Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Per Nox ❯ Tome One: Ater Animus, Ater Memoriae ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dark Mind, Darker Memories

Something was wrong, very wrong, Raven could sense it. She had just gone to borrow a few books from a family friend, nothing unusual. As she entered her home, her feeling of unease increased slightly. 'Just a feeling, just calm down,' she cajoled herself. "Nothing but a feeli-" she stopped short as she sensed the mental cries for help.

Confused, Raven reached our with her mind, 'Who's there? Hello?' The other mind paused as it received her inquiry, then it incoherantly scrambled to bring her attention to itself completely. In the subsequent babble, Raven caught only two words: "Raven" and "run." She nearly complied out of impulse and suprise, but she stopped cold as she saw the far wall of the hallway to the bedrooms. Her eyes widened in fear and she reflexively took a step back; the walls were covered in blood.

"What in the nine hells?!" She whispered, unalble to even scream. The stench of death emanated from the bloodstained hall, but she mechanically moved twords it regardless. Suddenly the telepathic warning made sense, and Raven wished it didn't. 'Mother,' she thought nervously, unable to voice her growing fear aloud.

The blood was splattered about in a manner which suggested the use of a large blade upon something of human size, 'Or dark magic,' Raven noted, no less frightened, more so if anything. The blood pooled at the end of the corridor where it seemed to smear into one room, the door closed. She approached tentatively, and slowly opened the door a crack. Seeing nothing, she moved into the room. Suddenly... "Raven, let's go! Emergency downtown!"

Raven woke with a start. As she looked around her room she thought, 'It's been so long since I've remembered that... Why would I recall it now of all times?'

There was a knock at the door and Starfire's energetic voice cut through the reinforced steel completely uninhibited, "Friend Raven, we must hurry if we wish to save the day! Please dress swiftly!"

Raven glared at where she was sure the redhead stood before she swung herself out of bed, stretched her lithe form to work out the kinks, and dressed quickly. As she left her room, she was preoccupied, thinking of things she had vowed never to think of again.

~end chapter~

Hi there readers, this is my first Teen Titans fic, though I watch the show fanatically, and I wanted to do something interesting with it. That, and I was bored as hell and jazzed on three cups of latte when I came up with this; hence this being a Raven X Starfire yuri. This also happens to be the first yuri fic I've done, so please bear with me. Feel free to criticize the fic to your hearts content, in fact I hope you do, but no flames please.

The main idea behind this fic is my version of Raven's past, mostly about why she's always been so dark, and the issues with her father as per episode whatever that one was with the mirror and the other Ravens and what-not.

First off, I do not own the TeenTitans characters in part or entirety, they are the property of Cartoon Network and whomever else. This fic, however, does belong to me as well as the story therein. This is strictly a non-profit work of fan made fiction, and as such I am making nothing off it and can't be sued over it... Not that I have money anyway.

Second, this fic contains lemon content starting about chapter six or seven. For those of you who are clueless, that means sex. If you are too young to read this kind of thing, find sexual content offensive, are a prude, or find homosexuality to be offensive, please leave. Also, be warned that this story will be violent, gory, and dark, the bloodstained hallway will start to seem like a nice little picnic with bunnies and flowers really soon. It also contains references, situations, and concepts that may be controversial or otherwise disturbing. If you want to make me remove this content, please read the U.S. Bill of Rights, taking note of the rights to "Freedom of Speech," and "Freedom of the Press." No one's making you read this after all, and you have been warned.

"These are spoken words"

'These are thoughts'

Please leave a review, and see you next chapter!

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