the next minute" look. They both immediately stopped. Static Shock walked over and draped an arm over Robins shoulder and whispered "yo uhh if you guys ever get a divorce can I have her?" Robin shook his head "heck no, I'll never let Starfire go, ever. She's my special star.

Beast Boy said, after everyone but the Titans left "so if you guys are married, does that mean your gonna quit the team?" Robin and Starfire shook their heads in unison and Starfire gladly said "no Beast Boy of course not." Robin said "that’s right, we took a vow that no matter what happens to any of us, we'll all stick together as a team." Raven nodded "uh-huh even if it's not my style I'd like to say that no matter what comes between us we'll always be friends." Cyborg said "yeah dats right, it's because nobodies a match for...." they all yelled in unison "The Justice Titans." A janitor walking by mumbled "hmm, stupid kids."

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well how'd you like my first Teen Titans lemon? Review please. Oh and if anybody wants to know how Beast Boy and Ravens relationship came about drop me a line in your reviews and I just might make another story about them. Hell I'll even put a lemon in it. Well anyway, thank you all for reading and reviewing the story. Later, until next time this is HyperSonicAdam2.