Fan Fiction ❯ Normal ❯ Morning Wood ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King so don't sue me. I'm not really a yaoi

fic writer, but Wumei has me starting to become one. Yep, blame it all on

Wumei. *nods *nods *

© June 2003

Hao lied on his back and stared up at the morning sky. The sun had long risen and the blue sky was filling up with white, fluffy clouds. He picked up a few strands of his long, dark brown silky hair and ran it through his fingers. He wondered how much longer before his lazy little brother would wake up. Yoh was curled up just above Hao's head. In the middle of the night, Yoh had shuddered in his sleep and Hao had noticed that Yoh was cold so he wrapped his mantle around Yoh to warm him up. He had frowned at the fact that his own body heat had not been enough to keep Yoh warm, but he had just been happy with the fact that Yoh had stayed the night with him.

Hao rolled onto his side and looked up slightly. Yoh's feet were peeking out from under the mantle. He grinned as he couldn't pass up this opportunity. He took a few more strands of his hair and began to tickle Yoh's feet with it. Yoh's leg moved a little, but he continued to be sound asleep.

"Damn you, Yoh." He said out loud and then finally gave up, dropping the strands. "You leave me with only one option." He quickly hopped up onto his feet and readied himself. He pounced onto Yoh's sleeping form.

Yoh exhaled at the sudden weight that came crashing onto him and causing him to become quiet awake. He would have screamed if he still had any air in his lungs, but as all the air rushed out. He was unable to scream and fought to regain his breath as Hao wiggled around on top of him. "Good morning, Yoh!" Hao screamed cheerfully into his ear. Not only was he finding it hard to breath, but he was going to go deaf first thing in the morning.

"Hao!" Yoh screamed out when he was finally able to talk and pushed the happy Hao off from him so that he could sit up. Hao sat down beside him and continued to grin. Yoh scowled at his older brother. "Why do you always have to wake me up like that?"

"Because.." Hao pointed at Yoh's nose and tapped the tip of it. "You never wake up when I tell you to."

"Well.." Yoh batted at Hao's finger until he dropped his hand back to his side, but not before Hao finished laughing as Yoh tried to make him drop his hand. "If you would just try waking me up by asking like normal people do. I would wake up." Hao's grin brightened.

"Its not my fault that everyone else doesn't know how to wake someone up properly."

"Properly!" Yoh swung at Hao, but he easily maneuvered out of the way and laughed. Yoh looked down and noticed the mantle that was draped across his lower body. He looked up and noticed that Hao was running around shirtless again. "You're going to catch a cold one of these days." He gathered up the mantle as he began to stand and stretch. He walked over and shoved the bunched up mantle into his brother's hands. Hao smiled sweetly at his little brother as he took the mantle back.

"Not when I have you around to keep me warm." He winked at him. Yoh sighed and glanced around for his headphones noticing that they were no longer on his head. He spotted them and picked them up. He put them around his neck and turned back to his brother.

"Not now, I need to go. Anna's going to kill me for staying out all night again." Hao almost frowned at the news.

"Does she know where you go?"

"No, she doesn't and let's hope that she never finds out or it'll be the end for me." Yoh continued to stretch and get use to the morning air. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Hao tip toed behind him and reached around Yoh to grab the front of his pants. He used both hands, one to quickly unbutton the button and the other to quickly lower the zipper. "Hao!" He screamed out and grabbed at his pants as they were being tugged down.

"Just this once Yoh!" Hao grinned evilly and refused to let go as he tugged with all his might.

"I don't have time for this!" He held a good grip on his pants as they lowered down to his hips, but he refused to let them go any lower. "Come on!"

"My thoughts exactly! Whenever you're ready to do it, I'm here for you!" He continued to tug and pull without reserve. He easily let the mantle drop out of his hands so that he could pull harder on the pants. "I bet you get morning wood!"

"Argh!!!" Yoh groaned in protest. He didn't know how much more of these morning wake ups he would be able to last when it came to trying to spend a little time with his older brother.

"Just a peek Yoh!" He whined and continued to jerk at the pants, but Yoh just wouldn't let up. "I know!" He shouted happily as if it would be answer to all of their problems. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours!!!" Yoh just about fell over with that one, but instead he placed his foot against Hao's chest and pushed against it in hopes that it would get his brother to let go. "Ooo, getting kinky so early in the morning." Hao's playfulness didn't ease up and neither did his hold on his pants. He tugged harder and a side of the pants came down a bit more to show off some upper thigh. "Yay!" Cried Hao cheerfully as the battle for Yoh's pants continued and his hopes of conquest heightened with the latest view. Yoh didn't know how the hell to get his troublesome brother off from him. Then the idea struck him and he moved his foot onto Hao's crotch.

