Fan Fiction ❯ Okarina no Toki: Kitsune To Shiekah. ❯ A Theif, a Singer and a Princess. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Um, I dunno what to post here this time XD Oh! This chapter was a pain in my side, I can't wait till the next chapter.

Chapter One:

A Thief, a Singer, and a Princess.

The sun had set. Unlike usual, the drawbridge to Hyrule castle town was down. Since it was raining the odds of anything evil trying to get in was unlikely whilst the odds of a traveler in need coming was rather high. This logic paid off for one boy. A boy who was drenched thoroughly in the dripping rain. As the Green-clad boy walked under the arch that led into the town a pair of red eyes watched him from atop the guard station near by. The boy took his soaked hat off and wrung it out. His blonde hair was worse off than his thin-fabriced hat. A ball of light, a fairy, floated around the boy as the rain started to slow. As soon as the rain stopped the boy walked into town. His blue eyes showed fatigue. He had been traveling for days on end. As he walked his traveling boots made an annoying sound of 'squish, squash, squish, squash.' The boy sighed heavily. The fairy bobbed impatiently beside him. "Link! What are you waiting for?" The boy, Link, turned to the fairy and smiled. "Nothing, except maybe morning, Navi." Navi bobbed up and down much more. "But we have to talk to the princess!" "I'm not a fairy, I need rest." Link said as he sat on the edge of a well in the center of the street. Navi floated near his face. "I forgot. Let's go find someplace to sleep."

Link stood up and looked around him at the vast city. "If we can..." Link commented to himself.

"Thief! Get back here!" A guard yelled ahead of him. A girl with brown hair and a red fox were running away from the guard. "You! Boy! Stop them." Link blinked. His tired mind was in no position to comprehend how he was supposed to stop them. The brown haired girl looked behind her and stuck her tongue out at the guard. "Nyaaaaaah, stupid! Can't even catch a little girl without help, can ya?"

"Look out!" Navi said a mere second before the girl crashed into link. The girl yelped and stood up. As soon as she did so she started to run again. The fox jumped on Link's chest. the black spectacles covering it's eyes made it look odd. Seconds later the fox ran after the girl with blinding speed. They ran right out of the town gate. Seconds later the drawbridge was lifted to prevent their return. The guard stopped beside Link and muttered a few curses, not caring that there was a child near by. The guard looked at Link. "Thanks for trying to stall the girl. Since you got hurt I might as well reward you." The Guard pulled out a few blue rupees and handed them to Link. Without delaying the guard walked back the direction he'd had come, once again muttering curses. Link blinked and went to put the rupees in his wallet, only to discover it was no longer attached to his belt. "That girl must have stolen it when she ran into me." Link frowned.

Navi started flying around Link's head frantically. "Link! Your sword!" Link blinked and went to draw the sword of the Kokiri, it wasn't there. Link groaned. "That girl stole my wallet and my sword!" "Stating the obvious won't help." Navi retorted. 'Like you're one to talk.' Link thought in irritation.

Link was about to search for an inn when a lovely sound started to float through the air, the voice of a young girl singing. Navi floated around Link's head. "A girl is singing!" Link looked at her and shook his head. "Now who's stating the obvious." Navi glared at him for his remark. Link started toward the voice, followed by a perturbed Navi. In front of the back city gates was a girl with red hair. She was dressed simply in a white dress with red and blue designs at the edges. Around her neck was a yellow scarf that was held by a dragon head charm. Link walked up to her and waited for her to end her song. When the girl ended her song she opened her eyes. The playful oceanic blue orbs looked at him before she let out a giggle. Link blinked. The girl giggled again. "Hello!" Link blinked once again. "Hi." The girl giggled once more. "You look funny! You're a fairy boy from the forest, right?" Link nodded to the overly cheerful girl's question. She grinned wide. "My name is Malon!" "Uh, hi Malon." Link said. He wondered if anyone was in the attic. "I'm Link." The girl smiled even wider. "Hey fairy boy, what are you doing out so late?" "Looking for an inn." Link said with a yawn. She smiled brightly. "Follow me." With that said she ran off with Link in tow.

Outside of the castle in a small grotto the thief and her fox were looking over what they had stolen. An irritated grumble came from the girl as her Icy blue eyes looked over the spoils. "They're getting better at hiding the good stuff." She said to her furred companion. "After we sell this we'll have to steal again in a week in order to afford anything to eat." The fox snickered in reply to that statement. "Not quite. Check your side." The girl blinked and looked to her belt. Her eyes widened. "You didn't you little rat!" She hit the fox over the head with a great force. "You stole from a kid?! He wasn't much better off than we are! You stupid enchanted fox!" The fox laughed whilst holding his head. "Calm down Konton."

The girl looked away from him and sighed. "Kitsune,, you realize we have to give the sword back, and the wallet. Right?" "I don't see why." The fox said cleaning his paws. Konton growled in frustration. "Because he doesn't have a lot of money like the people we steal from." Kitsune snickered. "It's hard to believe you're really a Keaton." Konton looked at him dryly. "Just Shut up." The enchanted fox grinned in an oddly human manner which earned him another hit over the noggin.

Link woke up early the next morning. Malon had paid for him to stay in the inn so he could buy food in the morning. Though her kindness came with a catch. He had to wake her father up. She was sure he had fallen asleep on the job. In order to do so she had given him a cuckoo to look after. After leaving the inn Link started to the nearest food stand to get breakfast. Link sat down on a planter as he ate. He was too deep in his thoughts to notice a girl with long brown hair with icy blue eyes was ordering food from the same stand. Navi noticed immediately. The fairy followed the girl into the shadows between two buildings. The brown haired girl stopped and sat next to a red fox that was on the crate. She broke apart half of the bread and sat it down for the fox who ate it before she even took her first bite. The girl was a little slower in eating. Navi watched all this carefully. She hadn't noticed that the girl was covered in dirt. She had probably had a bath recently by the fact she wasn't extremely dirty. Navi tried to figure out what was so out of the ordinary. Then it hit her. The Deku tree had told her that some people have no homes and no one to take them in so they have to steal at times. Navi sped back to link who had just finished his food.

Link looked up at the fairy and smiled. "Let's go to the castle." Before navi could say a word he started off.

After getting inside the castle link managed to get past all the security. It was good that he didn't have his sword or he'd have been tempted to draw it. He had finally reached where the princess was. She had her back to him as he walked into the garden. She was looking into a window with great interest. Link looked at the garden before getting any closer. It was so serene. He felt out of place among the flowers and butterflies. Navi floated near links face. "Hey! Go talk to her!" Link nodded and walked up till she was right behind the princess. Link was about to say something but then she turned around. Light blue eyes stared into his own. They were the innocent eyes of Princess Zelda. She was dressed in a simple Pink dress. Her hair was covered by an odd veil. The two looked at each other till Zelda smiled brightly. "You're from the forest aren't you?" Link nodded slowly. This girl was familiar. He had dreamt about her before. Hadn't he?

Konton looked at the fox questioningly. "A quest to save Hyrule?" The fox nodded. "I overheard it with my own ears." Konton bopped him on the head. "I need more proof than that!" The fox grumbled. "Ask him yourself then!" The young girl stood up, resisting the urge to stomp her foot. "Fine then, I will do so!" She said decisively.


AN: Weiiii, I swear the next chapter won't change point of views so often. Beware of a long as hell chapter coming up soon.