"Let go." He coolly looked at his brother to see what his answer would be. Hao immediately let go of his pants and Yoh stumbled back. He quickly buttoned up his pants.

"And I was so close." Hao pulled up some grass and threw it into the air as he pouted. He watched his brother adjust himself so that he could get ready to head home. He stood up and picked up the mantle off the ground. He dusted it off and wrapped it back around him. "I guess this means your going home now." He sadly said as he turned to look at his brother. Yoh had been watching him put the mantle back on. It meant that he hadn't been in a rush to return home after all. It gave him new hope that his little brother wanted to stick around and play some more.

"I'm going home." He quickly began to walk off before Hao would be able to try anything else with him. He ran over to catch up with his little brother as they walked. It'd be a while before they would reach some form of civilization since he had chosen secluded spots to stay at especially when it came to spending time with his brother. He didn't like being disturbed when the two were alone since Yoh's presence always disturbed him in a totally different way that was good.

"Its normal you know." He had no idea what he was talking about again. He was almost afraid to ask, but knew that he just wanted some attention.

"What, Hao?" He wasn't really paying attention.

"Morning wood."

"Eh!?!" Yoh stopped in his tracks and turned to glare at his brother. Hao always brought up the damnedest things to talk about which left him feeling disturbed afterwards. Then Anna would take out her wraith on him when he would be unable to focus on his training because of some smart-ass remark or weird idea that his brother would put into his head. He shook his head and started to walk again. They walked in silence for all of 10 seconds before he broke the silence.

"Its true." Hao threw back the mantle across his shoulders and made quick work of his own pants.

"What now?" Yoh turned to glare at his brother for slowing down his progress to get home when he suddenly got a sight full. Hao's pants were now open with his morning erection sticking out. His eyes just about jumped out from their sockets and his jaw dropped. He quickly looked away, but not before Hao noticed the red that stained Yoh's cheeks. "Put it away!" He cried out and Hao laughed.

"Its only natural. Morning wood that is. You see.." He continued to walk as Yoh gapped from behind as he continued to stand in the spot that he had stopped at. "Men get it in the mornings sometimes so its only natural to.." Hao began to stroke it. Yoh squeezed his eyes shut and silently kept telling himself that he wasn't see this. Hao was not standing there with an erection and was now starting to… No, he didn't want to believe it. "And I am a man as you can see." He grinned quiet evilly as he stated that fact. "Yoh?" He refused to reply. "Yoh, are you paying attention?" Yoh was shaking his head and begging the Great Spirit that it wasn't true. He had seen his older brother's thing! In its moment of glory at that! He couldn't push away the feeling as he began to think of it as that. His thoughts were interrupted with a pat on his shoulder.

Yoh jumped back at the touch and opened his eyes. Hao's mantle was draped back around him and his pants were buttoned again. He sighed as he realized it had all been a figment of his imagination. His eyes widened as that meant that he had a twisted imagination. There was the pat on his shoulder again. "I'm done already, Yoh." Yoh turned to see some thing that was on his shoulder. He screamed like a tragic heroine. "What?!" Hao asked in surprise.

"You didn't wash your hand!"

"Oh." He glanced down at his hand and realized he had actually made quiet a mess. "I'll wash it off once we reach this river up here." He continued to walk as Yoh fidgeted with his shirt and finally took it off. It was his favorite shirt that Anna had made for him so he couldn't burn it. He would just have to wash it out and hope that it didn't stain though he hoped that it wouldn't show too much since his shirt was white after all.

They reached the river and Hao washed his hands. Yoh scrubbed his shirt in an attempt to clean it from Hao's dirty work. "This is where we depart it seems." He grinned quiet amused with himself as Yoh continued to scrub his shirt with a rock. "I'm glad we had this talk, Yoh. See you again next time." He whistled as he walked off, still grinning. Yoh glared daggers into his brother's back and sighed after he was gone. He hung his head low and stared at his shirt that was floating partially in the water. His older brother was such a real pain at times, but he couldn't help it as his own grin formed. He had seen his brother in all his glory and he realized that Hao was actually bigger than him. It was his secret and he hoped that the world would never find out. He went back to scrubbing his shirt as a tear ripped in it from the rock.

"Anna's going to kill me!"

A/N: Uh… yeah, I came up with this after checking out some SK sites in Japanese. // Is the image that inspired me to write this. XD